# Introduction # The F2PY project uses in its development the Mercurial software configuration management tool. This document collects commands for various development tasks. # F2PY repository # To get a local copy of F2PY software, use ``` hg clone https://f2py.googlecode.com/hg/ f2py ``` Read [A tutorial on using Mercurial](http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/Tutorial). **TODO:** Describe a suggested workflow for using F2PY repository. # F2PY API Documentation # To build F2PY API documentation, run in the local `f2py` repository ``` tools/mk_apidocs.sh ``` The API documentation will be available in `html` directory. To upload F2PY API documentation to http://f2py.sourceforge.net/docs/ and if you are Pearu, then run ``` tools/upload_apidocs.sh ```