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CHIRAG ichiragkumar

Full stack Developer banglore, India

Code it till you make it.
Kunal Shah kunalshah017
Achieving Everything 🚀


Evelynn Jones evelynnmimijae
Early Adopter and App Beta Tester. Cybersecurity student interested in securing web2 and web3.

Evelynn Jones Consulting San Diego, CA

Tantō Defi tantodefi
Fri3nd to the P3ople


Manu ManuGowda
Blockchain Backend Developer @LiskHQ

@LiskHQ Berlin

Bhumik Prajapati BhumikP
Passionate Software Engineer
Sandeep Prajapati web3sandyyy
Blockchain and Crypto enthusiast

Mumbai, Maharashtra

Shakti Dubey xhakti
I am a Web3 developer who specializes in building decentralized applications on the Ethereum blockchain.

@getwalletx India

Arjun Sasikumar ARJUN-R34
Your friendly neighborhood web3 guy. Serial chiller. Opensorcerer..

Meta Universe