- Check out source code:
git clone https://github.com/orientechnologies/orientdb.git orientdb
A Java JDK version 8 or later is needed.
Maven 3.5 or later is needed.
Only compile
mvn clean compile
Run base tests
mvn clean test
Full build
mvn clean install
Run integration tests (hours long tests)
mvn clean install failsafe:integration-test
Format the code with standard format used by OrientDB
mvn spotless:apply
To produce the community distribution just run
mvn clean install
this command will produce two files distribution/target/orientdb-community-(version).tar.gz
If you have problem you can just open a issue on Github Issue Tracker following the issue template.
You can send a pull request for fixes or for features to the Github Pull Requests to be accepted the PR should respect the PR template, and provide test cases for the issue fixed or new features, and should not include regressions on existing tests.