Releases: openeuropa/oe_authentication
Releases · openeuropa/oe_authentication
Merged pull requests:
- OPENEUROPA-1837: Replace CAS references with EU Login. #71 (imanoleguskiza)
- OPENEUROPA-1750: Allow user 1 to delete users. #68 (imanoleguskiza)
- OPENEUROPA-1713: Adjust/correct behat tests of component. #67 (sergepavle)
- OPENEUROPA-1766: Fix Drupal 8.7. #66 (voidtek)
Closed issues:
- Fix redirect for login_failure_page for drupal/cas:2.5 #63
- Fix Drupal core lazy sessions issue #60
- Update information from EULogin #49
Merged pull requests:
- OPENEUROPA-627 #62 (dxvargas)
- OPENEUROPA-1657: Fix cas module version. #59 (imanoleguskiza)
- OPENEUROPA-1649: Add redirection on login error. #58 (imanoleguskiza)
- OPENEUROPA-1649: eulogin default behavior on first login #56 (imanoleguskiza)
- OPENEUROPA-1685: Add post login event. #54 (imanoleguskiza)
Merged pull requests:
- OPENEUROPA-1609: Add ajax_timeout setting for behat. #48 (nagyad)
- OPENEUROPA-1586: Add extra EULogin fields. #47 (imanoleguskiza)
- OPENEUROPA-1609 Fix behat.yml.dist to use drupal-extension properly. #46 (nagyad)
- OPENEUROPA-1520: Use drupal core. #45 (imanoleguskiza)
- OPENEUROPA-1533: Add --strict flag for Behat tests execution. #44 (sergepavle)
- OPENEUROPA-1522: Make sure we don't use Drupal paths in Behat scenarios. #43 (sergepavle)
- OPENEUROPA-1501: Implement configuration UI for Authentication. #42 (nagyad)
- OPENEUROPA-1485: Prevent blocked users from logging in through cas #40 (imanoleguskiza)
- OPENEUROPA-1486: Remove access to user delete. #39 (imanoleguskiza)
Closed issues:
- Avoid touching default.settings.php #31
Merged pull requests:
- OPENEUROPA-1322: Use the proper Docker way of overriding docker-composer.yml file. #36 (drupol)
- OPENEUROPA-1299: Override proxyCallback for ECAS. #35 (voidtek)
- OPENEUROPA-1300: Ensure config changes in hook_install don't happen if the config is being synced and show disclaimer #33 (nagyad)
- OPENEUROPA-627: Avoid touching default.settings.php #31. #32 (dxvargas)
- OPENEUROPA-1249: Allow access for Drupal users on oe_authentication #30 (imanoleguskiza)
- OPENEUROPA-1260: Fix authentication logout redirect for the demo server. #29 (drupol)
- OPENEUROPA-1197: Add missing configuration for emails. #28 (imanoleguskiza)
- OPENEUROPA-1206: Removed custom service in favor of new event. #25 (imanoleguskiza)
Merged pull requests:
- Update for 1.0.0-alpha1 #24 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-1227: EULogin validation service path is wrong #23 (upchuk)
- OPENEUROPA-1209: Change settings for CAS and module #22 (dxvargas)
- OPENEUROPA-168: Custom Register link #21 (dxvargas)
- OPENEUROPA-1192: Replace PCas with Cas module. #19 (dxvargas)
Merged pull requests:
- OPENEUROPA-1177: Consolidate oe_authentication #18 (imanoleguskiza)
- OPENEUROPA-164: Authentication: fix login error on ECAS redirect #17 (upchuk)
- OPENEUROPA-166: Added Login/Logout Block. #16 (hernani)
- OPENEUROPA-1146: Move pcas settings into drupal configuration #15 (imanoleguskiza)
- OPENEUROPA-1119: Create a docker-compose.yml.dist file #13 (netlooker).
Merged pull requests:
- OPENEUROPA-758: Use single entry point object instead of requiring service file #11 (imanoleguskiza)
- OPENEUROPA-632: Add minimum stability to drupal core. #10 (imanoleguskiza)
- OPENEUROPA-582: Update images on docker-compose and drone file. #9 (voidtek)