Releases: openrewrite/rewrite-spring
Releases · openrewrite/rewrite-spring
- Updated with rewrite 7.13.0
Spring Boot 2.1
- Added recipe to migrate disk space health indicator (db7bf72)
- Added migration for QuerydslJpaRepository (#104)
- Added recipe to migrate deprecated methods in MultipartConfigFactory (493b139)
- Added migration for RestTemplateBuilder basicAuthorization (3d0d7e3)
- Added recipe for RestTemplateBuilder#setConnectTimeout(int) and RestTemplateBuilder#setReadTimeout(int). (8d284a7)
Spring Boot 2.2
- Migrate Spring Boot Maven plugin configuration key agent to agents (#108)
- Migrate ConfigurationPropertiesBindingPostProcessor VALIDATOR_BEAN_NAME to EnableConfigurationProperties (#108)
Spring Boot 2.3
- Add ErrorAttributes getErrorAttributes migration (#105)
Spring Boot 2.4
- Add change type for deprecated EmbeddedDatabaseConnection.HSQL -> HSQLDB (6ac5588)
Spring Boot 2.5
- Add properties migration, Spring Boot 2.5 (#102)
- Add property key changes for spring.datasource configs (#100)
Spring Framework 5.1
- Environments
migration (#107)
Spring Framework 5.3
- Add JdbcTemplateObjectArrayArgToVarArgs recipe (#106)
- Add change type for deprecated UTF8 MediaTypes (d905afb)
- Add MigrateInstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessorAdapter -> SmartInstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor recipe (7ea90c9)
Spring Data 2.3
- Add recipe to migrate deprecated JpaSort constructors, Spring Data 2.3 (6bf604f)
Spring Data 2.5
- Added UpgradeSpringData, Spring Data 2.5 (#99)
- Added UseJpaRepositoryGetById, Spring Data 2.5 (#99)
- Added UseJpaRepositoryDeleteAllInBatch, Spring Data 2.5 (#99)
- Fix template in MigrateMultipartConfigFactory to match methodInvocations with the target return type (dde1d0f)
- New recipe: Expand YAML properties to not use the dot syntax shortcut. 95761b8
- New recipe: Merge Spring
95761b8 - New recipe: Upgrade to Spring Framework to 5.3 from any prior version. cf1ad26
- New recipe: Use
was deprecated in 5.3. cf1ad26 - Separate recipes for each Spring Boot 2.x minor version update, chained together so you can go from any 2.x to 2.y.
- Remove JUnit 4 exclusions once reaching Spring Boot 2.4
- Updated with rewrite 7.11.0
- Updated with rewrite-testing-frameworks 1.10.0
- New recipe: Upgrade to SpringBoot 2.2 from any previous 2.x version cc7bb03
- New recipe: Migrate to
from AbstractHealthIndicator deprecated in SpringBoot 2.2. 47f82b2. - New recipe: Migrate to
from package name deprecated in SpringBoot 2.2. 47f82b2 - New recipe: Upgrade to SpringBoot 2.3 from any previous 2.x version ea5bcf9
- New recipe: Upgrade to SpringBoot 2.4 from any previous 2.x version 66dc70e
- New recipe: Upgrade to SpringBoot 2.5 from any previous 2.x version fe71595
- Generated migration recipes for deprecated configuration properties in Spring 2.4 and 2.5. 2ebf0a3
- Recipes UpgradeSpringBoot 2.4 and UpgradeSpringBoot 2.5 will migrate deprecated properties. e4df380
- Each minor release of UpgradeSpringBoot calls the previous minor release recipe. a9e4d22
- New recipe: Migrate to
from constants deprecated in SpringBoot 2.4. cee6427 - Added UpgradeSpringBoot 2.0 from 1.x. Upgrade from 1.x to 2.x calls UpgradeSpringBoot 2.0 and UpgradeSpringBoot 2.5. a45c67a
- New recipe: Migrate to
from constant deprecated in 2.4. 79bb4ff - Separated specialized test configurations that require different minor releases of SpringBoot. 764ceb8
- Made it clear that specialized test configurations are testing WITH a particular version. 0d57cd3
- Updated with rewrite 7.10.0
- Updated with rewrite-testing-frameworks 1.9.0
- Updated with rewrite 7.8.1
- Updated with rewrite-testing-frameworks 1.7.1
- Updated with rewrite 7.8.0
- ImplicitWebAnnotationNames will only remove parameter annotations if the name matches the parameter name. #77
- Formatting issue when removing parameters cbd2b6e
- UnnecessarySpringExtension will now remove the
if a Spring Boot test slice annotation is present. #72 - NoAutowiredAnnotation was too aggressive removing
#78 - Fix import handling in NoRequestMapping 81af8e3
- Remove unused RequestMethod imports after replacing @RequestMapping 5a41b7f
- NoRequestMappingAnnotation does not add @GetMapping, etc. imports in every case #79
- Adding UnnecessarySpringExtension to the Spring Boot 1 to 2 composite recipe and Spring Boot best practices. 2b93850