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182 lines (133 loc) · 21.2 KB

File Walkthrough

In addition to configuring many libraries, this template also includes some boilerplate files that end up in most apps (e.g. theme). These files/components serve mainly as examples and are meant for you to change and expand upon or remove if unneeded.

./ (root)

File Description
eslintrc.js My preferred eslint confugration. Configured for TypeScript and to ignore rules from prettier.
.detoxrc.json Configuration for running detox e2e tests. Please see go through detox documentation to learn how to use it (Android, iOS).
.env, .env.staging, Environment variables used with react-native-config. If you modify these, the app must be rebuilt to reflect changes. Additionally, you can get type autocomplete by generating the types using this npm script.
jest.config.js, jest.setup.js Configration for Mirage JS to allow its usage in jest unit tests.
react-native.config.js Extra configuration such that running react-native-link will automatically add our custom fonts under ./src/common/assets/fonts to our native iOS and Android projects making them available for use.
reactotron.ts Setup for Reactotron. We also attach it to the globally available console instance in __DEV__ for convenience.
tsconfig.json TypeScript configuration.
Gemfile Main Gemfile. References our list of dependencies (plugins) for our fastlane setup.
App.tsx The root of our app. Contains setup to enable react-native-screens, initialize Sentry, enable LayoutAnimation for Android, instantiate our Mirage JS server. The app component renders our root error boundary, our redux store provider, our portal provider and our root navigator.


(Default contents; as per official template)


File Description
settings.gradle Increased memory for build process.
Added boilerplate release signing config variables.
build.gradle Modified for Detox integration.
app/build.gradle Modified for Detox integration.
Modified for react-native-config integration. Added for Detox integration.
AndroidManifiest.xml Modified for react-native-bootsplash integration.
Added for react-native-bootsplash integration.


File Description
Added for Detox integration.
firstTest.e2e.js Smoke test for template to confirm detox integration is working.


File Description
.env Fastlane environment variables.
Fastfile Fastlane automation configuration.

1- Automated deployment to App Center.
2- Automated versioning and icon badge generation.

If you are not familiar at all with fastlane, I recommend these 2 posts by me:

1- React Native, fastlane and Visual Studio App Center.
2- Automatic Versioning for React Native Apps.

You can also read through the file generated by fastlane after every run. It contains a list of the available commands.
Pluginfile List of dependencies (plugins) required by our Fastlane setup. Imported by the main Gemfile.


File Description
Modified for react-native-bootsplash integration.
BootSplash.storyboard Added for react-native-bootsplash integration.
(project schemes) Added STAGING and PRODUCTION schemes and modified the main scheme ${APP_NAME}. Modified pre-actions for all schemes for react-native-config integration.


File Description
buildConfig.js Node script to generate TypeScript types for react-native-config based on the contents of our .env.x files.
To run it, you can use generate-build-config.
To learn more, you can read my article: Generating TypeScript Types for Environment Variables
images.js Node script to generate image imports based on filenames in src/common/assets/images.

To run it you can use generate-image-imports npm script.


File Description
fonts Example font files. Unlinked by default.
To link and use them in your app, see linking fonts.
images Sample image file and sample index.js file generated by generate-image-imports npm script.


File Description Preview
CardModal.tsx Sample modal transition animation. Card modal component
LoadingPopup.tsx Sample loading pop up. Loading popup component
Snackbar.tsx Sample snackbar. Loading popup component
abstract/Space.tsx Sample spacer. -
abstract/Portal.tsx Sample portal. -


File Description
PortalContext.tsx Sample portal context and portal provider. Consumed by Portal.tsx


File Description
BaseException.ts Base error class that extends Error.

If thrown, we can match for it using err instanceof BaseException.
HttpException.ts Sample exception that extends BaseException.

If thrown, we can match for it using err instanceof HttpException.
HttpTimeoutException.ts Sample exception that extends BaseException.

If thrown, we can match for it using err instanceof HttpTimeoutException.


File Description
base64Utilt.ts Base64 helpers.
dateUtil.ts Dates helpers.
layoutUtil.ts UI helpers.
logUtil.ts Logging helpers.
networkUtil.ts Networking helpers.


File Description Preview
useBackgroundOverlay.tsx Returns a background overlay component that handles the back button for android and fades in/out.

Useful when composing modals/popups.
Background overlay component
useModal.tsx Hook for managing modals.


File Description
theme.ts Sample app theme. Contains theme (common styles) and palette (app colors and fonts to choose from).


File Description
env.d.ts Environment variables typings for react-native-config module. This file can be regenerated using generate-build-config npm script.
types.d.ts Common types.


File Description
RootErrorBoundary.ts Sample error boundary used at the root of the app.


File Description
Home.tsx This screen exists to showcase navigation (from Landing.tsx to Home.tsx), data fetching with SWR and redux usage.


File Description
Landing.tsx Template landing screen. Slightly modified from the official template. Has a button to go to Landing.tsx.


File Description
Navigator.tsx Stack navigator example.

react-native-bootsplash is used here to hide the splash screen.


File Description
middleware Middleware to be used with redux. Currently only contains sentryMiddleware.ts, a redux actions logger for Sentry.
slices Contains our main redux action logic.

slices/exampleSlice.ts contains minimal examples of Redux Toolkit and Redux Observable usage.
rootReducer.ts Our root reducer. You will rarely need to edit this file unless when adding new state slices.
store.ts Our redux store. You will rarely need to edit this file unless when adding new redux observable epics or modifying the store configuration.


File Description
cacheService.ts Wrapper around AsyncStorage. Add common interactions here.


File Description
navigationService.ts Global navigation service. Allows interacting with our navigator from outside React components (e.g. Redux actions).


File Description
githubService.ts Sample apisauce client setup for the GitHub API.
models.ts Types related to the GitHub API.


File Description
mirage.ts In memory server for mocking APIs. By default, this server is created in development builds only (not in staging or production).