Releases: picqer/exact-php-client
Releases · picqer/exact-php-client
- Adding a refresh method to the Model so we can refresh deferred items… #404 by @danielbeeke
- Fix ResultSet with multiple pages #419 by @TheDevilOnLine
- Allow setting custom Guzzle client #414 by @it-can
- Added the mailbox model. #413 by @TaelmanTim
- Add Task Feature #399 by @ssaghijs-fa
- Create BulkSalesOrder.php #383 by @fairweb-idejong
- Add missing properties to SalesEntryLine #380 by @jorisvaesen
- Add Discount property #382 by @wulsic
- Move the access token payload builder below the access token lock callback #381 by @mbardelmeijer
- Update Item.php #376 (added Net Weight) by @fairweb-idejong
- Add Warehouse property #375 by @Soneritics
- Added entity + test for ItemWarehouseStorageLocation #370 by @markjongkind
- Test enhancement #371 by @peter279k
- Extract rate limits from bad API responses #373 by @izub
Quite some changes in this release.
- Add OINNumber field to Account #346 by @wmouwen
- Added entities for HRM, Inventory, Manufacturing, Project and Payroll #350 by @markjongkind
- Class Transaction - added @deprecated #353 by @florowebdevelopment
- Update readme to v3 #356 by @barryvdh
- Apply fixes from StyleCI #361
- Apply fixes from StyleCI #362
- Add RevenueList Entity #351 by @svenhaveman
- Added Class BulkTransactionLine #354 by @florowebdevelopment
- Added entity + test for Opportunity #357 by @markjongkind
- Adds ability to read rate limits from Exact #363
Thank you all for your contributions!
- Locking callbacks for acquiring new refresh token #317
- Fix translation of expires_in to Unix timestamp #320
- Updated Item docs #328
- Correct typehint on @propery to match with php internal scalar type. #327
- Use $previous exception in Connection #322
- Add DocumentType #321
- Fix #310 add missing phpdocs #313
- Fix PHPDoc properties #312
- Resultset: PHPDoc comments #310
- Added entity for ShopOrderMaterialPlan and ShopOrderRoutingStepPlan #297
- Change edm.{type} with the correct PHP scalar type #293
- Added User model #296
- Update Subscription.php #301
- Fix userscript for docs page with query params in function URI. #306
- Added new Endpoints #304
- Update PurchaseInvoice.php #302
- Add additional type mapping. #305
- Correct type hint errors discovered using PHPStan #303
- Added entities for Operation and OperationResource + fillables for ShopOrderRoutingStepPlan + fix type hinting #298