The code snippet for your
@commandPalette = ->
dispatchWorkspaceCommand 'command-palette:toggle'
@commandPalette.icon = 'three-bars'
@cpSeparator = "----------------"
Requires the mocha-test-runner package.
The code snippet for your
@runTest = ->
dispatchWorkspaceCommand 'mocha-test-runner:run'
@runTest.icon = 'ion-checkmark'
@runLastTest = ->
dispatchWorkspaceCommand 'mocha-test-runner:run-previous'
@runLastTest.icon = 'ion-checkmark-circled'
@debugTest = ->
dispatchWorkspaceCommand 'mocha-test-runner:debug'
@debugTest.icon = 'bug'
@debugLastTest = ->
dispatchWorkspaceCommand 'mocha-test-runner:debug-previous'
@debugLastTest.icon = 'ion-bug'
@testSep = "----------------"
Copy your filename (e.g. from your stacktrace) to the clipboard. Run this command:
openExtendedPath = (extendedPath) ->
parts = /^([^:]+)(?::(\d+)(?::(\d+))?)?$/.exec(extendedPath)
return unless parts?
[filename,row,col] = parts.slice(1)
return unless filename?
fs = require 'fs'
unless fs.existsSync(filename)
alert "File not found: #{filename}"
.then ->
return unless row?
col ?= 0
{Point} = require 'atom'
position = new Point(--row, --col)
getActiveTextEditor().scrollToBufferPosition(position, center:true)
@openFileFromPathInClipboard = ->
extendedPath =
@openFileFromPathInClipboard.icon = 'fa-file'
Add Icons to the toolbar for the main Atom, commands, like toolbar-main does:
@tbMainSep0 = '-'
@newFile = -> dispatchWorkspaceCommand 'application:new-file'
@newFile.icon = 'ion-document'
@newFile.title = 'New File'
@openFile = -> dispatchWorkspaceCommand 'application:open-file'
@openFile.icon = 'ion-folder'
@openFile.title = 'Open...'
@saveFile = -> dispatchWorkspaceCommand 'core:save'
@saveFile.icon = 'ion-archive'
@saveFile.title = 'Save'
@tbMainSep1 = '-'
@findInBuffer = -> dispatchWorkspaceCommand 'find-and-replace:show'
@findInBuffer.icon = 'ion-search'
@findInBuffer.title = 'Find in Buffer'
@replaceInBuffer = -> dispatchWorkspaceCommand 'find-and-replace:show-replace'
@replaceInBuffer.icon = 'ion-shuffle'
@replaceInBuffer.title = 'Replace in Buffer'
@tbMainSep2 = '-'
@toggleCommandPalette = -> dispatchWorkspaceCommand 'command-palette:toggle'
@toggleCommandPalette.icon = 'ion-navicon-round'
@toggleCommandPalette.title = 'Toggle Command Palette'
@openSettings = -> dispatchWorkspaceCommand 'settings-view:open'
@openSettings.icon = 'ion-gear-a'
@openSettings.title = 'Open Settings View'
if atom.inDevMode()
@tbMainSep3 = '-'
@reloadWindow = -> dispatchWorkspaceCommand 'window:reload'
@reloadWindow.icon = 'ion-refresh'
@reloadWindow.title = 'Reload Window'
@toggleDeveloperTools = -> require('remote').getCurrentWindow().toggleDevTools()
@toggleDeveloperTools.icon = 'terminal'
@toggleDeveloperTools.title = 'Toggle Developer Tools'
You might not want to be disturbed during work... So why not simply switch a red light on, when working (i.e. Atom is open), and switch it of when you stopped?
Ingredients (as running at my office):
- A red light, e.g. this one, (hacked to run on wired power supply)
- A radio controllable socket, e.g. these
- A RF-Gateway, e.g. Brematic 433
- A control-script, e.g. this one
The code snippet for your
atom.redLightOn = false # remember state globally
# the control methods
switchRedLightOn = ->
exec 'gtfsi04 101100111000 00010001'
atom.redLightOn = true
switchRedLightOff = ->
exec 'gtfsi04 101100111000 00000000'
atom.redLightOn = false
# Button on the toolbar / command in the menu for manual triggering:
@toggleRedLight = ->
if atom.redLightOn then switchRedLightOff() else switchRedLightOn()
@toggleRedLight.title = ->
if atom.redLightOn then 'Switch Red Light off' else 'Switch Red Light on'
@toggleRedLight.icon = ->
if atom.redLightOn then 'ion-ios7-lightbulb-outline' else 'ion-ios7-lightbulb'
# call on load/on unload:
@onLoad = =>
@onUnload = ->