diff --git a/.jshintrc b/.jshintrc
index 159fb604..aa3f1574 100644
--- a/.jshintrc
+++ b/.jshintrc
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   "node": true,
   "curly": true,
   "eqeqeq": true,
-  "esversion": 6,
+  "esversion": 8,
   "freeze": true,
   "immed": true,
   "indent": 2,
diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
index adee0c75..280bb08b 100644
--- a/Dockerfile
+++ b/Dockerfile
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 # base image
-FROM pelias/libpostal_baseimage
+FROM pelias/baseimage
 # dependencies
 RUN apt-get update && \
diff --git a/api/search.js b/api/search.js
index e7a86bda..055368a3 100644
--- a/api/search.js
+++ b/api/search.js
@@ -31,120 +31,123 @@ function setup( addressDbPath, streetDbPath ){
     if( 'string' !== typeof number ){ return cb( 'invalid number' ); }
     if( 'string' !== typeof street ){ return cb( 'invalid street' ); }
-    var normalized = {
-      number: analyze.housenumber( number ),
-      street: analyze.street( street )
-    };
+    analyze.street(street, function streetAnalyzeCallback(err, street, metadata) {
-    // error checking
-    if( isNaN( point.lat ) ){ return cb( 'invalid latitude' ); }
-    if( isNaN( point.lon ) ){ return cb( 'invalid longitude' ); }
-    if( isNaN( normalized.number ) ){ return cb( 'invalid number' ); }
-    if( !normalized.street.length ){ return cb( 'invalid street' ); }
+      var normalized = {
+        number: analyze.housenumber( number ),
+        street: street
+      };
-    // perform a db lookup for the specified street
-    // @todo: perofmance: only query for part of the table
-    query.search( db, point, normalized.number, normalized.street, function( err, res ){
+      // error checking
+      if( isNaN( point.lat ) ){ return cb( 'invalid latitude' ); }
+      if( isNaN( point.lon ) ){ return cb( 'invalid longitude' ); }
+      if( isNaN( normalized.number ) ){ return cb( 'invalid number' ); }
+      if( !normalized.street.length ){ return cb( 'invalid street' ); }
-      // @note: results can be from multiple different street ids.
+      // perform a db lookup for the specified street
+      // @todo: perofmance: only query for part of the table
+      query.search( db, point, normalized.number, normalized.street, function( err, res ){
-      // an error occurred or no results were found
-      if( err || !res || !res.length ){ return cb( err, null ); }
+        // @note: results can be from multiple different street ids.
-      // try to find an exact match
-      var match = res.find( function( row ){
-        if( row.source === 'VERTEX' ){ return false; }
-        return row.housenumber === normalized.number;
-      });
+        // an error occurred or no results were found
+        if( err || !res || !res.length ){ return cb( err, null ); }
-      // return exact match
-      if( match ){
-        return cb( null, {
-          type: 'exact',
-          source: match.source,
-          source_id: match.source_id,
-          number: analyze.housenumberFloatToString( match.housenumber ),
-          lat: parseFloat( match.lat.toFixed(7) ),
-          lon: parseFloat( match.lon.toFixed(7) )
+        // try to find an exact match
+        var match = res.find( function( row ){
+          if( row.source === 'VERTEX' ){ return false; }
+          return row.housenumber === normalized.number;
-      }
-      // try to find a close match with the same number (possibly an apartment)
-      match = res.find( function( row ){
-        if( row.source === 'VERTEX' ){ return false; }
-        return Math.floor( row.housenumber ) === Math.floor( normalized.number );
-      });
+        // return exact match
+        if( match ){
+          return cb( null, {
+            type: 'exact',
+            source: match.source,
+            source_id: match.source_id,
+            number: analyze.housenumberFloatToString( match.housenumber ),
+            lat: parseFloat( match.lat.toFixed(7) ),
+            lon: parseFloat( match.lon.toFixed(7) )
+          });
+        }
-      // return close match
-      if( match ){
-        return cb( null, {
-          type: 'close',
-          source: match.source,
-          source_id: match.source_id,
-          number: analyze.housenumberFloatToString( match.housenumber ),
-          lat: parseFloat( match.lat.toFixed(7) ),
-          lon: parseFloat( match.lon.toFixed(7) )
+        // try to find a close match with the same number (possibly an apartment)
+        match = res.find( function( row ){
+          if( row.source === 'VERTEX' ){ return false; }
+          return Math.floor( row.housenumber ) === Math.floor( normalized.number );
-      }
-      // attempt to interpolate the position
-      // find the records before and after the desired number (group by street segment)
-      var map = {};
-      res.forEach( function( row ){
-        if( !map.hasOwnProperty( row.id ) ){ map[row.id] = {}; }
-        if( row.housenumber < normalized.number ){ map[row.id].before = row; }
-        if( row.housenumber > normalized.number ){ map[row.id].after = row; }
-        if( map[row.id].before && map[row.id].after ){
-          map[row.id].diff = {
-            before: map[row.id].before.housenumber - normalized.number,
-            after: map[row.id].after.housenumber - normalized.number
-          };
+        // return close match
+        if( match ){
+          return cb( null, {
+            type: 'close',
+            source: match.source,
+            source_id: match.source_id,
+            number: analyze.housenumberFloatToString( match.housenumber ),
+            lat: parseFloat( match.lat.toFixed(7) ),
+            lon: parseFloat( match.lon.toFixed(7) )
+          });
-      });
-      // remove segments with less than 2 points; convert map to array
-      var segments = [];
-      for( var id in map ){
-        if( map[id].before && map[id].after ){
-          segments.push( map[id] );
+        // attempt to interpolate the position
+        // find the records before and after the desired number (group by street segment)
+        var map = {};
+        res.forEach( function( row ){
+          if( !map.hasOwnProperty( row.id ) ){ map[row.id] = {}; }
+          if( row.housenumber < normalized.number ){ map[row.id].before = row; }
+          if( row.housenumber > normalized.number ){ map[row.id].after = row; }
+          if( map[row.id].before && map[row.id].after ){
+            map[row.id].diff = {
+              before: map[row.id].before.housenumber - normalized.number,
+              after: map[row.id].after.housenumber - normalized.number
+            };
+          }
+        });
+        // remove segments with less than 2 points; convert map to array
+        var segments = [];
+        for( var id in map ){
+          if( map[id].before && map[id].after ){
+            segments.push( map[id] );
+          }
-      }
-      // could not find two rows to use for interpolation
-      if( !segments.length ){
-        return cb( null, null );
-      }
+        // could not find two rows to use for interpolation
+        if( !segments.length ){
+          return cb( null, null );
+        }
-      // sort by miniumum housenumber difference from target housenumber ASC
-      segments.sort( function( a, b ){
-        return Math.abs( a.diff.before + a.diff.after ) - Math.abs( b.diff.before + b.diff.after );
-      });
+        // sort by miniumum housenumber difference from target housenumber ASC
+        segments.sort( function( a, b ){
+          return Math.abs( a.diff.before + a.diff.after ) - Math.abs( b.diff.before + b.diff.after );
+        });
-      // select before/after values to use for the interpolation
-      var before = segments[0].before;
-      var after = segments[0].after;
-      // compute interpolated address
-      var A = { lat: project.toRad( before.proj_lat ), lon: project.toRad( before.proj_lon ) };
-      var B = { lat: project.toRad( after.proj_lat ), lon: project.toRad( after.proj_lon ) };
-      var distance = geodesic.distance( A, B );
-      // if distance = 0 then we can simply use either A or B (they are the same lat/lon)
-      // else we interpolate between the two positions
-      var point = A;
-      if( distance > 0 ){
-        var ratio = ((normalized.number - before.housenumber) / (after.housenumber - before.housenumber));
-        point = geodesic.interpolate( distance, ratio, A, B );
-      }
-      // return interpolated address
-      return cb( null, {
-        type: 'interpolated',
-        source: 'mixed',
-        number: '' + Math.floor( normalized.number ),
-        lat: parseFloat( project.toDeg( point.lat ).toFixed(7) ),
-        lon: parseFloat( project.toDeg( point.lon ).toFixed(7) )
+        // select before/after values to use for the interpolation
+        var before = segments[0].before;
+        var after = segments[0].after;
+        // compute interpolated address
+        var A = { lat: project.toRad( before.proj_lat ), lon: project.toRad( before.proj_lon ) };
+        var B = { lat: project.toRad( after.proj_lat ), lon: project.toRad( after.proj_lon ) };
+        var distance = geodesic.distance( A, B );
+        // if distance = 0 then we can simply use either A or B (they are the same lat/lon)
+        // else we interpolate between the two positions
+        var point = A;
+        if( distance > 0 ){
+          var ratio = ((normalized.number - before.housenumber) / (after.housenumber - before.housenumber));
+          point = geodesic.interpolate( distance, ratio, A, B );
+        }
+        // return interpolated address
+        return cb( null, {
+          type: 'interpolated',
+          source: 'mixed',
+          number: '' + Math.floor( normalized.number ),
+          lat: parseFloat( project.toDeg( point.lat ).toFixed(7) ),
+          lon: parseFloat( project.toDeg( point.lon ).toFixed(7) )
+        });
diff --git a/cmd/server.js b/cmd/server.js
index 9fd6c1b9..d00ef337 100644
--- a/cmd/server.js
+++ b/cmd/server.js
@@ -209,9 +209,5 @@ app.use('/demo', express.static('demo'));
 // app.use('/builds', directory('/data/builds', { hidden: false, icons: false, view: 'details' }));
 app.listen( PORT, function() {
-  // force loading of libpostal
-  analyze.street( 'test street' );
   console.log( 'server listening on port', PORT );
diff --git a/lib/analyze.js b/lib/analyze.js
index cc13cf99..4e95b34b 100644
--- a/lib/analyze.js
+++ b/lib/analyze.js
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+const libpostal_service = require( './libpostal_wrapper' );
 // constants for controlling how we parse ranges, eg: 'α-β'
 // some ranges such as '1-7' are ambiguous; it could mean 'apt 7, no 1'; or
 // it could mean 'apt 1, no 7'; or could even be a valid range 'one to seven'.
@@ -7,47 +8,30 @@ var MIN_RANGE = 1; // the miniumum amount β is higher than α
 var MAX_RANGE = 6; // the maximum amount β is higher than α
 var MIN_RANGE_HOUSENUMBER = 10; // the minimum acceptible value for both α and β
- * Return the appropriate version of node-postal
- */
-var _nodepostal_module;
-function get_libpostal() {
-  // lazy load this dependency; since it's large (~2GB RAM) and may be
-  // accidentally required by a process which doesn't use it.
-  if (!_nodepostal_module) {
-    // load the mock library if MOCK_LIBPOSTAL env var is set
-    if (process.env.MOCK_LIBPOSTAL) {
-      _nodepostal_module = require('../test/lib/mock_libpostal');
-    // otherwise load the real thing
-    } else {
-      _nodepostal_module = require('node-postal');
-    }
-  }
-  return _nodepostal_module;
   analyze input streetname string and return a list of expansions.
-function street( streetName ){
-  const postal = get_libpostal();
+function street( streetName, callback ){
+  const postal = libpostal_service();
   // use libpostal to expand the address
-  var expansions = postal.expand.expand_address( streetName );
+  postal.expand.expand_address( streetName, function streetCallback(err, results, metadata) {
+    if (err) {
+      return callback(err);
+    }
-  // remove ordinals
-  expansions = expansions.map(function( item ){
-    return item.replace( /(([0-9]+)(st|nd|rd|th)($|\s))/gi, '$2 ' ).trim();
-  });
+    // remove ordinals
+    let expansions = results.map(function( item ){
+      return item.replace( /(([0-9]+)(st|nd|rd|th)($|\s))/gi, '$2 ' ).trim();
+    });
-  // remove duplicates
-  expansions = expansions.filter(function(item, pos, self) {
-    return self.indexOf(item) === pos;
-  });
+    // remove duplicates
+    expansions = expansions.filter(function(item, pos, self) {
+      return self.indexOf(item) === pos;
+    });
-  return expansions;
+    callback(null, expansions, metadata);
+  });
diff --git a/lib/libpostal_wrapper.js b/lib/libpostal_wrapper.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fe6048a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/libpostal_wrapper.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+const mock_libpostal = require('../test/lib/mock_libpostal');
+// This module is a wrapper around the actual libpostal service library
+// and the mock libpostal library
+// it allows an environment variable to switch which library is used in application code
+let libpostal_module;
+function get_libpostal() {
+  // return the mock library if MOCK_LIBPOSTAL env var is set
+  if (process.env.MOCK_LIBPOSTAL) {
+    return mock_libpostal;
+  // otherwise return the actual service
+  } else {
+    // lazy load the libpostal module so that tests can skip configuring the service
+    if (!libpostal_module) {
+      libpostal_module = require( '../libpostal/service' );
+    }
+    return libpostal_module;
+  }
+module.exports = get_libpostal;
diff --git a/libpostal/service.js b/libpostal/service.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5dc74098
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libpostal/service.js
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+const microservice_wrapper = require('pelias-microservice-wrapper');
+const pelias_config = require('pelias-config').generate();
+const LibpostalServiceConfig = class extends microservice_wrapper.ServiceConfiguration {
+  constructor(configBlob) {
+    super('libpostal', configBlob);
+  }
+  getUrl(params) {
+    return this.baseUrl + params.endpoint;
+  }
+  getParameters(params) {
+    return {
+      address: params.address
+    };
+  }
+// use the 'services.libpostal' config entry if available, otherwise fall back to 'api.services.libpostal'
+const config_entry = pelias_config.get('services.libpostal') || pelias_config.get('api.services.libpostal');
+if (!config_entry) {
+  throw new Error('Libpostal configuration not found in `services.libpostal` or `api.services.libpostal`');
+// create an instance of the libpostal service
+const libpostal_service = microservice_wrapper.service(
+  new LibpostalServiceConfig(config_entry)
+// create an object that looks like the interface to `node-postal` but uses a remote service
+module.exports = {
+  expand: {
+    expand_address: function(param, callback) {
+      const params = {
+        endpoint: 'expand',
+        address: param
+      };
+      // the libpostal service will not handle an empty parameter
+      // so return empty array immediately
+      if (!param) {
+        return callback(null, []);
+      }
+      libpostal_service(params, callback);
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 30db6ba9..dd733d22 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@
     "jsftp": "^2.0.0",
     "lodash": "^4.17.4",
     "morgan": "^1.9.0",
-    "node-postal": "imothee/node-postal#6d0b00f68a",
     "pbf2json": "^6.4.0",
     "pelias-config": "^4.0.0",
     "pelias-logger": "^1.2.1",
+    "pelias-microservice-wrapper": "^1.8.3",
     "quadtree": "^1.1.3",
     "require-dir": "^1.0.0",
     "serve-index": "^1.8.0",
diff --git a/readme.md b/readme.md
index fb8177b1..7ae0bcec 100644
--- a/readme.md
+++ b/readme.md
@@ -238,7 +238,6 @@ see: [source](https://github.com/pelias/interpolation/blob/master/cmd/server.js)
 # docker
 ### build docker image
-This can take some time for the first build due to installing libpostal from source.
 docker build -t pelias/interpolation .
@@ -438,8 +437,6 @@ To use Interpolation service with the Pelias API, [configure the pelias config f
 ### install dependencies
-*note:* [libpostal](https://github.com/openvenues/node-postal#troubleshooting) **must** be installed on your system before you continue!
 The `Dockerfile` in this repo has complete instructions on how to install everything from scratch on Ubuntu.
 ### TIGER dependency on GDAL
diff --git a/stream/address/lookup.js b/stream/address/lookup.js
index e764d96f..ecd45906 100644
--- a/stream/address/lookup.js
+++ b/stream/address/lookup.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 var fs = require('fs'),
+    util = require('util'),
     through = require('through2'),
     query = { lookup: require('../../query/lookup') },
     project = require('../../lib/project'),
@@ -15,9 +15,11 @@ if( hasFD3 ){
   process.conferr.on( 'error', function(){ process.conferr = { write: function noop(){} }; });
+const analyze_street = util.promisify(analyze.street);
 function streamFactory(db){
-  return through.obj(function( batch, _, next ){
+  return through.obj(async function( batch, _, next ){
     // invalid batch
     if( !batch || !batch.length ){
@@ -30,7 +32,8 @@ function streamFactory(db){
     // all street names in batch should be the same
     // perform libpostal normalization
-    var names = analyze.street( result.getStreet() );
+    var names = await analyze_street( result.getStreet() );
     // ensure at least one name was produced
     if( !names.length ){
diff --git a/stream/street/augment.js b/stream/street/augment.js
index 1032bcde..d27613a1 100644
--- a/stream/street/augment.js
+++ b/stream/street/augment.js
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
-var through = require('through2'),
-    analyze = require('../../lib/analyze');
+const util = require('util');
+const _ = require('lodash');
+const through = require('through2');
+const analyze = require('../../lib/analyze');
 // increase/decrease bbox bounds by this much in order to find houses which
 // might be slighly outside the bounds.
 // eg: http://geojson.io/#id=gist:anonymous/ce8b0cdd2ba83ef24cfaab49d36d8cdd&map=15/52.5011/13.3222
 var FUDGE_FACTOR = 0.005;
+const analyze_street = util.promisify(analyze.street);
   this stream augments the parsed data with additional fields.
@@ -14,37 +17,41 @@ var FUDGE_FACTOR = 0.005;
    - perform libpostal normalization
    - apply 'fudge factor' to bbox
+let i = 0;
 function streamFactory(){
-  return through.obj(function( street, _, next ){
+  return through.obj(async function( street, enc, next ){
     // normalize all names
-    var names = [];
-    street.getNames().forEach( function( name ){
-      names = names.concat( analyze.street( name ) );
-    });
-    // if the source file contains no valid names for this polyline
-    if( !names.length ){
-      console.error( 'street has no valid names, check your 0sv file:' );
-      console.error( street.getEncodedPolyline() );
-      return next();
-    }
-    street.setNames( names );
-    // expand bbox
-    var bbox = street.getBbox();
-    street.setBbox({
-      minX: bbox.minX -FUDGE_FACTOR,
-      minY: bbox.minY -FUDGE_FACTOR,
-      maxX: bbox.maxX +FUDGE_FACTOR,
-      maxY: bbox.maxY +FUDGE_FACTOR
+    await Promise.all(street.getNames().map( async (name) => {
+      return await analyze_street( name );
+    })).then(function(names) {
+      // if the source file contains no valid names for this polyline
+      if( !names.length ){
+        console.error( 'street has no valid names, check your 0sv file:' );
+        console.error( street.getEncodedPolyline() );
+        return next();
+      }
+      try {
+        // an extra level of arrays is added by Promise.all
+        names = _.flatten(names);
+        street.setNames( names );
+      } catch (e) {
+        console.error(e);
+        console.error(`trying to set invalid name ${names}`);
+      }
+      // expand bbox
+      var bbox = street.getBbox();
+      street.setBbox({
+        minX: bbox.minX -FUDGE_FACTOR,
+        minY: bbox.minY -FUDGE_FACTOR,
+        maxX: bbox.maxX +FUDGE_FACTOR,
+        maxY: bbox.maxY +FUDGE_FACTOR
+      });
+      next(null, street);
-    // push augmented data downstream
-    this.push( street );
-    next();
diff --git a/test/lib/analyze.js b/test/lib/analyze.js
index 9ae15f6f..3364429b 100644
--- a/test/lib/analyze.js
+++ b/test/lib/analyze.js
@@ -5,19 +5,22 @@ module.exports.analyze = {};
 module.exports.analyze.street = function(test) {
   test('street: synonym expansions', function(t) {
-    var perms = analyze.street('grolmanstraße');
-    t.deepEqual(perms, ['grolmanstraße', 'grolman straße']);
-    t.end();
+    analyze.street('grolmanstraße', function(err, perms) {
+      t.deepEqual(perms, ['grolmanstraße', 'grolman straße']);
+      t.end();
+    });
   test('street: remove ordinals', function(t) {
-    var perms = analyze.street('West 26th st');
-    t.deepEqual(perms, ['west 26 street', 'west 26 saint']);
-    t.end();
+    analyze.street('West 26th st', function(err, perms) {
+      t.deepEqual(perms, ['west 26 street', 'west 26 saint']);
+      t.end();
+    });
   test('street: always returns array', function(t) {
-    var perms = analyze.street('');
-    t.deepEqual(perms, ['']);
-    t.end();
+    analyze.street('', function(err, perms) {
+      t.deepEqual(perms, ['']);
+      t.end();
+    });
diff --git a/test/lib/mock_libpostal.js b/test/lib/mock_libpostal.js
index 9d064750..c7188e8c 100644
--- a/test/lib/mock_libpostal.js
+++ b/test/lib/mock_libpostal.js
@@ -13,25 +13,31 @@ const use_real_libpostal = process.env.SEED_MOCK_LIBPOSTAL !== undefined;
 let mock_responses = require('../../test/lib/mock_libpostal_responses');
 module.exports.expand = {
-  expand_address: function(input_string) {
+  expand_address: function(input_string, callback) {
     const clean_string = input_string.trim().toLowerCase();
     // return a mocked response if one is available
     if (_.has(mock_responses, clean_string)) {
-      return mock_responses[clean_string];
+      return setImmediate(() => {
+        callback(null, mock_responses[clean_string]);
+      });
     // if no mock response is available but falling back to real libpostal
     // is enabled, lazy load real libpostal, and return the real response
     } else if (use_real_libpostal) {
       // lazy load libpostal only when needed
-      if (!real_libpostal) { real_libpostal = require('node-postal'); }
+      if (!real_libpostal) { real_libpostal = require('../../libpostal/service'); }
-      const real_response = real_libpostal.expand.expand_address(clean_string);
-      mock_responses[clean_string] = real_response;
+      real_libpostal.expand.expand_address(clean_string, function(err, real_response, metadata) {
+        if (err) {
+          throw err;
+        }
+        mock_responses[clean_string] = real_response;
-      // write the stored list of responses after _every_ new one is added. this is inefficient
-      // but it does not appear using `process.on('exit')` is reliable
-      fs.writeFileSync(__dirname +'/../../test/lib/mock_libpostal_responses.json', JSON.stringify(mock_responses, null, 2));
+        // write the stored list of responses after _every_ new one is added. this is inefficient
+        // but it does not appear using `process.on('exit')` is reliable
+        fs.writeFileSync(__dirname +'/../../test/lib/mock_libpostal_responses.json', JSON.stringify(mock_responses, null, 2));
-      return real_response;
+        return callback(null, real_response, metadata);
+      });
     // if there is no mock response and falling back to real libpostal is disabled,
     // throw an error because a human has to run libpostal and find the correct response
     } else {