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Kevin KCBdesign
I have very little background in coding but a strong desire to learn. Looking to collaborate on temperature measurement and control using an Arduino.


Luiz Consolmagno - Bear thebearconsolmagno
Illustrator & Dev Full-Stack


Adrien Torris AdrienTorris
Technical Team Lead - Senior Software Engineer (.NET)


Randy Macdonald jrandym
Computer Science Teacher at Corvallis High School (CSD59J)

Corvallis, OR

Artur de Araujo arturdearaujo
Electronic engineer

@modlink-project Fortaleza, CE

Jerry Ma jerryma0912
多读书 多看报

Zhejiang University of Technology Hangzhou, Zhejiang

Gregg Pettine TysonsTech
I started building networks when we had to rub two sticks together to power a token.

Tysons Technologies Tysons.Tech