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dren-dk edited this page Sep 21, 2011 · 23 revisions

This is a quick description of the PhotonSaw project and an index to the rest of the wiki.

Rough timeline:

  1. Buy 80 Watt CO2 LASER and PSU and play around with it (ETA: 2/10).
  2. Buy proper optics
  3. Build machine.
  4. Build electronics.

Electronics and software stack: 0. CLient: Inkscape or any other drawing program that talks to CUPS or postscript. 0. Server: CUPS (generic printer interface for unixen) uses Ghostscript (turns vectors and rasters in postscript into gcode) which can then be stored, ready for lasering. 0. gcode interpreter: Runs the gcode in real time, possibly grbl. 0. motor drivers: Allegro A4988 based drivers, probably fed at 24V

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