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119 lines (96 loc) · 4.8 KB

File metadata and controls

119 lines (96 loc) · 4.8 KB

Useful Queries:

Getting columns data types

  • See information about all columns for all tables in every schema:

    SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns 

    The definition for each column is found here:

    Note: the datatype is stored in two different columns:

      | udt_name    | data_type                |
      | ----------- | ------------------------ |
      | int4        | integer                  |
      | text        | text                     |
      | timestamptz | timestamp with time zone |
      | uuid        | uuid                     |
      | int4        | integer                  |
      | json        | json                     |
  • Or for a specific schema

    SELECT table_name, column_name, udt_name, is_nullable
    FROM information_schema.columns 
    WHERE table_schema = 'public'
  • Or for a specific table:

    SELECT table_name, column_name, udt_name, is_nullable
    FROM information_schema.columns 
    WHERE table_schema = 'public' AND table_name = 'profiles'

Getting Functions details

select n.nspname as schema_name,
       p.proname as specific_name,
       case p.prokind 
            when 'f' then 'FUNCTION'
            when 'p' then 'PROCEDURE'
            when 'a' then 'AGGREGATE'
            when 'w' then 'WINDOW'
            end as kind,
       l.lanname as language,
    -- uncomment to get definition 
    --    case when l.lanname = 'internal' then p.prosrc
    --         else pg_get_functiondef(p.oid)
    --         end as definition,
       pg_get_function_arguments(p.oid) as arguments,
       t.typname as return_type
from pg_proc p
left join pg_namespace n on p.pronamespace = n.oid
left join pg_language l on p.prolang = l.oid
left join pg_type t on t.oid = p.prorettype 
-- where n.nspname not in ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema')
where n.nspname = 'realtime' -- supabase's realtime schema
order by schema_name,


schema_name specific_name kind language arguments return_type
realtime apply_rls FUNCTION plpgsql wal jsonb, max_record_bytes integer DEFAULT (1024 * 1024) wal_rls
realtime build_prepared_statement_sql FUNCTION sql prepared_statement_name text, entity regclass, columns realtime.wal_column[] text
realtime cast FUNCTION plpgsql val text, type_ regtype jsonb
realtime check_equality_op FUNCTION plpgsql op realtime.equality_op, type_ regtype, val_1 text, val_2 text bool
realtime is_visible_through_filters FUNCTION sql columns realtime.wal_column[], filters realtime.user_defined_filter[] bool
realtime quote_wal2json FUNCTION sql entity regclass text
realtime subscription_check_filters FUNCTION plpgsql trigger
SELECT n.nspname as "Schema",
  p.proname as "Name",
  pg_catalog.pg_get_function_result(p.oid) as "Result data type",
  pg_catalog.pg_get_function_arguments(p.oid) as "Argument data types",
 CASE p.prokind
  WHEN 'a' THEN 'agg'
  WHEN 'w' THEN 'window'
  WHEN 'p' THEN 'proc'
  ELSE 'func'
 END as "Type"
FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc p
     LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = p.pronamespace
WHERE n.nspname OPERATOR(pg_catalog.~) '^(auth)$' COLLATE pg_catalog.default
ORDER BY 1, 2, 4;

The function above was generated by psql (add the -E flag or --echo-hidden which will show the executed query):

[~] psql postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:54322/postgres -E
# that will take u to the psql terminal:
postgres=# \df <schema_name>.*
# the query and result should be printed here 

output for auth table of supabase:

Schema Name Result data type Argument data types Type
auth email text func
auth role text func
auth uid uuid func