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CS50's Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python

0. Search

Example problems

  • 15 number puzzle (sort in order)
  • Maze
  • Driving directions

Terminology: Search Problems

  • Agent: entity that perceives its environment and acts upon that environment
  • State: a configuration of the agent and its environment
  • Initial state: the state in which the agent begins
  • Actions: choices that can be made in a state (or a function taking a state as an argument and returning a set of actions which can be executed in that state)
  • Transition model: a description of what state results from performing any applicable action in any state (result(state, action) -> state)
  • State space: the set of all states reachable from the initial state by any sequence of actions
  • Goal test: way to determine whether a given state is a goal state
  • Path cost: numerical cost associated with a given path
  • Optimal solution: a solution that has the lowest path cost among all solutions

Data structures:

  • Node: state + parent + action (from parent to node) + path cost (total to get to this node)
  • Frontier: nodes of current interest, stack or queue
  • "Expanding a node": looking a all the next nodes that follow a node
  • Explored set: nodes already evaluated

Depth-first search (stack frontier), breadth-first search (queue frontier)

Types of search algorithms

  • Uninformed search: search strategy that uses no problem-specific knowledge

  • Informed search: search strategy that uses problem-specific knowledge to find solutions more efficiently

  • Greedy best-first search: search algorithm that expands the node that is closest to the goal, as estimated by a heuristic function h(n)

  • Manhattan distance

  • A star search: expands node with lowest value of g(n) + h(n) (g ... cost to reach node, h ... estimated cost to goal)

A star is optimal if:

  • h(n) is admissible (never overestimates the true cost)
  • h(n) is consistent (for every node n and successor n' with step cost c: h(n) <= h(n') + c)
  • Adversarial search:
  • Minimax algorithm: Max player aims to maximize score, min player tries to minimize score
  • Alpha-beta pruning: Minimax optimization
  • Depth-limited minimax: limited number of lookahead
  • Evaluation function: function that estimates the expected utility of the game from a given state

1. Knowledge

  • Sentence: an assertion about the world in a knowledge representation language
  • Propositional logic, propositional symbols
  • Model: assignment of a truth value to every propositional symbol (a "possible world")
  • Knowledge base: a set of sentences known by a knowledge-based agent
  • Entailment
  • Inference: the process of deriving new sentences from old ones
  • Inference algorithms: does a knowledge base entail a sentence?

Model Checking

  • Enumerate all possible models and check for which the query is true

Inference rules

  • Modus Ponens
  • And Elimination
  • Double Negation Elimination
  • Implication Elimination
  • Biconditional Elimination
  • De Morgan's Law
  • Distributive Property
  • Inference by resolution
  • Factoring

Theorem Proving as a search problem

  • Initial state: starting knowledge base
  • Actions: inference rules
  • Transition model: new knowledge base after inference
  • Goal test: check statement we're trying to prove
  • Path cost function: number of steps in proof

Normal forms

  • Clause: a disjunction (or-chain) of literals
  • Conjunctive normal form (CNF): logical sentence that is a conjunction (and-chain) of clauses
    • Eliminate biconditionals
    • Eliminate implications
    • Move not inwards (De Morgan's Laws)
    • Use distributive law

Inference by Resolution

  • To determine if KB entails statement: Check if (KB and not statement) is a contradiction (by trying to produce the empty clause ("false"))
    • If so, then KB entails statement
    • Otherwise, no entailment

First-Order Logic

  • Constant symbol, predicate symbol (functions)
  • Universal quantification ("all")
  • Existential quantification ("exists")

2. Uncertainty


  • Possible worlds w
  • Probability of possible world: 0 <= P(w) <= 1
  • The sum of all probabilities of all possible worlds is 1
  • Unconditional, conditional probability: P(a|b) = P(a and b) / P(b), P(a and b) = P(b)P(a|b), P(a and b) = P(a)P(b|a)
  • Random variable, domain of values (e.g. dice roll: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
  • Probability distribution
  • Independence: P(a and b) = P(a)P(b)

Bayes' Rule: P(b|a) = (P(a|b)P(b)) / P(a)

Knowing P(visible effect | unknown cause) we can calculate P(unknown cause | visible effect) using Bayes' Rule!

  • Joint probability, joint probability distribution

  • Conditional distribution is proportional to the joint probability

  • Negation: P(not a) = 1 - P(a)

  • Inclusion-Exclusion: P(a or b) = P(a) + P(b) - P(a and b)

  • Marginalization: P(a) = P(a, b) + P(a, not b) (P(a, b) is alternative notation for P(a and b))

  • Conditioning: P(a) = P(a|b)P(b) + P(a|not b)P(not b)

  • Bayesian network: data structure that represents the dependencies among random variables. It is a directed graph, each node represents a random variable. Arrow from X to Y means X is a parent of Y. Each node X has a probability distribution P(X | Parents(X))


  • Query X: variable for which to compute distribution
  • Evidence variables E: observed variables for event e
  • Hidden variables Y: non-evidence, non-query variable
  • Goal: calculate P(X|e), calculate it with inference by enumeration
  • pomegranate library to model Bayesian networks
  • Approximate inference, sampling, likelihood weighting

Uncertainty over Time

  • Markov assumption: the current state depends on only a finite fixed number of previous states
  • Markov chain: sequence of random variables where the distribution of each variable follows the Markov assumption
  • Hidden Markov model or sensor model: Markov model for a system with hidden states that generate some observed event
  • Sensor Markov assumption: the evidence variable depends only on the corresponding state

Possible tasks:

Task Definition
filtering given observations from start until now, calculate distribution for current state
prediction given observations from start until now, calculate distribution for a future state
smoothing given observations from start until now, calculate distribution for past state
most likely explanation given observations from start until now, calculate most likely sequence of states

3. Optimization

... choosing the best option from a set of options.

  • Local search: search algorithms that maintain a single node and search by moving to a neighboring node
  • State-space landscape, global maximum (objective function), global minimum (cost function)
  • Hill climbing, local maxima/minima, flat local maximum, shoulder

Hill climbing variants:

Variant Definition
steepest-ascent choose the highest-valued neighbor
stochastic choose randomly from higher-valued neighbors
first-choice choose the first higher-valued neighbor
random-restart conduct hill climbing multiple times
local beam search chooses the k highest-valued neighbors

Simulated Annealing

  • Early on, higher "temperature": more likely to accept neighbors that are worse than current state
  • Later on, lower "temperature": less likely to accept neighbors that are worse than current state

Traveling Salesman Problem

NP complete problem

Linear Programming

  • Minimize a cost function (or maximize an objective function)
  • With constraints
  • With bounds for each variable

Algorithms: Simplex, Interior-Point (use scipy.linprog)

Constraint Satisfaction

  • Constraint graph
  • Constraint satisfaction problem: variables, domains, constraints (hard, soft)
  • Unary constraint (between variable and domain), binary constraint (between variables)
  • Node consistency: when all the values in a variable's domain satisfy the variable's unary constraints
  • Arc consistency: when all the values in a variable's domain satisfy the variable's binary constraints
  • To make X arc-consistent with respect to Y, remove elements from X's domain until every choice for X has a possible choice for Y
  • AC-3 algorithm makes a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) arc-consistent
  • CSPs as search problems, backtracking search


  • Maintaining arc-consistency: algorithm for enforcing arc-consistency every time we make a new assignment

  • When we make a new assignment to X, call AC-3, starting with a queue of all arcs (Y, X) where Y is a neighbor of X

  • Minimum remaining values (MRV) heuristic: select the variable that has the smallest domain

  • Degree heuristic: select the variable that has the highest degree

  • Least-constraining values heuristic: return variables in order by number of choices that are ruled out for neighboring variables. Then try least-constraining first

4. Learning

Supervised learning

...given a data set of input-output pairs, learn a function to map inputs to outputs

  • Classification: supervised learning task of learning a function mapping an input point to a discrete category

Hypothesis-function h

  • Nearest-neighbor classification: algorithm that, given an input, chooses the class of the nearest data point to that input
  • k-nearest-neighbor classification: ... chooses the most common class of the k nearest data points to that input

Linear regression

  • Machine learning: estimate the weight vector

  • Dot product of weight vector and input vector

  • Perceptron learning rule, alpha is the learning rate

  • Threshold function, hard threshold, soft threshold (logistic function)

Support Vector Machines

  • Maximum margin separator: boundary that maximizes the distance between any of the data points
  • Finds boundaries which aren't linear through using higher dimensions


...supervised learning task of learning a function mapping an input point to a continuous value

Evaluating Hypotheses

Optimization problem of minimizing a loss function (function that expresses how poorly our hypothesis performs).

  • 0-1 loss function
  • L1 loss function
  • L2 loss function (penalizes worse predictions, outliers)

Problem: overfitting: a model that fits too closely to a particular data set and therefore may fail to generalize to future data

Solution: regularization: penalizing hypotheses that are more complex to favor simpler, more general hypotheses

  • holdout cross-validation: splitting data into a training set and a test set, such that learning happens on the training set and is evaluated on the test set
  • k-fold cross-validation: splitting data into k sets, and experimenting k times, using each set as a test set once, and using remaining data as training set

Reinforcement learning

...given a set of rewards or punishments, learn what actions to take in the future.

  • Markov decision process: model for decision-making, representing states, actions and their rewards
  • Q-learning: method for learning a function Q(s, a), estimate of the value of performing action a in state s
  • Greedy decision-making: when in state s, choose action a with highest Q(s, a)

Problem: Explore vs. Exploit (knowledge AI already has)

Solution: epsilon-greedy algorithm

  • function approximation: approximating Q(s, a), often by a function combining various features, rather than storing one value for every state-action pair

Unsupervised learning

...given input data without any additional feedback, learn patterns

  • Clustering: organizing a set of objects into groups in such a way that similar objects tend to be in the same group
  • k-means clustering: algorithm for clustering data based on repeatedly assigning points to clusters and updating those clusters' centers

5. Neural Networks

Popular activation functions:

  • Step function

  • Logistic sigmoid

  • Rectified linear unit (ReLU)

  • Gradient descent: algorithm for minimizing loss when training a neural network (gradient for all data points)

  • Stochastic gradient descent: gradient for 1 data point

  • Mini-batch gradient descent: gradient for a small batch of data points

  • Perceptron: only capable of learning linearly separable decision boundary

  • Multilayer neural network: artificial neural network with an input layer, an output layer and at least one hidden layer

  • Backpropagation: algorithm for training neural networks with hidden layers

  • Deep neural networks: neural network with multiple hidden layers

Strategies to combat overfitting of neural networks:

  • dropout: temporarily removing units (nodes, selected at random) from a neural network to prevent over-reliance on certain units

Computer vision

  • Image convolution: applying a filter that adds each pixel value of an image to its neighbors, weighted according to a kernel matrix

  • Kernel matrix, e.g. for edge detection

  • Pooling: reducing the size of an input by sampling from regions in the input

  • Max-pooling: choose maximum value for each region

  • Convolutional neural network: neural network that uses convolution, usually for analyzing images

  • Feed-forward neural network: neural network that has connections only in one direction

  • Recurrent neural network: neural network that generates output that feeds back into its own inputs

  • One-to-many relationship

6. Language

  • Syntax, Semantics, ambiguity in both

  • Formal grammar

  • Context-free grammar, terminal symbols, non-terminal symbols, syntax tree

  • n-gram: a contiguous sequence of n items from a sample of text

  • word n-gram

  • unigram (1 item), bigram (2 items), trigram (3 items)

  • tokenization, word tokenization, sentence tokenization

  • Markov-chain

  • Text categorization, sentiment analysis

  • bag-of-words model: model that represents text as an unordered collection of words

  • Naive bayes, bayes' rule

  • additive smoothing: adding a value alpha to each value in our distribution to smooth the data (avoids words with 0 probability)

  • Laplace smoothing: adding 1 to each value in our distribution: pretending we've seen each value one more time than we actually have

  • Information retrieval: the task of finding relevant documents in response to a user query

  • Topic modeling: models for discovering the topics for a set of documents

  • Term frequency: number of times a term appears in a document

  • function words: words that have little meaning on their own, but are used to grammatically connect other words

  • content words: words that carry meaning independently

  • inverse document frequency: measure of how common or rare a word is across documents

  • tf-idf: ranking of what words are important in a document by multiplying term frequency (TF) by inverse document frequency (IDF)


  • Information extraction: the task of extracting knowledge from documents
  • WordNet, built-in in nltk
  • one-hot representation: representation of meaning as a vector with a single 1, and with other values as 0
  • distribution representation: representation of meaning distributed across multiple values

"You shall know a word by the company it keeps." - J. R. Firth, 1957

  • word2vec: model for generating word vectors
  • skip-gram architecture: neural network architecture for predicting context words given a target word