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IO Wallet


Welcome! 😊

This is the io-wallet project mono-repository containing applications and packages for the IO Wallet app:

  • apps/io-wallet-support-func: Contains functionalities for assistance and support.
  • apps/io-wallet-user-func: Contains functionalities for end users.
  • packages/io-wallet-common: Contains shared code among the workspaces.
  • infra: Contains infrastructure code to deploy the IO Wallet app.


This project is built with NodeJS and deployed on Azure Cloud, utilizing Azure Functions and Azure CosmosDB.

It leverages TypeScript, fp-ts, and several Azure SDKs.

We use Yarn as the dependencies manager and Turborepo as the monorepo manager.

Infrastructure is managed with Terraform.

Changelog and versioning are managed with Changesets.

Setting the Azure Subscription to Access the Dev CosmosDB

To start the backend projects io-wallet-support-func and io-wallet-user-func, you must first log in with the correct user on Azure and set the subscription you want to use. Ensure you have the Azure az-cli package installed. If not, follow the instructions on the official website.

This process is necessary for backend applications started locally to connect to the development CosmosDB instance on Azure:

az login                                        # Redirects to your main browser for login.

az account set --subscription DEV-IO            # Sets the DEV-IO subscription for backend apps to connect to the dev CosmosDB.

az ad user show --id YOUR_EMAIL                 # Retrieves user info by email. Store the Principal ID for the next command.

az cosmosdb sql role assignment create
    --account-name io-d-itn-common-cosno-01
    --resource-group io-d-itn-common-rg-01
    --scope "/" --principal-id PRINCIPAL_ID
        00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002    # Grants read and write access to the dev CosmosDB.


yarn install


At the root level, you can run the following commands:

yarn test           # Run all unit tests (performed by vitest) for all projects and packages.

yarn format         # Run code formatting (performed by prettier) for all projects and packages.

yarn lint           # Run code linting (performed by ESLint) for all projects and packages without fixing errors or warnings.

yarn lint:fix       # Run code linting (performed by ESLint) for all projects and packages, attempting to fix correctable errors/warnings.

yarn build          # Run a build (performed by tsup-node) for all projects and packages. Build results are stored under the dist/ directory.

yarn version        # Update all packages in the package.json file using @changesets/cli.

yarn release        # Generate consistent versions of your packages using @changesets/cli.

yarn code-review    # Run typechecking, code linting, and unit testing for each project and package. This command ensures code quality in PRs.

You can also run specific commands using yarn workspace for a specific project or package. Replace PROJECT_NAME with the actual project name:

# Typecheck

# Linting and formatting
yarn workspace PROJECT_NAME run lint
yarn workspace PROJECT_NAME run lint:fix
yarn workspace PROJECT_NAME run format

# Unit testing
yarn workspace PROJECT_NAME run test
yarn workspace PROJECT_NAME run test:coverage # Not available for io-wallet-common

# Build
yarn workspace PROJECT_NAME run build
yarn workspace PROJECT_NAME run build:watch # Not available for io-wallet-common

# Start
yarn workspace PROJECT_NAME run start # Not available for io-wallet-common

PROJECT_NAME can be one of the following:

  • io-wallet-support-func
  • io-wallet-user-func
  • io-wallet-common