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William cabiamdos
I am a marketing engineer and I work for as a _design cleaner_. I am hiring people. actually

[email protected] Bali

予纾 Yushu2606
Be curious: 好奇心を持つこと

@SourceZoneDev @DeluxeKuma @Hosihikari 青岛

Moonworm dogs1024


ChunFuWu wuchunfu
Open Source Enthusiast; Committer of @apache SeaTunnel; Contributor of @apache DolphinScheduler, and etc. BigData, CloudNative, DevOps


Wang Zishi wangzishi

Illusion Tech Beijing, China


Alipay Hangzhou, China

V VendettaReborn
Ideas are bulletproof
λ hsqStephenZhang
What i cannot create, i do not understand

Hua Zhong University of Science and Technology Wu Han

Mike drmiket
Long time (30 years) as an EUD deployment Engineer so the beard is more badger-like now.


Junhao Yu Samaritan02

Tsinghua University Beijing, China

Luan Analista de TI </> UX/UI Designer LuanAnalistadeTI
Analista de Segurança da Informação, Software Developer, Programador Software Engineer, Apple Support Professional, Ethical Hacker, CyberSecurity.

Salvador - BA

Zitao Xiong caoer
iOS, TS, RN, AI, LIVE, fancy, burning. Web3

@lighthousex United States

Bishojet Chandra Nath bishojet
I'm studying Computer Science.............

Bsc in CSE at DiU Dhaka, Bangladesh