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Derek Verbeeck dverbeeck
Allegedly some kinda nerd

re-Solve Solution Architects New York

Sophie cinnamonwolfy
README, do the thing

@portalinux-project CDT/CST, United States

Ry ry755
21 year old interested in low-level software development
Seth Poulsen spsandwichman
self taught time waster
Aron Eggens mac-aron

Lancaster University Lancaster, United Kingdom

MrBreakNFix MrBreakNFix
I code and make minecraft mods


Calc-Owl Calc-Owl
I write fun and helpful programs in BASIC for the Ti-84 Plus CE.


Nathan Pyro569
Kentucky Student Technology Association Member


Derek Riter derekriter
I like breaking things
GreenYoshi (Wang Han) 2659170494
I come from Fujian Economic School and am currently a Grade 22 e-commerce major. Like programming, music and other activities.


yooit_32 yoo832
Veteran of Scratch & former developer of AspectOS.

Mascotte, FL

İsmayıl Zahidli izahidli221
İsmayıl Zahidli @izahidli221 @Boy @Student @Diu Dtepo Internaztinal University

@baid AZ

Léo LeoSM-07
Software Eng Co-op @ McGill

United States

i created chromebook-utilities and kohlslite. i've also found a few chromebook things

United Kingdom

Luke Simmons Skyluker4
I like computers.

The University of Arkansas Fayettville, AR

i have no mouth and i must beatbox
Evan Pacini evanpacini
19 years old and I've been programming forever since I was 7. I am not planning on stopping soon.

Dordrecht, The Netherlands

BobSaidHi BobSaidHi
Member of @CalPolyWindPower at Cal Poly SLO. Former project lead for Mech Warfare in CP Robotics Club. Retired programmer and lead for @frc6506.

Cal Poly SLO California, USA

Kristopher Klauer klauerk
Tech 2 working in IT at Nordstrom in Dubuque, IA.

Nordstrom Platteville, WI

Expertcoderz Expertcoderz
A power user, systems enthusiast and casual developer.


Lythox Lythox-Supreme
A developper from France who mostly code in C# Unity, Scratch and JavaScript. I also play the piano and percussion in my spare time.


Danny Chou danchouzhou
Media, Technology, Arts, Sciences

NTUT Electronic Engineering Taiwan

Keshav Govind dolphinboy12213
Your average Goober.

<- Amogus Earth

Arnav Bhanwala BrainwashAlpha
University of Cincinnati Computer Engineering Class of 2029

Cincinnati, OH