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398 lines (336 loc) · 13.3 KB


This package combines cosmwasm-vm-js with additional abstractions and state management to more accurately simulate the effects of CosmWasm contracts on the blockchain environments on which they are hosted.


Getting Started

Import the cw-simulate library from NPM in your package.json.

$ npm install "@oraichain/cw-simulate" --save-dev

If you're using Yarn:

$ yarn add "@oraichain/cw-simulate" -D


  1. Create a SimulateCosmWasmClient object - this is a simulation environment describing a single chain that extends SigningCosmWasmClient.
  2. As needed, per chain:
    • Upload the WASM bytecode using client.update. This will register a new codeId to reference the uploaded contract code.
    • Create a new contract instance using client.instantiate, passing in the codeId generated in the previous step.
    • From the response, retrieve the contractAddress to refer to the contract instance.
  • You can now run execute and query messages against the instance, and they should work as expected.
  1. As needed:
    • Mint, burn, set native balances for addresses.
    • Create IBC channels and invoke IBC receive messages.
    • Fork contract states at a given height, called A, and apply cosmwasm txs from height A to height B for testing and debugging.


Below are cw-simulate examples that simulate CosmWasm, bank, and IBC modules. If you want us to support another type of module, please create an issue request!

CosmWasm Contract Interaction

import { sha256 } from '@cosmjs/crypto';
import { fromHex, toHex } from '@cosmjs/encoding';
import fs from 'fs';
import { SimulateCosmWasmClient } from '@oraichain/cw-simulate';
import { instantiate2Address } from '@cosmjs/cosmwasm-stargate';

// import the wasm bytecode
const bytecode = fs.readFileSync('./testing/hello_world-aarch64.wasm');
const sender = 'orai12zyu8w93h0q2lcnt50g3fn0w3yqnhy4fvawaqz';

describe('SimulateCosmWasmClient', () => {
  it('works', async () => {
      const client = new SimulateCosmWasmClient({
        chainId: 'Oraichain',
        bech32Prefix: 'orai',
        metering: true

      // deploy
      const { codeId } = await client.upload(sender, bytecode, 'auto');
      const { contractAddress } = await client.instantiate(sender, codeId, { count: 10 }, '', 'auto');

      // execute the contract
      const result = await client.execute(
          increment: {}


      // query
      expect(await client.queryContractSmart(contractAddress, { get_count: {} })).toEqual({ count: 11 });

IBC mocks with opening channels and receiving IBC messages

import { coin, coins } from '@cosmjs/amino';
import { fromBinary, toBinary } from '@cosmjs/cosmwasm-stargate';
import { fromBech32, toBech32 } from '@cosmjs/encoding';
import { CosmosMsg, IbcMsgTransfer } from '@oraichain/cosmwasm-vm-js';
import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import path from 'path';
import { CWSimulateApp } from '../CWSimulateApp';
import { AppResponse, IbcOrder } from '../types';
import { ibcDenom } from './ibc';

const terraChain = new CWSimulateApp({
  chainId: 'test-1',
  bech32Prefix: 'terra'
const oraiChain = new CWSimulateApp({
  chainId: 'Oraichain',
  bech32Prefix: 'orai'
const oraiSenderAddress = 'orai1g4h64yjt0fvzv5v2j8tyfnpe5kmnetejvfgs7g';
const bobAddress = 'orai1ur2vsjrjarygawpdwtqteaazfchvw4fg6uql76';
const terraSenderAddress = toBech32(terraChain.bech32Prefix, fromBech32(oraiSenderAddress).data);

describe.only('IBCModule', () => {
  let oraiPort: string;
  let terraPort: string = 'transfer';
  let contractAddress: string;
  beforeEach(async () => {
    const reflectCodeId = oraiChain.wasm.create(
      readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'testing', 'reflect.wasm'))
    const ibcReflectCodeId = oraiChain.wasm.create(
      readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'testing', 'ibc_reflect.wasm'))

    const oraiRet = await oraiChain.wasm.instantiateContract(
      { reflect_code_id: reflectCodeId },
    contractAddress = (oraiRet.val as AppResponse).events[0].attributes[0].value;
    oraiPort = 'wasm.' + contractAddress;

  it('handle-reflect', async () => {
    oraiChain.ibc.relay('channel-0', oraiPort, 'channel-0', terraPort, terraChain);
    const channelOpenRes = await terraChain.ibc.sendChannelOpen({
      open_init: {
        channel: {
          counterparty_endpoint: {
            port_id: oraiPort,
            channel_id: 'channel-0'
          endpoint: {
            port_id: terraPort,
            channel_id: 'channel-0'
          order: IbcOrder.Ordered,
          version: 'ibc-reflect-v1',
          connection_id: 'connection-0'
    expect(channelOpenRes).toEqual({ version: 'ibc-reflect-v1' });

    const channelConnectRes = await terraChain.ibc.sendChannelConnect({
      open_ack: {
        channel: {
          counterparty_endpoint: {
            port_id: oraiPort,
            channel_id: 'channel-0'
          endpoint: {
            port_id: terraPort,
            channel_id: 'channel-0'
          order: IbcOrder.Ordered,
          version: 'ibc-reflect-v1',
          connection_id: 'connection-0'
        counterparty_version: 'ibc-reflect-v1'

      { key: 'action', value: 'ibc_connect' },
      { key: 'channel_id', value: 'channel-0' }

    // get reflect address
    let packetReceiveRes = await terraChain.ibc.sendPacketReceive({
      packet: {
        data: toBinary({
          who_am_i: {}
        src: {
          port_id: terraPort,
          channel_id: 'channel-0'
        dest: {
          port_id: oraiPort,
          channel_id: 'channel-0'
        sequence: terraChain.ibc.sequence++,
        timeout: {
          block: {
            revision: 1,
            height: terraChain.height
      relayer: terraSenderAddress
    const res = fromBinary(packetReceiveRes.acknowledgement) as { ok: { account: string } };
    const reflectContractAddress = res.ok.account;
    // set some balance for reflect contract, coins('500000000000', 'orai'));

    // send message to bob on oraichain
    packetReceiveRes = await terraChain.ibc.sendPacketReceive({
      packet: {
        data: toBinary({
          dispatch: {
            msgs: [
                bank: {
                  send: {
                    to_address: bobAddress,
                    amount: coins(123456789, 'orai')
        src: {
          port_id: terraPort,
          channel_id: 'channel-0'
        dest: {
          port_id: oraiPort,
          channel_id: 'channel-0'
        sequence: terraChain.ibc.sequence++,
        timeout: {
          block: {
            revision: 1,
            height: terraChain.height
      relayer: terraSenderAddress

Manipulate native balances

import { BankMsg } from '@oraichain/cosmwasm-vm-js';
import { cmd, exec, TestContract } from '../../testing/wasm-util';
import { CWSimulateApp } from '../CWSimulateApp';
import { BankQuery } from './bank';

type WrappedBankMsg = {
  bank: BankMsg;

const coin = (denom: string, amount: string | number) => ({ denom, amount: `${amount}` });

describe.only('BankModule', () => {
  let chain: CWSimulateApp;

  beforeEach(function () {
    chain = new CWSimulateApp({
      chainId: 'test-1',
      bech32Prefix: 'terra'

  it('handle send', () => {
    // Arrange
    const bank =;
    // Set balance to arbitrary address
    bank.setBalance('alice', [coin('foo', 1000)]);

    // Can also send to other addresses
    bank.send('alice', 'bob', [coin('foo', 100)]).unwrap();

    // Assert
    expect(bank.getBalance('alice')).toEqual([coin('foo', 900)]);
    expect(bank.getBalance('bob')).toEqual([coin('foo', 100)]);
      alice: [coin('foo', 900)],
      bob: [coin('foo', 100)]

Load fork state from mainnet

import { DownloadState } from '@oraichain/cw-simulate';
const downloadState = new DownloadState('', path.resolve(__dirname, 'data'));
await downloadState.loadState(client, senderAddress, contractAddress, 'label');

Fork contract states and apply production cosmwasm txs for testing and debugging

Besides downloading production contract states, you can also download states from a custom chain height, called A, and apply cosmwasm txs from height A to B. Instead of spending hours forking the entire chain, it only takes a few seconds to replay your production transactions.

Below is an example from a demo file that demonstrates the power of cw-simulate:

import { resolve } from 'path';
import { SyncState } from './sync';
import dotenv from 'dotenv';
import { COSMOS_CHAIN_IDS, ORAI } from '@oraichain/common';

const SENDER = 'orai1hvr9d72r5um9lvt0rpkd4r75vrsqtw6yujhqs2';

(async () => {
  const startHeight = 36975366;
  const endHeight = 36975369;
  const syncState = new SyncState(
    { rpc: process.env.RPC ?? '', chainId: COSMOS_CHAIN_IDS.ORAICHAIN, bech32Prefix: ORAI },
    resolve(__dirname, '../', 'data')
  const relatedContracts = [

  const customWasmCodePaths = {
    orai12sxqkgsystjgd9faa48ghv3zmkfqc6qu05uy20mvv730vlzkpvls5zqxuz: resolve(

  const { results, simulateClient } = await syncState.sync(
  console.dir(results, { depth: null });
  1. Firstly, we initialize a SyncState instance, passing several basic arguments, from contract admins, chain infos, and the location to store contract states.
  2. The next and final step is to call the sync() method, which allows us to fork and apply txs from startheight to endHeight. relatedContracts are a set of related contracts that are used during the syncing process. customWasmCodePaths is a Map, where key is the contract address, and value is the path to that contract's wasm code. If left empty, the contracts will use their wasm codes at startHeight
  3. sync() returns a list of tx results, and the simulateClient, which holds all contract states at endHeight after applying the txs.

This is essentially a small-scaled fork, allowing developers to use their custom wasm codes to debug and gain more insights of what happened in the past.

There's only one catch: you need an archived node to retrieve history states and txs. This requirement is understandable because without a node keeping old blocks and states, there's no way to retrieve them.

Real test-suites for production-grade dApps

We have applied cw-simulate in almost every corner of Oraichain Labs' dApps, and they have worked wonders. See the following real test-suites:

Using with Vue.js and vite

Vite doesn't include shims for Node variables like Webpack 4 does, and cw-simulate currently relies on these. The following workaround exists:

  1. Add the buffer package (npm add buffer)
  2. Add the following to your index.html (inside the body tag, before your other js imports):
<script> = window;
<script type="module">
  import { Buffer } from 'buffer';
  window.Buffer = Buffer;

See this github issue for more details.