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212 lines (151 loc) · 5.13 KB

File metadata and controls

212 lines (151 loc) · 5.13 KB

Git configuration

User name and e-mail

Before any commit, first configure your identity.

git config --global "Joe Jackson"
git config --global "[email protected]"
  • in format "FirstName LastName"
  • your official email

The above commands do the same as directly editing the file ~/.gitconfig

$ cat ~/.gitconfig
name  = Joe Jackson
email = [email protected]

If you use different names accross your Git repository, configure it for each Git repository after clonning it:

git config --local "Joe Jackson"
git config --local "[email protected]"


	editor = vim
	autocrlf = input
	whitespace = fix,-indent-with-non-tab,trailing-space,cr-at-eol

Text editor

Default editor is nano. Set your favorite editor:

git config --global core.editor vim   # or emacs/gedit/kate/geany/nano/...

Above command line is same as putting the following lines in ~/.gitconfig:

editor = vim

Default editor is used on git commit myfile or git rebase -i

Line endings

Always Unix line endings, but preserve wrong line endings if already pushed. See also GitHub help.

  • on Linux/macOS/...

      git config --global core.autocrlf input
  • on Windows

      git config --global core.autocrlf true

Result on Linux and macOS:

autocrlf = input  # preserve CRLF when file has been created on Windows

Colors optimized for dark background

	ui = true      # Use colors in terminal
	branch = auto
	diff = auto
	status = auto
	showbranch = auto

[color "branch"]
	current = yellow bold
	local = green bold
	remote = cyan bold

[color "diff"]
	meta = yellow bold
	frag = magenta bold
	old = red bold
	new = green bold
	whitespace = red reverse

[color "status"]
	added = green bold
	changed = yellow bold
	untracked = red bold

Push, Pull, Rebase

Append in your ~/.gitconfig

[push]                 #
default = simple       # "git push" without argument pushes the current branch to the remote branch with the same name

[pull]                 #
# rebase = merges      # "git pull" uses rebase instead of merge, but preserves existing local merges
rebase = interactive

stat      = true       # show a diffstat of what changed upstream since the last rebase
autoStash = true       # git stash   +   git pull --rebase   +   git stash pop
missingCommitsCheck = warn  # git rebase -i will print a warning if some commits are removed

enabled = true         # Make Git automatically record and re-apply conflicts resolution
autoupdate = true      # Automatically add to index auto-resolved conflicts

prune = true           # Delete local branches that have been deleted on remote repo

pruneDuringFetch = true

Diff, Merge

Install Vimdiff, Meld, KDiff3 or Kompare. Also install git-interactive-rebase-tool.

mnemonicPrefix = true  # Improve "git diff" output of source/target
renames = true         # and detect renames
tool    = vimdiff # meld #kdiff3
guitool = meld #kdiff3 #kompare
algorithm = patience

editor = interactive-rebase-tool

# Below merge/diff from

conflictstyle = diff3
tool = meld

[mergetool "meld"]
# Choose one of these 2 lines (not both)
cmd = meld "$LOCAL" "$MERGED" "$REMOTE" --output "$MERGED"
#md = meld "$LOCAL" "$BASE"   "$REMOTE" --output "$MERGED"

prompt = false

# [difftool "kdiff3"]
# cmd = kdiff3 $LOCAL $REMOTE --output $MERGED

# [difftool "meld"]
# cmd = meld "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE"


abbrevCommit = true    # Make "git log" show abbreviated SHA1


# Shortcut for status command
st = status -sb

# Show improved logs (colors, branch graphs...)
l   = log --graph --oneline --decorate
lo  = log --graph --pretty=tformat:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%an %ad %ar)%Creset' --date=short --ignore-space-change --ignore-blank-lines
lof = log --graph --pretty=tformat:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%an %ad %ar)%Creset' --date=short --ignore-space-change --ignore-blank-lines --follow --find-copies-harder
hist = log --pretty=format:"%h %ad | %s%d [%an]" --graph --date=short

# Amend latest commit keeping the same commit message
oops = commit --amend --no-edit
track-all-remote-branches = ! git branch -a | grep \"^\\s*remotes/[^>]*$\" | xargs --interactive -L1 git checkout --track

di = diff --ignore-space-at-eol --ignore-space-change --ignore-all-space --ignore-blank-lines


proxy = http://your-login:your-password@your-company-hostname:8080/
sslVerify = false

proxy = http://your-login:your-password@your-company-hostname:8080/
sslVerify = false