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Rachel Tan rachel-tanhao
Full-Stack Developer & Art Lover

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

joanne joannefan
Computer Science and Cognitive & Brain Sciences @ Tufts University.


Enrica Di Rado enricadirado
Digital Humanities student at University of Pisa - willing to explore the possibilites of outlook -

University of Pisa Pisa

Aspiring bioinformaticist, Dart/TS/Python dev, and professional nerd. || UBC CS

Vancouver, Canada

Tanya Sonker tanya-sonker
Santa Clara University Alum | SWE
Ilias Kyriazis ikyriazi

Austrian National Library Vienna

Muskula Rahul iamrahulreddy
A passionate computer enthusiast with a deep interest in open-source technologies, cloud computing, cybersecurity & ai. A self-proclaimed meme connoisseur😊😎


Idil Idillonge
Undergraduate History student looking to make the switch to game development and UI/UX design.


Faizon Zaman dishmint
Art / Lang / Code


QZ.Cai qingzicai
Digital Humanity Researcher | Computational Sociology Explorer | Web Developer | Technology for Positive Impact
ariel hahn aireuhl
information worker

LA Metro tovaangar

Marissa Salas Marissa4887
Digital humanities and media PhD student + Public affairs professional

U of Central Florida Orlando, FL

Evan J. Nee evanjnee
Technologist | Web Dev | Designer

@MAXX-Potential Norfolk, VA

Makers of Quad Operator for eurorack and other fine things to come.

Humble Audio San Francisco CA

Shannon shannonmatloob

@Neat-Strategies Los Angeles, CA

tomo nondescryptid
maker of casual inferences, never causal ones / fighting a losing battle with getting wifi on my samsung galaxy s2 with postmarketos


Justin Aptaker japtaker
I want to make the world a better place.

WeFuture.Us USA

Tommi xplosionmind
I pretend to understand code

A galaxy far, far away

Chef Robert Danhi RobertDanhi
Robert Danhi is a chef entrepreneur and F&B thought leader, writing and sharing passionate expertise for curating culture, developing flavors, and R&D.

Chef Danhi & Co. Los Angeles

Will Shin willshin-datascientist
Something about AI/ML, data cleaning, data viz, and all that zero-zero-zero-destruct-zero...

Houston, TX

Elizabeth Yalkut elizabethyalkut


Michael D mademone
Pattern-seeking, story-telling animal.
Wanru Zhao Ryan0v0
Do not go gentle into that good night🪐🧗 Cambridge Machine Learning Systems Lab & Vector Institute. Prev: AWS AI Lab.

University of Cambridge

Aoife aoifeml

Cambridge, MA

Code Revisited qdriven


Matt Triano MattTriano
Data Scientist focused on engineering impactful solutions to interesting problems.

Chicago, IL

Iturbides iturbides
Front-end web developer, journalist and writer. Lover of user-focused websites, simple and easy to browse. Creator of

Barcelona, Spain