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Mocha test helper library for textlint rule.


npm install --save-dev textlint-tester mocha


  1. Write tests by using textlint-tester
  2. Run tests by Mocha
$(npm bin)/mocha test/


TextLintTester#run has two signatures.

  • If you want to test single rule, use first method (TextLintTester#run(ruleName, rule, {valid=[], invalid=[]}))
  • If you want to test multiple rules and/or plugins, use second method (TextLintTester#run(testName, testConfig, {valid=[], invalid=[]}))

TextLintTester#run(ruleName, rule, {valid=[], invalid=[]})

  • {string} ruleName ruleName is a name of the rule.
  • {TextlintRuleCreator} rule rule is textlint rule.

TextLintTester#run(testName, testConfig, {valid=[], invalid=[]})

  • {string} testName testName is a name of the test.
  • {TestConfig} testConfig testConfig is the configuration object for the test.
TestConfig object

TestConfig is defined as follows:

export declare type TestConfig = {
    plugins?: {
        pluginId: string; // name of plugin
        plugin: TextlintPluginCreator; // textlint plugin
        options?: any; // options for plugin
    rules: {
        ruleId: string; // name of rule
        rule: TextlintRuleCreator; // textlint rule
        options?: any; // options for rule

testConfig object example:

    plugins: [
            pluginId: "html",
            plugin: htmlPlugin // = require("textlint-plugin-html")
    rules: [
            ruleId: "no-todo",
            rule: noTodoRule // = require("textlint-rule-no-todo").default
            ruleId: "max-number-of-lines",
            rule: maxNumberOfLineRule, // = require("textlint-rule-max-number-of-lines")
            options: {
                max: 2
valid object
  • {string[]|object[]} valid valid is an array of text which should be passed.
    • You can use object if you want to specify some options. object can have the following properties:
      • {string} text: a text to be linted
      • {string} ext: an extension key. Default: .md (Markdown)
      • {string} inputPath: a test text filePath that prefer to text property
      • {object} options: options to be passed to the rule. Will throw assertion error if testConfig is specified

TypeScript declaration is for valid as follows:

export declare type TesterValid = string | {
    text?: string;
    ext?: string;
    inputPath?: string;
    options?: any;

valid object example:

    { text : "text" },
        text: "text",
        options: {
            "key": "value",
        text: "<p>this sentence is parsed as HTML document.</p>",
        ext: ".html",
invalid object
  • {object[]} invalid invalid is an array of object which should be failed.
    • object can have the following properties:
      • {string} text: a text to be linted.
      • {string} inputPath: a test text filePath that prefer to text property.
      • {string} output: a fixed text.
      • {string} ext: an extension key.
      • {object[]} errors: an array of error objects which should be raised against the text.
      • {object} options: options to be passed to the rule. Will throw assertion error if testConfig is specified

TypeScript declaration is as follows:

export declare type TesterInvalid = {
    text?: string;
    output?: string;
    ext?: string;
    inputPath?: string;
    options?: any;
    errors: {
        ruleId?: string;
        index?: number;
        line?: number;
        column?: number;
        message?: string;
        [index: string]: any;

invalid object example:

        text: "text",
        output: "text",
        ext: ".txt",
        errors: [
                messages: "expected message",
                line: 1,
                column: 1



const TextLintTester = require("textlint-tester");
const tester = new TextLintTester();
// rule
const rule = require("textlint-rule-no-todo").default;
// ruleName, rule, { valid, invalid }"no-todo", rule, {
    valid: [
        "This is ok",
            // text with options
            text: "This is test",
            options: {
                "key": "value"
    invalid: [
        // line, column
            text: "- [ ] string",
            errors: [
                    message: "Found TODO: '- [ ] string'",
                    line: 1,
                    column: 3
        // index
            text: "- [ ] string",
            errors: [
                    message: "Found TODO: '- [ ] string'",
                    index: 2
            text: "TODO: string",
            options: {"key": "value"},
            errors: [
                    message: "found TODO: 'TODO: string'",
                    line: 1,
                    column: 1
         text: "TODO: string",
         output: "string", // <= fixed output
         errors: [
                 message: "found TODO: 'TODO: string'",
                 line: 1,
                 column: 1

See textlint-tester-test.ts or textlint-tester-plugin.ts for concrete examples.


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  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D
