All notable changes to the "subtitles-editor" extension are documented in this file.
Check Keep a Changelog for recommendations on how to structure this file.
- Added option to sort the frames by timestamp.
- Added option to format timestamp format.
- Fix translation: Skip sequence and empty lines when translating.
- Update supported languages.
- Update dependencies and migrate from superseded module for running tests.
- Fix translation response decoding.
- Fix detection of lines to not translate.
- Take URI-encoding into calculation of text length that is sent to translation service.
- Updated description.
- Added icon and fixed README.
- Added support for WebVTT and SubViewer formats.
- Use better namespace for commands.
- Removed unnecessary files from the packaged extension.
- Added option to reorder the frames based on their sequence number.
- Updated dependencies.
- Added option to renumber the sequence of the frames.
- Added option to translate subtitles.
- Initial release