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1. vue-bootstrap4-table

Advanced table based on Vue 2 and Bootstrap 4

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Quick Demo in Codepen.

Docs in gitbook.


2. Features

  • Multi column filtering (Optimized filtering)
    • Simple filter
    • Select filter (Single & Multiple)
  • Global search
  • Single & Multi column sorting
  • Pagination (True! It works out of the box intelligently)
  • Pagination Information
  • Checkbox selection for rows
  • Client & Server mode
  • Highly customizable

3. Installation

3.1. Install via npm or yarn

$ npm i vue-bootstrap4-table --save

$ yarn add vue-bootstrap4-table

Currently this package will install only the vue-bootstrap4-table component, not their dependencies. So make sure to install the following dependencies.

3.1.1. Dependencies

  • bootstrap 4 (js and css) You should include bootstrap before vue-bootstrap4-table plugin.

We are using lodash internally, so you don't need to install separately for this plugin.

3.2. Install via CDN

<link  rel="stylesheet"  href=""  crossorigin="anonymous">

<script  src=""  crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

<script  src=""  crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

<script  src=""  crossorigin="anonymous"></script>


<script  src="[email protected]/dist/vue-bootstrap4-table.min.js"  crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

Note: If you've included bootstrap & jQuery packages already in your project, then include only vue-bootstrap4-table.min.js script.

4. Basic Usage

It is easy to include vue-bootstrap4-table as a component in your application.

Import VueBootstrap4Table component in any of your vue component and start using it right away.

Note: If you included the library via CDN, then you don't need to import, you can use vue-bootstrap4-table component right away.

rows and columns props should be passed down to vue-bootstrap4-table component to work with the table.

    <div id="app">
        <vue-bootstrap4-table :rows="rows" :columns="columns" :config="config">

import VueBootstrap4Table from 'vue-bootstrap4-table'

export default {
    name: 'App',
    data: function() {
        return {
            rows: [{
                    "id": 1,
                    "name": {
                        "first_name": "Vladimir",
                        "last_name": "Nitzsche"
                    "address": {
                        "country": "Mayotte"
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "id": 2,
                    "name": {
                        "first_name": "Irwin",
                        "last_name": "Bayer"
                    "age": 23,
                    "address": {
                        "country": "Guernsey"
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "id": 3,
                    "name": {
                        "first_name": "Don",
                        "last_name": "Herman"
                    "address": {
                        "country": "Papua New Guinea"
                    "email": "[email protected]",
            columns: [{
                    label: "id",
                    name: "id",
                    filter: {
                        type: "simple",
                        placeholder: "id"
                    sort: true,
                    label: "First Name",
                    name: "name.first_name",
                    filter: {
                        type: "simple",
                        placeholder: "Enter first name"
                    sort: true,
                    label: "Email",
                    name: "email",
                    sort: true,
                    label: "Country",
                    name: "",
                    filter: {
                        type: "simple",
                        placeholder: "Enter country"
            config: {
                checkbox_rows: true,
                rows_selectable: true,
                card_title: "Vue Bootsrap 4 advanced table"
    components: {

5. Columns

5.1. Basic structure

For example, your "columns" object might look like this,

columns: [{
        label: "id",
        name: "id",
        filter: {
            type: "simple",
            placeholder: "Enter id"
        sort: true,
        label: "First Name",
        name: "name.first_name", // access nested objects properties with "."
        filter: {
            type: "simple",
            placeholder: "Enter first name",
            case_sensitive: true, // "false" by default
        sort: true, // "false" by default
        initial_sort: true, // "false" by default
        initial_sort_order: "desc" // "asc" by default
        label: "Email",
        name: "email",
        sort: true,
        row_text_alignment:  "text-left",
        column_text_alignment:  "text-left",
        row_classes:  "my-row-class1 my-row-class2",
        column_classes:  "my-column-class1 my-column-class2"
        label: "Country",
        name: "", // access nested objects properties with "."
        filter: {
            type: "simple",
            placeholder: "Enter country"

5.2. Attributes details

Attributes Description Type Default
label Name for the column header String " "
name Name of the attribute that you would like to show from "rows" object. You can access nested objects properties with "." String " "
filter Configuration for the column filter. If you don't want to have filtering for specific columns, then just don't mention it :-) Object Empty
filter.type Type of filter you want to use for your column. String " "
filter.placeholder Placeholder is hint text for filter text box String " "
filter.case_sensitive Enable/Disable case sensitive filtering. Boolean false
sort Enable or disable sorting in column. Boolean false
initial_sort Sort the column at the first time loading. This only works if sort is true Boolean false
initial_sort_order Sort the column at the first time loading based on given order. This only works if initial_sort is true String "asc"
row_text_alignment Align your text in the row cell. Possible options are, "text-justify","text-right","text-left","text-center" String "text-center"
column_text_alignment Align your text in the column header. Possible options are, "text-justify","text-right","text-left","text-center" String "text-center"
row_classes You can specify your custom classes for each row under specified column. You can add multiple classes with a space delimiter. This classes will be added to <td> element. String " "
column_classes You can specify your custom classes for each column header. You can add multiple classes with a space delimiter.This classes will be added to <th> element. String " "

5.3. Column slot

At some point, you might want to override or format the values in the column header. vue-bootstrap4-table allow you to achieve that with the help of vue slotting.

5.3.1. Example

<vue-bootstrap4-table :rows="rows" :columns="columns" :config="config">
    <template slot="column_email" slot-scope="props">
    <template slot="column_name_first_name" slot-scope="props">
columns: [{
            label: "First Name",
            name: "name.first_name", // access nested objects properties with "."
            sort: false,
            label: "Email",
            name: "email",
            sort: true,

Column slot name will be combination of column_ keyword with the name which you provided in the columns configuration. In the above example, slot="column_email" represents the "email" column header in the table.

5.3.2. Note

You might have some columns with nested objects names. In that case, the slot name will be column_ keyword + column name and dots(.) in the column name will be replaced by underscore(_).

You can see the above example, slot name for name.first_name column is column_name_first_name.

5.3.3. props

From slot-scope="props" you can access the following attributes.

Attributes Description
props.column Current column config object

6. Rows

You bind your list of items as array of objects to rows props to vue-bootstrap4-table component, then voilà.. you can start work with the table.

6.1. Basic structure

rows: [{
        "id": 1,
        "name": {
            "first_name": "Vladimir",
            "last_name": "Nitzsche"
        "address": {
            "country": "Mayotte"
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "id": 2,
        "name": {
            "first_name": "Irwin",
            "last_name": "Bayer"
        "age": 23,
        "address": {
            "country": "Guernsey"
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "id": 3,
        "name": {
            "first_name": "Don",
            "last_name": "Herman"
        "address": {
            "country": "Papua New Guinea"
        "email": "[email protected]",

6.2. Row Slot

At some point, you might want to override or format the values in the row cells. vue-bootstrap4-table allow you to achieve that with the help of vue slotting.

6.2.1. Example

<vue-bootstrap4-table :rows="rows" :columns="columns" :config="config">
    <template slot="email" slot-scope="props">
    <template slot="name_first_name" slot-scope="props">
columns: [{
            label: "First Name",
            name: "name.first_name", // access nested objects properties with "."
            sort: false,
            label: "Email",
            name: "email",
            sort: true,

Slot name will be same as the name which you provided in the columns configuration. In the above example, slot="email" represents the "email" column in the table.

6.2.2. Note

You might have some columns getting the values from nested objects from rows. In that case, the slot name will be column name and dots(.) in the column name will be replaced by underscore(_).

You can see the above example, slot name for name.first_name column is name_first_name.

6.2.3. props

From slot-scope="props" you can access the following attributes.

Attributes Description
props.cell_value Returns the actual value of the cell
props.row Current row object
props.column Current column config object

7. Sorting

Sorting configuration is added along with the each column config.

7.1. Example

columns: [
        label: "First Name",
        name: "name.first_name", // access nested objects properties with "."
        sort: true, // "false" by default
        initial_sort: true, // "false" by default
        initial_sort_order: "desc" // "asc" by default

7.2. Attributes details

Attributes Description
sort Enable or disable sorting in column. Default value is false
initial_sort Sort the column at the first time loading. Default value is false. This only works if sort is true
initial_sort_order Sort the column at the first time loading based on given order. Default value is asc. This only works if initial_sort is true

7.3. Single column sorting

By default single column sort mode is enabled.

7.4. Multi column sorting

If you would like to enable the multi column sorting, set multi_column_sort to true in table config props.

7.4.1. Example

    <div id="app">
        <vue-bootstrap4-table :rows="rows" :columns="columns" :config="config">

    import VueBootstrap4Table from 'vue-bootstrap4-table'

    export default {
        name: 'App',
        data: function() {
            return {
                rows: [
                columns: [
                config: {
                    multi_column_sort: true, // default false
        components: {

7.5. Slot

7.5.1. Sort Icon

You can change the sort icons based on your choice, For example if you're using font-awesome or glyphicon in your application, you can still use them for vue-bootstrap4-table.

You can inject your favorite sort icons via slots. Example

<vue-bootstrap4-table :rows="rows" :columns="columns" :config="config">
    <template slot="sort-asc-icon">
        <i class="fas fa-sort-up"></i>
    <template slot="sort-desc-icon">
        <i class="fas fa-sort-down"></i>
    <template slot="no-sort-icon">
        <i class="fas fa-sort"></i>

After applying the above custom template to sort icons , output will look like this.

Custom sort icons
Custom sort icons

8. Filtering

Filtering configuration is added along with the each column config.

8.1. Simple Filter

Filter the rows based on the given keyword. If you don't specify filter config then filter feature will be disabled for the specific column.

8.1.1. Example

columns: [
        label: "First Name",
        name: "name.first_name", // access nested objects properties with "."
        filter: {
            type: "simple",
            placeholder: "Enter first name",
            case_sensitive: true, // "false" by default

8.1.2. Attributes details

Attributes Description Default
filter.type Defines the type of filter. Currently basic filter is supported. Empty string
filter.placeholder Placeholder is hint text for filter text box Empty string
filter.case_sensitive Enable/Disable case sensitive filtering. false

8.2. Multi-Select Filter

You can have multi select dropdown filter for each columns. The options in the dropdown will be rendered with bootstrap 4 custom checkboxes.

8.2.1. Example

columns: [
        label: "First Name",
        name: "name.first_name", // access nested objects properties with "."
        filter: {
            type: "select",
            mode: "multi",
            placeholder: "Select options",
            options: [{
                    "name": "option one",
                    "value": "option one"
                    "name": "option two",
                    "value": "option two"
                    "name": "option three",
                    "value": "option three"

8.2.2. Attribute details

Attributes Description Type Default
filter.type Defines the type of filter. String Empty string
filter.mode Defines the mode of selection in the dropdown. Allowed options are single and multi. If the mode is single, then dropdown will be rendered with radio buttons, else if the mode is multi, then dropdown will be rendered with checkboxes. String "single"
filter.placeholder Default text for the dropdown. String Empty string
filter.options You can provide your list of name and value objects to be populated in the multi-select filter dropdown. Array Empty array

9. Global search

Global search searches the complete list of rows for the given search keyword.

You can enable or disable search text input with custom configuration as shown in the below example.

9.1. Example

    <div id="app">
        <vue-bootstrap4-table :rows="rows" :columns="columns" :config="config">

    import VueBootstrap4Table from 'vue-bootstrap4-table'

    export default {
        name: 'App',
        data: function() {
            return {
                rows: [
                columns: [
                config: {
                   global_search: {
                        placeholder: "Enter custom Search text",
                        visibility: true,
                        case_sensitive: false
        components: {

9.2. Attributes details

Attributes Description Type Default
global_search.placeholder Placeholder is hint text for search text box String "Enter search text"
global_search.visibility Show/Hide global search text input Boolean true
global_search.case_sensitive Enable/Disable case sensitive searching. Boolean false

10. Pagination & Info

Pagination component is built based on Bootstrap 4 pagination template. You can enable or disable pagination and pagination info details based on your choice.

Default pagination component
Default pagination component
Default pagination info compoent
Default pagination info compoent

10.1. Example

    <div id="app">
        <vue-bootstrap4-table :rows="rows" :columns="columns" :config="config">

    import VueBootstrap4Table from 'vue-bootstrap4-table'

    export default {
        name: 'App',
        data: function() {
            return {
                rows: [
                columns: [
                config: {
                    pagination: true, // default true
                    pagination_info: true, // default true
                    num_of_visibile_pagination_buttons: 7, // default 5
                    per_page: 5, // default 10
                    per_page_options:  [5,  10,  20,  30],
        components: {

10.2. Attributes details

Attributes Description type Default
pagination Enable/Disable pagination in the table Boolean true
pagination_info Enable/Disable pagination info in the table Boolean true
num_of_visibile_pagination_buttons Limit the number of visible pagination buttons in the pagination bar Number 5
per_page Number of rows to display per page Number 10
per_page_options List of options to choose how many rows being showed in single page Array of numbers [5,10,15]

10.3. Slot

Currently you can override "Previous" & "Next" button icon/text.

10.3.1. Previous & Next button

<vue-bootstrap4-table :rows="rows" :columns="columns" :config="config">
    <template slot="paginataion-previous-button">
    <template slot="paginataion-next-button">

After applying the above custom template to previous and next button, pagination component will look like this.

Pagination after applying slot
Pagination after applying slot

10.3.2. Pagination info

<vue-bootstrap4-table :rows="rows" :columns="columns" :config="config">
    <template slot="pagination-info" slot-scope="props">
        This page total is {{props.currentPageRowsLength}} |
        Filterd results total is {{props.filteredRowsLength}} |
        Original data total is {{props.originalRowsLength}}

After applying the above custom template to pagination info , pagination info component will look like this.

Pagination info after applying slot
Pagination info after applying slot props

From slot-scope="props" you can access the following attributes.

Attributes Description
props.currentPageRowsLength Number of rows currently showing in the page
props.filteredRowsLength Total number of items in the result after filtering
props.originalRowsLength Original number of items in the data

10.3.3. Selected rows info

<vue-bootstrap4-table :rows="rows" :columns="columns" :config="config">
    <template slot="selected-rows-info" slot-scope="props">
        Total Number of rows selected : {{props.selectedItemsCount}}
... props

From slot-scope="props" you can access the following attributes.

Attributes Description
props.selectedItemsCount Number of rows currently showing in the pageNumber of rows currently being selected

11. Refresh and Reset button

11.1. Refresh Button

Refresh button emits a refresh event to your application (parent component). You can listen for this event and make ajax call for new data and update rows data. Table will receive the new data and update the rows with current queries.

11.1.1. Example

    <div id="app">
        <vue-bootstrap4-table :rows="rows"

    import VueBootstrap4Table from 'vue-bootstrap4-table'

    export default {
        name: 'App',
        data: function() {
            return {
                rows: [
                columns: [
                config: {
                    show_refresh_button: true, // default is also true
        methods: {
            onRefreshData() {
                // you can make ajax call here for new data and
                // set result to this.rows
        components: {

11.2. Reset button

Reset button resets currently applied sorting, filtering, and global search queries.

By default reset button is enabled. If you would like to disable reset button, set show_reset_button to false in initial config.

Attributes Description type Default
show_refresh_button Show/Hide Refresh button Boolean true
show_reset_button Show/Hide Refresh button. Resets all query (sort, filter, global search) currently applied in the table. Boolean true

11.3. Slots

11.3.1. Button text and icons

You can override the text in the refresh & reset buttons with slots refresh-button-text & reset-button-text. If you like, you can add icon to the buttons. Example

<vue-bootstrap4-table :rows="rows" :columns="columns" :config="config">
    <template slot="refresh-button-text">
        <i class="fas fa-sync-alt"></i> My refresh
    <template slot="reset-button-text">
        <i class="fas fa-broom"></i> My reset

After applying the above custom template to refresh & reset buttons , output will look like this.

Custom sort icons
Custom refresh and reset button texts & icons

12. Custom action buttons

You can add your custom buttons in the table by actions props and listen for their events in your component.

12.1. Example

    <div id="app">
        <vue-bootstrap4-table :rows="rows"

    import VueBootstrap4Table from 'vue-bootstrap4-table'

    export default {
        name: 'App',
        data: function() {
            return {
                rows: [
                columns: [
                actions: [
                        btn_text: "Download",
                        event_name: "on-download",
                        event_payload: {
                            msg: "my custom msg"
                config: {
        methods: {
            onDownload(payload) {
        components: {

Each action object should contain the below attributes.

12.2. Attributes details

Attributes Description type Default
btn_name Display name for the button String " "
event_name Name of the event that you want to listen back (Mandatory) String undefined
event_payload Payload you want to send with the event Any undefined

13. Config

You can optionally pass config as a prop to vue-bootstrap4-table component to override the table configuration defaults.

13.1. Example

    <div id="app">
        <vue-bootstrap4-table :rows="rows" :columns="columns" :config="config">

    import VueBootstrap4Table from 'vue-bootstrap4-table'

    export default {
        name: 'App',
        data: function() {
            return {
                rows: [
                columns: [
                config: {
                    card_mode:  true,
                    selected_rows_info:  false,
                    pagination: true,
                    pagination_info: true,
                    num_of_visibile_pagination_buttons: 7,
                    per_page: 5,
                    checkbox_rows: true,
                    highlight_row_hover: true,
                    rows_selectable: true,
                    multi_column_sort: true,
                    card_title: "Vue Bootsrap 4 advanced table",
                    global_search:  {
	                    placeholder:  "Enter custom Search text",
	                    visibility:  true,
	                    case_sensitive:  false
	                per_page_options:  [5,  10,  20,  30],
	                show_refresh_button:  true,
	                show_reset_button:  true,
	                server_mode:  true,
        components: {

If you don't provide an attribute in the config, then default value will be assigned to that attribute.

13.2. Attributes details

Attributes Description type Default
card_mode You can choose between table surrounded with card layout and plain default table alone. Boolean true
pagination Enable/Disable pagination in the table Boolean true
pagination_info Enable/Disable pagination info in the table Boolean true
selected_rows_info Enable/Disable number of rows selected info in the table Boolean false
num_of_visibile_pagination_buttons Limit the number of visible pagination buttons in the pagination bar Number 5
per_page Number of rows to display per page Number 10
checkbox_rows Enable/Disable checkbox in each rows Boolean false
highlight_row_hover Enable/Disable highlighting row on hover Boolean true
rows_selectable Enable/Disable selecting items on row click Boolean false
multi_column_sort Enable/Disable multi column sorting Boolean false
highlight_row_hover_color Change the row hover highlighting color String "#d6d6d6"
card_title Sets the table title in the card header String "" (empty string)
global_search.placeholder Placeholder is hint text for search text box String "Enter search text"
global_search.visibility Show/Hide global search text input Boolean true
global_search.case_sensitive Enable/Disable case sensitive searching. Boolean false
per_page_options List of options to choose how many rows being showed in single page Array of numbers [5,10,15]
show_refresh_button Show/Hide Refresh button Boolean true
show_reset_button Show/Hide Refresh button. Resets all query (sort, filter, global search) currently applied in the table. Boolean true
server_mode Enable/Disable server side processing (Sorting, Filtering, Global search & pagination) Boolean false

14. Server mode

In server mode, client side filtering, sorting, global search and pagination will be disabled. Instead your server will do all this and returns only the processed response. New response will update the rows in the table.

14.1. Example

    <div id="app">
        <vue-bootstrap4-table :rows="rows"

    import VueBootstrap4Table from 'vue-bootstrap4-table'
    export default {
        name: 'App',
        data: function() {
            return {
                rows: [],
                columns: [
                config: {
                    server_mode: true // by default false
                queryParams: {
                    sort: [],
                    filters: [],
                    global_search: "",
                    per_page: 10,
                    page: 1,
                total_rows: 0,
        methods: {
            onChangeQuery(queryParams) {
                this.queryParams = queryParams;
            fetchData() {
                let self = this;
                axios.get('', {
                        params: {
                            "queryParams": this.queryParams,
                    .then(function(response) {
                        self.rows =;
                        self.total_rows =;
                    .catch(function(error) {

        components: {
        mounted() {



14.1.1. Step 1

In your application you should have the below information in data.

queryParams: {
    sort: [],
    filters: [],
    global_search: "",
    per_page: 10,
    page: 1,
total_rows: 0,

14.1.2. Step 2

If you want to work with pagination, then don't forget to set total_rows as prop to totalRows.

Then listen for the event on-change-query.

<vue-bootstrap4-table :rows="rows"

14.1.3. Step 3

Wherever there is a change in table query params, you will get your new query params in your onChangeQuery function. With the new values update your queryParams and fetch new data from server.

onChangeQuery(queryParams) {
    this.queryParams = queryParams;

14.1.4. Step 4

I assume you are using axios library for handling ajax requests.

Once you have the new updated result, update rows with new data and also update total_rows with the total number of records.

fetchData() {
    let self = this;
    axios.get('', {
            params: {
                "queryParams": this.queryParams,
        .then(function(response) {
            self.rows =;
            self.total_rows =;
        .catch(function(error) {

15. Events

15.1. on-select-row

Triggered after selecting a row.

15.1.1. Payload (Object)

Attribute Description
selected_items List of currently selected rows
selected_item Currently selected item

15.2. on-all-select-rows

Triggers after clicking select all check box.

15.2.1. Payload (Object)

Attribute Description
selected_items List of currently selected rows

15.3. on-unselect-row

Triggered after deselecting a row.

15.3.1. Payload (Object)

Attribute Description
selected_items List of currently selected rows
unselected_item Currently deselected item

15.4. on-all-unselect-rows

Triggers after clicking deselect all check box.

15.4.1. Payload (Object)

Attribute Description
selected_items List of currently selected rows

15.5. refresh-data

Triggers after clicking refresh button. This event doesn't carry any payload.

16. Build Setup

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev

# build for production with minification
npm run build

# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report

# run unit tests
npm run unit

# run all tests
npm test