Ensure that you have set up the robot as instructed in Robot bring-up and that r_hand_controller is up and running. If not, refer back to the bring-up.
Once the robot is running properly, open a new command window, and run the hand_gestures_node with the following command.
The simulator only supports the finger movements. the unified_arms_client tries to connect with serial and if it does not find it, it will assume it is in simulator.
ros2 run hand_gestures hand_gestures_node
Then run the unified arms client in new terminal window
python3 client/unified_arms_client.py
Run tester client in new terminal window, from there you can send commands to hands
python3 client/hand_client_tester.py
Once the client is up and running you will be greeted by a command line interface asking for your next command.
Input command:
Type in the command you want and watch as the hands completes the action.
Note: The simulator only support the fingers movements in both hands. It does not support hand movements.
Currently, the following actions are available.
Action | What it does |
wave | Waves with the left hand |
rock | Rocks with the left hand |
test | Tests the motion of both hands |
zero | Puts both hands at resting position with |
Action | What it does |
open | Extends all fingers |
fist | Forms a fist |
scissors | Extends index and middle finger |
point | Extends index finger |
thumbs_up | Gives a thumbs up! |
grasp | Grasps an object |
hard_rock | Heavy metal |
pen_grasp | Grasps with index and middle finger |
rps | Plays a round of Rock-Paper_scissors |
Ensure that you have set up the robot as instructed in Robot bring-up. face_tracker_movement_node also needs to be started up, which can be done with the following command:
ros2 run face_tracker_movement face_tracker_movement_node
Once the robot is running properly, open a new command window, and start the client with the following command.
python3 client/head_gesture_client.py
Once the client is up and running you will be greeted by a command line interface asking for your next command.
Input command:
Type in the command you want and watch as the head completes the action.
Currently, the following actions are available.
Gesture | What it does |
nod | Nods |
shake | Shakes head |
Optionally, the following arguments are also available for the currently implemented gestures.
Gesture | What it does |
magnitude | Sets the magnitude of the head movements in the gesture |
delay | Sets the delay between the beginning of each head movement in the gesture |
duration | Sets the duration of the individual head movements in the gesture |
Arguments can be used by adding them after the command, separated by commas in the following format
command, argument1_name=argument1_value, argument2_name=argument2_value
Example commands:
shake, magnitude=0.5, delay=0.5, duration=0.4
nod, duration=0.4
The client does not check argument validity, but invalid arguments are ignored by the face_gestures_node. The 'quit' and 'exit' commands do not take arguments.