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Oleksandr Kozachok sasha55549
Student at I.T.I.S Magistri Cumacini, Como, Italy

I.T.I.S Magistri Cumacini Como, Italy

Andrea Valenzisi Zisi031
📖Studying at I.T.I.S. Magistri Cumacini, while learning how to code

@MagiNetwork Italy, Como

Elia Simonetto Evern0
Studying at I.T.I.S. Magistri Cumacini. Learning coding...💻🖱️


Tissu TissuB
Hi! I'm a young man who has recently embarked on the path of a developer!

@MagiNetwork @Ziro-Team Italy

JollY JollY-prog
Hi, I'm a young developer who likes to program


Alessio Randò DarkAle14
Student I.T.I.S. Magistri Cumacini (CO) Italy 📖 - Humble Programmer 💻 Working on @Abstract-Panthers...

Italy, Como

Lorenzo Rocca LoRy24
📖 Student at I.T.I.S. Magistri Cumacini (CO). Working on @Abstract-Panthers See you! 👋

Abstract Panthers Italy, Como