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Stephen Blott edited this page Sep 19, 2015 · 12 revisions

Vimium supports search completion for custom search engines (not for the default search engine). Search completion is activated whenever the search URL of a custom search engine matches one of the completion engines built into Vimium.

Here are a couple of examples of how the vomnibar looks with search completion.

Search completion example 1

Search completion example 2

Available completion engines

The current list of completion engines (and the regular expressions which their search URLs must match) is available here.

Here is a list of some example custom search engines for which completion is available.

# Wikipedia.
w: Wikipedia

# Google.
g: Google
l: I'm feeling lucky...
gm: Google maps

# Youtube.
y: Youtube

d: DuckDuckGo

# Amazon
az: Amazon

# Dictionary (Merriam-Webster).
dw: Merriam-Webster

# Bing
b: Bing

Contributing completion engines

PRs contributing completion engines are most welcome. Completion engines are not hard to write. Here's an example:

class DuckDuckGo extends RegexpEngine
  # Example search URL:
  constructor: -> super "^https?://([a-z]+\.)?duckduckgo\.com/"
  getUrl: (queryTerms) -> Utils.createSearchUrl queryTerms, ""
  parse: (xhr) ->
    suggestion.phrase for suggestion in JSON.parse xhr.responseText

For details and more examples, see here.

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