diff --git a/Datasets/Events 2024.csv b/Datasets/Events 2024.csv index 0e1b68bae..efbc25ebd 100644 --- a/Datasets/Events 2024.csv +++ b/Datasets/Events 2024.csv @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ event_date,event_name,event_photo_url,event_purpose,event_report_url,event_tweet_url,event_video_url,has_event_report,latitude,longitude,online_event_url,organisers,place,slug,url,world_region_code,world_region_text +2024-03-02," International Open Data Day 2024 YokohamaSeminar - A comprehensive overview of open data, APIs, ChatGPT, visualization, and SDGs that you can't hear about now, from the basics to practice.",,Learn about open data and data utilization from three instructors,,,,False,35.446508,139.637996,,International Open Data Day 2024 @ Yokohama Executive Committee,Yokohama,international-open-data-day-2024-yokohamaseminar-a-comprehensive-overview-of,https://presswalker.jp/press/37339,, 2024-03-05, Open Data Day 2024 Mogi das Cruzes - Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável no Município,,Discuss the SDGs in the municipality of Mogi das Cruzes carried out through the City Hall.,,,,False,-23.519305,-46.185478,,Prefeitura de Mogi das Cruzes - 55 11 47985159 - daniellesilva@mogidascruzes.sp.gov.br ,"Mogi das Cruzes, Sao Paulo, Brazil",open-data-day-2024-mogi-das-cruzes-objetivos-de-desenvolvimento-sustentavel-n,https://www.mogidascruzes.sp.gov.br/noticia/prefeitura-de-mogi-das-cruzes-abre-inscricoes-para-o-open-data-day-2024-o-dia-dos-dados-abertos,, 2024-03-02,"""Open Data as a Human Right"" Workshop: Empowering Law Students for Sustainable Development",,"To empower law students by framing open data as a fundamental human right, exploring its intersection with digital rights, and highlighting its role in advancing sustainable development.",,,,False,11.1134917,7.7188449,,Digital Grassroots - Contact the #ODD2024 Project Lead: muhammedbello@digitalgrassroots.org,"Faculty of Law, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria - Nigeria",open-data-as-a-human-right-workshop-empowering-law-students-for-sustainable-d,https://digitalgrassroots.org/blog/digital-grassroots-wins-open-data-day-2024-mini-grant-empowering-law-students-for-sustainable-development.html,, 2024-03-07,#OpenDataDay - les faits d'hiver de l'open data,,"On the occasion of the International Open Data Day, we invite you to explore the most improbable or curious facts about open data portals. For 2 hours, on Twitch hosted by Datactivist, we will assist you in uncovering the 'news in brief' of open data while engaging with data curators who will share their profession of selecting and valorizing the finest gems of open data.",,,,False,48.95393,-0.41753,,Datactivist,Donnay,opendataday-les-faits-d-hiver-de-l-open-data,https://odoo.datactivist.coop/event/opendataday-les-faits-d-hiver-de-l-open-data-2024-03-07-3/register,, @@ -10,7 +11,7 @@ debates sobre a abertura e o uso de dados governamentais; fortalecer a premissa 2024-03-08,A I OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE IN UGANDA ,,Promote economic social development opportunities of artificial intelligence towards young people ,,,,False,0.40191,32.58373,,KIYITA FOUNDATION . contac person. phionah Nalumansi .phionah2015@gmail.com,Kampala uganda ,a-i-opportunities-for-young-people-in-uganda,,, 2024-03-10,AlayData @ Intramuros,,"Reinforce the benefits of open data and inclusive, participatory events for improving available OSM geographic data in the Philippines.",,,,False,14.59214,120.97312,,"Erwin Olario, Feye Andal, OSM-PH volunteers",Manila 14.59214 : 120.97312,alaydata-intramuros,https://ti.to/mapatime/alaydata-sa-intramuros-odd24,, 2024-03-01,Apertura en Programas y Acciones Sociales 2023 en la CDMX,,"Presentación de los resultados del monitoreo de programas y acciones sociales publicados en Gaceta Oficial CDMX, Plataforma Nacional de Transparencia (PNT) y sitios web.",,,,False,19.398081,-99.156349,,Estado Abierto del Instituto de Transparencia de la CDMX ,Info CDMX ,apertura-en-programas-y-acciones-sociales-2023-en-la-cdmx,https://infocdmx.org.mx/images/biblioteca/2024/Reporte_Especial_1_2024_Apertura_en_Programas_y_Acciones_Sociales_2023_en_la_Ciudad_de_Mexico.pdf,, -2024-03-07,Aprobación de la Ordenanza Reguladora del Gobierno del Dato del Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza,,"Dotar al Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza y a las entidades públicas dependientes del mismo de un marco normativo para el gobierno del dato, que aborde de forma integral todos los aspectos relacionados con la obtención, gestión y explotación de los datos, así como su apertura y reutilización por toda la sociedad, garantizando y potenciando los derechos de las personas.",,,,False,41.648823,-0.889085,,Oficina de Transparencia y Gobierno Abierto del Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza,Salón de Plenos del Ayuntamiento Zaragoza,aprobacion-de-la-ordenanza-reguladora-del-gobierno-del-dato-del-ayuntamiento-de,https://www.zaragoza.es/sede/portal/consulta-publica/ordenanza-gobierno-dato/,, +2024-03-07,Aprobación de la Ordenanza Reguladora del Gobierno del Dato del Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza,,"Dotar al Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza y a las entidades públicas dependientes del mismo de un marco normativo para el gobierno del dato, que aborde de forma integral todos los aspectos relacionados con la obtención, gestión y explotación de los datos, así como su apertura y reutilización por toda la sociedad, garantizando y potenciando los derechos de las personas.",,,,False,41.648823,-0.889085,,Oficina de Transparencia y Gobierno Abierto del Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza,Salón de Plenos del Ayuntamiento Zaragoza,aprobacion-de-la-ordenanza-reguladora-del-gobierno-del-dato-del-ayuntamiento-de,https://www.zaragoza.es/sede/portal/gobierno-abierto/servicio/noticia/328994,, 2024-03-08,At the Heart of Sustainable Development: Unleashing the Power of Open Data,,,,,,False,40.640064,22.94442,,Open Knowledge Foundation Greece and International Hellenic University ,Thessaloniki Greece,at-the-heart-of-sustainable-development-unleashing-the-power-of-open-data,,, 2024-03-08,ATuNombre.uy 3.0 launch,,"Launch of the new version of the site that visualizes gender inequality in the naming of our streets and public spaces in Montevideo, with new open data and presentation of the improvements achieved through the project and in collaboration with Intendencia de Montevideo since our launch in 2015.",,,,False,-34.90328,-56.18816,,DATA Uruguay,"Montevideo, Uruguay",atunombre-uy-3-0-launch,https://atunombre.uy,, 2024-03-07,Awareness and training workshop on open data,,"The awareness and training workshop on open public data is adressed to civil officials within some public institutions. It aims to present the open data program, the several related aspects.",,,,False,36.81052382,10.17966505,,The e-Government Unit at the Presidency of the Government (opendata@tunisia.gov.tn) organisez in cooperation with the World Bank an awareness and training workshop on open public data.,Tunis,awareness-and-training-workshop-on-open-data,,, @@ -55,6 +56,7 @@ To enhance capacity and advocacy for open data initiatives.",,,,False,26.718281, 2024-03-07,Dato y Tarros: Girls at the Table,,"Queremos “poner sobre la mesa” la importancia de los datos con perspectiva de género para avanzar hacia la igualdad de género, contribuir a cerrar brechas de género y superar los estereotipos de género.",,,,False,14.634915,-90.506882,,Diálogos A.C. / Contact email: info@dialogos.or.gt,Guatemala City,dato-y-tarros-girls-at-the-table,https://forms.gle/1cBHvWjThhav55yDA,, 2024-03-06,Datos Abiertos como herramienta para una Mejor Educación ,,"For university professors to introduce the use of open data in their daily teaching activities, while serving as a bridge for their students to also use open data in their research",,,,False,10.220274,-68.010576,,Centro Latinoamericano de Investigaciones Sobre Internet,Valencia,datos-abiertos-como-herramienta-para-una-mejor-educacion,https://forms.gle/ax35ERntf2GDRyrS8,, 2024-03-05,Datos Abiertos y sostenibilidad: Registro de Personas con Discapacidad del Partido de Pergamino,,"Co-crear junto a los actores clave, la implementación de una herramienta informática que permitirá empadronar en forma sostenida a todas las personas con discapacidad del partido de Pergamino. Generará datos privados y públicos y facilitará la innovación pública y la toma de decisiones basadas en datos georreferenciados.",,,,False,-33.89198,-60.57507,,gobiernoabierto@pergamino.gob.ar,"Pergamino, Buenos Aires, Argentina",datos-abiertos-y-sostenibilidad-registro-de-personas-con-discapacidad-del-part,,, +2024-03-07,"Datos Abiertos, Transparencia e Integridad",,Have a conversation with public and private organizations in which we share visions on how to achieve a great District strategy of openness with purpose and collaborative use of open data for transparency and public integrity.,,,,False,4.710989,-74.07209,,Secretaría General de la Alcaldía Mayor de Bogotá,Luis Angel Arango Library in Bogotá D.C.,datos-abiertos-transparencia-e-integridad,https://forms.office.com/r/5hxcQ2rXUT,, 2024-03-05,Datos abiertos: Mujeres y cuidados,,Liberación de bases de datos de las solicitudes de infromación realacionadas con el tema de cuidados a cargo de las mujeres del periodo 2006-2023. ,,,,False,19.398081,-99.156349,,Estado Abierto del Instituto de Transparencia CDMX,INFO CDMX,datos-abiertos-mujeres-y-cuidados,https://datosabiertos.infocdmx.org.mx/,, 2024-03-05,Day of reflection on the impact of open data for sustainable development ,,This activity will allow authorities to use open data to strengthen local governance for sustainable development. ,,,,False,28.0,30.0,,LACLOCHE ,"Uvira, DRC SOUTH KIVU",day-of-reflection-on-the-impact-of-open-data-for-sustainable-development,https://www.lacloche.net,, 2024-03-16,Democracy Hackathon,,"A wide-ranging event which will include a number of challenges which include open data, wikidata etc",,,,False,57.148033,-2.101256,,Code The City,"Aberdeen, UK",democracy-hackathon,,, @@ -99,6 +101,8 @@ The community are suffering especially on diarrhea, cough and fever especially i 2024-03-09,Indicadores de género para la gobernanza de recursos naturales: qué datos tenemos,,Conocer y usar datos abiertos para la gobernanza de recursos naturales desde una perspectiva de genero,,,,False,19.43297,-99.1412,,Técnicas rudas,Ciudad de Mexico,indicadores-de-genero-para-la-gobernanza-de-recursos-naturales-que-datos-tenemo,https://Tecnicasrudas.org,, 2024-03-06,Inteligencia Artificial y Gobierno Abierto,,"Fomentar la comprensión y el uso de la inteligencia artificial en la gestión pública, promoviendo la transparencia y la participación ciudadana a través del gobierno abierto.",,,,False,-0.2383399946,-79.16853408,,OGP Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas y Fundapi; edobejar@fundapi.org,"Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, Ecuador",inteligencia-artificial-y-gobierno-abierto,https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MjI5ZmViOTEtNDZmZC00ZjNkLWI5NzUtM2VhMzA2ZjNjYTkz%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2273f06127-a0e8-48a7-b7af-980da5351941%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22d9f1a31b-af42-4f2d-be5c-57ce0021fc0c%22%7d,, 2024-03-04,Intelligenza artificiale e open gov: un matrimonio possibile?,,To share opinion and experiences on relationship between AI and open government,,,,False,41.86783,12.47917,,FPA-FORUM PA,Roma & online,intelligenza-artificiale-e-open-gov-un-matrimonio-possibile,https://www.forumpa.it/webinar/intelligenza-artificiale-e-open-gov-un-matrimonio-possibile/,, +2024-03-04,International Open Data Day 2024 Yokohama__Seminar_Sustaining excitement with new data tool 'Data Leaf',,Learn about data utilization through a lecture by Professor Osawa of the University of Tokyo and a panel discussion with four experts,,,,False,35.458105,139.631965,,International Open Data Day 2024 @ Yokohama Executive Committee,Yokohama,international-open-data-day-2024-yokohama-seminar-sustaining-excitement-with-ne,https://yokohamalab.jp/2024/03/01/dataleaf/,, +2024-03-02,"IODD 2024 in Suzaka, Nagano",,Discuss local education and opendata utilization,,,,False,36.6371369,138.2788945,,Mamoru ENDO,Suzaka City Technical Information Center,iodd-2024-in-suzaka-nagano,https://www.s-johocenter.jp/iodd2024/,, 2024-03-06,JOCEMARA SCHAFER,,,,,,False,-30.034647,-51.217659,,jocemara20@hotmail.com,Porto Alegre,jocemara-schafer,,, 2024-03-05,Jornadas de Datos Abiertos,,,,,,False,-34.582797,-58.429192,,@datosgobar | Datos Abiertos Argentina,Argentina,jornadas-de-datos-abiertos,https://www.argentina.gob.ar/jornadasdatosabiertos,, 2024-03-07,Judicial hackathon: opening up the justice system,,,,,,False,-34.603683,-58.381557,,Asociación Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia,Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires,judicial-hackathon-opening-up-the-justice-system,,, @@ -138,6 +142,7 @@ The community are suffering especially on diarrhea, cough and fever especially i 2024-01-25,"Nivel Básico - Uso de Inteligencia Artificial desde Cero, con Datos Abiertos",,"Promueve el Uso de #InteligenciaArtificial con #DatosAbiertos por parte de los Ciudadanos. Para Analizar, Mostrar Hallazgos y hacer Planteamientos basados en evidencia, y convertirlo en un Ciudadano más participativo digitalmente",,,,False,-7.401149,-79.572229,,"DS4BCommunity La Comunidad de Ciencia de Datos para Negocios. Contacto : Américo Guerra Biffi , Líder de la Comunidad, email : americo.guerra@ds4bcommunity.com",Pacasmayo - Pacasmayo - La Libertad - Perú (Virtual),nivel-basico-uso-de-inteligencia-artificial-desde-cero-con-datos-abiertos,https://bit.ly/3Shi5uH,, 2024-02-08,"Nivel Intermedio - Uso de Inteligencia Artificial desde Cero, con Datos Abiertos",,"Promueve el Uso de #InteligenciaArtificial con #DatosAbiertos por parte de los  Ciudadanos. Para Analizar, Mostrar Hallazgos y hacer Planteamientos basados en evidencia, y convertirlo en un Ciudadano más participativo digitalmente",,,,False,-8.1117766,-79.0286943,,"DS4BCommunity La Comunidad de Ciencia de Datos para Negocios. Contacto : Américo Guerra Biffi , Líder de la Comunidad, email : americo.guerra@ds4bcommunity.com",Trujillo - Trujillo - La Libertad - Perú (Virtual),nivel-intermedio-uso-de-inteligencia-artificial-desde-cero-con-datos-abiertos,https://bit.ly/3SaJ5uK,, 2024-03-04,NoCode-LowCode GeoAI Workshop for Sustainable Climate Action,,"The main goal of our Open Data Day event is to empower participants with NoCode-LowCode GeoAI tools for low carbon economy and meaningful climate action, fostering innovation and collaboration through multi-modal open data and open source software ",,,,False,28.4731,77.0562,,"Nakul Gupta, nakul.gupta@mdi.ac.in","Gurgaon, India",nocode-lowcode-geoai-workshop-for-sustainable-climate-action,https://mdi.ac.in/,, +2024-03-09,nullfull 2024 open data day,,Visualizing congressional expense receipts used by South Korea member of the National Assembly,,,,False,37.566536,126.977966,,Youne,Seoul,nullfull-2024-open-data-day,https://event-us.kr/79347,, 2024-03-10,NUSURU MTOTO CAMPAIGN ,,Your mission and message will be delivered without interruption.,,,,False,255656058085.0,255656058085.0,,Roger's fungo organization Rise Renovation Relief ,Tanga Region ,nusuru-mtoto-campaign,,, 2024-03-06,ODD Belém 2024 - ODS na Amazônia,,Apresentar as oportunidade de uso de dados abertos na Amazônia e dialogar sobre as possibilidade do ODS na promoção de projetos e programas direcionados para uso de dados na Amazônia.,,,,False,-1.43849,-48.460601,,Tatiana Pará - Embaixadora OKBrasil - tatianamdefreitas@gmail.com,"Belém - Av. Alm. Barroso, 1155 - Marco, Belém - PA",odd-belem-2024-ods-na-amazonia,,, 2024-03-02,ODD Colombia 2024 - Mapeo de árboles urbanos,,Tomar información de los árboles urbanos que están en el parque Simón Bolivar y luego mapearlos en OpenStreetMap.,,,,False,4.658167,-74.089853,,Andres Gomez angoca@osm.lat,Bogotá,odd-colombia-2024-mapeo-de-arboles-urbanos,https://pad.osm.lat/s/Wk7YD-uqG,, @@ -167,6 +172,7 @@ The community are suffering especially on diarrhea, cough and fever especially i 2024-03-02,Open Data Day in Flensburg,,"Wir beteiligen uns am diesjährigen Open Data Day 2024 mit einer eigenen ganztägigen Veranstaltung, welche wir überregional ausrichten, mit der wir alle Interessierten im Norden zu einem spannendem Austausch und Kennenlernen einladen.",,,,False,54.792033,9.431105,,OK Lab Flensburg,"Dänische Zentralbibliothek, Norderstraße 59, 24939 Flensburg",open-data-day-in-flensburg,https://wandelkalender-flensburg.de/event/save-the-date-open-data-day-flensburg-2024/,, 2024-03-06,Open Data Day in Russia,,"The event will be held in an online format. The central focus of the program of this year's event is open data for the community. We plan to include your reports, project presentations and master classes in the program. ",,,,False,55.755825,37.617298,,NGO Infoculture,Youtube (online event),open-data-day-in-russia,https://opendataday.ru/msk,, 2024-03-07,Open Data Day Informatica Unicam: OSM Mapping Party + Datathon,,"Start a local OSM mapping community in Camerino, where currently none exists.",,,,False,43.13915,13.06778,,"Lorenzo Rossi (lorenzo.rossi@unicam.it) and Héctor Ochoa Ortiz (hector.ochoaortiz@unicam.it), Computer Science Section, University of Camerino",Camerino (MC),open-data-day-informatica-unicam-osm-mapping-party-datathon,,, +2024-03-02,Open Data Day Metadata-thon,,Engage with Open Data users and improve the data quality of the City of Edmonton Open Data Portal,,,,False,53.544388,-113.490929,,City of Edmonton,Edmonton (online and asynchronous),open-data-day-metadata-thon,https://data.edmonton.ca,, 2024-03-08,Open Data Day México para OSC 2024,,"Fomentar la participación de colectivos y ONG en la comprensión, uso y visualización de los datos abiertos mediante herramientas digitales, especialmente los relacionados con la Agenda 2030.",,,,False,19.450209,-99.162026,,Cambio Sistemico,CDMX - Por definir,open-data-day-mexico-para-osc-2024,https://cambiosistemico.org,, 2024-05-04,Open Data Day München 2024,,"Presentations and workshops will take place throughout the day, providing inspiration and insights into the multifaceted world of data. There will be special opportunities for participants to get to know each other, network and exchange ideas. The exact program will follow.",,,,False,48.135124,11.581981,,Landeshauptstadt München and byte - die Bayerische Agentur für Digitales (openbydata@byte.bayern) together with OK Lab München,Munich,open-data-day-munchen-2024,https://open.bydata.de/events/odd24?locale=de,, 2024-03-09,Open Data Day POA - Dia dos Dados Abertos Porto Alegre/RS,,"Em 2024, o tema do Open Data Day POA será “A inteligência artificial já pode predizer o nosso futuro?”, com painel sobre cidadania digital e uma oficina de chatGPT, debatendo os limites legais e éticos do uso de IA em produtos e serviços públicos e privados nas áreas de segurança, saúde mental, mudanças climáticas e comunicação.",,,,False,-30.034647,-51.217659,,Unisinos e Afonte Jornalismo de Dados (dados@afonte.info),Porto Alegre,open-data-day-poa-dia-dos-dados-abertos-porto-alegre-rs,https://afonte.info/2024/02/21/open-data-day-poa-2024-debate-impactos-da-inteligencia-artificial-e-oferece-oficina-gratuita-sobre-chatgpt/,, @@ -191,6 +197,7 @@ The community are suffering especially on diarrhea, cough and fever especially i 2024-03-08,OPEN DATA FOR SOCIAL IMPACT WORKSHOP,,The purpose of our Open Data for Social Impact Workshop is to empower participants with the knowledge and skills to harness open data for positive societal change and sustainable development.,,,,False,8.116955,-12.068902,,NJALA UNIVERSITY YOUTHMAPPERS,"Njala, Sierra Leone",open-data-for-social-impact-workshop,,, 2024-03-02,Open Data for Sustainable development Goals ,,"""In our event, we aim to promote the utilization of open data as a crucial tool for advancing Sustainable Development Goals and fostering inclusive, equitable, and sustainable development worldwide.""",,,,False,17.33231,17.33231,,Multipurpose Awareness Society ,Hyderabad India,open-data-for-sustainable-development-goals,,, 2024-03-06,Open Data Leaders Meet & Greet at the OpenGov Hub,,"📣 The Open Data Leaders Meetups are back! As we celebrate the global Open Data Week, we are thrilled to reintroduce a space dedicated to in-person discussion of all things open data in the Washington, DC area. ",,,,False,38.9041,-77.02997,,The Center for Open Data Enterprise,"Washington, DC",open-data-leaders-meet-greet-at-the-opengov-hub,https://docs.google.com/forms/u/1/d/e/1FAIpQLScsSUtIWtcjiN1HcciF5kE5rCt_J6556OnnPNQSoAB1wcsSvw/viewform,, +2024-03-07,Open Data Lunch,,Lunchtime Meetup to discuss current applications of and requirements for Open Government Data (OGD),,,,False,47.55042,7.58544,,Fachstelle OGD Basel-Stadt - opendata@bs.ch,Basel,open-data-lunch,https://forms.gle/Ki1xBzZ3k2DRPEZX6,, 2024-03-04,OPEN DATA MEETUP 2024,,"Celebrate Open Data Day with us by promoting transparency, cooperation, and social equality through open data. Together, let's build a society where everyone has equal access to services and facilities.",,,,False,47.9234575,106.9220976,,Public Lab Mongolia & Tungaahui Data Studio,"МУИС, Багш оюутны хөгжлийн төв",open-data-meetup-2024,https://fb.me/e/70dklpRJ5,, 2024-03-09,Open Data Pax,,,,,,False,44.4937757,11.3544851,,,Bologna,open-data-pax,https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:ODP,, 2024-03-07,Open Data Pub NIght for Toronto,,Social networking among open data practitioners and enthusiasts,,,,False,43.64756,-79.37955,,Canadian Open Data Society - admin@opendatasociety.ca,Toronto,open-data-pub-night-for-toronto,https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/841800296347?aff=oddtdtcreator,, @@ -207,6 +214,7 @@ for this purpose.",,,,False,7.25107,5.20354,,YouthMappersFUTA (youthmappersfuta@ 2024-03-04,OpenAQ Explorer Open Training,,Hold a training on how to use the OpenAQ Explorer and OpenAQ platform for air quality data access,,,,False,41.079273,-85.139351,,OpenAQ,Online,openaq-explorer-open-training,https://bit.ly/OpenAQTraining-March2024,, 2024-03-04,OpenAQ Explorer Open Training,,Online training available to worldwide users to use the OpenAQ Explorer to explore open data for air quality.,,,,False,14.599512,120.984222,,OpenAQ (info@openaq.org),"Online (pin is in Manila, Philippines)",openaq-explorer-open-training-2,https://bit.ly/OpenAQTraining-March2024,, 2024-03-01,OpenData HackDays,,Awareness for open data and applications. Community building.,,,,False,49.00924,8.40871,,OK Lab Karlsruhe / Code for Karlsruhe,Karlsruhe,opendata-hackdays,https://ok-lab-karlsruhe.de/projekte/odd24/,, +2024-03-02,OpenDataDay 2024 in Kakegawa,,Preparing and saving for the future,,,,False,34.77629011,138.0153386,,yotti.t@gmail.com,Kakegawa City,opendataday-2024-in-kakegawa,,, 2024-03-07,OpenStreetMap Windsor-Essex: Active Transportation Infrastructure Catalogue & Wishlist,,"This event aims to increase the amount of active transportation infrastructure captured on OSM for Windsor-Essex, and to gather feedback on where folks would like to see additions. ",,,,False,42.314079,-83.036858,,Windsor Hackforge - Lauren Hedges - info@hackf.org,"Windsor, Ontario, Canada",openstreetmap-windsor-essex-active-transportation-infrastructure-catalogue-wi,https://www.hackf.org/event/openstreetmap-windsor-essex-active-transportation-infrastructure-catalogue-wishlist/,, 2024-03-05,Overview of the National Government Data Register and reuse of higher education Open Data in Tunisia,,The event aims to present the national register of government data that instutitions have inventoried and to display a use case of higher eduction open data and the new circular on the open data process.,,,,False,36.8079409,10.18207307,,e-Government Unit at the Presidency of the Government of Tunisia (opendata@tunisia.gov.tn) in Cooperation with the PAGOF Program,Tunis,overview-of-the-national-government-data-register-and-reuse-of-higher-education,,, 2024-02-06,Overview of the national open data program for private sector Stakeholders in Tunisia,,"The exchange and awareness workshop on open public data is adressed to private sector stakeholders and stakeholders. It aims to present the open data program, the several related aspects. @@ -220,6 +228,7 @@ for this purpose.",,,,False,7.25107,5.20354,,YouthMappersFUTA (youthmappersfuta@ 2024-03-07,Regione Toscana - Call for the development of innovative projects on data ,,"Event organized by Tuscany Region for the presentation related to the call for the ""development of data projects, addressed to Tuscan local authorities"" as part of the regional strategy for digital transition financed by the ERDF 21-27 program. The notice, which aims to support entities in the Tuscan territory in the implementation of a territorial innovation project focused on the processing of data and the final provision of open data specifically releasing new open datasets (high value datasets, annotated datasets, datasets at least 4-star) The call includes the use of at least one of the regional platforms 3d-data, smart region and the open data portal of Regione Toscana dati.toscana.it. The funds available for the call total 1 million 400 thousand euros",,,,False,43.79039,11.22663,,Regione Toscana,Regione Toscana only on line,regione-toscana-call-for-the-development-of-innovative-projects-on-data,https://www.eventbrite.it/e/biglietti-avviso-regionale-per-lo-sviluppo-di-progettualita-sui-dati-841437691787?aff=oddtdtcreator,, +2024-03-09,Rukayya Hussaini ,,Dialogue on how to find solutions of Nigeria problem most especially the North,,,,False,0.0,0.0,,Matasan Arewa Inamafita development Initiative ,Katsina state Nigeria ,rukayya-hussaini,,, 2024-03-02,School-based Water Quality Advocacy using Citizen-Science Approach for Health and Hygiene Awareness through Open Data (SWACHHA),,"Goal: Sensitize school-attending children about importance of water quality for health awareness and capacitate for advocacy using of open data. Objectives: @@ -246,9 +255,11 @@ Objectives: 2024-03-05,X-Bridge Night vol.1,,Disaster prevention education for climate change adaptation,,,,False,34.690083,135.195511,,"Osintech Co., Ltd. X-Bridge Project Group (x-bridge@osintech.net)","Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan",x-bridge-night-vol-1,https://x-bridgenight1.peatix.com,, 2024-03-02,YouthMappers Summit Kenya ,,"The YouthMappers Summit in Kenya aims to unite youth mappers, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange on utilizing open data for achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through impactful mapping for sustainable development.",,,,False,-1.280423,36.816311,,"Maurine Oyugi, +254700598905, oyugi.kerubo@students.jkuat.ac.ke ",Nairobi,youthmappers-summit-kenya,https://forms.gle/ywz8uENYTL3XsuNH7,, 2024-03-06,ZANZIBAR'S TOURIST DESTINATIONS MAPATHON,,To map all the tourist destinations/attractions available in our Island,,,,False,-6.199417,39.307043,,SUZA YouthMappers Chapter,"State University of Zanzibar main Campus - Tunguu, ZANZIBAR",zanzibar-s-tourist-destinations-mapathon,,, +2024-03-04,"“Open Data Day 2024"". Datos Abiertos para el uso de la #IA Inteligencia Artificial",,Promueve el Uso de Datos Abiertos por parte de la ciudadanía. Se abordará problemática de interés nacional utilizando Plataforma Nacional Datos Abiertos (PNDA). Si cumples Reto ganarás constancia de participación.,,,,False,-12.10109,-77.035278,,"Secretaría de Gobierno y Transformación Digital de la Presidencia del Consejo de Ministros del Perú. Contacto: Alma Fernanda Vera Quea, Especialista en Innovación con Datos Abiertos, emial: avera@pcm.gob.pe ",San Isidro – Lima – Lima – Perú (Virtual),open-data-day-2024-datos-abiertos-para-el-uso-de-la-ia-inteligencia-artifici,https://www.gob.pe/odd2024,, 2024-03-02,みんなでつくる泉州らへんの防災マップ(Osaka disaster prevention map created by everyone),,uMapと紙地図でオープンデータの防災マップを作ります。Create an open data disaster prevention map using uMap and paper maps.,,,,False,34.50162,135.40856,,泉大津市立北公民館サポーターチーム、泉州らへんでオープンデータとGISを楽しむ会、和歌山大学岸和田サテライト友の会、泉大津みんなの楽校,"Izumiotsu City,Osaka,Japan",minnadetukuruquan-zhou-rahennofang-zai-matupu-osaka-disaster-prevention-map-created-by-everyone,http://blog.livedoor.jp/sensyu_od_gis/archives/39292499.html,, 2024-03-02,オープンデータって何?清里高原リビングラボ,,山梨県内の各自治体におけるオープンデータの現状調査,,,,False,35.9057,138.444946,,八ヶ岳コモンズ/地域資料デジタル化研究会,八ヶ岳コモンズ,opundetatutehe-qing-li-gao-yuan-ribingurabo,https://mt8commons.com/,, 2024-03-08,オープンデータの今後を考える~官民で拓くみやぎの共創社会 / Thinking about the future of open data - Miyagi's co-creative society developed by the public and private sectors,,How should open data be utilized to promote co-creation between the public and private sectors? We will exchange opinions on the practices and processes that should be implemented.,,,,False,38.260896,140.868642,,"主催:宮城県 企画運営:エイチタス株式会社 / Miyagi Pref. H-tus Co., Ltd.","Sendai, Miyagi Pref. ",opundetanojin-hou-wokao-eru-guan-min-detuo-kumiyaginogong-chuang-she-hui-thinking-about-the-future-of-open-data-miyagi-s,,, +2024-03-02,オープンデータデー2024 in くるめ,,久留米市での防災について,,,,False,33.319664,130.508163,,久留米オープンデータ活用推進研究会,福岡県久留米市,opundetade2024-in-kurume,https://www.city.kurume.fukuoka.jp/1100keikaku/2050opendata/3060openkatuyou/2024-0122-1105-14.html,, 2024-03-02,公共交通オープンデータ最前線2024,,GTFSをはじめとする公共交通オープンデータの整備や利活用の実践の経験を国・自治体、交通事業者、交通情報サービス提供者、IT技術者、研究者等と共有し交流を深める。,,,,False,35.71423056,139.7618861,,一般社団法人日本バス情報協会,Tokyo,gong-gong-jiao-tong-opundetazui-qian-xian-2024,https://gtfs2024.peatix.com,, 2024-03-02,公園×テクノロジー 公園をもっと◯◯に! 公園に役立つアプリやサービスを考える一日(Parks & Technology: Making Parks More Amazing! A Day to Design Useful Apps and Services for Parks.),,Ideathon for city park,,,,False,35.907814,139.626238,,シビックテックさいたま(Civictech Saitama),まちラボおおみや(URBAN DESIGN CENTER OMIYA),gong-yuan-xtekunorozi-gong-yuan-womotutoooni-gong-yuan-niyi-li-tuapuriyasabisuwokao-eruyi-ri-parks-technology-making-parks-more,https://www.facebook.com/events/298933519844582/,, 2024-03-04,熊本、好きな所のオープンデータで遊ぼぅ,,熊本で市町村オープンデータが8割を超えたので好きな地域のデータを使ってみよう,,,,False,32.78978915,130.7414931,,Code for Kumamoto,熊本全域,xiong-ben-hao-kinasuo-noopundetadeyou-bou,https://peatix.com/event/3857543/view?k=0270405234479b9a489e4b2113cf7f0391c31d02,, diff --git a/databags/events-2024.json b/databags/events-2024.json index 607c0c2ac..a04c5ab0c 100644 --- a/databags/events-2024.json +++ b/databags/events-2024.json @@ -1,5 +1,24 @@ { "events": [ + { + "event_date": "2024-03-02", + "event_name": " International Open Data Day 2024 YokohamaSeminar - A comprehensive overview of open data, APIs, ChatGPT, visualization, and SDGs that you can't hear about now, from the basics to practice.", + "event_photo_url": "", + "event_purpose": "Learn about open data and data utilization from three instructors", + "event_report_url": "", + "event_tweet_url": "", + "event_video_url": "", + "has_event_report": false, + "latitude": 35.446508, + "longitude": 139.637996, + "online_event_url": "", + "organisers": "International Open Data Day 2024 @ Yokohama Executive Committee", + "place": "Yokohama", + "slug": "international-open-data-day-2024-yokohamaseminar-a-comprehensive-overview-of", + "url": "https://presswalker.jp/press/37339", + "world_region_code": "", + "world_region_text": "" + }, { "event_date": "2024-03-05", "event_name": " Open Data Day 2024 Mogi das Cruzes - Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustent\u00e1vel no Munic\u00edpio", @@ -186,7 +205,7 @@ "organisers": "Oficina de Transparencia y Gobierno Abierto del Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza", "place": "Sal\u00f3n de Plenos del Ayuntamiento Zaragoza", "slug": "aprobacion-de-la-ordenanza-reguladora-del-gobierno-del-dato-del-ayuntamiento-de", - "url": "https://www.zaragoza.es/sede/portal/consulta-publica/ordenanza-gobierno-dato/", + "url": "https://www.zaragoza.es/sede/portal/gobierno-abierto/servicio/noticia/328994", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, @@ -893,6 +912,25 @@ "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, + { + "event_date": "2024-03-07", + "event_name": "Datos Abiertos, Transparencia e Integridad", + "event_photo_url": "", + "event_purpose": "Have a conversation with public and private organizations in which we share visions on how to achieve a great District strategy of openness with purpose and collaborative use of open data for transparency and public integrity.", + "event_report_url": "", + "event_tweet_url": "", + "event_video_url": "", + "has_event_report": false, + "latitude": 4.710989, + "longitude": -74.07209, + "online_event_url": "", + "organisers": "Secretar\u00eda General de la Alcald\u00eda Mayor de Bogot\u00e1", + "place": "Luis Angel Arango Library in Bogot\u00e1 D.C.", + "slug": "datos-abiertos-transparencia-e-integridad", + "url": "https://forms.office.com/r/5hxcQ2rXUT", + "world_region_code": "", + "world_region_text": "" + }, { "event_date": "2024-03-05", "event_name": "Datos abiertos: Mujeres y cuidados", @@ -1691,6 +1729,44 @@ "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, + { + "event_date": "2024-03-04", + "event_name": "International Open Data Day 2024 Yokohama__Seminar_Sustaining excitement with new data tool 'Data Leaf'", + "event_photo_url": "", + "event_purpose": "Learn about data utilization through a lecture by Professor Osawa of the University of Tokyo and a panel discussion with four experts", + "event_report_url": "", + "event_tweet_url": "", + "event_video_url": "", + "has_event_report": false, + "latitude": 35.458105, + "longitude": 139.631965, + "online_event_url": "", + "organisers": "International Open Data Day 2024 @ Yokohama Executive Committee", + "place": "Yokohama", + "slug": "international-open-data-day-2024-yokohama-seminar-sustaining-excitement-with-ne", + "url": "https://yokohamalab.jp/2024/03/01/dataleaf/", + "world_region_code": "", + "world_region_text": "" + }, + { + "event_date": "2024-03-02", + "event_name": "IODD 2024 in Suzaka, Nagano", + "event_photo_url": "", + "event_purpose": "Discuss local education and opendata utilization", + "event_report_url": "", + "event_tweet_url": "", + "event_video_url": "", + "has_event_report": false, + "latitude": 36.6371369, + "longitude": 138.2788945, + "online_event_url": "", + "organisers": "Mamoru ENDO", + "place": "Suzaka City Technical Information Center", + "slug": "iodd-2024-in-suzaka-nagano", + "url": "https://www.s-johocenter.jp/iodd2024/", + "world_region_code": "", + "world_region_text": "" + }, { "event_date": "2024-03-06", "event_name": "JOCEMARA SCHAFER", @@ -2375,6 +2451,25 @@ "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, + { + "event_date": "2024-03-09", + "event_name": "nullfull 2024 open data day", + "event_photo_url": "", + "event_purpose": "Visualizing congressional expense receipts used by South Korea member of the National Assembly", + "event_report_url": "", + "event_tweet_url": "", + "event_video_url": "", + "has_event_report": false, + "latitude": 37.566536, + "longitude": 126.977966, + "online_event_url": "", + "organisers": "Youne", + "place": "Seoul", + "slug": "nullfull-2024-open-data-day", + "url": "https://event-us.kr/79347", + "world_region_code": "", + "world_region_text": "" + }, { "event_date": "2024-03-10", "event_name": "NUSURU MTOTO CAMPAIGN ", @@ -2926,6 +3021,25 @@ "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, + { + "event_date": "2024-03-02", + "event_name": "Open Data Day Metadata-thon", + "event_photo_url": "", + "event_purpose": "Engage with Open Data users and improve the data quality of the City of Edmonton Open Data Portal", + "event_report_url": "", + "event_tweet_url": "", + "event_video_url": "", + "has_event_report": false, + "latitude": 53.544388, + "longitude": -113.490929, + "online_event_url": "", + "organisers": "City of Edmonton", + "place": "Edmonton (online and asynchronous)", + "slug": "open-data-day-metadata-thon", + "url": "https://data.edmonton.ca", + "world_region_code": "", + "world_region_text": "" + }, { "event_date": "2024-03-08", "event_name": "Open Data Day M\u00e9xico para OSC 2024", @@ -3382,6 +3496,25 @@ "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, + { + "event_date": "2024-03-07", + "event_name": "Open Data Lunch", + "event_photo_url": "", + "event_purpose": "Lunchtime Meetup to discuss current applications of and requirements for Open Government Data (OGD)", + "event_report_url": "", + "event_tweet_url": "", + "event_video_url": "", + "has_event_report": false, + "latitude": 47.55042, + "longitude": 7.58544, + "online_event_url": "", + "organisers": "Fachstelle OGD Basel-Stadt - opendata@bs.ch", + "place": "Basel", + "slug": "open-data-lunch", + "url": "https://forms.gle/Ki1xBzZ3k2DRPEZX6", + "world_region_code": "", + "world_region_text": "" + }, { "event_date": "2024-03-04", "event_name": "OPEN DATA MEETUP 2024", @@ -3648,6 +3781,25 @@ "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, + { + "event_date": "2024-03-02", + "event_name": "OpenDataDay 2024 in Kakegawa", + "event_photo_url": "", + "event_purpose": "Preparing and saving for the future", + "event_report_url": "", + "event_tweet_url": "", + "event_video_url": "", + "has_event_report": false, + "latitude": 34.77629011, + "longitude": 138.0153386, + "online_event_url": "", + "organisers": "yotti.t@gmail.com", + "place": "Kakegawa City", + "slug": "opendataday-2024-in-kakegawa", + "url": "", + "world_region_code": "", + "world_region_text": "" + }, { "event_date": "2024-03-07", "event_name": "OpenStreetMap Windsor-Essex: Active Transportation Infrastructure Catalogue & Wishlist", @@ -3838,6 +3990,25 @@ "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, + { + "event_date": "2024-03-09", + "event_name": "Rukayya Hussaini ", + "event_photo_url": "", + "event_purpose": "Dialogue on how to find solutions of Nigeria problem most especially the North", + "event_report_url": "", + "event_tweet_url": "", + "event_video_url": "", + "has_event_report": false, + "latitude": 0.0, + "longitude": 0.0, + "online_event_url": "", + "organisers": "Matasan Arewa Inamafita development Initiative ", + "place": "Katsina state Nigeria ", + "slug": "rukayya-hussaini", + "url": "", + "world_region_code": "", + "world_region_text": "" + }, { "event_date": "2024-03-02", "event_name": "School-based Water Quality Advocacy using Citizen-Science Approach for Health and Hygiene Awareness through Open Data (SWACHHA)", @@ -4256,6 +4427,25 @@ "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, + { + "event_date": "2024-03-04", + "event_name": "\u201cOpen Data Day 2024\". Datos Abiertos para el uso de la #IA Inteligencia Artificial", + "event_photo_url": "", + "event_purpose": "Promueve el Uso de Datos Abiertos por parte de la ciudadan\u00eda. Se abordar\u00e1 problem\u00e1tica de inter\u00e9s nacional utilizando Plataforma Nacional Datos Abiertos (PNDA). Si cumples Reto ganar\u00e1s constancia de participaci\u00f3n.", + "event_report_url": "", + "event_tweet_url": "", + "event_video_url": "", + "has_event_report": false, + "latitude": -12.10109, + "longitude": -77.035278, + "online_event_url": "", + "organisers": "Secretar\u00eda de Gobierno y Transformaci\u00f3n Digital de la Presidencia del Consejo de Ministros del Per\u00fa. Contacto: Alma Fernanda Vera Quea, Especialista en Innovaci\u00f3n con Datos Abiertos, emial: avera@pcm.gob.pe ", + "place": "San Isidro \u2013 Lima \u2013 Lima \u2013 Per\u00fa (Virtual)", + "slug": "open-data-day-2024-datos-abiertos-para-el-uso-de-la-ia-inteligencia-artifici", + "url": "https://www.gob.pe/odd2024", + "world_region_code": "", + "world_region_text": "" + }, { "event_date": "2024-03-02", "event_name": "\u307f\u3093\u306a\u3067\u3064\u304f\u308b\u6cc9\u5dde\u3089\u3078\u3093\u306e\u9632\u707d\u30de\u30c3\u30d7(Osaka disaster prevention map created by everyone)", @@ -4313,6 +4503,25 @@ "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, + { + "event_date": "2024-03-02", + "event_name": "\u30aa\u30fc\u30d7\u30f3\u30c7\u30fc\u30bf\u30c7\u30fc2024 in \u304f\u308b\u3081", + "event_photo_url": "", + "event_purpose": "\u4e45\u7559\u7c73\u5e02\u3067\u306e\u9632\u707d\u306b\u3064\u3044\u3066", + "event_report_url": "", + "event_tweet_url": "", + "event_video_url": "", + "has_event_report": false, + "latitude": 33.319664, + "longitude": 130.508163, + "online_event_url": "", + "organisers": "\u4e45\u7559\u7c73\u30aa\u30fc\u30d7\u30f3\u30c7\u30fc\u30bf\u6d3b\u7528\u63a8\u9032\u7814\u7a76\u4f1a", + "place": "\u798f\u5ca1\u770c\u4e45\u7559\u7c73\u5e02", + "slug": "opundetade2024-in-kurume", + "url": "https://www.city.kurume.fukuoka.jp/1100keikaku/2050opendata/3060openkatuyou/2024-0122-1105-14.html", + "world_region_code": "", + "world_region_text": "" + }, { "event_date": "2024-03-02", "event_name": "\u516c\u5171\u4ea4\u901a\u30aa\u30fc\u30d7\u30f3\u30c7\u30fc\u30bf\u6700\u524d\u7dda2024",