is quite flexible. In your IUserService implementation you can define how you want to retrieve your IAuthUser implementation: from a database, LDAP or any other authentication provider. You can define any properties you want to store permissions/roles and additional data for your authenticated user.
The current user will be retrieved and cached in a requestStorage. The userID will be stored in some sessionStorage. Both sessionStorage and requestStorage can be anything you want, as long as they implement the following methods. A common scenario for example is when you don't want to use ColdFusion or Lucee sessions for API applications, but instead use a distributed cache.
interface name="SessionStorageInterface" {
public any function getVar( required string name, any defaultValue );
public void function setVar( required string name, required any value );
public boolean function deleteVar( required string name );
public boolean function exists( required string name );
Additional information for your user can be stored after authentication in your session- or requeststorage by using the interception points announced by cbauth.