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Stellar Verify


We've developed a Formal Verification framework for Soroban contracts using Kani. This framework will substitute built-in SDK functions and structures with less expensive ones to accelerate the verification process.


This framework provides a verify macro, which can be added to a function to indicate it for the verification process. This macro grants access to several other macros, such as initsucceeds_if, and post_conditions.

At a high level:

  1. The init macro is responsible for initializing all variables that the contract call relies on.
  2. The succeeds_if macro executes before the contract call, assuming that the pre-conditions hold true.
  3. The post_condition macro enables specifying post-conditions, running after the contract call to assert the post-conditions following the contract execution.


To integrate formal verification using the Soroban SDK into your project, you'll need to follow a few steps outlined below.

Firstly, ensure you've cloned the stellar-verify repository to your local machine.

Next, navigate to the Cargo.toml file of the program you intend to verify. In this file, locate the dependencies and dev_dependencies sections, and update them to reference the Soroban SDK dependency as follows:

soroban-sdk = { package="otter-stellar-verify", path="/path/to/stellar-verify/stellar/otter-stellar-verify"}

kani = ["soroban-sdk/kani"]

After updating the dependencies, import the required modules from the Soroban SDK into your target contract. Optionally, you can use a cfg directive to conditionally import these modules only when running with Kani:

use soroban_sdk::{verify, Address, FromValEnum, ToValEnum, Val, Vec};

Next, annotate the desired function with the #[verify] attribute. This signals the framework to include the function in the verification process. For instance:

pub fn swap(...){

In the typical scenario, input parameters are initialized using the kani::any macro. However, manual initialization of input parameters is also possible through the init macro. This allows for more granular control over the initialization process, as demonstrated below:

    let token_admin = Address::new(&env);

    let (token_a_client, token_a_admin) = Self::create_token_contract(&env, &token_admin);
    let token_a = token_a_client.address;
    kani::assume(amount_a > 0);, &amount_a);

    let (token_b_client, token_b_admin) = Self::create_token_contract(&env, &token_admin);
    let token_b = token_b_client.address;
    kani::assume(amount_b > 0);, &amount_b);

Pre-conditions are assumed using the succeeds_if macro. This macro allows developers to specify conditions that must hold true before the contract call executes. An example of pre-condition usage is outlined below:

    min_b_for_a < amount_b
    && min_a_for_b < amount_a
    && min_a_for_b > 0
    && min_b_for_a > 0

Following the execution of the contract call, post-conditions can be asserted using the post_condition macro. This enables developers to verify specific outcomes or states resulting from the contract's execution, as illustrated in the example below:

    token_a_client.balance(&a) == (amount_a - min_a_for_b) &&
    token_a_client.balance(&b) == min_a_for_b &&
    token_b_client.balance(&a) == min_b_for_a &&
    token_b_client.balance(&b) == (amount_b - min_b_for_a)

Once you've annotated your contract functions with the necessary macros provided by the Framework, you're ready to commence the verification process. You can initiate verification using the cargo kani command, which will analyze your entire contract for verification.

Alternatively, if you prefer to verify a specific function within your contract, you can use the cargo kani --harness <function_name> command. This command allows you to focus the verification efforts on a particular function, ensuring thorough scrutiny of its behavior and adherence to specifications.

It's important to note that without the #[verify] attribute, the contract will not undergo the verification process, and the initsucceeds_if, and post_condition macros will not be accessible.

Example Verification

For a practical demonstration of formal verification in action, interested parties can explore the following example project: Atomic Swap. This project showcases how formal verification techniques were applied to verify the correctness of a smart contract implementation within the Stellar blockchain ecosystem.