has_children | parent | title |
true |
Programs |
Mainframe Access |
Open Mainframe Project hosts a mainframe environment for open-source projects that wish to support the mainframe architecture. The current hardware is an IBM z15, and projects can get a guest instance for either running Linux or z/OS.
NOTE: The current status of the Mainframe being activated is being tracked here
Please create a request to request mainframe resources. Applications are reviewed regularly and subject to TAC approval.
Please create a support request for any issues with your mainframe resources. Note that the Open Mainframe Project does not support specific issues inside a provided instance; in those cases, the instance can be reset to the default image.
The base offering is as follows:
- Guest under z/VM or KVM LPAR ( z/OS, z/VM, Linux )
- Linux distros: SUSE/openSUSE, Red Hat/Alma Linux, Ubuntu - latest versions
- 2 Virtual CPUs
- Enable SMT for Linux
- SSH/SCP/SFTP access
- TN3270 access
- Disk Space: 128GB
If there are other requirements, those cases be specified in the application.