A Ruby Cloud Function that compresses png images.
and provider
are recieved from the payload, where image
is a base64 encoded string and provider
is either tinypng
or krakenio
Example input:
"provider": "tinypng",
is also a supported provider
Example output:
"success": true,
only selected provider's api keys are neccessary, ie. kraken's api keys are not neccessary when choosing tinypng as the provider.
- TINYPNG_API - API key for tinypng service
- KRAKENIO_KEY - API key for kraken-io service
- KRAKENIO_SECRET - API Secret for kraken-io service
- Clone this repository, and enter this function folder:
$ git clone https://github.com/open-runtimes/examples.git && cd examples
$ cd ruby/compress-image
- Enter this function folder and build the code:
docker run --rm --interactive --tty --volume $PWD:/usr/code openruntimes/ruby:v2-3.1 sh /usr/local/src/build.sh
As a result, a code.tar.gz
file will be generated.
3. Start the Open Runtime:
docker run -p 3000:3000 -e INTERNAL_RUNTIME_KEY=secret-key -e INTERNAL_RUNTIME_ENTRYPOINT=index.rb --rm --interactive --tty --volume $PWD/code.tar.gz:/tmp/code.tar.gz:ro openruntimes/ruby:v2-3.1 sh /usr/local/src/start.sh
- Execute function:
curl http://localhost:3000/ -d '{"variables":{"TINYPNG_API":"[YOUR_API_KEY]"},"payload":"{\"provider\":\"tinypng\",\"image\":\"iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAACAAAAAgCAYAAABzenr0AAAACXBIWXMAAAsTAAALEwEAmpwYAAAAf0lEQVR4nO2Wuw2AMAxEbw1gpMwDDMBcGQpooDKydGVAoXCK6J7k6qyc83MCCFGP/Yz+CkDF4KHmjgowbQF0CKFrCDUiwztqxabHCL0/xwcNhoI2UdsjC8g0mQvaSs1zwkg0uQAsAEaGm9/UPCeU7eMj6loTEpf6ZOQWMxd98gAhZnS6XEZcNQAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==\"}"}' -H "X-Internal-Challenge: secret-key" -H "Content-Type: application/json"
Your function is now listening on port 3000
, and you can execute it by sending POST
request with appropriate authorization headers. To learn more about runtime, you can visit Python runtime README.
- This function is designed for use with Appwrite Cloud Functions. You can learn more about it in Appwrite docs.
- This example is compatible with Ruby 3.1. Other versions may work but are not guaranteed to work as they haven't been tested.