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Luis Hernandez 0xluish
Blockchain, Web3, DeFi and FinTech enthusiast.

Mexico City

Zurisadai Agudelo G. zagu5
<Frontend Developer/>


Yazmani Reyes Hernandez YazmaniReyesH
CTO | CISO | Cloud Solutions Architect MultiCloud | Data Scientist | Ethical Hacker | Cybersecurity Specialist | Python | Java Jr | Auditor ISO 27001 | DevOps


Roberto Carrichi carrichi
I'm just a boy to love learn. (:

@Meethelight México

Emmanuel Arizabaleta Garces imEag
Full-Stack Developer currently working from home and Biomedical Engineering student at UdeA.

Medellín, Colombia

Guillermo Dulce guillermodulce

Pilar, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Planet Earth

Ignacio Alonso nachoal
Founder at stealth startup

Stealth 🗺️