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Amor amorist
从童年起 我便独自一人 照顾着 历代的星辰 Founder, CEO, CTO, Lead Software Engineer

ShangHai, China

Ker ker-zhao

Brian Yan Rocksnake
Approver of @cncf and contributor of @open-telemetry, @JetBrains, @FuchsiaOS. Focus on Multiplatform , Observability and Open-Source. WeChat: RokoBasilisk-ywy

@Alibaba Hangzhou China

Coder Polyglot CoderPolyglot
Coder of new Meta-Life and Global AI
Yuheng SergioChan
Full-stack Researcher and Hacker, Hackathoner. Hosted the top level hackathon team @hACKbUSTER .

@t54-labs San Mateo, CA

gogu gogu

Shenzhen China