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Daniel García daniel-garciasanchez

Telefónica I+D Telefónica

The Yemeni King mohy7792

The Yemeni king personally Yemen kingdom 🌚

Javier Cortés Pérez Ailakks
games client + server modder, web frontend + backend & native android apps developer :octocat:

@beatcorp Spain

Vitor Pizzuto VitorPizzuto
Cybersecurity specialist focused on threat intelligence, security architecture and security frameworks.

@Telefonica São Paulo - Brazil

Marc Hernández marchernandezmo
System.out.println("Programming with Java and PHP :)") Proyecto: @recursosparaelaula

@marchernandezdeveloper @recursosparaelaula @RealAcademiaDeCulturaValenciana @RACVjove Valencia, Spain

Gabriel Vieira gabrielvieira1
I ❤ open source and cybersecurity 🔐


Fernando Méndez Torrubiano FerMdez-Telefonica
HTTP/1.1 303 See Other; Server: Fernando Méndez; Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache; Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8.


Jose Luis Gonzalez JoseTelefonica
Product Designer at Telefonica
Aitor Alcazar-Fernandez aitor-alcazar-tid
Transport Expert | R&D

Telefónica Innovación Digital Madrid

Fermin Lassa lassault
Security Engineer


Antonio Cordero acorderob-tef

Telefonica de España S.A.U.

Ángel García Beltrán angelurano
De Colombia 🇨🇴


Jesús Chozas jesuschozasrobledo

Telefonica de España Madrid

Guilherme Martinez guilherme-martinez

Vivo (Teléfonica) / @VivoDesignTeam São Paulo, SP, Brasil

Andrea Alonso Len1na
UX/UI CRO Designer based in A Coruña 🙋 💻 🌊

A Coruña

Mario Arias Espinosa Mariosito2000
Software developer / 42 Member Interested in games and education.


Bruno Félix de Sousa BrunoFelixDeSousa
Graduando em Sistemas de Informação | UFRA. Desenvolvedor Trainee.

Desenvolvedor Backend na Compass UOL Paragominas, PA, Brasil

TheAalChemist TheAalCh3m1st
A 10 year IT Pro with emphasis in Desk Administration and System Administration. I am a Cyber Security Enthusiast taking the leap into Pentesting.
Maria Ruiz Fernandez de Arcaya mruizfdarc

Telefónica Innovación Digital