Replies: 1 comment
I use click to see fish --profile outputTime Sum Command
1282 29285 > source /Users/dgreene/.config/fish/completions/
7 7 -> function __fish__get_bun_bins...
2 2 -> function __fish__get_bun_scripts...
2 2 -> function __fish__get_bun_packages...
2 2 -> function __history_completions...
3 3 -> function __fish__get_bun_bun_js_files...
10 10 -> function bun_fish_is_nth_token --description 'Test if current token is on Nth place' --argument-names n...
4 4 -> function __bun_command_count --argument-names n...
4 4 -> function __bun_last_cmd --argument-names n...
25 25 -> set -l bun_install_boolean_flags yarn production optional development no-save dry-run force no-cache silent verbose global
41 41 -> set -l bun_install_boolean_flags_descriptions "Write a yarn.lock file (yarn v1)" "Don't install devDependencies" "Add dependency to optionalDependencies" "Add dependency to devDependencies" "Don't install devDependencies" "Don't install anything" "Always request the latest versions from the registry & reinstall all dependenices" "Ignore manifest cache entirely" "Don't output anything" "Excessively verbose logging" "Use global folder"
20 20 -> set -l bun_builtin_cmds dev create help bun upgrade discord run install remove add init link unlink pm x
12 12 -> set -l bun_builtin_cmds_without_run dev create help bun upgrade discord install remove add init pm x
11 11 -> set -l bun_builtin_cmds_without_bun dev create help upgrade run discord install remove add init pm x
11 11 -> set -l bun_builtin_cmds_without_create dev help bun upgrade discord run install remove add init pm x
10 10 -> set -l bun_builtin_cmds_without_install create dev help bun upgrade discord run remove add init pm x
11 11 -> set -l bun_builtin_cmds_without_remove create dev help bun upgrade discord run install add init pm x
19 19 -> set -l bun_builtin_cmds_without_add create dev help bun upgrade discord run remove install init pm x
10 10 -> set -l bun_builtin_cmds_without_pm create dev help bun upgrade discord run init pm x
49 49 -> complete -e -c bun
80 80 -> complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds_without_run; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_use_subcommand" -a '(__fish__get_bun_scripts)' -d 'script'
64 64 -> complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds_without_run; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_seen_subcommand_from run" -a '(__fish__get_bun_bins)' -d 'package bin'
67 67 -> complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds_without_run; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_seen_subcommand_from run" -a '(__fish__get_bun_scripts)' -d 'script'
59 59 -> complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds_without_run; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_seen_subcommand_from run" -a '(__fish__get_bun_bun_js_files)' -d 'Bun.js'
62 62 -> complete -c bun \
-n "bun_fish_is_nth_token 1; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts) and __fish_use_subcommand" -a 'run' -f -d 'Run a script or bin'
42 42 -> complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts) install remove add;" --no-files -s 'u' -l 'origin' -r -d 'Server URL. Rewrites import paths'
37 37 -> complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts) install remove add;" --no-files -s 'p' -l 'port' -r -d 'Port number to start server from'
43 43 -> complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts) install remove add;" --no-files -s 'd' -l 'define' -r -d 'Substitute K:V while parsing, e.g. --define process.env.NODE_ENV:\"development\"'
38 38 -> complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts) install remove add;" --no-files -s 'e' -l 'external' -r -d 'Exclude module from transpilation (can use * wildcards). ex: -e react'
35 35 -> complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts) install remove add;" --no-files -l 'use' -r -d 'Use a framework (ex: next)'
37 37 -> complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts) install remove add;" --no-files -l 'hot' -r -d 'Enable hot reloading in Bun\'s JavaScript runtime'
62 62 -> complete -c bun \
-n "bun_fish_is_nth_token 1; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts) and __fish_use_subcommand" -a 'dev' -d 'Start dev server'
68 68 -> complete -c bun \
-n "bun_fish_is_nth_token 1; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts) and __bun_command_count 1 and __fish_use_subcommand" -a 'create' -f -d 'Create a new project from a template'
56 56 -> complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds_without_create next react; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_seen_subcommand_from create;" -a 'next' -d 'new Next.js project'
64 64 -> complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds_without_create next react; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_seen_subcommand_from create;" -a 'react' -d 'new React project'
61 61 -> complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_use_subcommand" -a 'upgrade' -d 'Upgrade bun to the latest version' -x
55 55 -> complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_use_subcommand" -a '--help' -d 'See all commands and flags' -x
64 64 -> complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_use_subcommand" -l "version" -s "v" -a '--version' -d 'Bun\'s version' -x
55 55 -> complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_use_subcommand" -a 'discord' -d 'Open bun\'s Discord server' -x
53 53 -> complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds_without_bun; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); __fish_use_subcommand" -a 'bun' -d 'Generate a new bundle'
54 54 -> complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds_without_bun; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_seen_subcommand_from bun" -F -d 'Bundle this'
59 59 -> complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds_without_create; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins); and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_seen_subcommand_from react; or __fish_seen_subcommand_from next" -F -d "Create in directory"
63 63 -> complete -c bun \
-n "bun_fish_is_nth_token 1; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts) and __bun_command_count 1 and __fish_use_subcommand" -a 'init' -F -d 'Start an empty Bun project'
61 61 -> complete -c bun \
-n "bun_fish_is_nth_token 1; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts) and __bun_command_count 1 and __fish_use_subcommand" -a 'install' -f -d 'Install packages from package.json'
60 60 -> complete -c bun \
-n "bun_fish_is_nth_token 1; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts) and __bun_command_count 1 and __fish_use_subcommand" -a 'add' -F -d 'Add a package to package.json'
60 60 -> complete -c bun \
-n "bun_fish_is_nth_token 1; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts) and __bun_command_count 1 and __fish_use_subcommand" -a 'remove' -F -d 'Remove a package from package.json'
64 64 -> complete -c bun \
-n "bun_fish_is_nth_token 1; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts) and __bun_command_count 1 and __fish_use_subcommand add remove" -F
200 25914 -> for i in (seq (count $bun_install_boolean_flags))...
24590 25123 --> seq (count $bun_install_boolean_flags)
374 481 ---> source /usr/local/Cellar/fish/3.6.1/share/fish/functions/
4 107 ----> if not command -sq seq...
103 103 -----> not command -sq seq
52 52 ---> count $bun_install_boolean_flags
90 90 --> complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds_without_pm; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_seen_subcommand_from install add remove;" -l "$bun_install_boolean_flags[$i]" -d "$bun_install_boolean_flags_descriptions[$i]"
66 66 --> complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds_without_pm; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_seen_subcommand_from install add remove;" -l "$bun_install_boolean_flags[$i]" -d "$bun_install_boolean_flags_descriptions[$i]"
53 53 --> complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds_without_pm; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_seen_subcommand_from install add remove;" -l "$bun_install_boolean_flags[$i]" -d "$bun_install_boolean_flags_descriptions[$i]"
48 48 --> complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds_without_pm; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_seen_subcommand_from install add remove;" -l "$bun_install_boolean_flags[$i]" -d "$bun_install_boolean_flags_descriptions[$i]"
47 47 --> complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds_without_pm; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_seen_subcommand_from install add remove;" -l "$bun_install_boolean_flags[$i]" -d "$bun_install_boolean_flags_descriptions[$i]"
46 46 --> complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds_without_pm; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_seen_subcommand_from install add remove;" -l "$bun_install_boolean_flags[$i]" -d "$bun_install_boolean_flags_descriptions[$i]"
55 55 --> complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds_without_pm; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_seen_subcommand_from install add remove;" -l "$bun_install_boolean_flags[$i]" -d "$bun_install_boolean_flags_descriptions[$i]"
48 48 --> complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds_without_pm; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_seen_subcommand_from install add remove;" -l "$bun_install_boolean_flags[$i]" -d "$bun_install_boolean_flags_descriptions[$i]"
46 46 --> complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds_without_pm; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_seen_subcommand_from install add remove;" -l "$bun_install_boolean_flags[$i]" -d "$bun_install_boolean_flags_descriptions[$i]"
46 46 --> complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds_without_pm; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_seen_subcommand_from install add remove;" -l "$bun_install_boolean_flags[$i]" -d "$bun_install_boolean_flags_descriptions[$i]"
46 46 --> complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds_without_pm; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_seen_subcommand_from install add remove;" -l "$bun_install_boolean_flags[$i]" -d "$bun_install_boolean_flags_descriptions[$i]"
49 49 -> complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds_without_pm; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_seen_subcommand_from install add remove;" -l 'cwd' -d 'Change working directory'
44 44 -> complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds_without_pm; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_seen_subcommand_from install add remove;" -l 'cache-dir' -d 'Choose a cache directory (default: $HOME/.bun/install/cache)'
47 47 -> complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds_without_pm; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_seen_subcommand_from add;" -d 'Popular' -a '(__fish__get_bun_packages)'
51 51 -> complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds_without_pm; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_seen_subcommand_from add;" -d 'History' -a '(__history_completions)'
36 36 -> complete -c bun \
-n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from pm; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts) cache;" -a 'bin ls cache hash hash-print hash-string' -f
32 32 -> complete -c bun \
-n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from pm; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from cache; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts);" -a 'rm' -f
54 54 -> complete -c bun -n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts)" -a "$bun_builtin_cmds" -f
262 838227 > not __fish_seen_subcommand_from dev create help bun upgrade discord run install remove add init link unlink pm x (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts)
219 225 -> source /usr/local/Cellar/fish/3.6.1/share/fish/functions/
6 6 --> function __fish_seen_subcommand_from...
21 419867 -> __fish__get_bun_bins
119 419846 --> string split ' ' (bun getcompletes b)
419727 419727 ---> bun getcompletes b
34 417742 -> __fish__get_bun_scripts
16 16 --> set -lx SHELL bash
9 9 --> set -lx MAX_DESCRIPTION_LEN 40
79 417683 --> string trim (string split '\n' (string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z)))
59 417604 ---> string split '\n' (string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z))
89 417545 ----> string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z)
417456 417456 -----> bun getcompletes z
67 112 -> set -l cmd (commandline -poc)
45 45 --> commandline -poc
8 8 -> set -e cmd[1]
6 6 -> for i in $cmd...
5 5 -> return 1
20 90 > __fish_seen_subcommand_from pm
47 55 -> set -l cmd (commandline -poc)
8 8 --> commandline -poc
6 6 -> set -e cmd[1]
5 5 -> for i in $cmd...
4 4 -> return 1
19 83 > __fish_seen_subcommand_from pm
44 51 -> set -l cmd (commandline -poc)
7 7 --> commandline -poc
6 6 -> set -e cmd[1]
4 4 -> for i in $cmd...
3 3 -> return 1
23 113 > not __fish_seen_subcommand_from create dev help bun upgrade discord run init pm x
45 52 -> set -l cmd (commandline -poc)
7 7 --> commandline -poc
30 30 -> set -e cmd[1]
5 5 -> for i in $cmd...
3 3 -> return 1
192 844944 > not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts)
20 437016 -> __fish__get_bun_bins
121 436996 --> string split ' ' (bun getcompletes b)
436875 436875 ---> bun getcompletes b
29 407598 -> __fish__get_bun_scripts
13 13 --> set -lx SHELL bash
7 7 --> set -lx MAX_DESCRIPTION_LEN 40
60 407549 --> string trim (string split '\n' (string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z)))
57 407489 ---> string split '\n' (string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z))
108 407432 ----> string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z)
407324 407324 -----> bun getcompletes z
98 115 -> set -l cmd (commandline -poc)
17 17 --> commandline -poc
9 9 -> set -e cmd[1]
9 9 -> for i in $cmd...
5 5 -> return 1
22 104 > __fish_seen_subcommand_from add
58 66 -> set -l cmd (commandline -poc)
8 8 --> commandline -poc
7 7 -> set -e cmd[1]
5 5 -> for i in $cmd...
4 4 -> return 1
26 99 > not __fish_seen_subcommand_from create dev help bun upgrade discord run init pm x
51 59 -> set -l cmd (commandline -poc)
8 8 --> commandline -poc
6 6 -> set -e cmd[1]
5 5 -> for i in $cmd...
3 3 -> return 1
153 758148 > not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts)
26 364846 -> __fish__get_bun_bins
98 364820 --> string split ' ' (bun getcompletes b)
364722 364722 ---> bun getcompletes b
40 393037 -> __fish__get_bun_scripts
15 15 --> set -lx SHELL bash
9 9 --> set -lx MAX_DESCRIPTION_LEN 40
84 392973 --> string trim (string split '\n' (string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z)))
67 392889 ---> string split '\n' (string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z))
93 392822 ----> string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z)
392729 392729 -----> bun getcompletes z
76 90 -> set -l cmd (commandline -poc)
14 14 --> commandline -poc
9 9 -> set -e cmd[1]
8 8 -> for i in $cmd...
5 5 -> return 1
23 102 > __fish_seen_subcommand_from install add remove
55 64 -> set -l cmd (commandline -poc)
9 9 --> commandline -poc
6 6 -> set -e cmd[1]
5 5 -> for i in $cmd...
4 4 -> return 1
24 265 > bun_fish_is_nth_token 1
58 67 -> set -l tokens (commandline -poc)
9 9 --> commandline -poc
61 89 -> set -l tokens (string replace -r --filter '^([^-].*)' '$1' -- $tokens)
28 28 --> string replace -r --filter '^([^-].*)' '$1' -- $tokens
70 85 -> test (count $tokens) -eq "$n"
15 15 --> count $tokens
30 111 > not __fish_seen_subcommand_from dev create help bun upgrade discord run install remove add init link unlink pm x
55 64 -> set -l cmd (commandline -poc)
9 9 --> commandline -poc
7 7 -> set -e cmd[1]
6 6 -> for i in $cmd...
4 4 -> return 1
154 880404 > not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts) and __bun_command_count 1 and __fish_use_subcommand add remove
14 441175 -> __fish__get_bun_bins
89 441161 --> string split ' ' (bun getcompletes b)
441072 441072 ---> bun getcompletes b
26 438963 -> __fish__get_bun_scripts
11 11 --> set -lx SHELL bash
8 8 --> set -lx MAX_DESCRIPTION_LEN 40
64 438918 --> string trim (string split '\n' (string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z)))
66 438854 ---> string split '\n' (string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z))
88 438788 ----> string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z)
438700 438700 -----> bun getcompletes z
75 90 -> set -l cmd (commandline -poc)
15 15 --> commandline -poc
9 9 -> set -e cmd[1]
8 8 -> for i in $cmd...
5 5 -> return 1
23 256 > bun_fish_is_nth_token 1
56 65 -> set -l tokens (commandline -poc)
9 9 --> commandline -poc
55 82 -> set -l tokens (string replace -r --filter '^([^-].*)' '$1' -- $tokens)
27 27 --> string replace -r --filter '^([^-].*)' '$1' -- $tokens
73 86 -> test (count $tokens) -eq "$n"
13 13 --> count $tokens
33 125 > not __fish_seen_subcommand_from dev create help bun upgrade discord run install remove add init link unlink pm x
63 74 -> set -l cmd (commandline -poc)
11 11 --> commandline -poc
7 7 -> set -e cmd[1]
7 7 -> for i in $cmd...
4 4 -> return 1
153 853668 > not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts) and __bun_command_count 1 and __fish_use_subcommand
14 417620 -> __fish__get_bun_bins
101 417606 --> string split ' ' (bun getcompletes b)
417505 417505 ---> bun getcompletes b
26 435788 -> __fish__get_bun_scripts
12 12 --> set -lx SHELL bash
7 7 --> set -lx MAX_DESCRIPTION_LEN 40
68 435743 --> string trim (string split '\n' (string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z)))
69 435675 ---> string split '\n' (string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z))
99 435606 ----> string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z)
435507 435507 -----> bun getcompletes z
73 87 -> set -l cmd (commandline -poc)
14 14 --> commandline -poc
8 8 -> set -e cmd[1]
7 7 -> for i in $cmd...
5 5 -> return 1
30 114 > not __fish_seen_subcommand_from dev help bun upgrade discord run install remove add init pm x
56 66 -> set -l cmd (commandline -poc)
10 10 --> commandline -poc
7 7 -> set -e cmd[1]
6 6 -> for i in $cmd...
5 5 -> return 1
115 482221 > not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins)
15 481970 -> __fish__get_bun_bins
102 481955 --> string split ' ' (bun getcompletes b)
481853 481853 ---> bun getcompletes b
95 111 -> set -l cmd (commandline -poc)
16 16 --> commandline -poc
11 11 -> set -e cmd[1]
9 9 -> for i in $cmd...
5 5 -> return 1
107 436458 > not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_scripts)
22 436217 -> __fish__get_bun_scripts
9 9 --> set -lx SHELL bash
6 6 --> set -lx MAX_DESCRIPTION_LEN 40
66 436180 --> string trim (string split '\n' (string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z)))
70 436114 ---> string split '\n' (string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z))
97 436044 ----> string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z)
435947 435947 -----> bun getcompletes z
94 109 -> set -l cmd (commandline -poc)
15 15 --> commandline -poc
11 11 -> set -e cmd[1]
9 9 -> for i in $cmd...
5 5 -> return 1
24 117 > __fish_seen_subcommand_from react
67 77 -> set -l cmd (commandline -poc)
10 10 --> commandline -poc
7 7 -> set -e cmd[1]
5 5 -> for i in $cmd...
4 4 -> return 1
26 139 > __fish_seen_subcommand_from next
82 90 -> set -l cmd (commandline -poc)
8 8 --> commandline -poc
11 11 -> set -e cmd[1]
7 7 -> for i in $cmd...
5 5 -> return 1
33 134 > not __fish_seen_subcommand_from dev create help upgrade run discord install remove add init pm x
69 78 -> set -l cmd (commandline -poc)
9 9 --> commandline -poc
10 10 -> set -e cmd[1]
8 8 -> for i in $cmd...
5 5 -> return 1
194 1016373 > not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts)
15 509646 -> __fish__get_bun_bins
101 509631 --> string split ' ' (bun getcompletes b)
509530 509530 ---> bun getcompletes b
27 506378 -> __fish__get_bun_scripts
14 14 --> set -lx SHELL bash
8 8 --> set -lx MAX_DESCRIPTION_LEN 40
84 506329 --> string trim (string split '\n' (string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z)))
74 506245 ---> string split '\n' (string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z))
112 506171 ----> string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z)
506059 506059 -----> bun getcompletes z
115 130 -> set -l cmd (commandline -poc)
15 15 --> commandline -poc
11 11 -> set -e cmd[1]
9 9 -> for i in $cmd...
5 5 -> return 1
29 142 > __fish_seen_subcommand_from bun
81 91 -> set -l cmd (commandline -poc)
10 10 --> commandline -poc
10 10 -> set -e cmd[1]
8 8 -> for i in $cmd...
4 4 -> return 1
34 136 > not __fish_seen_subcommand_from dev create help upgrade run discord install remove add init pm x
69 79 -> set -l cmd (commandline -poc)
10 10 --> commandline -poc
10 10 -> set -e cmd[1]
7 7 -> for i in $cmd...
6 6 -> return 1
307 907198 > not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts)
32 484163 -> __fish__get_bun_bins
200 484131 --> string split ' ' (bun getcompletes b)
483931 483931 ---> bun getcompletes b
51 422547 -> __fish__get_bun_scripts
11 11 --> set -lx SHELL bash
23 23 --> set -lx MAX_DESCRIPTION_LEN 40
109 422462 --> string trim (string split '\n' (string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z)))
84 422353 ---> string split '\n' (string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z))
171 422269 ----> string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z)
422098 422098 -----> bun getcompletes z
140 156 -> set -l cmd (commandline -poc)
16 16 --> commandline -poc
11 11 -> set -e cmd[1]
9 9 -> for i in $cmd...
5 5 -> return 1
91 401 > __fish_use_subcommand
200 209 -> source /usr/local/Cellar/fish/3.6.1/share/fish/functions/
9 9 --> function __fish_use_subcommand -d "Test if a non-switch argument has been given in the current commandline"...
71 81 -> set -l cmd (commandline -poc)
10 10 --> commandline -poc
9 9 -> set -e cmd[1]
7 7 -> for i in $cmd...
4 4 -> return 0
40 158 > not __fish_seen_subcommand_from dev create help bun upgrade discord run install remove add init link unlink pm x
88 100 -> set -l cmd (commandline -poc)
12 12 --> commandline -poc
8 8 -> set -e cmd[1]
6 6 -> for i in $cmd...
4 4 -> return 1
170 995785 > not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts)
17 491215 -> __fish__get_bun_bins
92 491198 --> string split ' ' (bun getcompletes b)
491106 491106 ---> bun getcompletes b
26 504260 -> __fish__get_bun_scripts
12 12 --> set -lx SHELL bash
8 8 --> set -lx MAX_DESCRIPTION_LEN 40
66 504214 --> string trim (string split '\n' (string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z)))
75 504148 ---> string split '\n' (string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z))
104 504073 ----> string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z)
503969 503969 -----> bun getcompletes z
99 114 -> set -l cmd (commandline -poc)
15 15 --> commandline -poc
11 11 -> set -e cmd[1]
9 9 -> for i in $cmd...
6 6 -> return 1
27 145 > __fish_use_subcommand
84 94 -> set -l cmd (commandline -poc)
10 10 --> commandline -poc
10 10 -> set -e cmd[1]
8 8 -> for i in $cmd...
6 6 -> return 0
32 124 > not __fish_seen_subcommand_from dev help bun upgrade discord run install remove add init pm x next react
65 75 -> set -l cmd (commandline -poc)
10 10 --> commandline -poc
7 7 -> set -e cmd[1]
6 6 -> for i in $cmd...
4 4 -> return 1
175 980477 > not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts)
15 481265 -> __fish__get_bun_bins
103 481250 --> string split ' ' (bun getcompletes b)
481147 481147 ---> bun getcompletes b
28 498927 -> __fish__get_bun_scripts
14 14 --> set -lx SHELL bash
8 8 --> set -lx MAX_DESCRIPTION_LEN 40
76 498877 --> string trim (string split '\n' (string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z)))
83 498801 ---> string split '\n' (string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z))
124 498718 ----> string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z)
498594 498594 -----> bun getcompletes z
75 89 -> set -l cmd (commandline -poc)
14 14 --> commandline -poc
8 8 -> set -e cmd[1]
8 8 -> for i in $cmd...
5 5 -> return 1
27 132 > __fish_seen_subcommand_from create
72 81 -> set -l cmd (commandline -poc)
9 9 --> commandline -poc
11 11 -> set -e cmd[1]
8 8 -> for i in $cmd...
5 5 -> return 1
26 301 > bun_fish_is_nth_token 1
58 69 -> set -l tokens (commandline -poc)
11 11 --> commandline -poc
76 110 -> set -l tokens (string replace -r --filter '^([^-].*)' '$1' -- $tokens)
34 34 --> string replace -r --filter '^([^-].*)' '$1' -- $tokens
80 96 -> test (count $tokens) -eq "$n"
16 16 --> count $tokens
30 119 > not __fish_seen_subcommand_from dev create help bun upgrade discord run install remove add init link unlink pm x
61 71 -> set -l cmd (commandline -poc)
10 10 --> commandline -poc
7 7 -> set -e cmd[1]
7 7 -> for i in $cmd...
4 4 -> return 1
168 992151 > not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts) and __fish_use_subcommand
13 484870 -> __fish__get_bun_bins
91 484857 --> string split ' ' (bun getcompletes b)
484766 484766 ---> bun getcompletes b
28 506992 -> __fish__get_bun_scripts
13 13 --> set -lx SHELL bash
7 7 --> set -lx MAX_DESCRIPTION_LEN 40
78 506944 --> string trim (string split '\n' (string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z)))
94 506866 ---> string split '\n' (string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z))
92 506772 ----> string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z)
506680 506680 -----> bun getcompletes z
82 96 -> set -l cmd (commandline -poc)
14 14 --> commandline -poc
11 11 -> set -e cmd[1]
9 9 -> for i in $cmd...
5 5 -> return 1
144 998501 > not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts) install remove add
14 499890 -> __fish__get_bun_bins
90 499876 --> string split ' ' (bun getcompletes b)
499786 499786 ---> bun getcompletes b
26 498343 -> __fish__get_bun_scripts
12 12 --> set -lx SHELL bash
8 8 --> set -lx MAX_DESCRIPTION_LEN 40
69 498297 --> string trim (string split '\n' (string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z)))
73 498228 ---> string split '\n' (string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z))
97 498155 ----> string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z)
498058 498058 -----> bun getcompletes z
87 102 -> set -l cmd (commandline -poc)
15 15 --> commandline -poc
9 9 -> set -e cmd[1]
8 8 -> for i in $cmd...
5 5 -> return 1
35 174 > not __fish_seen_subcommand_from dev create help bun upgrade discord install remove add init pm x
98 117 -> set -l cmd (commandline -poc)
19 19 --> commandline -poc
10 10 -> set -e cmd[1]
7 7 -> for i in $cmd...
5 5 -> return 1
181 1005950 > not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts)
16 500257 -> __fish__get_bun_bins
100 500241 --> string split ' ' (bun getcompletes b)
500141 500141 ---> bun getcompletes b
28 505379 -> __fish__get_bun_scripts
12 12 --> set -lx SHELL bash
7 7 --> set -lx MAX_DESCRIPTION_LEN 40
88 505332 --> string trim (string split '\n' (string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z)))
66 505244 ---> string split '\n' (string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z))
98 505178 ----> string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z)
505080 505080 -----> bun getcompletes z
92 107 -> set -l cmd (commandline -poc)
15 15 --> commandline -poc
11 11 -> set -e cmd[1]
9 9 -> for i in $cmd...
6 6 -> return 1
27 169 > __fish_seen_subcommand_from run
104 119 -> set -l cmd (commandline -poc)
15 15 --> commandline -poc
10 10 -> set -e cmd[1]
8 8 -> for i in $cmd...
5 5 -> return 1
33 146 > not __fish_seen_subcommand_from dev create help bun upgrade discord install remove add init pm x
80 91 -> set -l cmd (commandline -poc)
11 11 --> commandline -poc
10 10 -> set -e cmd[1]
7 7 -> for i in $cmd...
5 5 -> return 1
170 963758 > not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts)
16 468396 -> __fish__get_bun_bins
106 468380 --> string split ' ' (bun getcompletes b)
468274 468274 ---> bun getcompletes b
28 495075 -> __fish__get_bun_scripts
12 12 --> set -lx SHELL bash
7 7 --> set -lx MAX_DESCRIPTION_LEN 40
76 495028 --> string trim (string split '\n' (string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z)))
70 494952 ---> string split '\n' (string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z))
94 494882 ----> string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z)
494788 494788 -----> bun getcompletes z
80 95 -> set -l cmd (commandline -poc)
15 15 --> commandline -poc
9 9 -> set -e cmd[1]
8 8 -> for i in $cmd...
5 5 -> return 1
21 104 > __fish_use_subcommand
58 66 -> set -l cmd (commandline -poc)
8 8 --> commandline -poc
7 7 -> set -e cmd[1]
6 6 -> for i in $cmd...
4 4 -> return 0
38 342963 > __fish__get_bun_scripts
11 11 -> set -lx SHELL bash
7 7 -> set -lx MAX_DESCRIPTION_LEN 40
110 342907 -> string trim (string split '\n' (string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z)))
94 342797 --> string split '\n' (string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z))
159 342703 ---> string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z)
342544 342544 ----> bun getcompletes z |
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I'm posting here and not a bug in case this is just my setup and not a bug.
That tab takes at least 20 seconds to return. Activity monitor and CPU don't show anything out of the ordinary.
I know completions themselves are out of date, but I haven't seen any issues posted regarding performance.
For comparison, other completions are nearly instant on my machine:
If you are using Fish and not having this issue, can you point me to where I can learn how to debug the problem and fix my system? Many thanks!
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