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Daniel Xiang Shi danielxshi
SFU SIAT Alumni | Red Academy Alumni | Front End Developer

Vancouver, BC

Sergey Morozov Tr0sT
GameDev & Trading

Russia, Nizhniy Novgorod

sunguangdong SunGuangdong

Game Development Laboratory Bei jing

andy andydbc

Montreal, QC, Canada

Patric Camara Leal PatricLeal
I'm about to graduate in Information Systems - UFSM Frederico Westphalen

Palmeira Das Missões-RS/Brasil

Carlos Ochoa ochoac-dev
Technical Artist

Phygtl, Inc. LA

Rob Zimmelman robzim
Indy app developer, freelance solution architect, sys admin, video engineer.

RobZ Freelance Sys Admin / ZimApps New York