diff --git a/docs/dapp/opl/celer/ping-example.md b/docs/dapp/opl/celer/ping-example.md
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+description: Ping example with Celer IM
+# Ping Example
+This tutorial demonstrates how to send a cross-chain message using
+[Celer's Inter-Chain Messaging (IM)].
+[Celer's Inter-Chain Messaging (IM)]: https://im-docs.celer.network/
+You'll learn how to:
+ - Deploy MessageBus-compatible contracts
+ - Send cross-chain messages
+We recommend using [Remix] for an easy-to-follow experience.
+The only prerequisite is a set-up Metamask account.
+If you're new to Remix, follow our basic guide for using Remix
+[dapp-remix]: /dapp/emerald/writing-dapps-on-emerald#create-dapp-on-emerald-with-remix---ethereum-ide
+## Overview Ping
+In this example, you'll deploy the same contract on two different chains.
+You'll then send a `ping` from chain A to chain B, facilitated by Celer-IM.
+The contract on chain B will receive the `ping` and emits an event with the
+message which was received.
+## Contract Setup
+1. Open [Remix] and create a new file called `Ping.sol`
+2. Paste the following contract and interface into it:
+ Ping.sol Contract
+ ```solidity title="Ping.sol" showLineNumbers
+ // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+ pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
+ interface IMessageBus {
+ function sendMessage(
+ address _receiver,
+ uint256 _dstChainId,
+ bytes calldata _message
+ ) external payable;
+ }
+ contract Ping {
+ address public messageBus;
+ event MessageReceived(
+ address srcContract,
+ uint64 srcChainId,
+ address sender,
+ bytes message
+ );
+ enum ExecutionStatus {
+ Fail, // execution failed, finalized
+ Success, // execution succeeded, finalized
+ Retry // execution rejected, can retry later
+ }
+ constructor(address _messageBus) {
+ messageBus = _messageBus;
+ }
+ modifier onlyMessageBus() {
+ require(msg.sender == messageBus, "caller is not message bus");
+ _;
+ }
+ function sendPing(
+ address _dstContract,
+ uint64 _dstChainId,
+ bytes calldata _message
+ ) external payable {
+ bytes memory message = abi.encode(msg.sender, _message);
+ IMessageBus(messageBus).sendMessage{value: msg.value}(_dstContract, _dstChainId, message);
+ }
+ function executeMessage(
+ address _srcContract,
+ uint64 _srcChainId,
+ bytes calldata _message,
+ address // executor
+ ) external payable onlyMessageBus returns (ExecutionStatus) {
+ (address sender, bytes memory message) = abi.decode(
+ (_message),
+ (address, bytes)
+ );
+ emit MessageReceived(_srcContract, _srcChainId, sender, message);
+ return ExecutionStatus.Success;
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+### Key points
+- `messageBus`: Celer's MessageBus contract on the respective chain.
+- `sendPing`: Initiates the cross-chain my calling Celers MessageBus.
+- `executeMessage`: Called by Celer's MessageBus on the destination chian.
+## Compiling the Contract
+For compatibility with Sapphire, compile the contract using Solidity version
+**`0.8.24`** or older.
+You can also use Celer's framework contracts and interfaces by importing them
+import "sgn-v2-contracts/contracts/message/framework/MessageBusAddress.sol";
+import "sgn-v2-contracts/contracts/message/framework/MessageReceiverApp.sol";
+import "sgn-v2-contracts/contracts/message/interfaces/IMessageBus.sol";
+but this will limit you to use only Solidity version **`0.8.9`**.
+### Deploying the Contract
+Deploy the Ping contract on two different chains: `BSC Testnet` and
+`Sapphire Testnet`.
+#### Deploying on BSC Testnet
+1. Obtain BNB test token for `BSC Testnet` from the [BNB faucet] or their
+ discord.
+2. In MetaMask, switch to the `BSC Testnet` network and select
+ `Injected Provider - MetaMask` as the environment in Remix.
+3. Fill in the messageBus address for BSC Testnet:
+ `0xAd204986D6cB67A5Bc76a3CB8974823F43Cb9AAA`.
+4. Deploy the contract on `BSC Testnet`.
+[BNB faucet]: https://www.bnbchain.org/en/testnet-faucet
+#### Deploying on Sapphire Testnet
+1. Obtain TEST tokens for `Sapphire Testnet` from the [Oasis faucet].
+2. In Metamask, switch to the `Sapphire Testnet` network and select
+ `Injected Provider - MetaMask` as the environment in Remix
+3. Fill in the messageBus address for BSC Testnet:
+ `0x9Bb46D5100d2Db4608112026951c9C965b233f4D`.
+4. Deploy the contract on Sapphire Testnet
+[Oasis Faucet]: https://faucet.testnet.oasis.io/
+## Executing Ping
+Now that you've deployed the contacts, you can send the ping message
+You'll need the following three parameters:
+- `_dstContract`: The contract address of the reveiving contract on the
+ destination chain which you just deployed.
+- `_dstChainId`: The chain id of the the destination chain. Which is in our
+ example `Sapphire Testnet` - `23295`.
+- `message`: The encoded message. e.g. "Hello from BSC" -
+ `0x48656c6c6f2066726f6d20425343000000000000000000000000000000000000`.
+Additionally you'll have to pay a fee which you send as value. For sending the
+ping 0.001 tBNB will be enough.
+For the `Sapphire Testnet` an executor is running to relay the messages every
+few mintues. If you deploy on mainnet please refer to the [Executor chapter]
+on how to run an executor.
+[Executor chapter]: ./README.md#executor
+//TODO: add statement about encrypting the message for real use cases
+## Checking execution
+To see if you successfully send a ping message cross-chain you can watch for
+new transactions at the [MessageBus address] from Celer or your deployed
+contract Sapphire Testnet
+[MessageBus address]: https://explorer.oasis.io/testnet/sapphire/address/0x9Bb46D5100d2Db4608112026951c9C965b233f4D
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-description: PingPong example with Celer IM
-# Ping Pong Example
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+description: Ping example with OPL SDK
+# Ping Example
+This tutorial demonstrates how to send a cross-chain message using
+[Oasis OPL].
+[Oasis OPL]: ./README.md
+You'll learn how to:
+ - Deploy a Host contract
+ - Deploy a Enclave contract
+ - Send a cross-chain message
+We recommend using [Remix] for an easy-to-follow experience.
+The only prerequisite is a set-up Metamask account.
+If you're new to Remix, follow our basic guide for using Remix
+[dapp-remix]: /dapp/emerald/writing-dapps-on-emerald#create-dapp-on-emerald-with-remix---ethereum-ide
+## Overview Ping
+In this example, you'll deploy a `host` contract on *BSC Testnet* and a `enclave`
+contract on *Sapphire Testnet*.
+You'll then send a `ping` from the host contract to the enclave contract,
+facilitated by the OPL SDK.
+The enclave contract will receive the `ping` and emits an event with the
+message which was received.
+## Contract Setup
+1. Open [Remix] and create a new file called `Ping.sol`
+2. Paste the following Ping host contract into it:
+ Ping.sol Contract
+ ```solidity title="Ping.sol" showLineNumbers
+ // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+ pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
+ import {Host, Result} from "@oasisprotocol/sapphire-contracts/contracts/OPL.sol";
+ contract Ping is Host {
+ event MessageReceived(bytes message);
+ constructor(address pong) Host(pong) {
+ registerEndpoint("pongMessage", _pongMessage);
+ }
+ function startPing (bytes calldata _message) external payable {
+ postMessage("ping", abi.encode(_message));
+ }
+ function _pongMessage(bytes calldata _args) internal returns (Result) {
+ (bytes memory message) = abi.decode((_args), (bytes));
+ emit MessageReceived(message);
+ return Result.Success;
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+3. Create a new file called `Pong.sol`
+4. Paste the following Pong enclave contract into it:
+ Pong.sol Contract
+ ```solidity title="Pong.sol" showLineNumbers
+ // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+ pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
+ import {Enclave, Result, autoswitch} from "@oasisprotocol/sapphire-contracts/contracts/OPL.sol";
+ contract Pong is Enclave {
+ event MessageReceived(bytes message);
+ constructor(address ping, bytes32 chain) Enclave(ping, autoswitch(chain)) {
+ registerEndpoint("ping", _pingMessage);
+ }
+ function _pingMessage(bytes calldata _args) internal returns (Result) {
+ (bytes memory message) = abi.decode((_args), (bytes));
+ emit MessageReceived(message);
+ return Result.Success;
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+### Key points
+- `Host`: Celer's MessageBus contract on the respective chain.
+- `sendPing`: Initiates the cross-chain my calling Celers MessageBus.
+- `executeMessage`: Called by Celer's MessageBus on the destination chian.
+## Compiling the Contract
+For compatibility with Sapphire, compile the contract using Solidity version
+**`0.8.24`** or older.
+You can also use Celer's framework contracts and interfaces by importing them
+import "sgn-v2-contracts/contracts/message/framework/MessageBusAddress.sol";
+import "sgn-v2-contracts/contracts/message/framework/MessageReceiverApp.sol";
+import "sgn-v2-contracts/contracts/message/interfaces/IMessageBus.sol";
+but this will limit you to use only Solidity version **`0.8.9`**.
+### Deploying the Contract
+Deploy the Ping contract on two different chains: `BSC Testnet` and
+`Sapphire Testnet`.
+#### Deploying on BSC Testnet
+1. Obtain BNB test token for `BSC Testnet` from the [BNB faucet] or their
+ discord.
+2. In MetaMask, switch to the `BSC Testnet` network and select
+ `Injected Provider - MetaMask` as the environment in Remix.
+3. Fill in the messageBus address for BSC Testnet:
+ `0xAd204986D6cB67A5Bc76a3CB8974823F43Cb9AAA`.
+4. Deploy the contract on `BSC Testnet`.
+[BNB faucet]: https://www.bnbchain.org/en/testnet-faucet
+#### Deploying on Sapphire Testnet
+1. Obtain TEST tokens for `Sapphire Testnet` from the [Oasis faucet].
+2. In Metamask, switch to the `Sapphire Testnet` network and select
+ `Injected Provider - MetaMask` as the environment in Remix
+3. Fill in the messageBus address for BSC Testnet:
+ `0x9Bb46D5100d2Db4608112026951c9C965b233f4D`.
+4. Deploy the contract on Sapphire Testnet
+[Oasis Faucet]: https://faucet.testnet.oasis.io/
+## Executing Ping
+Now that you've deployed the contacts, you can send the ping message
+You'll need the following three parameters:
+- `_dstContract`: The contract address of the reveiving contract on the
+ destination chain which you just deployed.
+- `_dstChainId`: The chain id of the the destination chain. Which is in our
+ example `Sapphire Testnet` - `23295`.
+- `message`: The encoded message. e.g. "Hello from BSC" -
+ `0x48656c6c6f2066726f6d20425343000000000000000000000000000000000000`.
+Additionally you'll have to pay a fee which you send as value. For sending the
+ping 0.001 tBNB will be enough.
+For the `Sapphire Testnet` an executor is running to relay the messages every
+few mintues. If you deploy on mainnet please refer to the [Executor chapter]
+on how to run an executor.
+[Executor chapter]: ./README.md#executor
+//TODO: add statement about encrypting the message for real use cases
+## Checking execution
+To see if you successfully send a ping message cross-chain you can watch for
+new transactions at the [MessageBus address] from Celer or your deployed
+contract Sapphire Testnet
+[MessageBus address]: https://explorer.oasis.io/testnet/sapphire/address/0x9Bb46D5100d2Db4608112026951c9C965b233f4D
+[Remix]: https://remix.ethereum.org/
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--- a/sidebarDapp.ts
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@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ export const sidebarDapp: SidebarsConfig = {
items: [
- 'dapp/opl/celer/pingpong-example',
+ 'dapp/opl/celer/ping-example',