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File metadata and controls

143 lines (95 loc) · 3.5 KB

Installation of a new frontend project using editora-laravel

Laravel Setup

Create the new laravel empty project

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel editora-test

Setup you .env file with database connection and so on

In the composer.json file add the stability settings in the root of the file and change the name and the description of the project, for example:

    "name": "editora-test",
    "description": "Editora Frontend",
	"minimum-stability": "dev",
	"prefer-stable": true,

Do a composer update

composer update

Publish the new vendor, run:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider=Omatech\Editora\Connector\ConnectorServiceProvider
php artisan vendor:publish --provider=Omatech\Editora\EditoraServiceProvider
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=editora-publish

Add editora routes in routes/web.php

use Omatech\Editora\Connector\Editora;


In config folder there're the two files needed for editora setup editora.php sets the language and different editora options editoradatabase.php sets the editora structure

Modify editoradatabase.php and apply changes running

php artisan editora:create


Put all your markup assets in resources/assets/markup (scss, js, img, fonts,...)

Overwrite the mix.js call in webpack.mix.js in root folder for this one

mix.js('resources/assets/js/app.js', 'public/js')
    .sass('resources/assets/markup/scss/styles.scss', 'public/css/styles.css')
    .copy('resources/assets/markup/js', 'public/js')
    .copy('resources/assets/markup/img', 'public/img')
    .copy('resources/assets/markup/fonts', 'public/fonts')

Install and run npm

npm install
npm run dev

Laravel Commands


Creates the Editora database structure following the rules set in config/editoradatabase.php

php artisan editora:create

Fake Content

Creates random content for the Editora database.

php artisan editora:fakecontent


php artisan editora:fakecontent --exclude_classes=1,10,11,12,13

{--num_instances=} {--include_classes=} {--exclude_classes=} {--pictures_theme=} {—debug} {--delete_previous_data}

--help this help!
--num_instances number of instance to create for each class
--include_classes generate only this class_ids, comma separated
--exclude_classes generate all but this class_ids, comma separated
--pictures_theme generate pictures themed with that word, default:cats you can use abstract, animals, business, cats, city, food, nightlife, fashion, people, nature, sports, technics, transport
--debug show all sqls (if not present false)
--delete_previous_data **USE WITH CAUTION**, if set deletes all the previous data before generating the fake data

TBD Falta añadir contenido aleatorio para algunos atributos (mapas, date,...).


Create the Model, View and Controller files for the Frontend (if they don't exists)

php artisan editora:createmvc


--include_classes=1,2,3 generate only this class_ids, comma separated

TBD Falta crear argumento de force para borrar si o si las clases.


Improves database structure of the editora database, use only in old editoras, not new projects. It creates indexes, new columns added recently like batch_id, external_id and changes to use encrypted passwords

php artisan editora:modernize