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Immunotherapy response pipeline

Pipeline for reproducing the workflow used to identify predictors of immunotherapy response as described in our manuscript.

Software requirements

Python and python packages:

We ran python scripts with python 2.7.14, installed using Anaconda. We made use of the following python packages, installable with pip:

You will also need Open-CRAVAT, which is installable via pip, but will require a virtual environment with python 3.6 or higher. Use the following commands to create and set up the environment (including installing intervaltree v2.1.0 for another analysis):

conda create -n cravat_env python=3.6

conda activate cravat_env==1.6.1

pip install intervaltree==2.1.0

pip install open-cravat

cravat-admin install-base

cravat-admin ls -a -t clinvar

conda deactivate

R and R packages

We ran R scripts with R v3.6.1. We used the following packages installable from CRAN:

  • car (v3.0-3)
  • data.table (v1.12.8)
  • devtools (v2.2.1)
  • ggplot2 (v3.2.1)
  • gridExtra (v2.3)
  • magritter (v1.5)
  • pROC (v1.15.3)
  • RColorBrewer (v1.1-2)
  • scales (v1.0.0)
  • survival (v2.44-1.1)
  • survminer (v0.4.4)

And the following package installable through devtools:

  • kma (commit 01ec25f575e4f4c8b1c90cd6223d2d8e9bc8e825)

We also used [R studio( for interactively generating figures and analyzing results.

CWL workflows and their dependencies:

We used the following workflows:

These workflows require docker to be installed.

They also require the following perl modules, installable with cpan minus:

  • Getopt::Long
  • File::Path
  • File::Temp
  • File::Spec
  • IO::File
  • Pod::Usage
  • Data::Dumper

Repository to clone:

You will need to clone this repository for use in tumor-specific junction detection.

Additional required software:

We also installed the following tools, and any dependencies they listed in their installation instructions:


Patient genomic data

We downloaded the paired-end whole exome sequencing (WES) and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) FASTQ files from the following BioProjects from the Sequence Read Archive (SRA):

  • PRJNA278450
  • PRJNA293912
  • PRJNA305077
  • PRJNA306070
  • PRJNA307199
  • PRJNA312948
  • PRJNA324705
  • PRJNA343789
  • PRJNA357321
  • PRJNA369259
  • PRJNA414014
  • PRJNA420786
  • PRJNA82745

We also downloaded from the SRA RNA-seq reads from melanocytes:

  • PRJNA421623

Note that some of these BioProjects require dbGAP access, so you will need to request dbGAP access to obtain them if you do not already have access.

We also downloaded the paired-end WES FASTQ files from the European Genome-phenome Archive project EGAD00001004352, which also requires special access.

Finally, we obtained paired-end WES FASTQ data from Graff et al. and Le et al. by reaching out to the authors.

Place all the FASTQ files in the same directory. Each FASTQ will need to be processed for compatibility with the alignment workflow (see below):

zcat [INPUT_FASTQ] | sed -E 's~^(@.+[.][0-9]+)[.]([12]) .+( length=[0-9]+)~\\1/\\2\\3~' | gzip -f > [OUTPUT_FASTQ]

[INPUT_FASTQ] is the original FASTQ file, and [OUTPUT_FASTQ] is the processed FASTQ, named with the original prefix and with file ending _1.fastq.gz or _2.fastq.gz.

A manifest file summarizing tumor-normal pairs for samples used in the study is available and used in many of the analysis steps below. Additionally, a list of melanocyte sample accession numbers is available for retained intron analysis (see "Tumor-specific retained intron identification" below).

Genomic annotation data

For the WES alignment/bam processing and somatic variant calling workflows:

We downloaded the Human GRCh37d5 reference bundle and bwa index for use with the alignment workflows. You will need to both retain a copy of the core_ref_GRCh37d5.tar.gz file, as well as decompress it and retain a copy of the genome.fa.gz it contains. Store all of these in the same directory.

We also downloaded some annotation data from the Broad Institute b37 resource bundle: the 1000 genomes indels, the Mills and 1000 genomes indels, and the dbSNP variants. All of these compressed VCF files should be indexed with tabix.

We also downloaded some of the FireCloud reference files from the TCGA: hg19_cosmic_v54_120711.vcf and gaf_20111020+broad_wex_1.1_hg19.bed. You will need permissions to access these files

Store the GRCh37d5 reference bundle files, bwa index files, Broad reference files, and TCGA FireCloud reference files in one directory, and copy the centromere bed file in this repo to that directory as well.

For RNA-seq alignments:

We downloaded the GENCODE GRCh37 and GRCh38 reference FASTA files, and the GRCh37 and GRCh38 GTF files.

For DNA neoepitope prediction:

We ran neoepiscope's download functionality, answering yes to downloading/indexing the GENCODE v19 annotation, and yes to downloading the hg19 bowtie index.

For tumor-specific splice junction identification:

We used some data described in the "Data" section of this repository. We downloaded all of the exon-exon junction BEDs for GTEx and TCGA, as well as the GENCODE v28 GTF file.

For extended neoepitope burden analysis:

We downloaded the hg19-to-hg38 chain file from UCSC and the GRCh37 protein coding translations FASTA file from GENCODE.

We also downloaded TPM expression data for TCGA generated by the National Cancer Institute, including COAD data, KIRC data, LUAD data, LUSC data, PRAD data, SKCM data, THCA data, and UCEC data cancer types, as well as the ID map for linking CGHubAnalysis UUIDs to TCGA aliquot barcodes. Unzip these files and store them all in one directory.

For survival analysis:

We obtained data from TCGA for the SKCM and KIRC cancer types. We downloaded SKCM clinical data and KIRC clinical data. We also downloaded SKCM MAF files and KIRC MAF files. Unzip all the files.

For other data processing:

We downloaded the HLA reference FASTA file from Optitype.


WES alignment/BAM processing

We used the dockstore-cgpmap workflow to align reads to the GRCh37d5 reference, generating genome-coordinate sorted alignments with duplicates marked, and the gatk-cocleaning-tool workflow to realign around indels and perform base recalibration for paired tumor and normal sequence read data. The script generates the required input json files and shell scripts to execute the workflows:


The WORKFLOW_FILE is the path to the fastq2bam.cwl.yaml file in this repository - you will need to copy this file to the same directory that includes your dockstore-cgpmap and gatk-cocleaning-tool repos. You will also need to copy the rename.cwl.yaml file to the same directory. The SCRIPT_DIR is the path to the directory this python script will generate input json files and shell scripts to, and the BAM_DIR is the file that processed tumor and normal alignments will be written to (within subdirectories named for each tumor sample) after the shell scripts in SCRIPT_DIR are run. FASTQ_DIR is the path to the directory containing your FASTQ files, and REFERENCE_DIR is the path to the directory which contains your reference data for the workflow (see the "For the WES alignment/bam processing and somatic variant calling workflows" subsection of "Genomic annotation data" above). The MANIFEST is the path to the tumor-normal pair manifest file described in "Patient genomic data" above.

We ran all of the generated shell scripts in SCRIPT_DIR.

Somatic variant calling and consensus calling

We used the mc3 workflow to call somatic variants using MuSE, MuTect, Pindel, RADIA, SomaticSniper, and VarScan 2. The script generates the required input json files and shell scripts to execute the workflows.


The MC3_WORKFLOW_FILE is the path to your mc3_variant.cwl file in your mc3 repository. The SCRIPT_DIR is the path to the directory this python script will generate input json files and shell scripts to, and the VARIANT_DIR is the path to the directory that VCFs will be written to (within subdirectories for each tumor sample) after the shell scripts in SCRIPT_DIR are run. BAM_DIR is the path to the directory containing your alignment files (which live within subdirectories for each tumor, see "WES alignment/BAM processing" above), and REFERENCE_DIR is the path to the directory which contains your reference data (see the "For the WES alignment/bam processing and somatic variant calling workflows" subsection of "Genomic annotation data" above). The MANIFEST is the path to the tumor-normal pair manifest file described in "Patient genomic data" above.

We ran all of the generated shell scripts in SCRIPT_DIR.

After running mc3 then used the software vt to process the VCF files from each caller, EXCEPT those from Indelocator and VarScan 2 indels:

First, we normalized each VCF:

vt normalize [INPUT_VCF] -n -r [REFERENCE_FASTA] -o [OUTPUT_VCF]

INPUT_VCF is the path to the VCF for that caller from the mc3 workflow, REFERENCE_FASTA is the path to the FASTA file in your reference data directory (see the "For the WES alignment/bam processing and somatic variant calling workflows" subsection of "Genomic Annotation Data" above), and OUTPUT_VCF is the path to which vt normalize will write the normalized VCF.

Then we decomposed block substitutions for each normalized VCF:

vt decompose_blocksub -a -p [INPUT_VCF] -o [OUTPUT_VCF]

INPUT_VCF is the path to the VCF for that caller after running vt normalize, and OUTPUT_VCF is the path to which vt decompose_blocksub will write the normalized/partially decomposed VCF.

Then we decomposed multi-allelic variants for each VCF from the previous step:

vt decompose -s [INPUT_VCF] -o [OUTPUT_VCF]

INPUT_VCF is the path to the VCF for that caller after running vt decompose_blocksub, and OUTPUT_VCF is the path to which vt decompose will write the normalized/fully decomposed VCF.

Then, for MuTect variants ONLY, we sorted variants:

vt sort [INPUT_VCF] -o [OUTPUT_VCF]

INPUT_VCF is the pat to the VCF for that caller from vt decompose, and OUTPUT_VCF is the path to which vt sort will write the normalized/fully decomposed/sorted VCF.

Then we took unique variants for all callers:

vt uniq [INPUT_VCF] -o [OUTPUT_VCF]

INPUT_VCF is the path to the VCF for that caller from vt decompose (or vt sort for MuTect VCFs), and OUTPUT_VCF is the path to which vt uniq will write the final VCF for that caller.

Finally, we used a python script to produce a consensus call set of variants produced by at least 2 callers and not overlapped by a Pindel variant, or called by solely Pindel:

python -v [MUSE_VCF],[MUTECT_VCF],[PINDEL_VCF],[RADIA_VCF],[SOMATICSNIPER_VCF],[VARSCAN_FPF_VCF] -c muse,mutect,pindel,radia,somaticsniper,varscan -o [OUTPUT_DIR] -n 2 -s [PATIENT_ID].[TUMOR_ID], -t [TUMOR_ID] -i 1000

The VCFs listed for the -v option are the paths to those VCFs processed by vt uniq for each caller, the OUTPUT_DIR is the path to the directory to which the script will write consensus VCFs, the PATIENT_ID is the patient identifier for the sample (first column of the tumor-normal pair manifest file described in "Patient genomic data" above), and TUMOR_ID is the tumor identifier for the sample (third column of the tumor-normal pair manifest file described in "Patient genomic data" above).

Germline variant calling

We used GATK to run HaplotypeCaller for calling germline variants, and to run VariantFiltration for filtering the results of HaplotypeCaller.

HaplotypeCaller was run using default options:

java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -R [REFERENCE_FASTA] -T HaplotypeCaller -I [NORMAL_BAM] -o [RAW_GERMLINE_VCF]

The REFERENCE_FASTA is the path to the FASTA file in your reference data directory (see the "For the WES alignment/bam processing and somatic variant calling workflows" subsection of "Genomic Annotation Data" above). The NORMAL_BAM file is the path to the processed normal sample alignment file (see "WES alignment/BAM processing" above). [RAW_GERMLINE_VCF] is the path to which HaplotypeCaller will write the raw VCF.

GATK's VariantFiltration was run as below:

java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -R [REFERENCE_FASTA] -T VariantFiltration --variant [RAW_GERMLINE_VCF] -o [FILTERED_GERMLINE_VCF] --clusterSize 3 --clusterWindowSize 15 --missingValuesInExpressionsShouldEvaluateAsFailing --filterName 'QDFilter' --filterExpression 'QD < 2.0' --filterName 'QUALFilter' --filterExpression 'QUAL < 100.0' --filterName DPFilter --filterExpression 'DP < 10.0'

The REFERENCE_FASTA is the path to the FASTA file in your reference data directory (see the "For the WES alignment/bam processing and somatic variant calling workflows" subsection of "Genomic Annotation Data" above). [RAW_GERMLINE_VCF] is the path to the raw VCF produced by HaplotypeCaller. FILTERED_GERMLINE_VCF is the path to which VariantFiltration will write the VCF with filtering information.

Only variants passing all filters were retained and saved to a final for downstream analyses:



FILTERED_GERMLINE_VCF is the path to the VCF with filtering information from VariantFiltration, and POSTFILTER_GERMLINE_VCF is the path to the cleaned VCF containing only variants which passed all filters.

We also ran vt to normalize, decompose (both block substitutions and multi-allelic variants), sort, and obtain a unique list of variants from the filtered/cleanred germline VCFs (as described above for the VCFs from individual somatic variant callers in "Somatic variant calling and consensus calling"). On the VCF resulting from vt's uniq, we ran one final filtering step to correct genotyping formats:

grep -v '^#' [UNIQ_GERMLINE_VCF] | sed -E 's/1[/][.][:]/0\/1:/' | sed -E 's/[.][/]1[:]/0\/1:/' | sed -E 's/[.]\/[.]/0\/0/' >> [FINAL_GERMLINE_VCF]

UNIQ_GERMLINE_VCF is the path to the the VCF from vt uniq, and FINAL_GERMLINE_VCF is the path to which to write the final germline VCF file for downstream analyses.

Genome coverage

We used bedtools genomecov to determine the Mbp of genome covered in each tumor sample:

bedtools genomecov -ibam [TUMOR_BAM] -bg > [BEDGRAPH_DIR][PATIENT_ID].[TUMOR_ID].bg

The TUMOR_BAM is the processed tumor sample alignment file (see "WES alignment/BAM processing" above). BEDGRAPH_DIR is the path to the directory to which raw coverage output will be written. PATIENT_ID is the patient identifier for the sample (first column of the tumor-normal pair manifest file described in "Patient genomic data" above), and TUMOR_ID is the tumor identifier for the sample (third column f the tumor-normal pair manifest file described in "Patient genomic data" above).

We processed the output BedGraph files for all samples to determine the number of bp pairs per sample that were covered by at least 6 reads. A coverage summary file for all patients was generated with a python script:

python --graph-dir [BEDGRAPH_DIR] --output-file [OUTPUT_FILE] --manifest [MANIFEST]

BEDGRAPH_DIR is the path to the directory containing the bedgraph files produced by bedtools genomecov in the previous step, OUTPUT_FILE is the path to which the script will write the coverage table, and MANIFEST is the path to the tumor-normal pair manifest file described in "Patient genomic data" above.

Haplotype phasing

Before performing haplotype phasing, we merged our final germline variants and our consensus somatic variants using neoepiscope:

neoepiscope merge -g [FINAL_GERMLINE_VCF] -s [SOMATIC_VCF] -o [MERGED_VCF]

FINAL_GERMLINE_VCF is the path to the final germline VCF (see "Germline variant calling" above), SOMATIC_VCF is the path to the consensus somatic VCF produced by the script (see "Somatic variant calling and consensus calling" above), and MERGED_VCF is the path to which neoepiscope merge will write the merged VCF.

Then, we predicted tumor haplotypes using HapCUT2's extractHAIRS and HAPCUT2 functionalities:

extractHAIRS --indels 1 --bam [TUMOR_BAM] --VCF [MERGED_VCF] --out [FRAGMENT_FILE]

HAPCUT2 --fragments [FRAGMENT_FILE] --vcf [MERGED_VCF] --output [HAPLOTYPES]

TUMOR_BAM is the path to the processed tumor sample alignment file (see "WES alignment/BAM processing" above). MERGED_VCF is the path to the merged VCF produced by neoepiscope merge. FRAGMENT_FILE is the path to the output of HapCUT2's extractHAIRS, and HAPLOTYPES is the path to the output of HAPCUT2.

Finally, we prepared our haplotype predictions for neoepitope prediction using neoepiscope:

neoepiscope prep -v [MERGED_VCF] -c [HAPLOTYPES] -o [PREPPED_HAPLOTYPES]

MERGED_VCF is the path to the merged VCF produced by neoepiscope merge, HAPLOTYPES is the path to the output of HAPCUT2, and PREPPED_HAPLOTYPES is the path to which neoepiscope prep will write the prepared haplotype data.

HLA typing

We performed MHC Class I HLA typing with OptiType for each tumor WES FASTQ pair as below:

python -i [FASTQ1] [FASTQ2] --dna --outdir [OUTPUT_DIR] --prefix [TUMOR_ID]

[FASTQ1] and [FASTQ2] are the paths to the forward and reverse FASTQ files for the tumor sample, and TUMOR_ID is the tumor identifier for the sample (third column f the tumor-normal pair manifest file described in "Patient genomic data" above). OUTPUT_DIR is the path to the directory where OptiType will write the output files.

We performed MHC Class II HLA typing with seq2hla for each tumor WES FASTQ pair:

python -1 [FASTQ1] -2 [FASTQ2] -r [OUTPUT_DIR]/[TUMOR_ID]

[FASTQ1] and [FASTQ2] are the paths to the forward and reverse FASTQ files for the tumor sample, and TUMOR_ID is the tumor identifier for the sample (third column f the tumor-normal pair manifest file described in "Patient genomic data" above). OUTPUT_DIR is the path to the same directory where you had OptiType write output files.

MSI calculations

We determined tumor MSI status using mSINGS. You will first need to edit the file in the scripts subdirectory of the mSINGS repository to include paths to your VarScan 2 jar file (the VARSCAN variable), samtools executable (the samtools variable), and output directory (SAVEPATH variable). You will also need to generate a list of paths to processed tumor sample alignments, one per line. Then, we ran this command to determine MSI status across all patients:


BAM_LIST is the path to your list of tumor sample alignments for each patient. INTERVALS_FILE is path to the mSINGS_TCGA.msi_intervals file in the doc subdirectory of the mSINGS repository. BEDFILE is the path to the mSINGS_TCGA.bed file in the doc subdirectory of the mSINGS repository. REFERENCE_FASTA is the path to the FASTA file in your reference data directory (see the "For the WES alignment/bam processing and somatic variant calling workflows" subsection of "Genomic Annotation Data" above). BASELINE_FILE is the path to the mSINGS_TCGA.baseline file in the doc subdirectory of the mSINGS repository. Data will be written into a subdirectory named for each alignment in the SAVEPATH directory.

DNA neoepitope prediction

We predicted neoepitopes of 8-24 amino acids in length for each tumor sample from our consensus somatic variants with neoepiscope call, both accounting for phasing and germline and somatic variants with a comprehensive suite of transcript types, and not accounting for phasing with only protein-coding transcripts:

neoepiscope call -b hg19 -c [PREPPED_HAPLOTYPES] -o [OUTPUT_DIR]/[PATIENT_ID].[TUMOR_ID].neoepiscope.comprehensive.out -k 8,24 --nmd --pp --igv --trv --no-affinity --fasta

neoepiscope call -b hg19 -c [PREPPED_HAPLOTYPES] -o [OUTPUT_DIR]/[PATIENT_ID].[TUMOR_ID].neoepiscope.somatic.out -k 8,24 --isolate --germline exclude --no-affinity --fasta

PREPPED_HAPLOTYPES is the path to output of neoepiscope prep (see "Haplotype phasing" above). OUTPUT_DIR is the path the directory to which neoepiscope will write the output files. PATIENT_ID is the patient identifier for the sample (first column of the tumor-normal pair manifest file described in "Patient genomic data" above), and TUMOR_ID is the tumor identifier for the sample (third column f the tumor-normal pair manifest file described in "Patient genomic data" above). This will create output in your working directory, so you may add a directory as a prefix to the PATIENT_ID to direct output to a specific location.

Additionally, we predicted neopitopes of 8-11 amino acids in length from individual variant calling tools (MuSE, MuTect, Pindel, RADIA, SomaticSniper, and VarScan 2 SNV) with neoepiscope, not accounting for phasing with only protein-coding transcripts. For each caller, we first removed variants that did not pass filters - for MuTect, SomaticSniper, and VarScan 2 we retained variants with "PASS" in the FILTER field; for MuSE we retained variants that did NOT have "Tier5" in the FILTER field; and we retained all Pindel and RADIA variants, as they are already filtered. Then we ran neoepiscope prep and neoepiscope call for each caller/sample:

neoepiscope prep -v [CLEAN_VCF] -o [PATIENT_ID].[TUMOR_ID].[CALLER].haplotypes

neoepiscope call -b hg19 -c [PATIENT_ID].[TUMOR_ID].caller.haplotypes -o [BY_CALLER_EPITOPE_DIR]/[PATIENT_ID].[TUMOR_ID].neoepiscope.[CALLER].out --no-affinity

CLEAN_VCF is the path to the filtered VCF for each caller. BY_CALLER_EPITOPE_DIR is the path to the directory to which neoepiscope will write the output PATIENT_ID is the patient identifier for the sample (first column of the tumor-normal pair manifest file described in "Patient genomic data" above), and TUMOR_ID is the tumor identifier for the sample (third column f the tumor-normal pair manifest file described in "Patient genomic data" above). CALLER is the variant caller used (formatted as "muse", "mutect", "pindel", "radia", "somatic_sniper", or "varscan").

We then processed the neoepitope predictions from each caller to identify differences/similarities between tools using a python script:


MANIFEST is the path to the tumor-normal pair manifest file described in "Patient genomic data" above, OUTPUT_DIR is the path to the directory to which the script will write files, BY_CALLER_EPITOPE_DIR is the directory containing the neoepitope predictions for each caller (see above), and CONSENSUS_EPITOPE_DIR is the path to the directory containing unphased neoepitope predictions based on consensus variant calls (see above).

Finally, to prepare data for plotting, we used another python script to simplify the data:

python -i [OUTPUT_DIR]/epitope_upset_table.tsv -o [OUTPUT_DIR]

OUTPUT_DIR is the path to the same output directory used in the previous step. The script will write two files, epitope_upset.tsv and epitope_upset_counts.tsv, to the OUTPUT_DIR.

Binding affinity analysis

To identify binding neoepitopes, we used MHCnuggets to predict binding affinities of phased neoepitopes. For all patient MHC Class I or II alleles for each patient as predicted by Optitype or seq2hla, we used a python script to predict binding affinities:

python -t mhcnuggets -n [PATIENT_ID].[TUMOR_ID].neoepiscope.comprehensive.out -d [NEOEPISCOPE_REPO]/neoepiscope/availableAlleles.pickle -a [HLA_ALLELE] -o [OUTPUT_DIR]

PATIENT_ID is the patient identifier for the sample (first column of the tumor-normal pair manifest file described in "Patient genomic data" above), and TUMOR_ID is the tumor identifier for the sample (third column f the tumor-normal pair manifest file described in "Patient genomic data" above). NEOEPISCOPE_REPO is the path to the neoepiscope git repository. HLA_ALLELE is the HLA allele to use. OUTPUT_DIR is the path the directory where the script will write a pickled dictionary for each allele, linking each neoepitope as a key to it's binding affinity for the HLA allele used as a value (or 'NA' if binding affinity predictions for that allele/peptide are not possible).

We also used netMHCpan to predicting binding affinities of unphased neoepitopes:

python -t netMHCpan -n [PATIENT_ID].[TUMOR_ID].neoepiscope.somatic.out -d [NEOEPISCOPE_REPO]/neoepiscope/availableAlleles.pickle -a [HLA_ALLELE] -o [OUTPUT_DIR]

Note that a different OUTPUT_DIR should be used in this case to separate phased vs. unphased binding affinity predictions, otherwise all inputs are the same as above.

Compiling DNA/clinical data table

To compile the main data table summarizing DNA genomic data and clinical information, we used a python script:


OUTPUT_DIR is the path to the directory to which the script will write the summary file, immunotherapy_data_table.tsv. COVERAGE_SUMMARY is the path to the output file you specified for the genomic coverage table (see "Genome coverage" above). SAMPLE_DATA is the path to the sample information file containing clinical information. MANIFEST is the path to the tumor-normal pair manifest described in "Patient genomic data" above. CONSENSUS_VCF_DIR is the path to the output directory containing consensus somatic VCFs you specified for the consensus calling script (see "Somatic variant calling and consensus calling" above). RAW_VCF_DIR is the path to the directory you specified for mc3 output of raw VCFs in per-tumor subdirectories (see "Somatic variant calling and consensus calling" above). HLA_TYPE_DIR is the path to the directory containing Optitype and seq2hla data (see "HLA typing" above). MSI_DIR is the path to the directory you specified for the SAVEPATH variable for mSINGS (see "MSI calculations" above). NEOEPITOPE_DIR is the path to the directory containing the output from neoepiscope (see "DNA neoepitope prediction" above). BINDING_DIR is the path to the output directory you specified for binding affinity predictions for phased epitopes (see "Binding affinity analysis" above). UNPHASED_BINDING_DIR is the path to the output directory you specified for binding affinity predictions for unphased epitopes (see "Binding affinity analysis" above). HLA_REFERENCE_FASTA is the path to the HLA reference file from Optitype (see the "For other data processing" subsection of "Genomic annotation data" above).

Processed epitope analysis

For each tumor sample, we ran netCTLpan to predict naturally processed neoepitopes of sizes 8, 9, 10, 11 for each patient MHC Class I allele using NetCTLpan. We used a python script to facilitate this:


NEOEPISCOPE_FILE is the path to the output for that sample from neoepiscope, run with phasing (the .neoepiscope.comprehensive.out file ending, see "DNA neoepitope prediction" above). OUTPUT_DIR is the path to the directory where FASTAs for input to NetCTLpan and the NetCTLpan output files will be written. NETCTLPAN is the path to your NetCTLpan executable. ALLELE is the HLA allele for the run, and SIZE is the peptide size for the run (8, 9, 10, or 11). Run for every peptide size/MHC Class I allele combination for each sample.

To process the results, we used a python script:

python -m [MANIFEST] -i [NETCTL_DIR] -o [OUTPUT_DIR]/netctlpan_burdens.tsv

MANIFEST is the path to the tumor-normal pair manifest described in "Patient genomic data" above. NETCTL_DIR is the OUTPUT_DIR from the previous step, containing the pickled dictionaries generated by the script. OUTPUT_DIR is the directory to which the script will write the netctlpan_burdens.tsv file.

RNA-seq alignment

For use in identifying cancer-specific splicing junctions and for determining epitope expression, we aligned RNA-seq reads using STAR to both the GRCh37 and GRCh38 genome builds. We first created a set of STAR indexes from the GENCODE reference FASTA files (see the "For RNA-seq alignments" subsection of "Genomic annotation data" above) for each build:

STAR --runMode genomeGenerate --genomeDir [INDEX_DIR] --genomeFastaFiles [REFERENCE_FASTA] --sjdbGTFfile [GTF]

INDEX_DIR is the path to the directory to write the index to, REFERENCE_FASTA is the path to the GENCODE reference FASTA file, and GTF is the path to the GENCODE GTF file. Be sure to do this for both GRCh37 and GRCh38 references, storing each in a separate INDEX_DIR.

Then, we aligned each pair of RNA-seq FASTQ files to each reference genome:

STAR --runMode alignReads --outSAMattributes NH HI AS nM MD --outSAMstrandField intronMotif --outFileNamePrefix [OUTPUT_DIR]/[RNA_SAMPLE_ID] --genomeDir [INDEX_DIR] --readFilesCommand zcat --readFilesIn [FASTQ1] [FASTQ2]

OUTPUT_DIR is the path to the directory to which STAR will write the output files. RNA_SAMPLE_ID is the RNA sample identifier for the sample (fourth column of the tumor-normal pair manifest file described in "Patient genomic data" above). This will create a directory named for that identifier in your OUTPUT_DIR. INDEX_DIR is the path to the directory containing the STAR index to use. FASTQ1 and FASTQ2 are the paths to the forward and reverse FASTQ files for the sample. Again, be sure to do this for each reference build, specifying a different OUTPUT_DIR for each build.

For use in identifying cancer-specific retained introns, we also aligned RNA-seq reads using bowtie2. First, we generated transcript and intron reference FASTA files using a python script from kma:

python [KMA LIBRARY]/ --genome [REFERENCE_FASTA] --gtf [GTF] --out [OUTPUT_DIR]

KMA LIBRARY is the path to the kma package library for R. The REFERENCE_FASTA is the path to the FASTA file in your reference data directory (see the "For the WES alignment/bam processing and somatic variant calling workflows" subsection of "Genomic Annotation Data" above). GTF is the path to the GENCODE GRCh37 GTF file (see the "For RNA-seq alignments" subsection of "Genomic annotation data" above). OUTPUT_DIR is the path to the directory to which the script will write the reference FASTA files.

Then, we combined the transcript and reference FASTA files into a single FASTA file:

cat [OUTPUT_DIR]/trans.fa [OUTPUT DIR]/introns.fa > [OUTPUT_DIR]/trans_and_introns.fa

OUTPUT_DIR is the path to the output directory from the previous step.

Next, we indexed the transcript/intron reference with bowtie2:

bowtie2-build --offrate 1 [OUTPUT_DIR]/trans_and_introns.fa [OUTPUT_DIR]/trans_and_introns

Once again, OUTPUT_DIR is the path to the output directory from the previous step.

Finally, we aligned the RNA-seq reads for each tumor sample, as well as each melanocyte sample, to the indexed reference transcript/intron FASTA:

bowtie2 -p 12 -k 200 --rdg 6,5 --rfg 6,5 --score-min L,-.6,-.4 -x [OUTPUT_DIR]/trans_and_introns -1 [FASTQ1] -2 [FASTQ2] | samtools view -Sb - > [BAM_DIR]/[RNA_SAMPLE_ID]_hits.bam

Once again, OUTPUT_DIR is the path to the output directory from the previous step. FASTQ1 and FASTQ2 are the forward and reverse FASTQ files for the sample. BAM_DIR is the path to the directory to which the alignments will be written. RNA_SAMPLE_ID is the RNA sample identifier for the sample (fourth column of the tumor-normal pair manifest file described in "Patient genomic data" above, or the melanocyte sample accession number in the melanocyte accession file).

Tumor-specific splice junctions

We first created TCGA and GTEx junction indexes following the instructions in step 1 of the "Execute" section of this repository, using a virtual environment:

conda activate cravat_env


conda deactivate

See the "Data" section of the respository for descriptions of the input files. The DB_DIR now contains junction indexes. (Note that this process may take around 24 hours to complete.)

Next, we called junctions present in our tumor samples but not GTEx or SRA using a python script:

python -d [DB_DIR] -o [OUTPUT_DIR] -j [RNA_ALIGNMENT_DIR] -g [GENCODE_GTF] --recursive-glob --tumor-prevalences Skin_Cutaneous_Melanoma Kidney_Renal_Clear_Cell_Carcinoma

DB_DIR is the path to the directory containing the junction indexes from the previous step. OUTPUT_DIR is the path to the directory to which the script will write output. RNA_ALIGNMENT_DIR is that path to your GRCh38 RNA-seq alignments (stored in per-sample subdirectories). GENCODE_GTF is the path to the GENCODE v28 GTF file (see the "For tumor-specific splice junction identification" subsection of "Genomic Annotation Data" above).

We then filtered out junctions that were present in any melanocyte samples in the SRA using a python script:

python --snaptron-results [THIS_REPO]/data/ -o [JUNCTION_DIR] --sra-filter melanocyte_primarycell melanocyte_cellline

THIS_REPO is the path to this repository, which contains necessary Snaptron data in the data subdirectory. (These data represent the results of Snaptron queries to the SRA for identifying melanocyte junctions.) JUNCTION_DIR is the path to the directory to which this script will write the filtered junctions.

Finally, to tally tumor-specific junction burden, we used a python script:


MANIFEST is the path to the tumor-normal pair manifest described in "Patient genomic data" above. OUTPUT_DIR is the path to the directory to which the script will write the output file, patient_jx_burdens.tsv. JUNCTION_DIR is the path to the directory containing the predicted tumor-specific junctions.

Tumor-specific retained intron and retained intron neoepitope identification

To identify retained introns, we used kma. Per the tool's recommendation, we first quantified reads for each tumor sample and each melanocyte sample using express:



OUTPUT_DIR is the path to the directory you would like express to write output to - use a different directory for tumor samples vs. melanocyte samples. RNA_SAMPLE_ID is the RNA sample identifier for the sample (fourth column of the tumor-normal pair manifest file described in "Patient genomic data" above or the melanocyte sample accession number in the melanocyte accession file). TRASCRIPTOME_INTRON_REFERENCE_DIR is the path to the directory containing the merged transcript and intron reference FASTA (described in "RNA-seq alignment" above).

Next, edit the kma analysis R script at any line with a comment that says "## UPDATE THIS PATH". On line 6, update the directory to be the OUTPUT_DIR you used for storing express output for your tumor samples; on line 32, update the directory to be the OUTPUT_DIR you used for storing express output for your melanocyte samples. On line 17, update the directory to be the one containing your intron_to_transcripts.txt file created by kma's script (described in "RNA-seq alignment" above). On lines 27 and 51, update the directory to wherever you'd like to store information on retained intron read counts (may be the same or different directories). Then, run the script:

Rscript kma_analysis.R

This will generate two output files in the directory/directories you specified on lines 27 and 51, intron_retention_read_counts.tsv and melanocyte_intron_retention_read_counts.tsv.

Next, we used a python script to find outliers in the data:

python -r intron_retention_read_counts.tsv -i [TRASCRIPTOME_INTRON_REFERENCE_DIR]/intron_to_transcripts.txt -o intron_retention_outliers.tsv

python -r melanocyte_intron_retention_read_counts.tsv -i [TRASCRIPTOME_INTRON_REFERENCE_DIR]/intron_to_transcripts.txt -o melanocyte_intron_retention_outliers.tsv

TRASCRIPTOME_INTRON_REFERENCE_DIR is the path to the directory containing the merged transcript and intron reference FASTA (described in "RNA-seq alignment" above). Adjust commands to include paths to directories containing the input and output files as relevant.

Next, we filtered out outlier introns that are also in melanocyte data using a python script:

python -m [MANIFEST] -o melanocyte_intron_retention_outliers.tsv -t intron_retention_outliers.tsv -f [FILTERED_OUTLIERS]

The MANIFEST is the path to the tumor-normal pair manifest described in "Patient genomic data" above. FILTERED_OUTLIERS is the TSV file filtered file that the script will write. Add directory paths in front of the melanocyte and tumor outlier files as necessary.

Finally, we used a python script to summarize the burdens of retained introns and neoepitopes derived from retained introns for each patient:


The MANIFEST is the path to the tumor-normal pair manifest described in "Patient genomic data" above. OUTPUT_DIR is the path to the directory to which the script will write the burden summary file. HLA_TYPE_DIR is the path to the directory containing Optitype and seq2hla data (see "HLA typing" above). TRASCRIPTOME_INTRON_REFERENCE_DIR is the path to the directory containing the merged transcript and intron reference FASTA (described in "RNA-seq alignment" above). FILTERED_OUTLIERS is the path to the output from the previous step. HLA_REFERENCE_FASTA is the path to the HLA reference file from Optitype (see "Genomic annotation data" above).

Extended neoepitope burden

First, we made a blast protein database the GRCh37 protein annotation:

makeblastdb -in [GRCH37_PROTEIN_FASTA] -input_type fasta -title [DB_TITLE] -parse_seqids -out [DB_TITLE]

GRCH37_PROTEIN_FASTA is the path to the GRCh37 protein reference FASTA file from GENCODE (see the "For RNA-seq alignments" subsection of "Genomic annotation data" above). DB_TITLE is the name for the database, including path information.

Next, we created a dictionary linking TCGA disease types to transcripts that are expressed in that disease type using a python script:


TCGA_EXPRESSION_DIR is the path to the directory containing the TPM expression data/mapping file (see the "For extended neoepitope burden analysis" subsection of "Genomic annotation data" above). The script will write a pickled dictionary, TCGA_expression.pickle, into that directory.

For each tumor sample, we used a python script to gather information about each neopeptide:


PATIENT_ID is the patient identifier for the sample (first column of the tumor-normal pair manifest file described in "Patient genomic data" above), TUMOR_ID is the tumor identifier for the sample (third column f the tumor-normal pair manifest file described in "Patient genomic data" above), and RNA_SAMPLE_ID is the RNA sample identifier for the sample (fourth column of the tumor-normal pair manifest file described in "Patient genomic data" above). NEOEPITOPE_DIR is the path to the directory containing the output from neoepiscope (see "DNA neoepitope prediction" above). OUTPUT_DIR is the path to the directory the script will write output to. BLASTP is the path to your blastp executable. DB_TITLE is the name for the protein database you created. RNA_ALIGNMENTS is the path to the directory containing your alignments of RNA-seq data to GRCh37 using STAR (see "RNA-seq alignment" above). TCGA_EXPRESSION_DIR is the path to your TCGA expression directory. DISEASE_SITE is the cancer type for the patient (written as melanoma, NSCLC, colon, endometrial, thyroid, prostate, or RCC). ALLELE_DICT is the path to the availableAlleles.pickle dictionary from neoepiscope. LIFTOVER is the path to your liftOver executable. CHAIN_FILE is the path to your hg19-to-hg38 chain file (see "Genomic annotation data" above). BINDING_DIR is the path to the output directory you specified for binding affinity predictions (see "Binding affinity analysis" above).

Finally, we processed this data for all patients using a python script:


BURDEN_DIR is the path to the directory you used as the OUTPUT_DIR in the previous step. RNA_ALIGNMENTS is the path to the directory containing your alignments of RNA-seq data to GRCh37 using STAR (see "RNA-seq alignment" above). MANIFEST is the path to the tumor-normal pair manifest described in "Patient genomic data" above. This script will produce two output files, summarized_epitope_burden_updated.tsv and raw_epitope_table_updated.tsv.

Driver variant analysis

First, we annotated each consensus somatic VCF using Open-CRAVAT, selecting ClinVar annotations:

conda activate cravat_env

cravat [SOMATIC_VCF] -a clinvar -v -l hg19

conda deactivate

SOMATIC_VCF is the path to the consensus somatic VCF produced by the script (see "Somatic variant calling and consensus calling" above). Open-CRAVAT will write its output into the same directory as the VCF file.

Next, we used a python script to identify driver variants and their resulting neoepitopes:


MANIFEST is the path to the tumor-normal pair manifest described in "Patient genomic data" above. OUTPUT_DIR is the path to the directory to which the script will write its output files, drivers.tsv, mut_binders.tsv, driver_mut_binders.tsv, ep_binders.tsv, and driver_ep_binders.tsv. VCF_DIR is the path to the directory you used as the OUTPUT_DIR when producing consensus somatic VCFs using the script (see "Somatic variant calling and consensus calling" above). NEOEPITOPE_DIR is the path to the directory containing the output from neoepiscope (see "DNA neoepitope prediction" above). BINDING_DIR is the path to the output directory you specified for binding affinity predictions (see "Binding affinity analysis" above).

Processing TCGA survival data

To process TCGA mutation/clinical data for survival analysis, we used a python script:

python -m [SKCM_MAF_DIR] -c [SKCM_CLINICAL_DATA] -o [OUTPUT_DIR]/skcm_tmb_survival_data.tsv

python -m [KIRC_MAF_DIR] -c [KIRC_CLINICAL_DATA] -o [OUTPUT_DIR]/kirc_tmb_survival_data.tsv

SKCM_MAF_DIR and KIRC_MAF_DIR are the paths to the directories containing the SKCM and KIRC MAF files, respectively (see "Genomic annotation data" above). SKCM_CLINICAL_DATA and KIRC_CLINICAL_DATA are the SKCM.clin.merged.txt file from the SKCM clinical data and KIRC.clin.merged.txt file from the KIRC clinical data, respectively (see the "For survival analysis" subsection of "Genomic annotation data" above). OUTPUT_DIR is the path to the directory where output will be written.

Statistical analysis and figure generation

To create files in a suitable format for bar plotting of variant/neoepitope burdens, we used a python script:


DNA_SUMMARY_FILE is the path to the immunotherapy_data_table.tsv file generated by the script (see "Compiling DNA/clinical data table" above). JX_SUMMARY_FILE is the path to the patient_jx_burdens.tsv file generated by script (see "Tumor-specific splice junctions" above). RI_SUMMARY_FILE is the path to the full_intron_retention_burden.tsv file generated by the script OUTPUT_DIR is the path to the directory where the output files, rna_enumerated_mutations.tsv and rna_enumerated_epitopes.tsv, will be written.

To perform statistical analysis and generate figures, we used 3 R scripts. First, move or copy the following files to a working directory of your choice:

Then, run the R scripts interactively within R studio, allowing you to adjust figure dimensions and see results as desired. First, run immunotherapy_analysis.R, changing the working directory on line 11 to the directory containing the above files. Then, run survival-plots.R, changing the working directory on line 1 to the directory containing the above files. Finally, run immuno-rx-models.R, changing the working directory on line 2 to the directory containing the above files.


For any questions or concerns regarding the analysis process, please raise an issue on this repository or email [email protected].


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