Example problems
- 15 number puzzle (sort in order)
- Maze
- Driving directions
- Agent: entity that perceives its environment and acts upon that environment
- State: a configuration of the agent and its environment
- Initial state: the state in which the agent begins
- Actions: choices that can be made in a state (or a function taking a state as an argument and returning a set of actions which can be executed in that state)
- Transition model: a description of what state results from performing any applicable action in any state (
result(state, action) -> state
) - State space: the set of all states reachable from the initial state by any sequence of actions
- Goal test: way to determine whether a given state is a goal state
- Path cost: numerical cost associated with a given path
- Optimal solution: a solution that has the lowest path cost among all solutions
Data structures:
- Node: state + parent + action (from parent to node) + path cost (total to get to this node)
- Frontier: nodes of current interest, stack or queue
- "Expanding a node": looking a all the next nodes that follow a node
- Explored set: nodes already evaluated
Depth-first search (stack frontier), breadth-first search (queue frontier)
Uninformed search: search strategy that uses no problem-specific knowledge
Informed search: search strategy that uses problem-specific knowledge to find solutions more efficiently
Greedy best-first search: search algorithm that expands the node that is closest to the goal, as estimated by a heuristic function
Manhattan distance
A star search: expands node with lowest value of
g(n) + h(n)
(g ... cost to reach node, h ... estimated cost to goal)
A star is optimal if:
- h(n) is admissible (never overestimates the true cost)
- h(n) is consistent (for every node
and successorn'
with step costc
:h(n) <= h(n') + c
- Adversarial search:
- Minimax algorithm: Max player aims to maximize score, min player tries to minimize score
- Alpha-beta pruning: Minimax optimization
- Depth-limited minimax: limited number of lookahead
- Evaluation function: function that estimates the expected utility of the game from a given state
- Sentence: an assertion about the world in a knowledge representation language
- Propositional logic, propositional symbols
- Model: assignment of a truth value to every propositional symbol (a "possible world")
- Knowledge base: a set of sentences known by a knowledge-based agent
- Entailment
- Inference: the process of deriving new sentences from old ones
- Inference algorithms: does a knowledge base entail a sentence?
- Enumerate all possible models and check for which the query is true
- Modus Ponens
- And Elimination
- Double Negation Elimination
- Implication Elimination
- Biconditional Elimination
- De Morgan's Law
- Distributive Property
- Inference by resolution
- Factoring
- Initial state: starting knowledge base
- Actions: inference rules
- Transition model: new knowledge base after inference
- Goal test: check statement we're trying to prove
- Path cost function: number of steps in proof
- Clause: a disjunction (or-chain) of literals
- Conjunctive normal form (CNF): logical sentence that is a conjunction (and-chain) of clauses
- Eliminate biconditionals
- Eliminate implications
- Move not inwards (De Morgan's Laws)
- Use distributive law
- To determine if KB entails statement: Check if (KB and not statement) is a contradiction (by trying to produce the empty clause ("false"))
- If so, then KB entails statement
- Otherwise, no entailment
- Constant symbol, predicate symbol (functions)
- Universal quantification ("all")
- Existential quantification ("exists")
- Possible worlds w
- Probability of possible world: 0 <= P(w) <= 1
- The sum of all probabilities of all possible worlds is 1
- Unconditional, conditional probability: P(a|b) = P(a and b) / P(b), P(a and b) = P(b)P(a|b), P(a and b) = P(a)P(b|a)
- Random variable, domain of values (e.g. dice roll: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
- Probability distribution
- Independence: P(a and b) = P(a)P(b)
Bayes' Rule: P(b|a) = (P(a|b)P(b)) / P(a)
Knowing P(visible effect | unknown cause) we can calculate P(unknown cause | visible effect) using Bayes' Rule!
Joint probability, joint probability distribution
Conditional distribution is proportional to the joint probability
Negation: P(not a) = 1 - P(a)
Inclusion-Exclusion: P(a or b) = P(a) + P(b) - P(a and b)
Marginalization: P(a) = P(a, b) + P(a, not b) (P(a, b) is alternative notation for P(a and b))
Conditioning: P(a) = P(a|b)P(b) + P(a|not b)P(not b)
Bayesian network: data structure that represents the dependencies among random variables. It is a directed graph, each node represents a random variable. Arrow from X to Y means X is a parent of Y. Each node X has a probability distribution P(X | Parents(X))
- Query X: variable for which to compute distribution
- Evidence variables E: observed variables for event e
- Hidden variables Y: non-evidence, non-query variable
- Goal: calculate P(X|e), calculate it with inference by enumeration
library to model Bayesian networks- Approximate inference, sampling, likelihood weighting
- Markov assumption: the current state depends on only a finite fixed number of previous states
- Markov chain: sequence of random variables where the distribution of each variable follows the Markov assumption
- Hidden Markov model or sensor model: Markov model for a system with hidden states that generate some observed event
- Sensor Markov assumption: the evidence variable depends only on the corresponding state
Possible tasks:
Task | Definition |
filtering | given observations from start until now, calculate distribution for current state |
prediction | given observations from start until now, calculate distribution for a future state |
smoothing | given observations from start until now, calculate distribution for past state |
most likely explanation | given observations from start until now, calculate most likely sequence of states |
... choosing the best option from a set of options.
- Local search: search algorithms that maintain a single node and search by moving to a neighboring node
- State-space landscape, global maximum (objective function), global minimum (cost function)
- Hill climbing, local maxima/minima, flat local maximum, shoulder
Hill climbing variants:
Variant | Definition |
steepest-ascent | choose the highest-valued neighbor |
stochastic | choose randomly from higher-valued neighbors |
first-choice | choose the first higher-valued neighbor |
random-restart | conduct hill climbing multiple times |
local beam search | chooses the k highest-valued neighbors |
- Early on, higher "temperature": more likely to accept neighbors that are worse than current state
- Later on, lower "temperature": less likely to accept neighbors that are worse than current state
NP complete problem
- Minimize a cost function (or maximize an objective function)
- With constraints
- With bounds for each variable
Algorithms: Simplex, Interior-Point (use scipy.linprog
- Constraint graph
- Constraint satisfaction problem: variables, domains, constraints (hard, soft)
- Unary constraint (between variable and domain), binary constraint (between variables)
- Node consistency: when all the values in a variable's domain satisfy the variable's unary constraints
- Arc consistency: when all the values in a variable's domain satisfy the variable's binary constraints
- To make X arc-consistent with respect to Y, remove elements from X's domain until every choice for X has a possible choice for Y
- AC-3 algorithm makes a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) arc-consistent
- CSPs as search problems, backtracking search
Maintaining arc-consistency: algorithm for enforcing arc-consistency every time we make a new assignment
When we make a new assignment to X, call AC-3, starting with a queue of all arcs (Y, X) where Y is a neighbor of X
Minimum remaining values (MRV) heuristic: select the variable that has the smallest domain
Degree heuristic: select the variable that has the highest degree
Least-constraining values heuristic: return variables in order by number of choices that are ruled out for neighboring variables. Then try least-constraining first
...given a data set of input-output pairs, learn a function to map inputs to outputs
- Classification: supervised learning task of learning a function mapping an input point to a discrete category
Hypothesis-function h
- Nearest-neighbor classification: algorithm that, given an input, chooses the class of the nearest data point to that input
- k-nearest-neighbor classification: ... chooses the most common class of the k nearest data points to that input
Machine learning: estimate the weight vector
Dot product of weight vector and input vector
Perceptron learning rule, alpha is the learning rate
Threshold function, hard threshold, soft threshold (logistic function)
- Maximum margin separator: boundary that maximizes the distance between any of the data points
- Finds boundaries which aren't linear through using higher dimensions
...supervised learning task of learning a function mapping an input point to a continuous value
Optimization problem of minimizing a loss function (function that expresses how poorly our hypothesis performs).
- 0-1 loss function
- L1 loss function
- L2 loss function (penalizes worse predictions, outliers)
Problem: overfitting: a model that fits too closely to a particular data set and therefore may fail to generalize to future data
Solution: regularization: penalizing hypotheses that are more complex to favor simpler, more general hypotheses
- holdout cross-validation: splitting data into a training set and a test set, such that learning happens on the training set and is evaluated on the test set
- k-fold cross-validation: splitting data into k sets, and experimenting k times, using each set as a test set once, and using remaining data as training set
...given a set of rewards or punishments, learn what actions to take in the future.
- Markov decision process: model for decision-making, representing states, actions and their rewards
- Q-learning: method for learning a function Q(s, a), estimate of the value of performing action a in state s
- Greedy decision-making: when in state s, choose action a with highest Q(s, a)
Problem: Explore vs. Exploit (knowledge AI already has)
Solution: epsilon-greedy algorithm
- function approximation: approximating Q(s, a), often by a function combining various features, rather than storing one value for every state-action pair
...given input data without any additional feedback, learn patterns
- Clustering: organizing a set of objects into groups in such a way that similar objects tend to be in the same group
- k-means clustering: algorithm for clustering data based on repeatedly assigning points to clusters and updating those clusters' centers
Popular activation functions:
Step function
Logistic sigmoid
Rectified linear unit (ReLU)
Gradient descent: algorithm for minimizing loss when training a neural network (gradient for all data points)
Stochastic gradient descent: gradient for 1 data point
Mini-batch gradient descent: gradient for a small batch of data points
Perceptron: only capable of learning linearly separable decision boundary
Multilayer neural network: artificial neural network with an input layer, an output layer and at least one hidden layer
Backpropagation: algorithm for training neural networks with hidden layers
Deep neural networks: neural network with multiple hidden layers
Strategies to combat overfitting of neural networks:
- dropout: temporarily removing units (nodes, selected at random) from a neural network to prevent over-reliance on certain units
Image convolution: applying a filter that adds each pixel value of an image to its neighbors, weighted according to a kernel matrix
Kernel matrix, e.g. for edge detection
Pooling: reducing the size of an input by sampling from regions in the input
Max-pooling: choose maximum value for each region
Convolutional neural network: neural network that uses convolution, usually for analyzing images
Feed-forward neural network: neural network that has connections only in one direction
Recurrent neural network: neural network that generates output that feeds back into its own inputs
One-to-many relationship
Syntax, Semantics, ambiguity in both
Formal grammar
Context-free grammar, terminal symbols, non-terminal symbols, syntax tree
n-gram: a contiguous sequence of n items from a sample of text
word n-gram
unigram (1 item), bigram (2 items), trigram (3 items)
tokenization, word tokenization, sentence tokenization
Text categorization, sentiment analysis
bag-of-words model: model that represents text as an unordered collection of words
Naive bayes, bayes' rule
additive smoothing: adding a value alpha to each value in our distribution to smooth the data (avoids words with 0 probability)
Laplace smoothing: adding 1 to each value in our distribution: pretending we've seen each value one more time than we actually have
Information retrieval: the task of finding relevant documents in response to a user query
Topic modeling: models for discovering the topics for a set of documents
Term frequency: number of times a term appears in a document
function words: words that have little meaning on their own, but are used to grammatically connect other words
content words: words that carry meaning independently
inverse document frequency: measure of how common or rare a word is across documents
tf-idf: ranking of what words are important in a document by multiplying term frequency (TF) by inverse document frequency (IDF)
- Information extraction: the task of extracting knowledge from documents
- WordNet, built-in in nltk
- one-hot representation: representation of meaning as a vector with a single 1, and with other values as 0
- distribution representation: representation of meaning distributed across multiple values
"You shall know a word by the company it keeps." - J. R. Firth, 1957
- word2vec: model for generating word vectors
- skip-gram architecture: neural network architecture for predicting context words given a target word