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Releases: philpw99/VideoCaptioner

More control in video synthesis

21 Jan 03:00
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  • Now you can make portrait translated subtitled videos from landscape videos.
  • You can either choose a picture background, or default to the video's zoomed fuzzing background.
  • The ASS style is working great !!
  • You can control subtitle's vertical offset. The zoom size of video and/or subtitle. Very useful for portrait videos.
  • It seems the AI single translation is working fine. It takes less time and effort compared to the optimize+translate method.
  • Now the batch tasks display a lot more information about each task, with some portrait / landscape control.

bug fixes and new package

19 Jan 04:22
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This is a package using python 3.13 and Visual Studio virtual environment.
For reasons unknown to me, Kaka's original package won't work with new code anymore, and I have no idea why.
It's a very different package, so its size is bigger than ever.
Just extract it then run the "run.bat" file.

  • Fix some subtitles generating issues.
  • Make "AI single sentence translate" better.
  • Now runs in Python 3.13
  • More multilingual fixes.
  • Add subtitle time offset setting. Simply add or subtract milliseconds to all the subtitle lines.

Another one with many fixes

18 Jan 04:33
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Most fixes are internal.
The obvious one is the added translation choice.
It will have 3 types:

  1. Optimize and translate. It will perform AI optimizing then translating.
  2. AI single sentence translation. It will feed 10 lines at a time to AI and get the result back.
  3. Google translation. This is not implemented yet.

Various updates and fixes

12 Jan 06:44
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  • Allow 2 tasks run at the same time, so that one does audio transcoding while the other does transcribing.
  • If the video's audio codec is "aac", "mp3" or "pcm", the program will skip the transcoding and do directly copy. It greatly accelerates the overall speed. FasterWhisper itself will transcode all audio to wav file itself anyway. No point in doing slow transcoding.
  • Batch process cards looks better with wider size and more info.
  • Add a language widget in the right-lower corner of the home page, so now changing the language is super-easy.
  • Now if in the setting "need video" is disabled, the Batch Process tasks will default to be "Audio/Video transcribe".
  • Other program bugs.

Add "minimum sentence time length" feature

10 Jan 17:08
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A lot of times some sentences in subtitles are just too fast to read.
Faster Whisper XXL creates a lot of this issues.
You can use SubtitleEdit to fix it, but I find it exhausting to fix the subtitle files one by one.
So now in the settings there are 2 new entries. If you enable this feature, by the end of transcribe this program will go through the ASR_DATA and fix sentences that have too little time length. Default value is 1500ms, which is 1.5 seconds. You can set the value yourself.

Translation is finally done properly

09 Jan 18:33
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Well, I finally learned how to do the translation with QT. Here is the result.
If you want to update, you just need to overwrite the "app" and "resource" folder.

Updated package.

08 Jan 04:09
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  • Translated most to English.
  • In Options now you can choose output subtitle format, file name prefix and suffix.
  • Now when using FasterWhisper "Translate to English" feature, it will use max line width of English instead of Chinese.
  • Add Exit, Shutdown, or Suspend when batch jobs are done ( experimental ).

To update your existing VideoCaptioner, just copy the "app" folder, otherwise extract all files and run it from there.

Whole package for easy portable run

24 Dec 05:21
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This is the portable zip for all to run it locally, which includes Kaka's v1.2.0 and all my changes, which includes:

  • Add an Enum Task.Type to distinguish each task type, instead of using Task.status
  • Fix an annoying problem that causes transcript to fail at 99%.
  • Batch processing will use work_dir as the working directory, but then the result will put in the original folder.
  • Now most of the Open File dialog will remember the last open folder location.
  • Added "Translate to English" in FasterWhisper option. It will require no other API. Faster Whisper now can transcribe a video directly into English subtitles.
  • Prevent users from using Batch Translation without their own API key.

All credit belong to WEIFENG2333 of course:

More fix about subtitle generating

23 Dec 18:59
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You just need to download the zip and copy the folder "app" over.


Just offerring the source code packages

23 Dec 08:49
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To test out this version, you can download the source code and extract it to your VideoCaption folder, overwriting all files there.
Of course you need to backup the whole thing before you do the update. Just in case.