Releases: oscar-system/Singular.jl
Releases · oscar-system/Singular.jl
Singular v0.3.2
Closed issues:
- Banner shows Julia version not Singular version (#226)
- an error when I install Singular 0.3.1, how to fix it? (#231)
- Singular.jl fails to compile in a docker container running ubuntu:latest (#234)
- Error building Singular after update (#237)
- Error compiling Singular on MacOS 10.10.5. (#238)
- Singular no longer builds on Ubuntu with Julia-1.4.2 (#242)
- Singular no longer builds on Ubuntu with Julia-1.0.4 (#243)
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare nc (#232) (@hannes14)
- add some 4ti2 functionality (#235) (@tthsqe12)
- Hilbert (#240) (@fieker)
- Quot ring (#241) (@fieker)
- Require Julia >= 1.3 (#244) (@fingolfin)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "CxxWrap" to "0.11" (#247) (@github-actions[bot])
- Bugfix (#248) (@raulepure)
- Fix missing promote rule (#250) (@thofma)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "AbstractAlgebra" to "0.10" (#253) (@github-actions[bot])
- Use Singular_jll (#256) (@thofma)
Singular v0.3.0
Closed issues:
- tests fail with CxxWrap v0.8.2 (#102)
- Failing on julia master (#159)
- Singular.jl does not work with Julia 1.4 (#209)
- Is
supposed to work? (#217)
Merged pull requests:
- Update (#212) (@wbhart)
- Switch to CxxWrap 0.10 (#213) (@fingolfin)
- Properly restore working directory in parselibs.jl (#215) (@fingolfin)
- Update how we build the C++ code (#216) (@fingolfin)
- Banner (#220) (@fieker)
- Test with older macOS/Xcode versions (#222) (@fingolfin)
- memory access: leaks (#223) (@hannes14)
Singular v0.2.2
Merged pull requests:
- updated .travis.yml -> test with 1.4 allowing to fail (#206) (@mohamed-barakat)
- ?Singular (#210) (@fieker)
- Use CMake from CMake.jl, don't rely on user to have it (#211) (@fingolfin)
v0.2.0 (2020-02-27)
Merged pull requests:
- Bug fix maximal_independent_set (#199) (raulepure)
- Update Singular binaries (#197) (wbhart)
- Fglm (#196) (raulepure)
- update travis dist to ubuntu bionic for gcc 7 (#195) (benlorenz)
- Fixed typos in "n_transExt.jl", "ideal.jl" and "" (#194) (raulepure)
- Travis: turn on bounds check for tests (#193) (fingolfin)
- Update Travis settings (#192) (fingolfin)
- Wbhart update cxxwrap (#191) (fieker)
- Bump Singular version (#190) (thofma)
- Update cxxwrap (#189) (wbhart)
- fixed UndefVarError: FracField not defined (#186) (johannes-hoffmann)
v0.1.0: Merge pull request #185 from wbhart/julia-version
v0.1.0 (2019-12-20)
Diff since b1cc914d16814f8984fc60e627bbabc64db323b8
Closed issues:
- Singular.FiniteField(3,1,"x") segfaults (#177)
- Assertion fail (#176)
- alghom compose test failure (#161)
- convert_MPoly_to_SingularPoly test fails (#158)
- change_base_ring test fails (#157)
- Singular libraries in Caml case (#153)
- "fmpq not defined" error (#148)
- total_degree docs missing (#144)
- Documentation fails to push to gh-pages on oscar-system (#143)
- Different data types for univariate/multivariate polynomials (#126)
- unique polynomials (#120)
- coeffs and exponent_vectors wrong (#100)
- Corrupted memory (#97)
- monomials and terms throw ERROR: UndefVarError: p_Head not defined (#95)
- evaluation missing for spoly (#92)
- adhoc divexact missing for spoly (#91)
- divrem, div and divides missing for spoly (#90)
- convert / coerce AbstractAlgebra.QQ into Singular.QQ (#84)
- no method (::Rationals)(::Int64, ::Int64) (#81)
- update to Julia 1.0 (#60)
- make the Singular functions diff and jacob be accessible from Julia (#49)
- build script tries to install NTL in /usr/local/include/NTL (#45)
- ngens vs nvars (#40)
- Ideal vs list of generators (#35)
Merged pull requests:
- Specify Julia upper bound. (#185) (wbhart)
- Add version. (#184) (wbhart)
- Fix deps (#183) (wbhart)
- Minor bug fixes (#182) (raulepure)
- First attempt at using BinaryBuilder binaries. (#179) (wbhart)
- Minor bugfixes (#178) (raulepure)
- Bug fix for "gens" function for ideals. (#175) (raulepure)
- fix: decompress option for tar (#174) (hannes14)
- Added jacobian_ideal and jacobian_matrix. Updated matrix.jl (#173) (raulepure)
- Add basic thread safety functionality. (#171) (rbehrends)
- Added functions for dimension and maximal independent set over fields (#169) (raulepure)
- Added a type for Singular.jl function fields (over QQ and Fp). (#168) (raulepure)
- Added "change_base_ring" to Singular.jl (#166) (raulepure)
- Fix alghom bug (#165) (raulepure)
- Fix Algebra Homomorphisms (#163) (raulepure)
- Fix n unknown (#162) (wbhart)
- Switch to using Julia testsets (#156) (wbhart)
- Update nemo and abstract algebra deps (#155) (wbhart)
- Fix off by one issue in resolutions and write some correct sres test (#151) (wbhart)
- Changed the structure of SAlgHom and SIdAlgHom (#150) (raulepure)
- added some missing Nemo-prefixes (#149) (johannes-hoffmann)
- Add gmp to linking for OSX. (#147) (wbhart)
- Fix missing docstring and deal with some Documenter deprecations. (#146) (wbhart)
- Reinstate my test code, which was actually correct after all. (#141) (wbhart)
- Add hash functions. (#139) (wbhart)
- Project (#137) (wbhart)
- Formatting. (#136) (wbhart)
- Doc fixes (#135) (wbhart)
- Let Travis test Julia 1.2 (#134) (heiderich)
- Reenable Nemo coefficient rings (#133) (wbhart)
- Added minor functions for local rings (#132) (raulepure)
- Added a first try on algebra homomorphisms for Singular.jl (#130) (raulepure)
- Add Singulars multivariate factorization to Singular.jl (#129) (raulepure)
- Conversion from n_Z resp. n_Q to mpz_t (#128) (ederc)
- make link to source code point to oscar-system (#124) (heiderich)
- add missing println("PASS") (#123) (heiderich)
- improve print in test_spoly_differential (#122) (heiderich)
- add conversion from n_Q to Rational{BigInt} (#119) (heiderich)
- add function "gens" that returns the generators (#118) (heiderich)
- add convert function from n_Z to BigInt (#117) (heiderich)
- Added libdir to prevent installation into lib64 (#115) (sebasguts)
- update example for fres() in documentation and tests (#113) (steenpass)
- remove the "julia" argument for deploydocs (#112) (heiderich)
- use Sys.CPU_THREADS when invoking "make" (#111) (heiderich)
- Added interface to Singular interpreter (#110) (sebasguts)
- build.jl: refactor how we invoke configure (#109) (fingolfin)
- fixed call of FiniteField in (#108) (mohamed-barakat)
- Try to fix .travis.yml (#107) (thofma)
- Add Project.toml (#106) (thofma)
- add functionality for resolutions (#105) (steenpass)
- First version of caller for libs (#104) (sebasguts)
- Fix #97, p_NSet is destroying the input (#99) (thofma)
- Adjust to changes in Nemo (#98) (thofma)
- add pp_Mult_qq to avoid p_Copy in p_Mult_q (#96) (hannes14)
- Fixed memory leak in printing functions (#94) (sebasguts)
- Update spoly (#93) (wbhart)
- New singular funcs (#89) (raulepure)
- Var index (#88) (wbhart)
- construct n_Q from Rational{BigInt} (#87) (heiderich)
- construct n_Q from Rational{Int} (#85) (heiderich)
- Switch to using iterators for coeffs, exponent vectors, monomials and terms and add build contexts (#79) (wbhart)