Here is a small tutorial to set up the full environment required to develop on our projects.
- Git
- Node.js (4.x)
- npm (2.x)
- python (2.7)
- MongoDB (3.x) (optionnal)
- Ruby (2.x)
- Sass
- Visual Studio C++ (2013 or above) (optionnal ?)
- make
- gcc
Some steps require you to use the terminal. Here is a quick reminder about how to access the terminal.
Terminal commands will be displayed as follow:
path $ command --options
indicates the path of the current directory, you do not have to type it. When the path is not explicitly defined, it is assumed to be any path or the project root according to the context.
indicates the command prompt, you do not have to type it either.
You can open a terminal in any directory from the shift + right click
context menu (Open command window here
When adding variables to the PATH
, you will have to open a new terminal in order get the updated value.
Linux heavily relies on the terminal but if you're still unsure about how to access it, check your distribution's or desktop environment's help.
Git is the Version Control System (VCS) used accross all our projects. It helps us to manage our project: download sources, track history, push revisions, etc.
Follow the instructions from git's website
- Uncheck
Explorer integration
- Check
Associate .git* configurations file with the default editor
- Check
Associate .sh files to be run with Bash
Use Git from the Windows Command Prompt.
Checkout Windows-style, commit Unix-style line-endings.
$ git config --global "Your Name"
$ git config --global "[email protected]"
$ git --version
Node.js (or node
for short) is a JavaScript Virtual Machine.
We use it to build our projects and run server code.
It also comes with npm
, a package manager for Node modules.
Make sure to install npm
with it and add both node
& npm
to your PATH
$ node --version
See Node.js.
$ npm --version
Document oriented DB.
Install the ruby langage compiler. It is required for Sass.
Download the installer for the latest version (currently 2.2.4 or 2.2.4 (x64)) from the Ruby Installer project.
Run it as administrator.
You can change the location to not use the root of your computer (ie. C:\Program Files\Ruby22
). Make sure to check Add Ruby executable to your PATH
. Optionnaly, associate files.
Warning: It seems that the current version of Ruby's gem
has a small issue when the location contains spaces. A ticket is openned for this issue on Github but there is a quick workaround if you are stuck. (see Sass)
$ ruby --version
$ gem --version
Modern language for stylesheets: powerful syntax and stylesheet imports from third party.
Make sure you have Ruby (with Gem), then simple execute $ gem install sass
. (You may have to start a terminal with administrator privileges).
Fixing the script if there spaces in the path of your Ruby directory:
Edit the file RUBY_HOME $ bin/sass.bat
by removing the superfluous double quotes. Here is what you should get:
IF NOT "%~f0" == "~f0" GOTO :WinNT
@"C:\Program Files\Ruby22\bin\ruby.exe" "C:/Program Files/Ruby22/bin/sass" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
@"C:\Program Files\Ruby22\bin\ruby.exe" "%~dpn0" %*
$ sass --version
Required by the Android SDK
Required by nativescript
to build Android applications.
(SDK Tools Only)
android-home $ tools/android sdk
Install Android 6.0 (SDK)
android-home $ tools/android avd
Create new Android Virtual Device.