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Tutorials ‐ Ripping the entire game

Will Corby edited this page Aug 15, 2024 · 38 revisions

Requires outer-wilds-unity-assets and 27.4 GB of free disk space

  1. Download the latest version of AssetRipper.
  2. In View > Settings, change Shader Export Format to Yaml Asset. Leave all other settings at defaults.
  3. In View > Configuration Files, go to EngineResourceData and load a file that only has {} in it. You can just create this file yourself in notepad or something, the file name does not matter.
  4. Go to File > Open Folder and select the game folder (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Outer Wilds)
  5. Open and export the entire game.
  6. Delete Scripts, Plugins, and Editor in Assets. Delete Packages in ExportedProject.
  7. From outer-wilds-unity-assets, put Assembly-CSharp, Dlls, Plugins, and Editor into Assets. Put Packages into ExportedProject.
  8. Create a backup of Assets/Shader and Assets/Resources/shaders, as script errors can lead to corruption of shaders.
  9. Open ExportedProject in Unity 2019.4.39f1. The Scenes folder has all the levels of the game. You'll probably want SolarSystem.
  10. If you want to see planets, you have 2 options:
    1. Go to Tools > Load All Streaming Bundles or Tools > Streaming Mesh Manager.
      This will show high-quality meshes but not high-quality textures, and does not persist when reloading the scene.
    2. Use the unstreamer.
      This will persist when reloading the scene, and can also (optionally) show high-quality textures, at the cost of taking more time.