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Integrating phantom in your project

Flavian Alexandru edited this page Jul 22, 2015 · 20 revisions

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The resolvers needed for Phantom are the Typesafe defaults, Sonatype, Twitter and our very own. The below list should make sure you have no dependency resolution errors.

resolvers ++= Seq(
  "Typesafe repository snapshots" at "",
  "Typesafe repository releases" at "",
  "Sonatype repo"                    at "",
  "Sonatype releases"                at "",
  "Sonatype snapshots"               at "",
  "Sonatype staging"                 at "",
  " Maven2 Repository"       at "",
  "Twitter Repository"               at "",
  "Websudos releases"                at ""

For most things, all you need is phantom-dsl and phantom-testkit. Read through for information on other modules.

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "com.websudos"  %% "phantom-dsl"                   % phantomVersion,
  "com.websudos"  %% "phantom-testkit"               % phantomVersion

The full list of available modules is:

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "com.websudos"  %% "phantom-dsl"                   % phantomVersion,
  "com.websudos"  %% "phantom-example"               % phantomVersion,
  "com.websudos"  %% "phantom-scalatra"              % phantomVersion,
  "com.websudos"  %% "phantom-thrift"                % phantomVersion,
  "com.websudos"  %% "phantom-testkit"               % phantomVersion,
  "com.websudos"  %% "phantom-udt"                   % phantomVersion,
  "com.websudos"  %% "phantom-zookeeper"             % phantomVersion,
  "com.websudos"  %% "phantom-sbt"                   % phantomVersion

If you include phantom-zookeeper, make sure to add the following resolvers:

resolvers += "twitter-repo" at ""

Using phantom with the Spray framework

Spray users will probably be affected by a conflict in shapeless versions. To fix the conflict, add the following dependency to your build, which will allow you to use phantom and Spray together without any issues.

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "io.spray" %% "spray-routing-shapeless2" % SprayVersion