- sync form - exclude not working
- Check: Cross Site Scripting (DOM Based)
- documentation - filters and inputs - check methods(placeholder)
- JS lib doc
- incomplete HTML tag in JS comment cause exception
- Template
- Correct HTML parsing - paired and unpaired tags
- Tags: add alpha-numeric check for selected parameters
- Variable: escape URL with check of local
- Alphanumeric check:
- Block
- Catch
- Include
- variable define
- Control
- Check firefox datetime with step 60
- Add title element (tooltip)
- Grid: page size hidden value. set at init, user cannot change
- JS
- TotiLoad: remove deprecated sync calling Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check https://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/.
- JS method: take html element or element content and use as link. Element will be invisible
- Range, Color: actual value
- DB viewer
- Profiler - memory and CPU graphs, log dir requests
- Permissions - Rule - owner ids will not be supplier but list ?
- Routing
- add lang to route
- translate routes
- Tests:
- Improve parsing tests - TODOs
- Register
- Security
- Load Urls
- Validator
- Security
- Domains with OR. Domain group?
- Template <%! <%@ -- import?
- Rename User to TotiUser ?
- JS
- conditions - relations between inputs (if filled - display/max-length/...)
- datalist - will be working like select - defined data + load
- Control
- Add ZonedDateTIme - need something in JS
- Grid
- Filtering: switch for like/equals
- autorefresh
- Form
- submit url - replace 'id' - custumize pattern, keys
- some simple api for dynamic input displaying
- DynamicList: JS api for add/remove
- Validator
- Relation between parameters
- Size - not less not more
- Max/Min value include/exclude
- Automatic cast map to list - maybe in JI
- EntityDao
- column names add alpha-numeric check
- User data saved in token/loaded by service from register + switch
- Allow xml language configuration
- Profiler Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); return runtime.totalMemory() - runtime.freeMemory();
- Set access rules for dirs and files in www folder
- TemplateParser: charset for template reading TemplateParser:87
- Grid: inrow form, dropdown rows
- More authentication types
- Add HTML tags:
- fieldset (optionally legend)
- progress
- input
- url
- image
- search
- tel