The SBN wiki documentation for the Spectral namespace has been ported to the site using the Sphinx format and templates developed for other SBN-curated namespaces. The SBN wiki is going to be decommissioned over the course of the coming year.
The new energy spectrum classes Uniformly_Sampled_Energy and Axis_Bin_Set_Energy were inadvertently omitted from the Bin_Description class. They have now been added.
In the Uniformly_Sampled classes, the first_center and last_center values were compared numerically, but there was no constraint requiring that they have the same unit of measure. This invalidates a simple numeric check for first < last. They are now required to have the same units for all spectrum types.
These changes should be transparent to users creating labels with the Spectral Discipline classes.
Replaced the "pds." syntax-kludge notation for referencing the pds: namespace with the DD_Associate_External_Class class, which provides a mechanism for defining reference type values as the external reference is made. These superseded both the corresponding DD_Associate classes and the DD_Rule Schematron rule classes needed to define the permissible values in each context.
The IngestLDD file annotations were updated accordingly, and the old syntax was left in comments for reference by stewards who may be updating existing namespaces and want some guidance.
A user reported (PDS4-LDD-Issue-Repo issue #154) that the Schematron validation was reporting an error from the pds:local_reference_type when the table pointed to was a Table_Delimited object. This was an oversight - support for Table_Delimited was included in the rewrite. The bug is now fixed and one of the test cases in the second test label has been converted to a Table_Delimited to exercise this option.
- Unneeded files were deleted from the test/ directory
- Updated error documentation in test/SP-Test2-FAIL.xml
- Updated main README for new repo configuration
- Updated directory READMEs as needed
Spectral bin type can now be described as "energy" for spectra having bins defined in eV. All spectral-type attributes (like the <bin_width_*>) now have an "energy" alternative, (e.g., <bin_width_energy>). Regression test files were updated with a class to exercise the new bin type.
Note that energy spectral units require the presence of the Units_of_Energy unit class, which was only introduced in IM build (1D00 schemas). Therefore, this version of the Spectral Discipline Dictionary cannot be back-ported to IM versions earlier than
This change log was moved out of the src/ tree up to the root of the repo, and renamed from "" to "".
In keeping with PDS LDD design best practices, attribute that were defined as "nillable" but no longer required to be present in any class had the nillable option removed from their definitions. This should be transparent to users.
The Apache 2.0 license has been added to the repo
Upgraded support for tables in the <Uniformly_Sampled> class by recognizing two special values of <axis_name>: Row, for use with uniformly sampled spectral tables (where each row is a single bin of the spectrum); and Field, for use with tabulated spectra (where each row is an entire spectrum and the bins are in successive columns).
The <axis_name> attribute of the <Uniformly_Sampled> class is now required in all cases. Formerly it was required for arrays, but assumed to be equivalent to the new Row value for all tables.
The <axis_name> attribute in <Axis_Bin_Set> also recognizes the special values Row and Field for use with table spectra. This class may now be used to explicitly define bins for spectral tables and tabulated specta.
The <Bin_Width_Constant> class was moved under the <Spectral_Lookup> class to serve as an alternate means of determining bin widths where a lookup is not available. All other cases provide a "constant" alternative already, and the class was unusable as originally implemented, since all other classes define bin centers and widths concurrently.
The various unit-specific instances of <bin_width_*> have all been made nillable, to cover the case where bin width is not known. Note that, because of a quirk of the implementation, units must still be specified. So, for example, to declare that a wavelength spectrum has unknown bin widths, use this construct:
<bin_width_wavelength unit="nm" xsi:nil="true" nilReason="unknown"/>
This attribute was a carry-over from PDS3, where it appears to have been added to the dictionary for the support of a single atypical mission instrument. It has been removed.
The test labels have been updated to include test cases for use of <Uniformly_Sampled> and <Axis_Bin_Set> with tabular data, and nil bin widths.