diff --git a/2022/index.html b/2022/index.html index ea407bdfcb1..27146882874 100644 --- a/2022/index.html +++ b/2022/index.html @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ - +
@@ -30,6 +30,6 @@ in the open source world over the past four years

This chart ranks programming languages ​​yearly from 2019 to 2022 based on the ratio of new repositories using these languages to all new repositories.


Python surpassed Java and moved to #3 in 2021.TypeScript rose from #10 to #6, and SCSS rose from #39 to #19. The rise of SCSS shows that open source projects that value front-end expressiveness are gradually gaining popularity.The two languages Ruby and R dropped a lot in ranking over the years.
Additional Notes

Rankings of back-end programming languages

The programming languages used in a pull request reflect which languages developers used. To find out the most popular back-end programming languages, we queried the distribution of programming languages by new pull requests from 2019 to 2022 and took the top 10 for each year.


Python and Java rank #1 and #2 respectively. In 2021, Go overtook Ruby to rank #3 in 2021.Rust has been trending upward for several years, ranking #9 in 2022.

Geographic distribution of developer behavior

We queried the number of various events that occurred throughout the world from January 1 to September 30, 2022 and identified the top 10 countries by the number of events triggered by developers in these countries. The chart displays the proportion of each event type by country or region.


The events triggered in the top 10 countries account for about 23.27% of all GitHub events. However, the number of developers from these countries is only 10%.
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US developers are most likely to review code, with a PullRequestReviewEvent share of 6.15%.
πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³ Chinese developers like to star repositories, with 17.23% for WatchEvent and 2.7% for ForkEvent.
πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ German developers like to open issues and comments, with IssueEvent and CommentEvent accounting for 4.18% and 12.66% respectively.
πŸ‡°πŸ‡· Korean developers prefer pushing directly to repositories (PushEvent).
πŸ‡―πŸ‡΅ Japanese developers are most likely to submit code via pull requests, with a PullRequestEvent share of 10%.

Developer behavior distribution on weekdays and weekends

We queried the distribution of each event type over the seven days of the week.

The distribution of specific events


Pull Request Event, Pull Request Review Event, and Issues Event all have the highest percentage on Tuesdays, while the lowest percentage is on the weekends.The amount of Push Event, Watch Event, and Fork Event activities are similar on weekdays and weekends, while the Pull Request Review Event is the most different. Watch Event and Fork Event are more personal behaviors, Pull Request Review Events are more work behaviors, and Push Events are used more in personal projects.

The most active repositories over the past four years

Here we looked up the top 20 active repositories per year from 2019 to 2022 and counted the total number of listings per repository. The activity of the repository is ranked according to the number of developers participating in collaborative events.


Microsoft has the most repositories on the list, with five.
tensorflow/tensorflow and kubernetes/kubernetes both dropped out of the top 20 after three consecutive years on the list (2019 to 2021).

Who gave the most stars in 2022

We queried the developers who gave the most stars in 2022, took the top 20, and filtered out accounts of suspected bots. If a developer's number of star events divided by the number of starred repositories is equal to or greater than 2, we suspect this user to be a bot.

The most active developers since 2011

We queried the top 20 most active developers per year since 2011. This time we didn't filter out bot events.


We found that the percentage of bots is becoming larger and larger. Bots started to overtake humans in 2013 and have reached over 95% in 2022.

Term Description

About GitHub events

GitHub events are triggered by user actions, like starring a repository or pushing code.

About time range

In this report, the data collection range of 2022 is from January 1, 2022 to September 30, 2022. When comparing data of 2022 with another year, we use year-on-year analysis.

About bot events

Bot-triggered events account for a growing percentage of GitHub events. However, these events are not the focus of this report. We filtered out most of the bot-initiated events by matching regular expressions.

How we classify technical fields by topics

We do exact matching and fuzzy matching based on the repository topic. Exact matching means that the repository topics have a topic that exactly matches the word, and fuzzy matching means that the repository topics have a topic that contains the word.

TopicExact matchingFuzzy matching
GitHub Actionsactionsgithub-action, gh-action
Low Codelow-code, lowcode, nocode, no-code
Databasedbdatabase, databases nosql, newsql, sql mongodb,neo4j
AIai, aiops, aiotartificial-intelligence, machine-intelligence computer-vision, image-processing, opencv, computervision, imageprocessing voice-recognition, speech-recognition, voicerecognition, speechrecognition, speech-processing machinelearning, machine-learning deeplearning, deep-learning transferlearning, transfer-learning mlops text-to-speech, tts, speech-synthesis, voice-synthesis robot, robotics sentiment-analysis natural-language-processing, nlp language-model, text-classification, question-answering, knowledge-graph, knowledge-base gan, gans, generative-adversarial-network, generative-adversarial-networks neural-network, neuralnetwork, neuralnetworks, neural-network, dnn tensorflow PyTorch huggingface transformers seq2seq, sequence-to-sequence data-analysis, data-science object-detection, objectdetection data-augmentation classification action-recognition
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/404.html b/404.html index d3175b4c52a..be0001eb08c 100644 --- a/404.html +++ b/404.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/analyze-company/index.html b/analyze-company/index.html index b1bd8e34a15..e3d29184401 100644 --- a/analyze-company/index.html +++ b/analyze-company/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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πŸ›οΈ Company Analytics [Beta]

Contribution analytics of developers within the same company


Hints: Only the statistics of the members who have the data of [company name] was recorded and the result may include all events in both previous/current company. Contributions include pushes, pull requests, pull request reviews, pull request review comments, issues and issue comments.

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All results are calculated only by developer's public activities showed on GitHub. See details in gharchive!

Starred Repos Star Earned
Contributed to Issues
Pull Requests Code Reviews
PR Code Changes


You can see the total contributions in different repositories since 2011, as well as check the status of different contribution categories type by type.

Contribution time distribution for all (UTC +0)SunMonTueWedThuFriSat01234567891011121314151617181920212223lessmore


The total number of starred repositories and ignore developers' unstarring or restarring behavior since 2011.


All contributions measured with code related events since 2011. For example, the history of code submits which includes the pushes and commits, the pull request history which includes merged / un-merged pull requests, the size of pull requests and the code line changes in pull requests.

Code Review

The history about the number of code review times and comments in pull requests since 2011.


The history about the total number of issues and issue comments since 2011.

Contribution Activities

All personal activities happened on all public repositories in GitHub since 2011. You can check each specific activity type by type with a timeline.

Wonder how OSS Insight works?


How do we implement OSS Insight ?

Blog: 10 min read

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Use TiDB Cloud to Analyze GitHub Events in 10 Minutes

Tutorial: 10 min read

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Tutorial: 25 min

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#OSSInsightΒ #TiDBCloud

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/analyze/:owner/:repo/index.html b/analyze/:owner/:repo/index.html index 09b28f44f7c..2fa4fff783c 100644 --- a/analyze/:owner/:repo/index.html +++ b/analyze/:owner/:repo/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/analyze/facebook/react/index.html b/analyze/facebook/react/index.html index dfe7515fe5c..9a30e38f1be 100644 --- a/analyze/facebook/react/index.html +++ b/analyze/facebook/react/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/analyze/pingcap/tidb/index.html b/analyze/pingcap/tidb/index.html index bbb11d18df0..fe4fc2d6506 100644 --- a/analyze/pingcap/tidb/index.html +++ b/analyze/pingcap/tidb/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/analyze/tikv/tikv/index.html b/analyze/tikv/tikv/index.html index b73c14c9b71..458572b8e20 100644 --- a/analyze/tikv/tikv/index.html +++ b/analyze/tikv/tikv/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/js/main.04ce21f9.js b/assets/js/main.117b29e0.js similarity index 99% rename from assets/js/main.04ce21f9.js rename to assets/js/main.117b29e0.js index 49bcbffd4eb..49ae729b927 100644 --- a/assets/js/main.04ce21f9.js +++ b/assets/js/main.117b29e0.js @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/*! For license information please see main.04ce21f9.js.LICENSE.txt */ +/*! For license information please see main.117b29e0.js.LICENSE.txt */ (self.webpackChunkweb=self.webpackChunkweb||[]).push([[179],{88100:(e,t,n)=>{"use strict";n.d(t,{D3:()=>Js,tw:()=>Ks});var r=n(67294),o=n(25108),i=n(23085).lW,a=function(e,t){return a=Object.setPrototypeOf||{__proto__:[]}instanceof Array&&function(e,t){e.__proto__=t}||function(e,t){for(var n in t)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t,n)&&(e[n]=t[n])},a(e,t)};var s=function(){return s=Object.assign||function(e){for(var t,n=1,r=arguments.length;n0&&o[o.length-1])||6!==i[0]&&2!==i[0])){a=0;continue}if(3===i[0]&&(!o||i[1]>o[0]&&i[1]0&&o[o.length-1])||6!==i[0]&&2!==i[0])){a=0;continue}if(3===i[0]&&(!o||i[1]>o[0]&&i[1]0)&&!(r=i.next()).done;)a.push(r.value)}catch(e){o={error:e}}finally{try{r&&!r.done&&(n=i.return)&&n.call(i)}finally{if(o)throw o.error}}return a}function v(e,t,n){if(n||2===arguments.length)for(var r,o=0,i=t.length;o0&&x[0]<4?1:+(x[0]+x[1])),!S&&te&&(!(x=te.match(/Edge\/(\d+)/))||x[1]>=74)&&(x=te.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)/))&&(S=+x[1]);var ae=S,se=!!Object.getOwnPropertySymbols&&!C((function(){var e=Symbol();return!String(e)||!(Object(e)instanceof Symbol)||!Symbol.sham&&ae&&ae<41})),ce=se&&!Symbol.sham&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator,le=Object,ue=ce?function(e){return"symbol"==typeof e}:function(e){var t=Q("Symbol");return X(t)&&ee(t.prototype,le(e))},de=String,pe=function(e){try{return de(e)}catch(e){return"Object"}},fe=TypeError,he=function(e){if(X(e))return e;throw fe(pe(e)+" is not a function")},me=function(e,t){var n=e[t];return null==n?void 0:he(n)},ge=TypeError,be=Object.defineProperty,ve=function(e,t){try{be(k,e,{value:t,configurable:!0,writable:!0})}catch(f){k[e]=t}return t},ye=k["__core-js_shared__"]||ve("__core-js_shared__",{}),_e=w((function(e){(e.exports=function(e,t){return ye[e]||(ye[e]=void 0!==t?t:{})})("versions",[]).push({version:"3.24.0",mode:"global",copyright:"\xa9 2014-2022 Denis Pushkarev (zloirock.ru)",license:"https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/blob/v3.24.0/LICENSE",source:"https://github.com/zloirock/core-js"})})),we=Object,xe=function(e){return we(q(e))},Se=B({}.hasOwnProperty),Ee=Object.hasOwn||function(e,t){return Se(xe(e),t)},ke=0,Ce=Math.random(),Te=B(1..toString),Ae=function(e){return"Symbol("+(void 0===e?"":e)+")_"+Te(++ke+Ce,36)},Re=_e("wks"),Oe=k.Symbol,ze=Oe&&Oe.for,Pe=ce?Oe:Oe&&Oe.withoutSetter||Ae,Ze=function(e){if(!Ee(Re,e)||!se&&"string"!=typeof Re[e]){var t="Symbol."+e;se&&Ee(Oe,e)?Re[e]=Oe[e]:Re[e]=ce&&ze?ze(t):Pe(t)}return Re[e]},Ne=TypeError,Ie=Ze("toPrimitive"),Le=function(e){var t=function(e,t){if(!K(e)||ue(e))return e;var n,r=me(e,Ie);if(r){if(void 0===t&&(t="default"),n=O(r,e,t),!K(n)||ue(n))return n;throw Ne("Can't convert object to primitive value")}return void 0===t&&(t="number"),function(e,t){var n,r;if("string"===t&&X(n=e.toString)&&!K(r=O(n,e)))return r;if(X(n=e.valueOf)&&!K(r=O(n,e)))return r;if("string"!==t&&X(n=e.toString)&&!K(r=O(n,e)))return r;throw ge("Can't convert object to primitive value")}(e,t)}(e,"string");return ue(t)?t:t+""},je=k.document,De=K(je)&&K(je.createElement),Me=function(e){return De?je.createElement(e):{}},Be=!T&&!C((function(){return 7!=Object.defineProperty(Me("div"),"a",{get:function(){return 7}}).a})),Fe=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,Ue={f:T?Fe:function(e,t){if(e=Y(e),t=Le(t),Be)try{return Fe(e,t)}catch(e){}if(Ee(e,t))return I(!O(N.f,e,t),e[t])}},Ge=T&&C((function(){return 42!=Object.defineProperty((function(){}),"prototype",{value:42,writable:!1}).prototype})),$e=String,We=TypeError,He=function(e){if(K(e))return e;throw We($e(e)+" is not an object")},Ve=TypeError,qe=Object.defineProperty,Ye=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,Xe={f:T?Ge?function(e,t,n){if(He(e),t=Le(t),He(n),"function"==typeof e&&"prototype"===t&&"value"in n&&"writable"in n&&!n.writable){var r=Ye(e,t);r&&r.writable&&(e[t]=n.value,n={configurable:"configurable"in n?n.configurable:r.configurable,enumerable:"enumerable"in n?n.enumerable:r.enumerable,writable:!1})}return qe(e,t,n)}:qe:function(e,t,n){if(He(e),t=Le(t),He(n),Be)try{return qe(e,t,n)}catch(e){}if("get"in n||"set"in n)throw Ve("Accessors not supported");return"value"in n&&(e[t]=n.value),e}},Ke=T?function(e,t,n){return Xe.f(e,t,I(1,n))}:function(e,t,n){return e[t]=n,e},Je=Function.prototype,Qe=T&&Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,et=Ee(Je,"name"),tt={EXISTS:et,PROPER:et&&"something"===function(){}.name,CONFIGURABLE:et&&(!T||T&&Qe(Je,"name").configurable)},nt=B(Function.toString);X(ye.inspectSource)||(ye.inspectSource=function(e){return nt(e)});var rt,ot,it,at=ye.inspectSource,st=k.WeakMap,ct=X(st)&&/native code/.test(at(st)),lt=_e("keys"),ut=function(e){return lt[e]||(lt[e]=Ae(e))},dt={},pt=k.TypeError,ft=k.WeakMap;if(ct||ye.state){var ht=ye.state||(ye.state=new ft),mt=B(ht.get),gt=B(ht.has),bt=B(ht.set);rt=function(e,t){if(gt(ht,e))throw new pt("Object already initialized");return t.facade=e,bt(ht,e,t),t},ot=function(e){return mt(ht,e)||{}},it=function(e){return gt(ht,e)}}else{var vt=ut("state");dt[vt]=!0,rt=function(e,t){if(Ee(e,vt))throw new pt("Object already initialized");return t.facade=e,Ke(e,vt,t),t},ot=function(e){return Ee(e,vt)?e[vt]:{}},it=function(e){return Ee(e,vt)}}var yt={set:rt,get:ot,has:it,enforce:function(e){return it(e)?ot(e):rt(e,{})},getterFor:function(e){return function(t){var n;if(!K(t)||(n=ot(t)).type!==e)throw pt("Incompatible receiver, "+e+" required");return n}}},_t=w((function(e){var t=tt.CONFIGURABLE,n=yt.enforce,r=yt.get,o=Object.defineProperty,i=T&&!C((function(){return 8!==o((function(){}),"length",{value:8}).length})),a=String(String).split("String"),s=e.exports=function(e,r,s){"Symbol("===String(r).slice(0,7)&&(r="["+String(r).replace(/^Symbol\(([^)]*)\)/,"$1")+"]"),s&&s.getter&&(r="get "+r),s&&s.setter&&(r="set "+r),(!Ee(e,"name")||t&&e.name!==r)&&(T?o(e,"name",{value:r,configurable:!0}):e.name=r),i&&s&&Ee(s,"arity")&&e.length!==s.arity&&o(e,"length",{value:s.arity});try{s&&Ee(s,"constructor")&&s.constructor?T&&o(e,"prototype",{writable:!1}):e.prototype&&(e.prototype=void 0)}catch(e){}var c=n(e);return Ee(c,"source")||(c.source=a.join("string"==typeof r?r:"")),e};Function.prototype.toString=s((function(){return X(this)&&r(this).source||at(this)}),"toString")})),wt=function(e,t,n,r){r||(r={});var o=r.enumerable,i=void 0!==r.name?r.name:t;if(X(n)&&_t(n,i,r),r.global)o?e[t]=n:ve(t,n);else{try{r.unsafe?e[t]&&(o=!0):delete e[t]}catch(e){}o?e[t]=n:Xe.f(e,t,{value:n,enumerable:!1,configurable:!r.nonConfigurable,writable:!r.nonWritable})}return e},xt=Math.ceil,St=Math.floor,Et=Math.trunc||function(e){var t=+e;return(t>0?St:xt)(t)},kt=function(e){var t=+e;return t!=t||0===t?0:Et(t)},Ct=Math.max,Tt=Math.min,At=function(e,t){var n=kt(e);return n<0?Ct(n+t,0):Tt(n,t)},Rt=Math.min,Ot=function(e){return e>0?Rt(kt(e),9007199254740991):0},zt=function(e){return Ot(e.length)},Pt=function(e){return function(t,n,r){var o,i=Y(t),a=zt(i),s=At(r,a);if(e&&n!=n){for(;a>s;)if((o=i[s++])!=o)return!0}else for(;a>s;s++)if((e||s in i)&&i[s]===n)return e||s||0;return!e&&-1}},Zt={includes:Pt(!0),indexOf:Pt(!1)},Nt=Zt.indexOf,It=B([].push),Lt=function(e,t){var n,r=Y(e),o=0,i=[];for(n in r)!Ee(dt,n)&&Ee(r,n)&&It(i,n);for(;t.length>o;)Ee(r,n=t[o++])&&(~Nt(i,n)||It(i,n));return i},jt=["constructor","hasOwnProperty","isPrototypeOf","propertyIsEnumerable","toLocaleString","toString","valueOf"],Dt=jt.concat("length","prototype"),Mt={f:Object.getOwnPropertyNames||function(e){return Lt(e,Dt)}},Bt={f:Object.getOwnPropertySymbols},Ft=B([].concat),Ut=Q("Reflect","ownKeys")||function(e){var t=Mt.f(He(e)),n=Bt.f;return n?Ft(t,n(e)):t},Gt=function(e,t,n){for(var r=Ut(t),o=Xe.f,i=Ue.f,a=0;a1?arguments[1]:void 0,t.length)),r=cn(e);return mn?mn(t,r,n):gn(t,n,n+r.length)===r}});var _n=function(e,t){return B(k[e].prototype[t])};_n("String","startsWith");var wn=Array.isArray||function(e){return"Array"==G(e)},xn=TypeError,Sn=function(e){if(e>9007199254740991)throw xn("Maximum allowed index exceeded");return e},En=function(e,t,n){var r=Le(t);r in e?Xe.f(e,r,I(0,n)):e[r]=n},kn=function(){},Cn=[],Tn=Q("Reflect","construct"),An=/^\s*(?:class|function)\b/,Rn=B(An.exec),On=!An.exec(kn),zn=function(e){if(!X(e))return!1;try{return Tn(kn,Cn,e),!0}catch(e){return!1}},Pn=function(e){if(!X(e))return!1;switch(an(e)){case"AsyncFunction":case"GeneratorFunction":case"AsyncGeneratorFunction":return!1}try{return On||!!Rn(An,at(e))}catch(e){return!0}};Pn.sham=!0;var Zn=!Tn||C((function(){var e;return zn(zn.call)||!zn(Object)||!zn((function(){e=!0}))||e}))?Pn:zn,Nn=Ze("species"),In=Array,Ln=function(e,t){return new(function(e){var t;return wn(e)&&(t=e.constructor,(Zn(t)&&(t===In||wn(t.prototype))||K(t)&&null===(t=t[Nn]))&&(t=void 0)),void 0===t?In:t}(e))(0===t?0:t)},jn=Ze("species"),Dn=Ze("isConcatSpreadable"),Mn=ae>=51||!C((function(){var e=[];return e[Dn]=!1,e.concat()[0]!==e})),Bn=("concat",ae>=51||!C((function(){var e=[];return(e.constructor={})[jn]=function(){return{foo:1}},1!==e.concat(Boolean).foo}))),Fn=function(e){if(!K(e))return!1;var t=e[Dn];return void 0!==t?!!t:wn(e)};Jt({target:"Array",proto:!0,arity:1,forced:!Mn||!Bn},{concat:function(e){var t,n,r,o,i,a=xe(this),s=Ln(a,0),c=0;for(t=-1,r=arguments.length;ta;)Xe.f(e,n=o[a++],r[n]);return e},Hn={f:Wn},Vn=Q("document","documentElement"),qn=ut("IE_PROTO"),Yn=function(){},Xn=function(e){return"
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/chat2query-tutorials/index.html b/blog/chat2query-tutorials/index.html index 65637186745..751e8dd752f 100644 --- a/blog/chat2query-tutorials/index.html +++ b/blog/chat2query-tutorials/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

Get insight from your own data by asking questions without SQL skills

Β· One min read

This blog is written with help of ChatGPT.

To get insight of your own dataset without writing sql is easy, follow these steps:

  1. Sign up for a TiDB Cloud account at https://tidbcloud.com/ using your email, Google account, or GitHub account.

  2. Create a free Serverless Tier cluster in the TiDB Cloud web console.

  3. In the TiDB Cloud web console, click the "Import" button and follow the prompts to load a CSV file into your cluster from a local file or from Amazon S3.

    Import Data

  4. Use the web console's SQL editor(Chat2Query) to get insights from your data. But no worry, you don't need to write SQL, you could ask questions about your data in natural language.

    The magic is typing -- your question and press Enter, here is an example:

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/deep-insight-into-js-framework-2021/index.html b/blog/deep-insight-into-js-framework-2021/index.html index d5c99888ac3..1814ab6cc54 100644 --- a/blog/deep-insight-into-js-framework-2021/index.html +++ b/blog/deep-insight-into-js-framework-2021/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

Deep Insights into JavaScript Frameworks

Β· 3 min read

In this chapter, we will share with you some of the top JavaScript Framework repos(JSF repos) on GitHub in 2021 measured by different metrics including the number of stars, PRs, contributors, countries, regions and so on.


  1. You can move your cursor onto any of the repository bars/lines on the chart and get the exact number.
  2. The SQL commands above each chart are what we use on our TiDB Cloud to get the analytical results. Try those SQL commands by yourselves on TiDB Cloud with this 10-minute tutorial.

Star history of top JavaScript Framework repos since 2011​

The number of stars is often thought of as a measure of whether a GitHub repository is popular or not. We sort all JavaScript framework repositories from GitHub by the total number of historical stars since 2011. For visualizing the results more intuitively, we show the top 10 open source databases by using an interactive line chart.

Top 10 most starred JSF repos in 2021​

Top 10 JSF repos with the most PRs in 2021​

Which javascript framework have the widest feedback sources?​

The chart below displays the number of issue creators of leading javascript framework each year and their growth trend during the past ten years.

Top 20 developers contributing the most PRs to JSF repos in 2021​

Top 10 JSF repos with the highest YoY growth rate of stars in 2021​

Top 10 JSF repos with the lowest YoY growth rate of stars in 2021​

Top 10 most used programming languages in JSF repos in 2021​

Top 20 companies contributing the most to JSF repos in 2021​

Top 10 countries/regions contributing the most to JSF repos in 2021​

The Rankings of JSF repos measured by Z-score in 2021​

The analytical results displayed above are generated based on just one single metric of these three: stars, PRs, or contributors. Now, we will use the Z-score method to rank the JSF repos on GitHub.

This is the comprehensive ranking calculated by z-score:

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/deep-insight-into-lowcode-development-tools-2021/index.html b/blog/deep-insight-into-lowcode-development-tools-2021/index.html index e69a8515346..de84c36f0eb 100644 --- a/blog/deep-insight-into-lowcode-development-tools-2021/index.html +++ b/blog/deep-insight-into-lowcode-development-tools-2021/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

Deep Insights into Low-code Development Tools

Β· 2 min read

In this chapter, we will share with you some of the top low-code development tools repos (LCDT repos) on GitHub in 2021 measured by different metrics including the number of stars, PRs, contributors, countries, regions and so on.


  1. You can move your cursor onto any of the repository bars/lines on the chart and get the exact number.
  2. The SQL commands above each chart are what we use on our TiDB Cloud to get the analytical results. Try those SQL commands by yourselves on TiDB Cloud with this 10-minute tutorial.

Star history of top LCDT repos since 2011​

Top 10 most starred LCDT repos in 2021​

Top 10 LCDT repos with the most PRs in 2021​

Top 20 developers contributing the most PRs to LCDT repos in 2021​

Top 10 LCDT repos with the highest YoY growth rate in 2021​

Top 10 LCDT repos with the lowest YoY growth rate in 2021​

Top 7 most used programming languages in LCDT repos in 2021​

Top 20 companies contributing the most to LCDT repos in 2021​

Top 20 countries/regions contributing the most to LCDT repos in 2021​

The rankings of LCDT repos measured by Z-score in 2021​

The analytical results displayed above are generated based on just one single metric of these three: stars, PRs, or contributors. Now, we will use the Z-score method to rank the LCDT repos on GitHub.

This is the comprehensive ranking calculated by z-score:

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/deep-insight-into-open-source-databases/index.html b/blog/deep-insight-into-open-source-databases/index.html index 9200d825590..90f954235a8 100644 --- a/blog/deep-insight-into-open-source-databases/index.html +++ b/blog/deep-insight-into-open-source-databases/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

Deep Insight Into Open Source Databases

Β· 6 min read

On this page, we will share with you many deep insights into open source databases, such as the database popularity, database contributors, coding vitality, community feedback and so on.

We’ll also share the SQL commands that generate all these analytical results above each chart, so you can use them on your own on TiDB Cloud following this 10-minute tutorial.

Database Popularity​

The popularity trend in the past ten years​

The chart below displays the accumulated number of stars open source databases gained respectively each year and their star growth trend during the past ten years.

Which databases experienced a popularity boom in 2021?​

The chart below displays top 10 open source databases with the highest year-over-year growth rate of stars in 2021 alone.

Which databases barely gained influence in 2021?​

The chart below displays top 10 open source databases with the lowest year-over-year growth rate of stars in 2021 alone.

Which databases were the new favorites in 2021?​

The chart below displays the top open source databases that gained the most stars in 2021.

Which countries & regions favor databases the most?​

The map below describes the geographical distribution of database stargazers. The larger and darker the color spots on this map, the more database stargazers are distributed.

Which companies like databases the most?​

The pie chart below describes which company those database stargazers work for and how many stargazers those companies employ.

Database contributors​

Which countries & regions led the database contributions in 2021?​

The map below shows the geographic distribution of developers who pushed commits, resolved issues, or submitted pull requests to open source databases in 2021. The larger and darker the color spots on this map, the more database contributors were distributed.

Which companies led the database contributions in 2021?​

The chart below shows the employment distribution of developers who pushed commits, resolved issues, or submitted pull requests to open source databases in 2021.

Who were the leading individual contributors in 2021?​

The chart below lists 20 most active individual contributors to open source databases in 2021 based on how many pull requests they opened.

When did developers contribute?​

The heat map below describes the number of push events that occur at a particular point of time (UTC). For each day and hour, the colored boxes indicate the number of push events. The lighter the color, the fewer push events; the darker the color, the more push events. You can learn from this heat map what time is the busiest for contributors, and roughly conclude which country or region distributes the most contributors.

Database coding vitality​

Which databases vibrantly maintained and updated itself in 2021?​

The chart below displays top 10 open source databases that received the most pull requests in 2021 alone.

Database user feedback​

Which databases have the widest feedback sources?​

The chart below displays the number of issue creators of leading open source databases each year and their growth trend during the past ten years.

Which databases gave the fastest first response in 2021?​

The bar chart below shows the median time each open source database needs to make its first response to an issue.

Which databases were the most efficient in feedback resolution in 2021?​

The bar chart below shows the median time each open source database needs to close an issue.

Who gave the feedback in 2021?​

The map below shows the geographical distribution of developers who submitted issues to open source databases. The larger and darker the color spots on this map, the more issue openers were distributed.

Community Robustness​

Which databases have the most heavy contributors?​

The chart below displays the number of heavy contributors (who submitted more than 100 pull requests), medium contributors (who submitted more than 10 but less than 100 pull requests), and light contributors (who submitted less than 10 pull requests) of leading open source databases. The chart also ranks these databases based on their number of heavy contributors.

Click here to expand SQL

Which databases are heavily contributed?​

The chart below displays the number of pull requests submitted by heavy contributors, medium contributors, and light contributors. The chart also ranks these databases based on the number of pull requests submitted by heavy contributors.

Click here to expand SQL

How fast did databases approve their code changes?​

The chart below shows the median time each open source database needs from submitting to merging a pull request.

Database programming languages​

Which languages were most favored in 2021?​

The chart below shows the top programming languages used in pull requests submitted to open source databases in 2021.

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/deep-insight-into-programming-languages-2021/index.html b/blog/deep-insight-into-programming-languages-2021/index.html index db6985bb6de..02dcbd6425e 100644 --- a/blog/deep-insight-into-programming-languages-2021/index.html +++ b/blog/deep-insight-into-programming-languages-2021/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

Deep Insights into Programming Languages

Β· 2 min read

In this chapter, we will share with you some of the top programming language repos (PL repos) on GitHub in 2021 measured by different metrics including the number of stars, PRs, contributors, countries, regions and so on.


  1. You can move your cursor onto any of the repository bars/lines on the chart and get the exact number.
  2. The SQL commands above each chart are what we use on TiDB Cloud to get the analytical results. Try those SQL commands by yourselves on TiDB Cloud with this 10-minute tutorial.

Star history of top PL repos since 2011​

Top 10 most starred PL repos in 2021​

Top 10 PL repos with the most PRs in 2021​

Top 20 developers contributed the most PRs to PL repos in 2021​

Top 9 PL repos with the highest YoY growth rate of stars in 2021​

Top 10 PL repos with the lowest YoY growth rate of stars in 2021​

Top 20 companies contributing the most to PL repos in 2021​

Top countries or regions contributing to OSS programming languages​

The rankings of PL repos measured by Z-score in 2021​

The analytical results displayed above are generated based on just one single metric of these three: stars, PRs, or contributors. Now, we will use the Z-score method to rank PL repos on GitHub.

This is the comprehensive ranking calculated by z-score:

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/deep-insight-into-web-framework-2021/index.html b/blog/deep-insight-into-web-framework-2021/index.html index 46dd11d40b0..b7edd8581e7 100644 --- a/blog/deep-insight-into-web-framework-2021/index.html +++ b/blog/deep-insight-into-web-framework-2021/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

Deep Insights into Web Frameworks

Β· 3 min read

In this chapter, we will share with you some of the top Web Framework repos (WF repos) on GitHub in 2021 measured by different metrics including the number of stars, PRs, contributors, countries, regions and so on.


  1. You can move your cursor onto any of the repository bars/lines on the chart and get the exact number.
  2. The SQL commands above each chart are what we use on our TiDB Cloud to get the analytical results. Try those SQL commands by yourselves on TiDB Cloud with this 10-minute tutorial.

Star history of top Web Framework repos since 2011​

The number of stars is often thought of as a measure of whether a GitHub repository is popular or not. We sort all web framework repositories from GitHub by the total number of historical stars since 2011. For visualizing the results more intuitively, we show the top 10 open source databases by using an interactive line chart.

Top 10 most starred Web Framework repos in 2021​

Top 10 Web Framework repos with the most PRs in 2021​

Top 20 developers contributed the most PRs to Web Framework repos in 2021​

Top 20 Web Framework repos with the highest YoY growth rate of stars in 2021​

Top 10 Web Framework repos with the lowest YoY growth rate of stars in 2021​

Top 10 most used programming languages in Web Framework repos in 2021​

Top 20 companies contributing the most to Web Framework repos in 2021​

Top 10 countries/regions contributing the most to Web Framework repos in 2021​

The Rankings of Web Framework repos measured by Z-score in 2021​

The analytical results displayed above are generated based on just one single metric of these three: stars, PRs, or contributors. Now, we will use the Z-score method to rank the WF repos on GitHub.

This is the comprehensive ranking calculated by z-score:

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/explore-deep-in-4.6-billion-github-events/index.html b/blog/explore-deep-in-4.6-billion-github-events/index.html index 6a997a2d5be..ae75b6da744 100644 --- a/blog/explore-deep-in-4.6-billion-github-events/index.html +++ b/blog/explore-deep-in-4.6-billion-github-events/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

Explore Deep in 4.6 Billion GitHub Events

Β· 10 min read
Fendy Feng

4.6 billion is literally an astronomical figure. The richest star map of our galaxy, brought by Gaia space observatory, includes just under 2 billion stars. What does a view of 4.6 billion GitHub events really look like? What secrets and values can be discovered in such an enormous amount of data?

Here you go: OSSInsight.io can help you find the answer. It’s a useful insight tool that can give you the most updated open source intelligence, and help you deeply understand any single GitHub project or quickly compare any two projects by digging deep into 4.6 billion GitHub events in real time. Here are some ways you can play with it.

Compare any two GitHub projects​

Do you wonder how different projects have performed and developed over time? Which project is worthy of more attention? OSSInsight.io can answer your questions via the Compare Projects page.

Let’s take the Kubernetes repository (K8s) and Docker’s Moby repository as examples and compare them in terms of popularity and coding vitality.


To compare the popularity of two repositories, we use multiple metrics including the number of stars, the growth trend of stars over time, and stargazers’ geographic and employment distribution.

Number of stars​

The line chart below shows the accumulated number of stars of K8s and Moby each year. According to the chart, Moby was ahead of K8s until late 2019. The star growth of Moby slowed after 2017 while K8s has kept a steady growth pace.

The star history of K8s and Moby

Geographical distribution of stargazers​

The map below shows the stargazers’ geographical distribution of Moby and K8s. As you can see, their stargazers are scattered around the world with the majority coming from the US, Europe, and China.

The geographical distribution of K8s and Moby stargazers

Employment distribution of stargazers​

The chart below shows the stargazers’ employment of K8s (red) and Moby (dark blue). Both of their stargazers work in a wide range of industries, and most come from leading dotcom companies such as Google, Tencent, and Microsoft. The difference is that the top two companies of K8s’ stargazers are Google and Microsoft from the US, while Moby’s top two followers are Tencent and Alibaba from China.

The employment distribution of K8s and Moby stargazers

Coding vitality​

To compare the coding vitality of two GitHub projects, we use many metrics including the growth trend of pull requests (PRs), the monthly number of PRs, commits and pushes, and the heat map of developers’ contribution time.

Number of commits and pushes​

The bar chart below shows the number of commits and pushes submitted to K8s (top) and Moby (bottom) each month after their inception. Generally speaking, K8s has more pushes and commits than Moby, and their number grew stably until 2020 followed by a slowdown afterwards. Moby’s monthly pushes and commits had a minor growth between 2015 and 2017, and then barely increased after 2018.

The monthly pushes and commits of K8s (top) and Moby (bottom)

Number of PRs​

The charts below show the monthly and accumulated number of PRs of the two repositories. As you can see, K8s has received stable and consistent PR contributions ever since its inception and its accumulated number of PRs has also grown steadily. Moby had vibrant PR submissions before late 2017, but started to drop afterwards. Its accumulated number of PRs reached a plateau in 2017, which has remained the case ever since.

The monthly and accumulated PR number of K8s (top) and Moby (bottom)

Developers’ contribution time​

The following heat map shows developers’ contribution time for K8s (left) and Moby (right). Each square represents one hour in a day. The darker the color, the more contributions occur during that time. K8s has many more dark parts than Moby, and K8s’ contributions occur almost 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. K8s definitely has more dynamic coding activities than Moby.

Heat map of developers’ contribution time of K8s (left) and Moby (right)

Taken together, these metrics show that while both K8s and Moby are popular across industries world-wide, K8s has more vibrant coding activities than Moby. K8s is continuously gaining popularity and coding vitality while Moby is falling in both over time.

Popularity and coding vitality are just two dimensions to compare repositories. If you want to discover more insights or compare other projects you are interested in, feel free to visit the Compare page and explore it for yourself.

Of course, you can use this same page to deeply explore any single GitHub project and gain the most up-to-date insights about them. The key metrics and the corresponding changes are presented in a panoramic view. More in-depth analytics such as code changes by PR size groups and PR lines are also available. Explore it for yourself and you’d be surprised. Have fun.

Panoramic view of key GitHub metrics (K8s as an example)

Total PR number each month/PR groups (K8s as an example)

The number of lines of code change each month (K8s as an example)

Key open source insights​

OSSInsight.io does more than explore or compare repositories. It gives you historical, real-time, and custom open source insights. In this section, we’ll share some key insights in open source databases and programming languages. If you want to gain insights in other areas, you can explore the Insights page for yourself.

Note: If you want to get those analytical results by yourself, you can execute the SQL commands above each chart on TiDB Cloud with ease following this 10-minute tutorial.

Rust: the most active programming language​

Rust was first released in 2012 and has been among the leading programming languages for 10 years. It has the most active repository with a total of 103,047 PRs at the time of writing.

Click here to show SQL commands

programming_language_repos.name AS repo_name,
COUNT(*) AS num
FROM github_events
JOIN programming_language_repos ON programming_language_repos.id = github_events.repo_id
WHERE type = 'PullRequestEvent'
AND action = 'opened'

PR numbers of the leading programming languages

Go: the new favorite and the fastest growing programming language​

According to OSSInsight.io, 10 programming languages dominate the open source community. Go is the most popular with 108,317 stars, followed by Node and TypeScript. Go is also the fastest growing language in popularity.

Click here to show SQL commands

WITH repo_stars AS (
ANY_VALUE(repos.name) AS repo_name,
COUNT(distinct actor_login) AS stars
FROM github_events
JOIN programming_language_repos repos ON repos.id = github_events.repo_id
WHERE type = 'WatchEvent'
), top_10_repos AS (
repo_id, repo_name, stars
FROM repo_stars rs
), tmp AS (
tr.repo_name AS repo_name,
COUNT(*) AS year_stars
FROM github_events
JOIN top_10_repos tr ON tr.repo_id = github_events.repo_id
WHERE type = 'WatchEvent' AND event_year <= 2021
), tmp1 AS (
SUM(year_stars) OVER(partition by repo_name order by event_year ASC) as stars
FROM tmp
ORDER BY event_year ASC, repo_name
SELECT event_year, repo_name, stars FROM tmp1

The star growth trends of leading programming languages

Microsoft and Google: the top two programing languages contributors​

As world-renowned high-tech companies, Microsoft and Google take the lead in open source language contributions with a total of 1,443 and 947 contributors respectively at the time of writing.

Click here to show SQL commands

TRIM(LOWER(REPLACE(u.company, '@', ''))) AS company,
COUNT(DISTINCT actor_id) AS num
github_events github_events
JOIN programming_language_repos db ON db.id = github_events.repo_id
JOIN users u ON u.login = github_events.actor_login
github_events.type IN (
'IssuesEvent', 'PullRequestEvent','IssueCommentEvent',
'PullRequestReviewCommentEvent', 'CommitCommentEvent',
AND u.company IS NOT NULL
AND u.company != ''
AND u.company != 'none'

Companies who contribute the most to programing languages

Elasticsearch draws the most attention​

Elasticsearch was one of the first open source databases. It is the most liked database with 64,554 stars, followed by Redis and Prometheus. From 2011 to 2016, Elasticseasrch and Redis shared the top spot until Elasticsearch broke away in 2017.

Click here to show SQL commands

WITH repo_stars AS (
ANY_VALUE(repos.name) AS repo_name,
COUNT(distinct actor_login) AS stars
FROM github_events
JOIN db_repos repos ON repos.id = github_events.repo_id
WHERE type = 'WatchEvent'
), top_10_repos AS (
repo_id, repo_name, stars
FROM repo_stars rs
), tmp AS (
tr.repo_name AS repo_name,
COUNT(*) AS year_stars
FROM github_events
JOIN top_10_repos tr ON tr.repo_id = github_events.repo_id
WHERE type = 'WatchEvent' AND event_year <= 2021
), tmp1 AS (
SUM(year_stars) OVER(partition by repo_name order by event_year ASC) as stars
FROM tmp
ORDER BY event_year ASC, repo_name
SELECT event_year, repo_name, stars FROM tmp1

The star growth trend of leading databases

China: the number one fan of open source databases​

China has the most open source database followers with 11,171 stargazers of database repositories, followed by the US and Europe.

Click here to show SQL commands

select upper(u.country_code) as country_or_area, count(*) as count, count(*) / max(s.total) as percentage
from github_events
use index(index_github_events_on_repo_id)
left join users u ON github_events.actor_login = u.login
join (
-- Get the number of people has the country code.
select count(*) as total
from github_events
use index(index_github_events_on_repo_id)
left join users u ON github_events.actor_login = u.login
where repo_id in (507775, 60246359, 17165658, 41986369, 16563587, 6838921, 108110, 166515022, 48833910, 156018, 50229487, 20089857, 5349565, 6934395, 6358188, 11008207, 19961085, 206444, 30753733, 105944401, 31006158, 99919302, 50874442, 84240850, 28738447, 44781140, 372536760, 13124802, 146459443, 28449431, 23418517, 206417, 9342529, 19257422, 196353673, 172104891, 402945349, 11225014, 2649214, 41349039, 114187903, 20587599, 19816070, 69400326, 927442, 24494032) and github_events.type = 'WatchEvent' and u.country_code is not null
) s
where repo_id in (507775, 60246359, 17165658, 41986369, 16563587, 6838921, 108110, 166515022, 48833910, 156018, 50229487, 20089857, 5349565, 6934395, 6358188, 11008207, 19961085, 206444, 30753733, 105944401, 31006158, 99919302, 50874442, 84240850, 28738447, 44781140, 372536760, 13124802, 146459443, 28449431, 23418517, 206417, 9342529, 19257422, 196353673, 172104891, 402945349, 11225014, 2649214, 41349039, 114187903, 20587599, 19816070, 69400326, 927442, 24494032) and github_events.type = 'WatchEvent' and u.country_code is not null
group by 1
order by 2 desc;

The geographical distribution of open source database stargazers

OSSInsight.io also allows you to create your own custom insights into any GitHub repository created after 2011. You’re welcome to visit the Insights page to explore more.

Run your own analytics with TiDB Cloud​

All the analytics on OSSInsight.io are powered by TiDB Cloud, a fully-managed database as a service. If you want to run your own analytics and get your own insights, sign up for a TiDB Cloud account and try it for yourself with this 10-minute tutorial.

Contact us​

Do you find OSSInsight.io useful and fun to work with? Do you have any question or feedback to share with us? Feel free to file an issue on GitHub or follow us on Twitter to get the latest information. You’re also welcome to share this insight tool with your friends.

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/github-data-is-booming/index.html b/blog/github-data-is-booming/index.html index 543f1a82539..a3c06631c6b 100644 --- a/blog/github-data-is-booming/index.html +++ b/blog/github-data-is-booming/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

GitHub Events Are Booming! Are Bots the Reason?

Β· 5 min read
Mia Zhou
Wink Yao
Caitin Chen

The OSS Insight website displays the data changes of GitHub events in real time. GitHub events are activities triggered by user actions on GitHub, for example, commenting and forking a repository. In nearly seven weeks, GitHub events increased by about 150 million, from 4.7 billion to 4.85 billion. GitHub events are booming!

This post dives deeply into GitHub event trending, why GitHub events are surging, and whether GitHub's architecture can handle the increasing load.

Historical data analysis​

The OSS Insight database includes all the GitHub events since 2011. When we plot the number of events by year, we can see that since 2018 they have been increasing rapidly.

GitHub event trending

GitHub event trending

The figure below shows how long it takes to grow each billion events in GitHub.

The time to reach a billion GitHub events

The time to reach a billion GitHub events

It's taking less and less for GitHub to generate 1 billion events. It took more than 6 years for the first billion events and only 13 months for the last billion!

The secret behind the exponential growth of GitHub events​

GitHub Actions was released in October 2018. Since August 2019, it has supported continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD), and it has been free for open source projects. Therefore, projects hosted on GitHub can automate their own development workflows, and a large number of automation-related bot applications have appeared on GitHub Marketplace. Could GitHub events' data growth be related to these?

To find the answer, we divided the events into data from humans and data from bots and plotted them with the following histogram. The blue columns represent the human data, and the yellow columns represent the bot data.

Bot events vs. human events

Bot events vs. human events

As you can see, the proportion of GitHub bot events has increased each year. In 2015, they were only 1.23% of all events. In early July of this year, they reached 13.2%. To show the data changes of bot events more clearly, we made the following line chart.

Bot event trending

Bot event trending

This figure shows that since 2019, bot events have been grown faster than before. As Mini256, a TiDB community contributor said in Love, Code, and Robot β€” Explore robots in the world of code:

For now, rough statistics find that there are more than 95,620 bots on GitHub. The number doesn't seem like so much, but wait...

These 95 thousand bot accounts generated 603 million events. These events account for 12.82% of all public events on GitHub, and these GitHub robots have served over 18 million open source repositories.

Bots are playing an increasingly important role on GitHub. Many projects are handing over automated work to bots. We expect that GitHub events will grow faster in the future.

When will GitHub reach 10 billion events?​

How many GitHub events will there be by the end of 2022? We fit predictions to GitHub historical data.

Human event fit (left) vs. bot event fit (right)

Human event fit (left) vs. bot event fit (right)

It's estimated that by the end of 2022, GitHub events will reach 5.36 billion.

GitHub event prediction

According to this prediction, GitHub events will exceed 10 billion in February 2025.

GitHub events will exceed 10 billion in 2025

Can MySQL sharding support such a huge amount of data?​

GitHub uses MySQL as the main storage for all non-git warehouse data. The rapid growth of data volume poses a great challenge to GitHub's high availability. In March 2022, GitHub had 3 service disruptions, each lasting 2-5 hours. The official investigation report shows the MySQL database caused the outages. During peak load periods, the GitHub mysql1 database (the main database cluster in GitHub) load increased. Therefore, database access reached the maximum number of connections. This affected the performance of many GitHub services and features.

In fact, over the past few years GitHub has optimized its databases. For example, it added clusters to support platform growth and partitioned the main database. But these improvements did not fundamentally solve the problem. In the near future, GitHub events will exceed 5 billion, or even 10 billion. Can MySQL sharding support such data surge?

Data sources​

All the analysis data in this article comes from OSS Insight, a tool based on TiDB to analyze and gain insights into GitHub events data.

You can use it to easily get insights about developers and repositories based on billions of GitHub events. You can also get the latest and historical rankings and trends in technical fields.

The OSS Insight website

The OSS Insight website

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/how-it-works/index.html b/blog/how-it-works/index.html index f0feb666929..33e37fc3005 100644 --- a/blog/how-it-works/index.html +++ b/blog/how-it-works/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

Data Preparation for Analytics

Β· 5 min read


All the data we use here on this website sources from GH Archive, a non-profit project that records and archives all GitHub events data since 2011. The total data volume archived by GH Archive can be up to 4 billion rows. We download the json file on GH Archive and convert it into csv format via Script, and finally load it into the TiDB cluster in parallel through TiDB-Lightning.

In this section, we will explain step by step how we conduct this process.

  1. Prepare the data in csv format for TiDB Lighting.
β”œβ”€β”€ gharchive_dev.github_events.000000000000.csv
β”œβ”€β”€ gharchive_dev.github_events.000000000001.csv
β”œβ”€β”€ gharchive_dev.github_events.000000000002.csv
β”œβ”€β”€ gharchive_dev.github_events.000000000003.csv
β”œβ”€β”€ gharchive_dev.github_events.000000000004.csv
β”œβ”€β”€ gharchive_dev.github_events.000000000005.csv
β”œβ”€β”€ gharchive_dev.github_events.000000000006.csv
β”œβ”€β”€ gharchive_dev.github_events.000000000007.csv
β”œβ”€β”€ gharchive_dev.github_events.000000000008.csv
β”œβ”€β”€ gharchive_dev.github_events.000000000009.csv
β”œβ”€β”€ gharchive_dev.github_events.000000000010.csv
β”œβ”€β”€ gharchive_dev.github_events.000000000011.csv
β”œβ”€β”€ gharchive_dev.github_events.000000000012.csv
β”œβ”€β”€ gharchive_dev.github_events.000000000013.csv
  1. Configure the TiDB Lightning as follows.
cat tidb-lightning.toml
separator = ','
delimiter = '"'
header = true
not-null = false
backslash-escape = true
trim-last-separator = false

backend = "local"
sorted-kv-dir = "/kvdir/"

disk-quota = "1.5TiB"

data-source-dir = "/csv_dir/"
strict-format = false
no-schema = true

host = "xxx"
port = 3306
user = "github_events"
password = "******"

check-requirements = false
region-concurrency = 32
meta-schema-name = "gharchive_meta"
  1. Load the data into the TiDB cluster.
nohup tidb-lightning -config ./tidb-lightning.toml > nohup.out
  1. Convert the unstructured json file provided by GH Archive into structured data.
gharchive_dev> desc github_events;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | bigint(20) | YES | MUL | <null> | |
| type | varchar(255) | YES | MUL | <null> | |
| created_at | datetime | YES | MUL | <null> | |
| repo_id | bigint(20) | YES | MUL | <null> | |
| repo_name | varchar(255) | YES | MUL | <null> | |
| actor_id | bigint(20) | YES | MUL | <null> | |
| actor_login | varchar(255) | YES | MUL | <null> | |
| actor_location | varchar(255) | YES | | <null> | |
| language | varchar(255) | YES | MUL | <null> | |
| additions | bigint(20) | YES | MUL | <null> | |
| deletions | bigint(20) | YES | MUL | <null> | |
| action | varchar(255) | YES | MUL | <null> | |
| number | int(11) | YES | | <null> | |
| commit_id | varchar(255) | YES | MUL | <null> | |
| comment_id | bigint(20) | YES | MUL | <null> | |
| org_login | varchar(255) | YES | MUL | <null> | |
| org_id | bigint(20) | YES | MUL | <null> | |
| state | varchar(255) | YES | | <null> | |
| closed_at | datetime | YES | MUL | <null> | |
| comments | int(11) | YES | MUL | <null> | |
| pr_merged_at | datetime | YES | MUL | <null> | |
| pr_merged | tinyint(1) | YES | | <null> | |
| pr_changed_files | int(11) | YES | MUL | <null> | |
| pr_review_comments | int(11) | YES | MUL | <null> | |
| pr_or_issue_id | bigint(20) | YES | MUL | <null> | |
| event_day | date | YES | MUL | <null> | |
| event_month | date | YES | MUL | <null> | |
| author_association | varchar(255) | YES | | <null> | |
| event_year | int(11) | YES | MUL | <null> | |
| push_size | int(11) | YES | | <null> | |
| push_distinct_size | int(11) | YES | | <null> | |
  1. With structured data at hand, we can start to make further analysis with TiDB Cloud. Execute SQL commands to generate analytical results. For example, you can execute SQL commands below to output the top 10 most starred JavaScript framework repos in 2021.
  SELECT js.name, count(*) as stars 
FROM github_events
JOIN js_framework_repos js ON js.id = github_events.repo_id
WHERE type = 'WatchEvent' and event_year = 2021
| name | stars |
| facebook/react | 22830 |
| sveltejs/svelte | 18573 |
| vuejs/vue | 18015 |
| angular/angular | 11037 |
| alpinejs/alpine | 6993 |
| preactjs/preact | 2965 |
| hotwired/stimulus | 1355 |
| marko-js/marko | 1006 |
| neomjs/neo | 826 |
| tastejs/todomvc | 813 |

We have analyzed all the GitHub projects regarding databases, JavaScripe frameworks, programming languages, web frameworks, and low-code development tools, and provided valuable insights in 2021, in real time, and custom insights. If the repository you care about is not included here, you're welcome to submit your PR here. If you want to gain more insights into other areas, you can try TiDB Cloud by yourselves with this 10-minute tutorial.

Below are the areas of GitHub projects we have analyzed.

gharchive_dev> show tables;
| Tables_in_gharchive_dev |
| cn_repos |
| css_framework_repos |
| db_repos |
| github_events |
| js_framework_repos |
| nocode_repos |
| programming_language_repos |
| static_site_generator_repos |
| web_framework_repos |

🌟 Details in how OSS Insight works​

Go to read Use TiDB Cloud to Analyze GitHub Events in 10 Minutes and use the Serverless Tier TiDB Cloud Cluster.

You can find the reason How we implement OSS Insight ? as well!

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/how-to-build-oss-comparison-gpt/index.html b/blog/how-to-build-oss-comparison-gpt/index.html index 19309aafb24..c20defe0ef5 100644 --- a/blog/how-to-build-oss-comparison-gpt/index.html +++ b/blog/how-to-build-oss-comparison-gpt/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

Configurations for building "Open Source Benchmark" GPTs

Β· 18 min read

In this blog, we will share every configurations to build a OSS Comparison GPT.

GPTs Configurations​


Open Source Benchmark


Compare open-source softwares


You are a data analysis expert. 
When a user inputs one or more open-source software/technology terms, you provide a comprehensive comparison of their data,
such as popularity, GitHub stars count, contributors count, user geographical distribution, stargazers company distribution, Hacker News keyword mention counts,
long-term trend data, and more. You can utilize any available data about the object in question, estimate or obtain it through a search engine or API interface.
Currently, you have the following APIs at your disposal:

1. GitHub API for getting repo basic info
2. OSS Insight API for star history and stargazer's distribution
3. Hackernews mentions per_year API
4. OSS Insight star history chart API (show me with a <img> label)
5. OSS Insight API for stargazers company distribution

Here's a step-by-step process:

Identify which API to use based on the data you need.
- you goal is to think more metrics according exist API.
- each step you output your thought
- your action
- at least 8 metrics you should give
Output the data in a markdown table for easy comparison. add your known metrics for more insight. at least 8 metrics.

| Dimension | A | B |
| Dimension 1 | Detail A1 | Detail B1 |
| Dimension 2 | Detail A2 | Detail B2 |
| Dimension 3 | Detail A3 | Detail B3 |
| ... | ... | ... |
| Dimension N | Detail AN | Detail BN |

- For star history data, you should generate a line chart using oss insight star history api, at least one chart.
- For stargazers company data, you use markdown table:
| Company | Stargazers Count |
| Company A | 100 |
| Company B | 75 |
| Company C | 50 |
| Company D | 30 |
| Other/Unknown | 45 |

Provide insights and analysis based on the collected data. and trending insight.
Be sure to think big! Always give plan and explain what you do.

Let's begin

Deep Insight:

At the end, you should give use some surprise, you can search stackshare.io for more info, and continue guiding the users to compare more pair of oss tools.

Conversation starters​

PyTorch vs TensorFlow
TiDB vs Vitess
React vs Vue
Golang vs Rust-lang



Make all these three capabilities checked

  • Web Browsing
  • DALL-E Image Generation
  • Code Interpreter


Action 1: Config API of next.ossinsight.io for drawing star historical chart​

openapi: 3.0.0
title: OSS Insight star history chart API
version: 1.0.0
description: OSS Insight star history chart API.
- url: https://next.ossinsight.io
operationId: Star History
summary: Retrieve repository star history analysis
description: Fetches the star history and analysis for specified repositories.
- name: repo_id
in: query
required: true
description: The ID of the primary repository.
type: integer
- name: vs_repo_id
in: query
required: true
description: The ID of the repository to compare with.
type: integer
description: Successful response with star history data.
type: object
type: string
format: uri
description: URL of the thumbnail image.
type: string
description: Title of the analysis.
type: string
description: Description of the analysis.
description: Bad request - parameters missing or invalid.
description: Resource not found.
description: Internal server error.
Privacy policy​

Action 2: Config api.github.com for fetching basic info of a repository​

As GitHub API use Personal Access Token and Bearer type of authentication for authentication, you should create one in: https://github.com/settings/tokens, it will be used later.

openapi: 3.0.0
title: GitHub Repository Info API
description: An API for retrieving information about GitHub repositories.
version: 1.0.0
- url: https://api.github.com
description: GitHub API Server
summary: Get Repository Info
description: Retrieve information about a GitHub repository.
operationId: getRepositoryInfo
- name: owner
in: path
required: true
type: string
description: The username or organization name of the repository owner.
- name: repo
in: path
required: true
type: string
description: The name of the repository.
description: Successful response with repository information.
type: object
type: integer
type: string
type: string
type: object
type: string
type: integer
type: string
type: string
type: boolean
type: string
type: boolean
type: string
type: string
type: string
type: integer
type: integer
type: integer
type: integer
type: string
type: integer
type: array
type: string
type: boolean
type: boolean
type: boolean
type: boolean
type: boolean
type: boolean
type: boolean
type: boolean
type: string
type: string
format: date-time
type: string
format: date-time
type: string
format: date-time
type: object
type: string
type: string
type: string
type: string
Privacy policy​

Action 3: Stargazer's geo & company distribution provided by TiDB Serverless Data Service​

Schema URL to import​

or you can use the following details schema.

Show detailed API schema

type: string
type: string
type: boolean
type: object
type: array
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
type: string
maximum: 1.8446744073709552e+19
minimum: 0
type: integer
type: string
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
type: integer
type: string
type: array
type: object
type: string
type: string
- date
- stargazers
type: object
type: array
- columns
- rows
- result
type: object
type: string
- type
- data
type: object
type: string
type: string
type: boolean
type: object
type: array
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
type: string
maximum: 1.8446744073709552e+19
minimum: 0
type: integer
type: string
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
type: integer
type: string
type: array
type: object
type: string
type: string
type: string
- company_name
- stargazers
- proportion
type: object
type: array
- columns
- rows
- result
type: object
type: string
- type
- data
type: object
type: string
type: string
type: boolean
type: object
type: array
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
type: string
maximum: 1.8446744073709552e+19
minimum: 0
type: integer
type: string
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
type: integer
type: string
type: array
type: object
type: string
type: string
type: string
- country_code
- stargazers
- percentage
type: object
type: array
- columns
- rows
- result
type: object
type: string
- type
- data
type: object
type: string
type: string
type: boolean
type: object
type: array
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
type: string
maximum: 1.8446744073709552e+19
minimum: 0
type: integer
type: string
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
type: integer
type: string
type: array
type: object
type: string
- count
type: object
type: array
- columns
- rows
- result
type: object
type: string
- type
- data
type: object
type: string
type: string
type: boolean
type: object
type: array
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
type: string
maximum: 1.8446744073709552e+19
minimum: 0
type: integer
type: string
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
type: integer
type: string
type: array
type: object
type: string
type: string
- count
- date
type: object
type: array
- columns
- rows
- result
type: object
type: string
- type
- data
type: object
description: Enter your public key for the username field and private key for
the password field
scheme: basic
type: http
description: API Interface for GPT PK Action, response GitHub repo metrics and hackernews
mentions count data
title: GPT-PK
version: 1.0.0
openapi: 3.0.3
description: GitHub repo star history
operationId: getGithubRepoStar_history
- description: The time interval of the data points
in: query
name: per
default: month
- day
- week
- month
example: month
type: string
- description: 'The owner of the repo. For example: `pingcap`'
in: query
name: owner
required: true
default: ""
example: ""
type: string
- description: 'The name of the repo. For example: `tidb`'
in: query
name: repo
required: true
default: ""
example: ""
type: string
- description: The start date of the range
in: query
name: from
default: "2000-01-01"
example: "2000-01-01"
type: string
- description: The end date of the range
in: query
name: to
default: "2099-12-31"
example: "2099-12-31"
type: string
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStar_historyResponse'
description: OK
columns: []
code: 400
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: param check failed! {detailed error}
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStar_historyResponse'
description: Bad request
columns: []
code: 401
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: auth failed
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStar_historyResponse'
description: Unauthorized request
columns: []
code: 404
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: endpoint not found
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStar_historyResponse'
description: The requested resource was not found
columns: []
code: 405
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: method not allowed
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStar_historyResponse'
description: The requested method is not supported for the specified resource
columns: []
code: 408
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: request timeout
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStar_historyResponse'
description: The server timed out waiting for the request
columns: []
code: 429
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: 'The request exceeded the limit of 100 times per apikey
per minute. For more quota, please contact us: https://support.pingcap.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=7800003722519'
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStar_historyResponse'
description: The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time
columns: []
code: 500
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: internal error! {detailed error}
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStar_historyResponse'
description: Internal server error
summary: /github/repo/star_history
- Default
operationId: getGithubRepoStargazers_company
- in: query
name: owner
default: ""
example: ""
type: string
- in: query
name: repo
default: ""
example: ""
type: string
- in: query
name: from
default: "2000-01-01"
example: "2000-01-01"
type: string
- in: query
name: to
default: "2099-01-01"
example: "2099-01-01"
type: string
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_companyResponse'
description: OK
columns: []
code: 400
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: param check failed! {detailed error}
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_companyResponse'
description: Bad request
columns: []
code: 401
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: auth failed
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_companyResponse'
description: Unauthorized request
columns: []
code: 404
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: endpoint not found
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_companyResponse'
description: The requested resource was not found
columns: []
code: 405
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: method not allowed
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_companyResponse'
description: The requested method is not supported for the specified resource
columns: []
code: 408
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: request timeout
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_companyResponse'
description: The server timed out waiting for the request
columns: []
code: 429
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: 'The request exceeded the limit of 100 times per apikey
per minute. For more quota, please contact us: https://support.pingcap.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=7800003722519'
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_companyResponse'
description: The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time
columns: []
code: 500
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: internal error! {detailed error}
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_companyResponse'
description: Internal server error
summary: /github/repo/stargazers_company
- Default
description: github repo stargazers country
operationId: getGithubRepoStargazers_country
- in: query
name: owner
default: ""
example: ""
type: string
- in: query
name: repo
default: ""
example: ""
type: string
- in: query
name: from
default: "2000-01-01"
example: "2000-01-01"
type: string
- in: query
name: to
default: "2099-01-01"
example: "2099-01-01"
type: string
- in: query
name: exclude_unknown
default: "true"
example: "true"
type: boolean
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_countryResponse'
description: OK
columns: []
code: 400
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: param check failed! {detailed error}
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_countryResponse'
description: Bad request
columns: []
code: 401
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: auth failed
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_countryResponse'
description: Unauthorized request
columns: []
code: 404
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: endpoint not found
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_countryResponse'
description: The requested resource was not found
columns: []
code: 405
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: method not allowed
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_countryResponse'
description: The requested method is not supported for the specified resource
columns: []
code: 408
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: request timeout
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_countryResponse'
description: The server timed out waiting for the request
columns: []
code: 429
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: 'The request exceeded the limit of 100 times per apikey
per minute. For more quota, please contact us: https://support.pingcap.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=7800003722519'
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_countryResponse'
description: The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time
columns: []
code: 500
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: internal error! {detailed error}
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_countryResponse'
description: Internal server error
summary: /github/repo/stargazers_country
- Default
description: Total counts for keyword in hackernews
operationId: getHackernewsMentions_count
- in: query
name: keyword
default: ""
example: ""
type: string
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_countResponse'
description: OK
columns: []
code: 400
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: param check failed! {detailed error}
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_countResponse'
description: Bad request
columns: []
code: 401
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: auth failed
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_countResponse'
description: Unauthorized request
columns: []
code: 404
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: endpoint not found
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_countResponse'
description: The requested resource was not found
columns: []
code: 405
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: method not allowed
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_countResponse'
description: The requested method is not supported for the specified resource
columns: []
code: 408
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: request timeout
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_countResponse'
description: The server timed out waiting for the request
columns: []
code: 429
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: 'The request exceeded the limit of 100 times per apikey
per minute. For more quota, please contact us: https://support.pingcap.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=7800003722519'
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_countResponse'
description: The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time
columns: []
code: 500
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: internal error! {detailed error}
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_countResponse'
description: Internal server error
summary: /hackernews/mentions_count
- Default
description: keyword mentions per year in hackernews
operationId: getHackernewsMentions_per_year
- in: query
name: keyword
default: ""
example: ""
type: string
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_per_yearResponse'
description: OK
columns: []
code: 400
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: param check failed! {detailed error}
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_per_yearResponse'
description: Bad request
columns: []
code: 401
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: auth failed
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_per_yearResponse'
description: Unauthorized request
columns: []
code: 404
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: endpoint not found
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_per_yearResponse'
description: The requested resource was not found
columns: []
code: 405
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: method not allowed
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_per_yearResponse'
description: The requested method is not supported for the specified resource
columns: []
code: 408
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: request timeout
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_per_yearResponse'
description: The server timed out waiting for the request
columns: []
code: 429
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: 'The request exceeded the limit of 100 times per apikey
per minute. For more quota, please contact us: https://support.pingcap.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=7800003722519'
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_per_yearResponse'
description: The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time
columns: []
code: 500
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: internal error! {detailed error}
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_per_yearResponse'
description: Internal server error
summary: /hackernews/mentions_per_year
- Default
- basicAuth: []
- url: https://us-west-2.data.tidbcloud.com/api/v1beta/app/dataapp-RfFKcZFu/endpoint

API Key​

When config this action, you should input the following encoded api key in Authentication -> API Key -> Auth Type(Basic)

  • Make sure using this key for GPT's learning, thanks~
  • We will revoke this key after a period of time
Privacy policy​
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/how-to-learn-sql-easily-by-visualizing-with-chatgpt/index.html b/blog/how-to-learn-sql-easily-by-visualizing-with-chatgpt/index.html index 503cb9a670f..a3634880ab4 100644 --- a/blog/how-to-learn-sql-easily-by-visualizing-with-chatgpt/index.html +++ b/blog/how-to-learn-sql-easily-by-visualizing-with-chatgpt/index.html @@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ - +

How to Learn SQL Easily by Visualizing with ChatGPT

Β· 2 min read

SQL is a powerful language for managing and analyzing data, but it can be difficult to learn for beginners. That's where ChatGPT comes in.

ChatGPT is a large language model trained by OpenAI that can help you learn SQL easily by visualizing the key information in a SQL query. In this blog post, we'll show you how to use ChatGPT to visualize SQL queries using pretty ASCII art diagrams. Let's start with an example. Suppose we want to find the top 10 most popular AI projects on GitHub in the last month. Here's the SQL query that does that:

COUNT(*) AS stars
type = 'WatchEvent'
AND repo_name LIKE '%AI%'
stars DESC

Now, let's use ChatGPT to visualize this SQL query using pretty ASCII art diagrams. Here's the diagram:

| What to Retrieve? | top 10
| repo_name,
| COUNT(*) AS stars
| From Where? | GitHub
| github_events
| Filter By: | last month, AI projects, most popular
| type = 'WatchEvent'
| AND created_at > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH)
| AND repo_name LIKE '%AI%'
| Group By |
| repo_name
| Order By | most popular
| stars DESC
| Limit To 10 | top 10
| 10

This diagram visually shows the flow of the SQL query, from selecting what to retrieve, to filtering, grouping, ordering, and limiting the results. The arrows make it easy to see the relationship between the key information in the question and the corresponding SQL statements.

By using ChatGPT to visualize SQL queries with pretty ASCII art diagrams, you can learn SQL easily and quickly. The diagrams help you understand the structure of the SQL query, and make it easy to see how the various statements are related. With practice, you'll be able to write your own SQL queries in no time.

In conclusion, if you want to learn SQL easily, try using ChatGPT to visualize SQL queries with pretty ASCII art diagrams. It's a fun and effective way to learn SQL and improve your data management skills.

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/index.html b/blog/index.html index 6d79b75a574..de5101ae146 100644 --- a/blog/index.html +++ b/blog/index.html @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ - +
@@ -30,6 +30,6 @@ Let's start with an example. Suppose we want to find the top 10 most popular AI projects on GitHub in the last month. Here's the SQL query that does that:

COUNT(*) AS stars
type = 'WatchEvent'
AND repo_name LIKE '%AI%'
stars DESC

Now, let's use ChatGPT to visualize this SQL query using pretty ASCII art diagrams. Here's the diagram:

| What to Retrieve? | top 10
| repo_name,
| COUNT(*) AS stars
| From Where? | GitHub
| github_events
| Filter By: | last month, AI projects, most popular
| type = 'WatchEvent'
| AND created_at > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH)
| AND repo_name LIKE '%AI%'
| Group By |
| repo_name
| Order By | most popular
| stars DESC
| Limit To 10 | top 10
| 10

This diagram visually shows the flow of the SQL query, from selecting what to retrieve, to filtering, grouping, ordering, and limiting the results. The arrows make it easy to see the relationship between the key information in the question and the corresponding SQL statements.

By using ChatGPT to visualize SQL queries with pretty ASCII art diagrams, you can learn SQL easily and quickly. The diagrams help you understand the structure of the SQL query, and make it easy to see how the various statements are related. With practice, you'll be able to write your own SQL queries in no time.

In conclusion, if you want to learn SQL easily, try using ChatGPT to visualize SQL queries with pretty ASCII art diagrams. It's a fun and effective way to learn SQL and improve your data management skills.

Β· 8 min read
Mia Zhou
Notion AI

A few days ago, I read a blog post by the author of Core-js. To be honest, it was my first time hearing about Core-js. As someone who has written some front-end code and has been keeping up with open source projects, I feel a bit ashamed.

However, there are many open source projects that are widely used but not well-known. In this blog post, I will take a closer look at a few of these unsung heroes of the open source world. I do not want to give them a business model or financial advice in this article. This largely depends on the author's personal experience and values. I just want to raise more awareness about these open source projects.


Core-js is a modular standard library for JavaScript. It provides polyfills for many ECMAScript features, as well as some additional features that are not included in the standard library. It's used by many popular JavaScript libraries and frameworks, including React, Vue.js, and Angular.

Core-js has been downloaded more than 2.5 billion times from the npm package registry, making it one of the most widely used JavaScript libraries in the world. Despite its widespread use, the project does not receive much attention, and its star growth is very slow.

Core-js is maintained by Denis Pushkarev, who started the project as a hobby in 2012 and open-sourced it in 2014.

Core-js' top contributors

Based on the distribution of contributions to the project, it seems that Denis has provided more than 95% of the project's code. And as he said in the blog post I read, the project occupies almost all of his timeβ€”more than a full working day.

Denis' contribution time distribution

Core-js' star history

On February 14th, Denis’s blog brought significant attention to the Core-js project. Now he has opened multiple donation channels, including through Open Collective, Patreon, and boosty. He is actively exploring ways to ensure that Core-js can be maintained in the long term.


cURL is a command-line tool and library for transferring data over a wide range of network protocols, including HTTP, FTP, SMTP, and many others. It is used by millions of developers to download and upload files, test APIs, and automate tasks.

cURL's top contributors

cURL is primarily maintained by Daniel Stenberg alone, who started working on the project in 1998. Fortunately, there are occasionally new contributors joining in as mentioned in this tweet. This allows Daniel to maintain a more normal schedule and a full time job, and even leave work early on Wednesdays to play floorball.

Daniel's contribution time distribution

cURL has received sponsorship from various organizations and individuals, including wolfSSL. WolfSSL employs Daniel and allows him to spend paid work hours on cURL.


ImageMagick is a free and open-source software suite for displaying, converting, and editing raster image and vector image files. ImageMagick is used by millions of websites and applications to manipulate and display images, including popular content management systems like WordPress and Drupal.

ImageMagick's top contributors

ImageMagick is maintained by a small group of developers, including its founder, John Cristy. Cristy started the project at DuPont in 1987 and released it in 1990. It is said that John Cristy has a full-time job and only maintains the project in his spare time.

ImageMagick's top contributors last month

Dirk Lemstra is another primary maintainer of ImageMagick, currently working as a consultant for a company and maintaining the project in his spare time.

Currently, the project is sustained by the support of various organizations and individuals.


MyCLI is a command line interface for MySQL, MariaDB, and Percona with auto-completion and syntax highlighting.

MyCLI's top contributors

The project is maintained by its creator, Amjith Ramanujam, and contributions from the open source community. Based on the distribution of contributions, a relatively stable community of contributors has formed around MyCLI. Moreover, there are some organizations and individuals sponsoring this project.

MyCLI's commit history

However, with the popularity of cloud databases, such projects have fallen behind the times, so the updates for the project have been very slow.


Homebrew is a popular package manager for macOS that allows users to easily install and manage a wide variety of software packages. Homebrew is a nonprofit project run entirely by unpaid volunteer developers, with the lead maintainer being Mike McQuaid.

Homebrew's top contributors

McQuaid has been involved with the Homebrew project since its inception and has been the lead maintainer since 2012β€”and he has full-time work on GitHub as a principal engineer.

Homebrew’s financial operations are managed by the Open Source Collective, and accepts donations through GitHub Sponsors, Open Collective or Patreon. Homebrew is also sponsoring some projects, including cURL mentioned earlier.

Apache Log4j​

Apache Log4j is a powerful logging framework for Java that allows developers to log messages from their applications with fine-grained control over where and how those messages are recorded. This library has been widely adopted by Java developers and is used by many popular Java-based applications, including Apache Kafka and Apache Spark.

Apache Log4j's star history

Interestingly, the project did not receive much attention until November 2021, when a security vulnerability was reported. This incident doubled its star count and gained attention from the industry.

Apache Log4j's top contributors

Ralph Goers is the original author of Log4j 2. He worked on the initial design and development of Log4j 2, which was released in 2014. Now he is working on Nextiva as a Fellow Architect.Now the core maintainer of logging-log4j2 is Gary Gregory, who is a member of the Apache Software Foundation and has been working on the project for over a decade.

Because the Log4j 2 project is under the Apache Foundation, the maintainers can focus more on project maintenance without worrying about financial issues.


OpenSSL is an open source library that provides cryptographic functions for many different applications, including web servers, email clients, and virtual private networks. OpenSSL is used by millions of websites and applications to secure communications over the internet, including popular web servers like Apache and Nginx, as well as popular programming languages like Python and Ruby.

OpenSSL's top contributors

The project is developed by a distributed team, mostly consisting of volunteers with some project funded resources. The team is led by Matt Caswell, who has been working on OpenSSL since 2010 and became one of the maintainers in 2013.

Apart from volunteer developers, OpenSSL also depends on financial support from the community, which can be given in various forms. These include a support contract, a sponsorship donation, or a smaller donation via GitHub Sponsors.

Maintaining an open source project is no easy feat. It's a labor of love, built by passionate developers who sacrifice their time to create something that makes a difference. As users, we owe them our gratitude for the tools and technologies they provide. As Mike McQuaid suggested on the blog Open Source Maintainers Owe You Nothing, "Remember when filing an issue, opening a pull request, or making a comment on a project, to be grateful that people spend their free time to build software you get to use for free."

Β· One min read

This blog is written with help of ChatGPT.

To get insight of your own dataset without writing sql is easy, follow these steps:

  1. Sign up for a TiDB Cloud account at https://tidbcloud.com/ using your email, Google account, or GitHub account.

  2. Create a free Serverless Tier cluster in the TiDB Cloud web console.

  3. In the TiDB Cloud web console, click the "Import" button and follow the prompts to load a CSV file into your cluster from a local file or from Amazon S3.

    Import Data

  4. Use the web console's SQL editor(Chat2Query) to get insights from your data. But no worry, you don't need to write SQL, you could ask questions about your data in natural language.

    The magic is typing -- your question and press Enter, here is an example:

Β· 11 min read
Caitin Chen


This post tells how a website on a distributed database reduced online serving latency from 1.11 s to 417.7 ms, and then to 123.6 ms. We found that some lessons learned on MySQL could be applied throughout the optimization process. But when we optimize a distributed database, we need to consider more.

The OSS Insight website displays the data changes of GitHub events in real time. It's powered by TiDB Cloud, a MySQL-compatible distributed SQL database for elastic scale and real-time analytics.

Recently, to save costs, we tried to use lower-specification machines without affecting query efficiency and user experience. But our website and query response slowed down.

The repository analysis page was loading

The repository analysis page was loading, loading, and loading

How could we solve these problems on a distributed database? Could we use the methodology we learned on MySQL?

Analyzing the SQL execution plan​

To identify slow SQL statements, we used TiDB Cloud's Diagnosis page to sort SQL queries by their average latency.

For example, after the API server received a request, it executed the following SQL statement to obtain the number of issues in the vscode repository:

FROM github_events
repo_id = 41881900 -- vscode
AND type = 'IssuesEvent';

However, if the open source repository is large, this query may take several seconds or more to execute.

Using EXPLAIN ANALYZE to troubleshoot query performance problems​

In MySQL, when we troubleshoot query performance problems, we usually use the EXPLAIN ANALYZE <sql> statement to view the SQL statement's execution plan. We can use the execution plan to locate the problem. The same works for TiDB.

We executed the EXPLAIN statement:

FROM github_events
repo_id = 41881900 -- vscode
AND type = 'IssuesEvent';

The result showed that the query took 1.11 seconds to execute.

The query result

The query result

You can see that TiDB's EXPLAIN ANALYZE statement execution result was completely different from MySQL's. TiDB's execution plan gave us a clearer understanding of how this SQL statement was executed.

The execution plan shows:

  • This SQL statement was split into several subtasks. Some were on the root node, and others were on the tikv node.
  • The query fetched data from the partition:issue_event partition table.
  • This query did a range scan through the index index_github_events_on_repo_id(repo_id). This let the query narrow down the data scan quickly. This process only took 59 ms. It was the sum of the execution times of multiple concurrent tasks.
  • Besides IndexRangeScan, the query also used TableRowIDScan. This scan took 4.69 s, the sum of execution times for multiple concurrent subtasks.

From the execution times above, we determined that the query performance bottleneck was in the TableRowIDScan step.

We reran the EXPLAIN ANALYZE statement and found that the query was faster the second time. Why?

Why did TableRowIDScan take so long?​

To find the reason why TableRowIDScan took so long, we need basic knowledge of TiDB's underlying storage.

In TiDB, a table's data entries and indexes are stored on TiKV nodes in key-value pairs.

  • For an index, the key is the combination of the index value and the row_id (for a non-clustered index) or the primary key (for a clustered index). The row_id or primary key indicates where the data is stored.
  • For a data entry, the key is the combination of the table ID and the row_id or primary key. The value part is the combination of this row of data.

This graph shows how IndexLookup is executed in the execution plan:

The logical structure

This is the logical structure, not the physical storage structure.

In the query above, TiDB uses the query condition repo_id=41881900 to filter out all row numbers row_id related to the repository in the secondary index index_github_events_on_repo_id. The query needs the number column data, but the secondary index doesn't provide it. Therefore, TiDB must execute IndexLookup to find the corresponding row in the table based on the obtained row_id (the TableRowIDScan step).

The rows are probably scattered in different data blocks and stored on the hard disk. This causes TiDB to perform a large number of I/O operations to read data from different data blocks or even different machine nodes.

Why was EXPLAIN ANALYZE faster the second time?​

In EXPLAIN ANALZYE's execution result, we saw that the "execution info" column corresponding to the TableRowIDScan step contained this information:

block: {cache_hit_count: 2755559, read_count: 179510, read_byte: 4.07 GB}

We thought this had something to do with TiKV. TiKV read a very large number of data blocks from the disk. Because the data blocks read from the disk were cached in memory in the first execution, 2.75 million data blocks could be read directly from memory instead of being retrieved from the hard disk. This made the TableRowIDScan step much faster, and the query was faster overall.

However, we believed that user queries were random. For example, a user might look up data from a vscode repository and then go to a kubernetes repository. TiKV's memory couldn't cache all the data blocks in all the drives. Therefore, this did not solve our problem, but it reminded us that when we analyze SQL execution efficiency, we need to exclude cache effects.

Using a covering index to avoid executing TableRowIDScan​

Could we avoid executing TableRowIDScan in IndexLookup?

In MySQL, a covering index prevents the database from index lookup after index filtering. We wanted to apply this to OSS Insight. In our TiDB database, we tried to create a composite index to achieve index coverage.

When we created a composite index with multiple columns, we needed to pay attention to the column order. Our goals were to allow a composite index to be used by as many queries as possible, to help these queries narrow the scope of data scans as quickly as possible, and to provide as many fields as possible in the query. When we created a composite index we followed this order:

  1. Columns that had high differentiation and could be used as equivalence conditions for the WHERE statement, like repo_id
  2. Columns that didn't have high differentiation but could be used as equivalence conditions for the WHERE statement, like type and action
  3. Columns that could be used as range query conditions for the WHERE statement, like created_at
  4. Redundant columns that were not used as filter conditions but were used in the query, such as number and push_size

We used the CREATE IDNEX statement to create a composite index in the database:

CREATE INDEX index_github_events_on_repo_id_type_number ON github_events(repo_id, type, number);

When we created the index and ran the SQL statement again, the query speed was significantly faster. We viewed the execution plan through EXPLAIN ANALYZE and found that the execution plan became simpler. The IndexLookup and TableRowIDScan steps were gone. The query took only 417.7 ms.

The result of the EXPLAIN query

The result of the EXPLAIN query. This query cost 417.7 ms

So we knew that our query could get all the data it needed by doing an IndexRangeScan on the new index. This composite index included the number field, so TiDB did not need to perform IndexLookup to get data from the table. This reduced a lot of I/O operations.

`IndexRangeScan` in the non-clustered table

IndexRangeScan in the non-clustered table

Pushing down computing to further reduce query latency​

For a query that needed to obtain 270,000 rows of data, 417.7 ms was quite a short execution time. But could we improve the time even more?

We thought this relied on TiDB's architecture that separates computing and storage layers. This is different from MySQL.

In TiDB:

  • The tidb-server node computes data. It corresponds to root in the execution plan.
  • The tikv-server node stores the data. It corresponds to cop[tikv] in the execution plan.

Generally, an SQL statement is split into multiple steps to execute with the cooperation of computing and storage nodes.

When we executed the SQL statement in this article, TiDB obtained the data of the github_events table from tikv-server and performed the aggregate calculation of the COUNT function on tidb-server.

FROM github_events
repo_id = 41881900 -- vscode
AND type = 'IssuesEvent';

The execution plan indicated that when TiDB was performing IndexReader, tidb-server needed to read 270,000 rows of data from tikv-server through the network. This was time-consuming.

`tidb-server` read 270,000 rows of data from `tikv-server`

tidb-server read 270,000 rows of data from tikv-server

How could we avoid such a large network transmission? Although the query needed to obtain a large amount of data, the final calculation result was only a number. Could we complete the COUNT aggregation calculation on tikv-server and return the result only to tidb-server?

TiDB had implemented this idea through the coprocessor on tikv-server. This optimization process is called computing pushdown.

The execution plan indicated that our SQL query did not do this. Why? We checked the TiDB documentation and learned that:

Usually, aggregate functions with the DISTINCT option are executed in the TiDB layer in a single-threaded execution model.

This meant that our SQL statement couldn't use computing pushdown.

FROM github_events
repo_id = 41881900 -- vscode
AND type = 'IssuesEvent';

Therefore, we removed the DISTINCT keyword.

For the github_events table, an issue only generated an event with the IssuesEvent type and opened action. We could get the total number of unique issues by adding the condition of action = 'opened'. This way, we didn't need to use the DISTINCT keyword for deduplication.

FROM github_events
repo_id = 41881900 -- vscode
AND type = 'IssuesEvent'
AND action = 'opened';

The composite index we created lacked the action column. This caused the query index coverage to fail. So we created a new composite index:

CREATE INDEX index_github_events_on_repo_id_type_action_number ON github_events(repo_id, type, action, number);

After we created the index, we checked the execution plan of the modified SQL statement through the EXPLAIN ANALYZE statement. We found that:

  • Because we added a new filter action='opened', the number of rows to scan had decreased from 270,000 to 140,000.
  • tikv-server executed the StreamAgg operator, which was the aggregate calculation of the COUNT function. This indicated that the calculation had been pushed down to the TiKV coprocessor for execution.
  • tidb-server only needed to obtain two rows of data from tikv-server through the network. This greatly reduced the amount of data transmitted.
  • The query only took 123.6 ms.
| id | estRows | actRows | task | access object | execution info | operator info | memory | disk |
| StreamAgg_28 | 1.00 | 1 | root | | time:123.6ms, loops:2 | funcs:count(Column#43)->Column#34 | 388 Bytes | N/A |
| └─IndexReader_29 | 1.00 | 2 | root | partition:issues_event | time:123.6ms, loops:2, cop_task: {num: 2, max: 123.5ms, min: 1.5ms, avg: 62.5ms, p95: 123.5ms, max_proc_keys: 131360, p95_proc_keys: 131360, tot_proc: 115ms, tot_wait: 1ms, rpc_num: 2, rpc_time: 125ms, copr_cache_hit_ratio: 0.50, distsql_concurrency: 15} | index:StreamAgg_11 | 590 Bytes | N/A |
| └─StreamAgg_11 | 1.00 | 2 | cop[tikv] | | tikv_task:{proc max:116ms, min:8ms, avg: 62ms, p80:116ms, p95:116ms, iters:139, tasks:2}, scan_detail: {total_process_keys: 131360, total_process_keys_size: 23603556, total_keys: 131564, get_snapshot_time: 1ms, rocksdb: {delete_skipped_count: 320, key_skipped_count: 131883, block: {cache_hit_count: 307, read_count: 1, read_byte: 63.9 KB, read_time: 60.2Β΅s}}} | funcs:count(gharchive_dev.github_events.number)->Column#43 | N/A | N/A |
| └─IndexRangeScan_15 | 7.00 | 141179 | cop[tikv] | table:github_events, index:index_ge_on_repo_id_type_action_created_at_number(repo_id, type, action, created_at, number) | tikv_task:{proc max:116ms, min:8ms, avg: 62ms, p80:116ms, p95:116ms, iters:139, tasks:2} | range:[41881900 "IssuesEvent" "opened",41881900 "IssuesEvent" "opened"], keep order:false | N/A | N/A |

Applying what we learned to other queries​

Through our analysis and optimizations, the query latency was significantly reduced:

1.11 s β†’ 417.7 ms β†’ 123.6 ms

We applied what we learned to other queries and created the following composite indexes in the github_events table:






These composite indexes covered more than 20 analytical queries in repository analysis and personal analysis pages on the OSS Insight website. This improved our website's overall loading speed.

Some lessons we learned on MySQL can be applied throughout the optimization process. But we need to consider more when we optimize query performance in a distributed database. We also recommend you read Performance Tuning in the TiDB documentation. This will give you a more professional and comprehensive guide to performance optimization.


Β· 10 min read
Cheese Wong
Vita Lu
Mia Zhou
Caitin Chen

We analyzed more than 5,000,000,000 rows of GitHub event data and got the results here. In this report, you'll get interesting findings about open source software on GitHub in 2022, including:

Top languages in the open source world over the past four years​

This chart ranks programming languages yearly from 2019 to 2022 based on the ratio of new repositories using these languages to all new repositories.

Top programming languages


  • Python surpassed Java and moved to #3 in 2021.
  • TypeScript rose from #10 to #6, and SCSS rose from #39 to #19. The rise of SCSS shows that open source projects that value front-end expressiveness are gradually gaining popularity.
  • The two languages Ruby and R dropped a lot in ranking over the years.

Rankings of back-end programming languages​

The programming languages used in a pull request reflect which languages developers used. To find out the most popular back-end programming languages, we queried the distribution of programming languages by new pull requests from 2019 to 2022 and took the top 10 for each year.

Top back-end programming languages

The chart data indicates:

  • Python and Java rank #1 and #2 respectively. In 2021, Go overtook Ruby to rank #3 in 2021.
  • Rust has been trending upward for several years, ranking #9 in 2022.

Geographic distribution of developer behavior​

We queried the number of various events that occurred throughout the world from January 1 to September 30, 2022 and identified the top 10 countries by the number of events triggered by developers in these countries. The chart displays the proportion of each event type by country or region.

Geographic distribution of developer behavior

The chart shows that:

  • The events triggered in the top 10 countries account for about 23.27% of all GitHub events. However, the number of developers from these countries is only 10%.
  • US developers are most likely to review code, with a PullRequestReviewEvent share of 6.15%.
  • Korean developers prefer pushing directly to repositories (PushEvent).
  • Japanese developers are most likely to submit code via pull requests, with a PullRequestEvent share of 10%.
  • German developers like to open issues and comments, with IssueEvent and CommentEvent accounting for 4.18% and 12.66% respectively.
  • Chinese developers like to star repositories, with 17.23% for WatchEvent and 2.7% for ForkEvent.


  • In 2022, 17,062,081 developers had behavioral events, and 2,923,523 of them have the Location field, so the sampling rate is 17.13%
  • GitHub identifies 15 types of events. We only show commonly used types. Comment Event includes CommitCommentEvent, IssueCommentEvent, and PullRequestReviewCommentEvent. Others includes MemberEvent, CreateEvent, ReleaseEvent, GollumEvent, and PublicEvent.

Developer behavior distribution on weekdays and weekends​

We queried the distribution of each event type over the seven days of the week.

Developer behavior distribution on weekdays and weekends


  • Developers are most active on weekdays, with 77.73% of events occurring on weekdays.

The distribution of specific events​

Developer behavior distribution from Monday to Sunday


  • Pull Request Event, Pull Request Review Event, and Issues Event all have the highest percentage on Tuesdays, while the lowest percentage is on the weekends.
  • The amount of Push Event, Watch Event, and Fork Event activities are similar on weekdays and weekends, while the Pull Request Review Event is the most different. Watch Event and Fork Event are more personal behaviors, Pull Request Review Events are more work behaviors, and Push Events are used more in personal projects.

Each year, technology introduces new buzz words. Can we gain insight into technical trends through the open source repositories behind the hot words? We investigated five technical areas: Low Code, Web3, GitHub Actions, Database, and AI.

We queried the number of open source repositories associated with each technical area, as well as the percentage of active repositories in 2022.

Activity levels of popular topics

This figure shows that open source repositories in the Low Code topic are the most active, with 76.3% being active in 2022, followed by Web3 with 63.85%.

We queried the following items for each technical area from 2015 to 2022:

  • The annual increment of repositories
  • The annual increment of collaborative events
  • The number of developers participating in collaborative events
  • The annual increment of stars

Then, we calculated the growth rate for each year which can reflect new entrants, developer engagement in this technical field, and the industry's interest in this area. For 2022, we compare its first nine months with the first nine months of 2021.

Low code repositories

We can see that 2020 is the peak period of project development, with a 313.43% increase in new repositories and a 157.06% increase in developer collaborative events. The industry's interest increased most significantly in 2021, reaching 184.82%. In 2022, the year-on-year growth data shows that the number of new repositories decreased (-26.21%), but developer engagement and industry interest are still rising.

* Time range of 2022: 01.01-09.30, excluding bot events and forking repositories

Web3 repositories

Whether it is the creation of new repositories, developers, or the interest of the industry, the Web3 ecosystem has grown rapidly in recent years, and the growth rate of new repositories peaked at 322.65% in 2021.

* Time range of 2022: 01.01-09.30, excluding bot events and forking repositories

GitHub Actions repositories

The annual increase of GitHub Actions repositories has been declining, but developer engagement and the industry's interest are still increasing slightly.

* Time range of 2022: 01.01-09.30, excluding bot events and forking repositories

Database repositories

As an infrastructure project, the Database project's threshold is high. Compared with projects in other fields, a database project has a stable growth rate.

* Time range of 2022: 01.01-09.30, excluding bot events and forking repositories

AI repositories

After two years of high growth in 2016 and 2017, open source projects in AI have been growing gradually slowly.

* Time range of 2022: 01.01-09.30, excluding bot events and forking repositories

The number of stars is the most visible indication of the popularity of open source projects. We looked at the 50 projects that received the most stars from January 1 to September 30, 2022. We found that:

The most popular repositories in 2022

* Time range: 2022.01.01-2022.09.30, excluding bot events

The most active repositories over the past four years​

Here we looked up the top 20 active repositories per year from 2019 to 2022 and counted the total number of listings per repository. The activity of the repository is ranked according to the number of developers participating in collaborative events.

Repository NameCount


  • Microsoft has the most repositories on the list, with five.

  • tensorflow/tensorflow and kubernetes/kubernetes both dropped out of the top 20 after three consecutive years on the list (2019 to 2021).

  • New to the 2022 list are archway-network/testnets, element-fi/elf-council-frontend, solana-labs/token-list, education/GitHubGraduation-2022, taozhiyu/TyProAction, NixOS/nixpkgs, rust-lang/rust.

  • Time range: 2022.01.01-2022.09.30, excluding bot events

Who gave the most stars in 2022​

We queried the developers who gave the most stars in 2022, took the top 20, and filtered out accounts of suspected bots. If a developer's number of star events divided by the number of starred repositories is equal to or greater than 2, we suspect this user to be a bot.

Developers who gave the most stars

We found that until September 30, 2022, the developer who starred the most repositories had starred a total of 37,228 repositories, an average of 136 repositories per day.

* Time range: 2022.01.01-2022.09.30, excluding bot events

The most active developers since 2011​

We queried the top 20 most active developers per year since 2011. This time we didn't filter out bot events.

The most active developers

We found that the percentage of bots is becoming larger and larger. Bots started to overtake humans in 2013 and have reached over 95% in 2022.


Term description​

  • GitHub events: GitHub events are triggered by user actions, like starring a repository or pushing code.
  • Time range: In this report, the data collection range of 2022 is from January 1, 2022 to September 30, 2022. When comparing data of 2022 with another year, we use year-on-year analysis.
  • Bot events: Bot-triggered events account for a growing percentage of GitHub events. However, these events are not the focus of this report. We filtered out most of the bot-initiated events by matching regular expressions.

How we classify technical fields by topics​

We do exact matching and fuzzy matching based on the repository topic. Exact matching means that the repository topics have a topic that exactly matches the word, and fuzzy matching means that the repository topics have a topic that contains the word.

TopicExact matchingFuzzy matching
GitHub Actionsactionsgithub-action, gh-action
Low Codelow-code, lowcode, nocode, no-code
Databasedbdatabase, databases
nosql, newsql, sql
AIai, aiops, aiotartificial-intelligence, machine-intelligence
computer-vision, image-processing, opencv, computervision, imageprocessing
voice-recognition, speech-recognition, voicerecognition, speechrecognition, speech-processing
machinelearning, machine-learning
deeplearning, deep-learning
transferlearning, transfer-learning
text-to-speech, tts, speech-synthesis, voice-synthesis
robot, robotics
natural-language-processing, nlp
language-model, text-classification, question-answering, knowledge-graph, knowledge-base
gan, gans, generative-adversarial-network, generative-adversarial-networks
neural-network, neuralnetwork, neuralnetworks, neural-network, dnn
seq2seq, sequence-to-sequence
data-analysis, data-science
object-detection, objectdetection

Β· 5 min read
Mia Zhou
Wink Yao
Caitin Chen

The OSS Insight website displays the data changes of GitHub events in real time. GitHub events are activities triggered by user actions on GitHub, for example, commenting and forking a repository. In nearly seven weeks, GitHub events increased by about 150 million, from 4.7 billion to 4.85 billion. GitHub events are booming!

This post dives deeply into GitHub event trending, why GitHub events are surging, and whether GitHub's architecture can handle the increasing load.

Historical data analysis​

The OSS Insight database includes all the GitHub events since 2011. When we plot the number of events by year, we can see that since 2018 they have been increasing rapidly.

GitHub event trending

GitHub event trending

The figure below shows how long it takes to grow each billion events in GitHub.

The time to reach a billion GitHub events

The time to reach a billion GitHub events

It's taking less and less for GitHub to generate 1 billion events. It took more than 6 years for the first billion events and only 13 months for the last billion!

The secret behind the exponential growth of GitHub events​

GitHub Actions was released in October 2018. Since August 2019, it has supported continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD), and it has been free for open source projects. Therefore, projects hosted on GitHub can automate their own development workflows, and a large number of automation-related bot applications have appeared on GitHub Marketplace. Could GitHub events' data growth be related to these?

To find the answer, we divided the events into data from humans and data from bots and plotted them with the following histogram. The blue columns represent the human data, and the yellow columns represent the bot data.

Bot events vs. human events

Bot events vs. human events

As you can see, the proportion of GitHub bot events has increased each year. In 2015, they were only 1.23% of all events. In early July of this year, they reached 13.2%. To show the data changes of bot events more clearly, we made the following line chart.

Bot event trending

Bot event trending

This figure shows that since 2019, bot events have been grown faster than before. As Mini256, a TiDB community contributor said in Love, Code, and Robot β€” Explore robots in the world of code:

For now, rough statistics find that there are more than 95,620 bots on GitHub. The number doesn't seem like so much, but wait...

These 95 thousand bot accounts generated 603 million events. These events account for 12.82% of all public events on GitHub, and these GitHub robots have served over 18 million open source repositories.

Bots are playing an increasingly important role on GitHub. Many projects are handing over automated work to bots. We expect that GitHub events will grow faster in the future.

When will GitHub reach 10 billion events?​

How many GitHub events will there be by the end of 2022? We fit predictions to GitHub historical data.

Human event fit (left) vs. bot event fit (right)

Human event fit (left) vs. bot event fit (right)

It's estimated that by the end of 2022, GitHub events will reach 5.36 billion.

GitHub event prediction

According to this prediction, GitHub events will exceed 10 billion in February 2025.

GitHub events will exceed 10 billion in 2025

Can MySQL sharding support such a huge amount of data?​

GitHub uses MySQL as the main storage for all non-git warehouse data. The rapid growth of data volume poses a great challenge to GitHub's high availability. In March 2022, GitHub had 3 service disruptions, each lasting 2-5 hours. The official investigation report shows the MySQL database caused the outages. During peak load periods, the GitHub mysql1 database (the main database cluster in GitHub) load increased. Therefore, database access reached the maximum number of connections. This affected the performance of many GitHub services and features.

In fact, over the past few years GitHub has optimized its databases. For example, it added clusters to support platform growth and partitioned the main database. But these improvements did not fundamentally solve the problem. In the near future, GitHub events will exceed 5 billion, or even 10 billion. Can MySQL sharding support such data surge?

Data sources​

All the analysis data in this article comes from OSS Insight, a tool based on TiDB to analyze and gain insights into GitHub events data.

You can use it to easily get insights about developers and repositories based on billions of GitHub events. You can also get the latest and historical rankings and trends in technical fields.

The OSS Insight website

The OSS Insight website

Β· 10 min read
Wink Yao
Fendy Feng

In early January 2022, Max, our CEO, a big fan of open-source, asked if my team could build a small tool to help us understand all the open-source projects on GitHub; and, that if everything worked well, we should open the API to help open source developers to build better insights. In fact, GitHub continuously publishes the public events in its open-source world through the open API. (Thank you and well done! Github). We can certainly learn a lot from the data!

I was excited about this project until Max said: β€œYou’ve only got one week.” Well, the boss is the boss! Although time was tight and we were faced with multiple head-aching problems, I decided to take up this challenge.

Headache 1: we need both historical and real-time data.​

After some quick research, we found GHArchive, an open-source project that collects and archives all GitHub data from 2011 and updates it hourly. By the way, a lot of open-source analytical tools such as CNCF's Devstats rely on GH Archive, too.

Thanks to GH Archive, we found the data source.

But there's another problem: hourly data is good, but not good enough. We wanted our data to be updated in real timeβ€”or at least near real time. We decided to directly use the GitHub event API, which collects all events that have occurred within the past hour.

By combining the data from the GH Archive and the GitHub event API, we can gain streaming, real-time event updates.

GitHub event updates

GitHub event updates

Headache 2: the data is huge!​

After we decompressed all the data from GH Archive, we found there were more than 4.6 billion rows of GitHub events. That’s a lot of data! We also noticed that about 300,000 rows were generated and updated each hour.

The data volume of GitHub events occurred after 2011

The data volume of GitHub events occurred after 2011

The database solution would be tricky here. Our goal is to build an application that provides real-time data insights based on a continuously growing dataset. So, scalability is a must. NoSQL databases can provide good scalability, but what follows is how to handle complex analytical queries. Unfortunately, NoSQL databases are not good at that.

Scalability vs SQL

Another option is to use an OLAP database such as ClickHouse. ClickHouse can handle the analytical workload very well, but it is not designed for serving online traffic. If we chose it, we would need another database for the online traffic.

OLAP vs Online Serving

What about sharding the database and then building an extract, transform, load (ETL) pipeline to synchronize the new events to a data warehouse? This sounds workable.

How a RDBMS handles the GitHub data

How a RDBMS handles the GitHub data

According to our product manager's (PM’s) plan, we needed to do some repo-specific or user-specific analysis. Although the total data volume was huge, the number of events was not too large for a single project or user. This meant using the secondary indexes in RDBMS would be a good idea. But, if we decided to use the above architecture, we had to be careful in selecting the database sharding key. For example, if we use user_id as the sharding key, then queries based on repo_id will be very tricky.

Another requirement from the PM was that our insight tool should provide OpenAPI, which meant we would have unpredictable concurrent traffic from the outside world.

Since we're not experts on Kafka and data warehouses, mastering and building such an infrastructure in just one week was a very difficult task for us.

The choice is obvious now, and don't forget PingCAP is a database company! TiDB seems a perfect fit for this, and it's a good chance to eat our own dog food. So, why not using TiDB! :)

If we use TiDB, can we get:

  • SQL support, including complex & flexible queries? β˜‘οΈ
  • Scalability? β˜‘οΈ
  • Secondary index support for fast lookup? β˜‘οΈ
  • Capability for online serving? β˜‘οΈ

Wow! It seems we got a winner!

By using the secondary index, TiDB scanned 29,639 rows (instead of 4.6 billion rows) GitHub events in 4.9 ms

By using the secondary index, TiDB scanned 29,639 rows (instead of 4.6 billion rows) GitHub events in 4.9 ms

To choose a database to support an application like OSS Insight, we think TiDB is a great choice. Plus, its simplified technology stack means a faster go-to-market and faster delivery of my boss' assignment.

After we used TiDB, we got a simplified architecture as shown below.

Simplified architecture after we use TiDB

Simplified architecture after we use TiDB

Headache 3: We have a "pushy" PM!​

Just as the subtitle indicates, we have a very β€œpushy” PM, which is not always a bad thing. :) His demands kept extending, from the single project analysis at the very beginning to the comparison and ranking of multiple repositories, and to other multidimensional analysis such as the geographical distribution of stargazers and contributors. What’s more pressing was that the deadlines stayed unchanged!!!

We had to keep a balance between the growing demands and the tight deadlines.

To save time, we built our website using Docusaurus, an open source static site generator in React with scalability, rather than building a site from scratch. We also used Apache Echarts, a powerful charting library, to turn analytical results into good-looking and easy-to-understand charts.

We chose TiDB as the database to support our website, and it perfectly supports SQL. This way, our back-end engineers could write SQL commands to handle complex and flexible analytical queries with ease and efficiency. Then, our front-end engineers would just need to display those SQL execution results in the form of good-looking charts.

Finally, we made it. We prototyped our tool in just one week, and named it OSS Insight, short for open source software insights. We continued to fine-tune it, and it was officially released on May 3.

How we deal with analytical queries with SQL​

Let's use one example to show you how we deal with complex analytical queries.

Analyze a GitHub collection: JavaScript frameworks​

OSS Insight can analyze popular GitHub collections by many metrics including the number of stars, issues, and contributors. Let’s identify which JavaScript framework has the most issue creators. This is an analytical query that includes aggregation and ranking. To get the result, we only need to execute one SQL statement:

ci.repo_name AS repo_name,
COUNT(distinct actor_login) AS num
github_events ge
JOIN collection_items ci ON ge.repo_id = ci.repo_id
JOIN collections c ON ci.collection_id = c.id
type = 'IssuesEvent'
AND action = 'opened'
AND c.id = 10005
-- Exclude Bots
and actor_login not like '%bot%'
and actor_login not in (select login from blacklist_users)

In the statement above, the collections and collection_items tables store the data of all GitHub repository collections in various areas. Each table has 30 rows. To get the order of issue creators, we need to associate the repository ID in the collection_items table with the real, 4.6-billion-row github_events table as shown below.

mysql> select * from collection_items where collection_id = 10005;
| id | collection_id | repo_name | repo_id |
| 127 | 10005 | marko-js/marko | 15720445 |
| 129 | 10005 | angular/angular | 24195339 |
| 131 | 10005 | emberjs/ember.js | 1801829 |
| 135 | 10005 | vuejs/vue | 11730342 |
| 136 | 10005 | vuejs/core | 137078487 |
| 138 | 10005 | facebook/react | 10270250 |
| 142 | 10005 | jashkenas/backbone | 952189 |
| 143 | 10005 | dojo/dojo | 10160528 |
30 rows in set (0.05 sec)

Next, let's look at the execution plan. TiDB is compatible with MySQL syntax, so its execution plan looks very similar to that of MySQL.

In the figure below, notice the parts in red boxes. The data in the table collection_items is read through distributed[row], which means this data is processed by TiDB’s row storage engine, TiKV. The data in the table github_events is read through distributed[column], which means this data is processed by TiDB’s columnar storage engine, TiFlash. TiDB uses both row and columnar storage engines to execute the same SQL statement. This is so convenient for OSS Insight because it doesn’t have to split the query into two statements.

TiDB execution plan

TiDB execution plan

TiDB returns the following result:

| repo_name | num |
| angular/angular | 11597 |
| facebook/react | 7653 |
| vuejs/vue | 6033 |
| angular/angular.js | 5624 |
| emberjs/ember.js | 2489 |
| sveltejs/svelte | 1978 |
| vuejs/core | 1792 |
| Polymer/polymer | 1785 |
| jquery/jquery | 1587 |
| jashkenas/backbone | 1463 |
| ionic-team/stencil | 1101 |
30 rows in set
Time: 7.809s

Then, we just need to draw the result with Apache Echarts into a more visualized chart as shown below.

JavaScript frameworks with the most issue creators

JavaScript frameworks with the most issue creators

Note: You can click the REQUEST INFO on the upper right side of each chart to get the SQL command for each result.

Feedback: People love it!​

After we released OSS Insight on May 3, we have received loud applause on social media, via emails and private messages, from many developers, engineers, researchers, and people who are passionate about the open source community in various companies and industries.

I am more than excited and grateful that so many people find OSS Insight interesting, helpful, and valuable. I am also proud that my team made such a wonderful product in such a short time.

Applause given by developers and organizations on Twitter-1

Applause given by developers and organizations on Twitter-1

Applause given by developers and organizations on Twitter

Lessons learned​

Looking back at the process we used to build this website, we have learned many mind-refreshing lessons.

First, quick doesn’t mean dirty, as long as we make the right choices. Building an insight tool in just one week is tricky, but thanks to those wonderful, ready-made, and open source projects such as TiDB, Docusaurus, and Echarts, we made it happen with efficiency and without compromising the quality.

Second, it’s crucial to select the right databaseβ€”especially one that supports SQL. TiDB is a distributed SQL database with great scalability that can handle both transactional and real-time analytical workloads. With its help, we can process billions of rows of data with ease, and use SQL commands to execute complicated real-time queries. Further, using TiDB means we can leverage its resources to go to market faster and get feedback promptly.

If you like our project or are interested in joining us, you’re welcome to submit your PRs to our GitHub repository. You can also follow us on Twitter for the latest information.


πŸ“Œ Join our workshop​

If you want to get your own insights, you can join our workshop and try using TiDB to support your own datasets.

Β· 7 min read

When it comes to GitHub, we often see fake GitHub users who are always enthusiastic and active, giving timely feedback to project maintainers and contributors, and helping developers with tasks that can be automated. Yes, the next thing I want to discuss is something about GitHub bots.


In the OSSInsight project, we have developed a number of metrics to provide insight into open source projects. When developing some open source project metrics, we always consider excluding bot-generated actions or events from the metric calculation.

However, We can't ignore the contribution of robots in the domain of open source, and it's important to shift our thinking to look at what bots are doing on GitHub.

GitHub's bots help developers do a lot of work:

  • Issue triage and management. (For example: stale[bot]、todo[bot])
  • Code review, security audit and quality inspection (For example, snyk-bot).
  • Format checking like ensuring license agreement signing, or make sure commit messages semantic. (For example: CLAassistant)
  • Integration with third-party systems, including Jira, Slack, Jenkins and so on.
  • As an agent to help contributor perform some operations needed permission on the repository. (For example: k8s-ci-bot、ti-chi-bot)

Looking at the historical data, we see that the number of GitHub bots grows significantly faster after 2019 (on average, 20,000 new bots are created each year)

Β· 3 min read

In this chapter, we will share with you some of the top JavaScript Framework repos(JSF repos) on GitHub in 2021 measured by different metrics including the number of stars, PRs, contributors, countries, regions and so on.


  1. You can move your cursor onto any of the repository bars/lines on the chart and get the exact number.
  2. The SQL commands above each chart are what we use on our TiDB Cloud to get the analytical results. Try those SQL commands by yourselves on TiDB Cloud with this 10-minute tutorial.

Star history of top JavaScript Framework repos since 2011​

The number of stars is often thought of as a measure of whether a GitHub repository is popular or not. We sort all JavaScript framework repositories from GitHub by the total number of historical stars since 2011. For visualizing the results more intuitively, we show the top 10 open source databases by using an interactive line chart.

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/page/2/index.html b/blog/page/2/index.html index 01d7add1a17..5ad7a50c252 100644 --- a/blog/page/2/index.html +++ b/blog/page/2/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

Β· 2 min read

In this chapter, we will share with you some of the top low-code development tools repos (LCDT repos) on GitHub in 2021 measured by different metrics including the number of stars, PRs, contributors, countries, regions and so on.

Β· 6 min read

On this page, we will share with you many deep insights into open source databases, such as the database popularity, database contributors, coding vitality, community feedback and so on.

We’ll also share the SQL commands that generate all these analytical results above each chart, so you can use them on your own on TiDB Cloud following this 10-minute tutorial.

Β· 2 min read

In this chapter, we will share with you some of the top programming language repos (PL repos) on GitHub in 2021 measured by different metrics including the number of stars, PRs, contributors, countries, regions and so on.

Β· 3 min read

In this chapter, we will share with you some of the top Web Framework repos (WF repos) on GitHub in 2021 measured by different metrics including the number of stars, PRs, contributors, countries, regions and so on.

Β· 10 min read
Fendy Feng

4.6 billion is literally an astronomical figure. The richest star map of our galaxy, brought by Gaia space observatory, includes just under 2 billion stars. What does a view of 4.6 billion GitHub events really look like? What secrets and values can be discovered in such an enormous amount of data?

Here you go: OSSInsight.io can help you find the answer. It’s a useful insight tool that can give you the most updated open source intelligence, and help you deeply understand any single GitHub project or quickly compare any two projects by digging deep into 4.6 billion GitHub events in real time. Here are some ways you can play with it.

Compare any two GitHub projects​

Do you wonder how different projects have performed and developed over time? Which project is worthy of more attention? OSSInsight.io can answer your questions via the Compare Projects page.

Let’s take the Kubernetes repository (K8s) and Docker’s Moby repository as examples and compare them in terms of popularity and coding vitality.


To compare the popularity of two repositories, we use multiple metrics including the number of stars, the growth trend of stars over time, and stargazers’ geographic and employment distribution.

Number of stars​

The line chart below shows the accumulated number of stars of K8s and Moby each year. According to the chart, Moby was ahead of K8s until late 2019. The star growth of Moby slowed after 2017 while K8s has kept a steady growth pace.

The star history of K8s and Moby

Geographical distribution of stargazers​

The map below shows the stargazers’ geographical distribution of Moby and K8s. As you can see, their stargazers are scattered around the world with the majority coming from the US, Europe, and China.

The geographical distribution of K8s and Moby stargazers

Employment distribution of stargazers​

The chart below shows the stargazers’ employment of K8s (red) and Moby (dark blue). Both of their stargazers work in a wide range of industries, and most come from leading dotcom companies such as Google, Tencent, and Microsoft. The difference is that the top two companies of K8s’ stargazers are Google and Microsoft from the US, while Moby’s top two followers are Tencent and Alibaba from China.

The employment distribution of K8s and Moby stargazers

Β· 3 min read

Providing insights on large volume of email data might not be as easy as we thought. While data coming in real-time, indices and metadata are to be built consistently. To make things worse, the data volume is beyond traditional single node databases' reach.


To store large volumes of real-time user data like email and provide insights is not easy. If your application is layered on top of Gmail to automatically extract and organize the useful information buried inside of our inboxes.

It became clear that they were going to need a better system for organizing terabytes of email metadata to power collaboration as their customer base rapidly increased, it is not easy to provide insights. You need to organize email data by first applying a unique identifier to the emails and then proactively indexing the email metadata. The unique identifier is what connects the same email headers across. For each email inserted in real-time, the system extracts meta information from it and builds indices for high concurrent access. When data volume is small, it's all good: traditional databases provide all you need. However, when data size grows beyond a single node's capacity, everything becomes very hard.

Potential Database Solutions​

Regarding databases, there are some options you might consider:

  1. NoSQL database. While fairly scalable, it does not provide you indexing and comprehensive query abilities. You might end up implementing them in your application code.
  2. Sharing cluster of databases. Designing sharding key and paying attention to the limitations between shards are painful. It might be fine for applications with simple schema designs, but it will be too complicated for CRM. Moreover, it's very hard to maintain.
  3. Analytical databases. They are fine for dashboard and reporting. But not fine for high concurrent updates and index based serving.

How to get real-time insights​

TiDB is a distributed database with user experience of traditional databases. It looks like a super large MySQL without the limitations of NoSQL and sharding cluster solutions. With TiDB, you can simply have the base information, indices and metadata being updated in a concurrent manner with the help of cross-node transaction ability.

To build such a system, you just need following steps:

  1. Create schemas according to your access pattern with indices on user name, organization, job title etc.
  2. Use streaming system to gather and extract meta information from your base data
  3. Insert into TiDB via ordinary MySQL client driver like JDBC. You might want to gather data in small batches of hundreds of rows to speed up ingestion. In a single transaction, updates on base data, indices and meta information are guaranteed to be consistent.
  4. Optionally, deploy a couple of TiFlash nodes to speed up large scale reporting queries.
  5. Access the data just like in MySQL and you are all done. SQL features for analytics like aggregations, multi-joins or window functions are all supported with great performance.

For more cases, please see here.


🌟 Details in how OSS Insight works​

Go to read Use TiDB Cloud to Analyze GitHub Events in 10 Minutes and use the Serverless Tier TiDB Cloud Cluster.

You can find how we deal with massive github data in Data Preparation for Analytics as well!

Β· 5 min read
Fendy Feng

TiDB is an open source distributed NewSQL database with horizontal scalability, high availability, and strong consistency. It can also deal with mixed OLTP and OLAP workloads at the same time by leveraging its hybrid transactional and analytical (HTAP) capability.

TiDB Cloud is a fully-managed Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) that brings everything great about TiDB to your cloud and lets you focus on your applications, not the complexities of your database.

In this tutorial, we will provide you with a piece of sample data of all GitHub events occurring on January 1, 2022, and walk you through on how to use TiDB Cloud to analyze this data in 10 minutes.

Sign up for a TiDB Cloud account (Free)​

  1. Click here to sign up for a TiDB Cloud account free of charge.
  2. Log in to your account.

Β· 5 min read


All the data we use here on this website sources from GH Archive, a non-profit project that records and archives all GitHub events data since 2011. The total data volume archived by GH Archive can be up to 4 billion rows. We download the json file on GH Archive and convert it into csv format via Script, and finally load it into the TiDB cluster in parallel through TiDB-Lightning.

In this section, we will explain step by step how we conduct this process.

  1. Prepare the data in csv format for TiDB Lighting.
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/reduce-query-latency/index.html b/blog/reduce-query-latency/index.html index 4c7560c1781..4e51e979d29 100644 --- a/blog/reduce-query-latency/index.html +++ b/blog/reduce-query-latency/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

Reducing Online Serving Latency from 1.11s to 123.6ms on a Distributed SQL Database

Β· 11 min read
Caitin Chen


This post tells how a website on a distributed database reduced online serving latency from 1.11 s to 417.7 ms, and then to 123.6 ms. We found that some lessons learned on MySQL could be applied throughout the optimization process. But when we optimize a distributed database, we need to consider more.

The OSS Insight website displays the data changes of GitHub events in real time. It's powered by TiDB Cloud, a MySQL-compatible distributed SQL database for elastic scale and real-time analytics.

Recently, to save costs, we tried to use lower-specification machines without affecting query efficiency and user experience. But our website and query response slowed down.

The repository analysis page was loading

The repository analysis page was loading, loading, and loading

How could we solve these problems on a distributed database? Could we use the methodology we learned on MySQL?

Analyzing the SQL execution plan​

To identify slow SQL statements, we used TiDB Cloud's Diagnosis page to sort SQL queries by their average latency.

For example, after the API server received a request, it executed the following SQL statement to obtain the number of issues in the vscode repository:

FROM github_events
repo_id = 41881900 -- vscode
AND type = 'IssuesEvent';

However, if the open source repository is large, this query may take several seconds or more to execute.

Using EXPLAIN ANALYZE to troubleshoot query performance problems​

In MySQL, when we troubleshoot query performance problems, we usually use the EXPLAIN ANALYZE <sql> statement to view the SQL statement's execution plan. We can use the execution plan to locate the problem. The same works for TiDB.

We executed the EXPLAIN statement:

FROM github_events
repo_id = 41881900 -- vscode
AND type = 'IssuesEvent';

The result showed that the query took 1.11 seconds to execute.

The query result

The query result

You can see that TiDB's EXPLAIN ANALYZE statement execution result was completely different from MySQL's. TiDB's execution plan gave us a clearer understanding of how this SQL statement was executed.

The execution plan shows:

  • This SQL statement was split into several subtasks. Some were on the root node, and others were on the tikv node.
  • The query fetched data from the partition:issue_event partition table.
  • This query did a range scan through the index index_github_events_on_repo_id(repo_id). This let the query narrow down the data scan quickly. This process only took 59 ms. It was the sum of the execution times of multiple concurrent tasks.
  • Besides IndexRangeScan, the query also used TableRowIDScan. This scan took 4.69 s, the sum of execution times for multiple concurrent subtasks.

From the execution times above, we determined that the query performance bottleneck was in the TableRowIDScan step.

We reran the EXPLAIN ANALYZE statement and found that the query was faster the second time. Why?

Why did TableRowIDScan take so long?​

To find the reason why TableRowIDScan took so long, we need basic knowledge of TiDB's underlying storage.

In TiDB, a table's data entries and indexes are stored on TiKV nodes in key-value pairs.

  • For an index, the key is the combination of the index value and the row_id (for a non-clustered index) or the primary key (for a clustered index). The row_id or primary key indicates where the data is stored.
  • For a data entry, the key is the combination of the table ID and the row_id or primary key. The value part is the combination of this row of data.

This graph shows how IndexLookup is executed in the execution plan:

The logical structure

This is the logical structure, not the physical storage structure.

In the query above, TiDB uses the query condition repo_id=41881900 to filter out all row numbers row_id related to the repository in the secondary index index_github_events_on_repo_id. The query needs the number column data, but the secondary index doesn't provide it. Therefore, TiDB must execute IndexLookup to find the corresponding row in the table based on the obtained row_id (the TableRowIDScan step).

The rows are probably scattered in different data blocks and stored on the hard disk. This causes TiDB to perform a large number of I/O operations to read data from different data blocks or even different machine nodes.

Why was EXPLAIN ANALYZE faster the second time?​

In EXPLAIN ANALZYE's execution result, we saw that the "execution info" column corresponding to the TableRowIDScan step contained this information:

block: {cache_hit_count: 2755559, read_count: 179510, read_byte: 4.07 GB}

We thought this had something to do with TiKV. TiKV read a very large number of data blocks from the disk. Because the data blocks read from the disk were cached in memory in the first execution, 2.75 million data blocks could be read directly from memory instead of being retrieved from the hard disk. This made the TableRowIDScan step much faster, and the query was faster overall.

However, we believed that user queries were random. For example, a user might look up data from a vscode repository and then go to a kubernetes repository. TiKV's memory couldn't cache all the data blocks in all the drives. Therefore, this did not solve our problem, but it reminded us that when we analyze SQL execution efficiency, we need to exclude cache effects.

Using a covering index to avoid executing TableRowIDScan​

Could we avoid executing TableRowIDScan in IndexLookup?

In MySQL, a covering index prevents the database from index lookup after index filtering. We wanted to apply this to OSS Insight. In our TiDB database, we tried to create a composite index to achieve index coverage.

When we created a composite index with multiple columns, we needed to pay attention to the column order. Our goals were to allow a composite index to be used by as many queries as possible, to help these queries narrow the scope of data scans as quickly as possible, and to provide as many fields as possible in the query. When we created a composite index we followed this order:

  1. Columns that had high differentiation and could be used as equivalence conditions for the WHERE statement, like repo_id
  2. Columns that didn't have high differentiation but could be used as equivalence conditions for the WHERE statement, like type and action
  3. Columns that could be used as range query conditions for the WHERE statement, like created_at
  4. Redundant columns that were not used as filter conditions but were used in the query, such as number and push_size

We used the CREATE IDNEX statement to create a composite index in the database:

CREATE INDEX index_github_events_on_repo_id_type_number ON github_events(repo_id, type, number);

When we created the index and ran the SQL statement again, the query speed was significantly faster. We viewed the execution plan through EXPLAIN ANALYZE and found that the execution plan became simpler. The IndexLookup and TableRowIDScan steps were gone. The query took only 417.7 ms.

The result of the EXPLAIN query

The result of the EXPLAIN query. This query cost 417.7 ms

So we knew that our query could get all the data it needed by doing an IndexRangeScan on the new index. This composite index included the number field, so TiDB did not need to perform IndexLookup to get data from the table. This reduced a lot of I/O operations.

`IndexRangeScan` in the non-clustered table

IndexRangeScan in the non-clustered table

Pushing down computing to further reduce query latency​

For a query that needed to obtain 270,000 rows of data, 417.7 ms was quite a short execution time. But could we improve the time even more?

We thought this relied on TiDB's architecture that separates computing and storage layers. This is different from MySQL.

In TiDB:

  • The tidb-server node computes data. It corresponds to root in the execution plan.
  • The tikv-server node stores the data. It corresponds to cop[tikv] in the execution plan.

Generally, an SQL statement is split into multiple steps to execute with the cooperation of computing and storage nodes.

When we executed the SQL statement in this article, TiDB obtained the data of the github_events table from tikv-server and performed the aggregate calculation of the COUNT function on tidb-server.

FROM github_events
repo_id = 41881900 -- vscode
AND type = 'IssuesEvent';

The execution plan indicated that when TiDB was performing IndexReader, tidb-server needed to read 270,000 rows of data from tikv-server through the network. This was time-consuming.

`tidb-server` read 270,000 rows of data from `tikv-server`

tidb-server read 270,000 rows of data from tikv-server

How could we avoid such a large network transmission? Although the query needed to obtain a large amount of data, the final calculation result was only a number. Could we complete the COUNT aggregation calculation on tikv-server and return the result only to tidb-server?

TiDB had implemented this idea through the coprocessor on tikv-server. This optimization process is called computing pushdown.

The execution plan indicated that our SQL query did not do this. Why? We checked the TiDB documentation and learned that:

Usually, aggregate functions with the DISTINCT option are executed in the TiDB layer in a single-threaded execution model.

This meant that our SQL statement couldn't use computing pushdown.

FROM github_events
repo_id = 41881900 -- vscode
AND type = 'IssuesEvent';

Therefore, we removed the DISTINCT keyword.

For the github_events table, an issue only generated an event with the IssuesEvent type and opened action. We could get the total number of unique issues by adding the condition of action = 'opened'. This way, we didn't need to use the DISTINCT keyword for deduplication.

FROM github_events
repo_id = 41881900 -- vscode
AND type = 'IssuesEvent'
AND action = 'opened';

The composite index we created lacked the action column. This caused the query index coverage to fail. So we created a new composite index:

CREATE INDEX index_github_events_on_repo_id_type_action_number ON github_events(repo_id, type, action, number);

After we created the index, we checked the execution plan of the modified SQL statement through the EXPLAIN ANALYZE statement. We found that:

  • Because we added a new filter action='opened', the number of rows to scan had decreased from 270,000 to 140,000.
  • tikv-server executed the StreamAgg operator, which was the aggregate calculation of the COUNT function. This indicated that the calculation had been pushed down to the TiKV coprocessor for execution.
  • tidb-server only needed to obtain two rows of data from tikv-server through the network. This greatly reduced the amount of data transmitted.
  • The query only took 123.6 ms.
| id | estRows | actRows | task | access object | execution info | operator info | memory | disk |
| StreamAgg_28 | 1.00 | 1 | root | | time:123.6ms, loops:2 | funcs:count(Column#43)->Column#34 | 388 Bytes | N/A |
| └─IndexReader_29 | 1.00 | 2 | root | partition:issues_event | time:123.6ms, loops:2, cop_task: {num: 2, max: 123.5ms, min: 1.5ms, avg: 62.5ms, p95: 123.5ms, max_proc_keys: 131360, p95_proc_keys: 131360, tot_proc: 115ms, tot_wait: 1ms, rpc_num: 2, rpc_time: 125ms, copr_cache_hit_ratio: 0.50, distsql_concurrency: 15} | index:StreamAgg_11 | 590 Bytes | N/A |
| └─StreamAgg_11 | 1.00 | 2 | cop[tikv] | | tikv_task:{proc max:116ms, min:8ms, avg: 62ms, p80:116ms, p95:116ms, iters:139, tasks:2}, scan_detail: {total_process_keys: 131360, total_process_keys_size: 23603556, total_keys: 131564, get_snapshot_time: 1ms, rocksdb: {delete_skipped_count: 320, key_skipped_count: 131883, block: {cache_hit_count: 307, read_count: 1, read_byte: 63.9 KB, read_time: 60.2Β΅s}}} | funcs:count(gharchive_dev.github_events.number)->Column#43 | N/A | N/A |
| └─IndexRangeScan_15 | 7.00 | 141179 | cop[tikv] | table:github_events, index:index_ge_on_repo_id_type_action_created_at_number(repo_id, type, action, created_at, number) | tikv_task:{proc max:116ms, min:8ms, avg: 62ms, p80:116ms, p95:116ms, iters:139, tasks:2} | range:[41881900 "IssuesEvent" "opened",41881900 "IssuesEvent" "opened"], keep order:false | N/A | N/A |

Applying what we learned to other queries​

Through our analysis and optimizations, the query latency was significantly reduced:

1.11 s β†’ 417.7 ms β†’ 123.6 ms

We applied what we learned to other queries and created the following composite indexes in the github_events table:






These composite indexes covered more than 20 analytical queries in repository analysis and personal analysis pages on the OSS Insight website. This improved our website's overall loading speed.

Some lessons we learned on MySQL can be applied throughout the optimization process. But we need to consider more when we optimize query performance in a distributed database. We also recommend you read Performance Tuning in the TiDB documentation. This will give you a more professional and comprehensive guide to performance optimization.


- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/saas-insight-for-building-a-real-time-crm-application/index.html b/blog/saas-insight-for-building-a-real-time-crm-application/index.html index 87b912a46ac..e1d4a3039fb 100644 --- a/blog/saas-insight-for-building-a-real-time-crm-application/index.html +++ b/blog/saas-insight-for-building-a-real-time-crm-application/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

SaaS Insight for Building a Real-time CRM Application

Β· 3 min read

Providing insights on large volume of email data might not be as easy as we thought. While data coming in real-time, indices and metadata are to be built consistently. To make things worse, the data volume is beyond traditional single node databases' reach.


To store large volumes of real-time user data like email and provide insights is not easy. If your application is layered on top of Gmail to automatically extract and organize the useful information buried inside of our inboxes.

It became clear that they were going to need a better system for organizing terabytes of email metadata to power collaboration as their customer base rapidly increased, it is not easy to provide insights. You need to organize email data by first applying a unique identifier to the emails and then proactively indexing the email metadata. The unique identifier is what connects the same email headers across. For each email inserted in real-time, the system extracts meta information from it and builds indices for high concurrent access. When data volume is small, it's all good: traditional databases provide all you need. However, when data size grows beyond a single node's capacity, everything becomes very hard.

Potential Database Solutions​

Regarding databases, there are some options you might consider:

  1. NoSQL database. While fairly scalable, it does not provide you indexing and comprehensive query abilities. You might end up implementing them in your application code.
  2. Sharing cluster of databases. Designing sharding key and paying attention to the limitations between shards are painful. It might be fine for applications with simple schema designs, but it will be too complicated for CRM. Moreover, it's very hard to maintain.
  3. Analytical databases. They are fine for dashboard and reporting. But not fine for high concurrent updates and index based serving.

How to get real-time insights​

TiDB is a distributed database with user experience of traditional databases. It looks like a super large MySQL without the limitations of NoSQL and sharding cluster solutions. With TiDB, you can simply have the base information, indices and metadata being updated in a concurrent manner with the help of cross-node transaction ability.

To build such a system, you just need following steps:

  1. Create schemas according to your access pattern with indices on user name, organization, job title etc.
  2. Use streaming system to gather and extract meta information from your base data
  3. Insert into TiDB via ordinary MySQL client driver like JDBC. You might want to gather data in small batches of hundreds of rows to speed up ingestion. In a single transaction, updates on base data, indices and meta information are guaranteed to be consistent.
  4. Optionally, deploy a couple of TiFlash nodes to speed up large scale reporting queries.
  5. Access the data just like in MySQL and you are all done. SQL features for analytics like aggregations, multi-joins or window functions are all supported with great performance.

For more cases, please see here.


🌟 Details in how OSS Insight works​

Go to read Use TiDB Cloud to Analyze GitHub Events in 10 Minutes and use the Serverless Tier TiDB Cloud Cluster.

You can find how we deal with massive github data in Data Preparation for Analytics as well!

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/say-thanks-to-github-robots/index.html b/blog/say-thanks-to-github-robots/index.html index ed19b610934..0a15c82a455 100644 --- a/blog/say-thanks-to-github-robots/index.html +++ b/blog/say-thanks-to-github-robots/index.html @@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ - +

Love, Code, and Robot β€” Explore robots in the world of code

Β· 7 min read

When it comes to GitHub, we often see fake GitHub users who are always enthusiastic and active, giving timely feedback to project maintainers and contributors, and helping developers with tasks that can be automated. Yes, the next thing I want to discuss is something about GitHub bots.


In the OSSInsight project, we have developed a number of metrics to provide insight into open source projects. When developing some open source project metrics, we always consider excluding bot-generated actions or events from the metric calculation.

However, We can't ignore the contribution of robots in the domain of open source, and it's important to shift our thinking to look at what bots are doing on GitHub.

GitHub's bots help developers do a lot of work:

  • Issue triage and management. (For example: stale[bot]、todo[bot])
  • Code review, security audit and quality inspection (For example, snyk-bot).
  • Format checking like ensuring license agreement signing, or make sure commit messages semantic. (For example: CLAassistant)
  • Integration with third-party systems, including Jira, Slack, Jenkins and so on.
  • As an agent to help contributor perform some operations needed permission on the repository. (For example: k8s-ci-bot、ti-chi-bot)

Looking at the historical data, we see that the number of GitHub bots grows significantly faster after 2019 (on average, 20,000 new bots are created each year)

I looked into what happened during the year and found that GitHub invested a lot in its software development infrastructure (including bots) during the year.

At this year, we, human beings, were amazed to discover that bots could find problems, submit PRs, wait CI test code, complete merges and comment on PRs on their own without any human involvement.

Bot automatically completes a pull request

For now, rough statistics found that there are more than 95,620 bots on GitHub, the number doesn't seem like so much, but wait...

Click here to show computational process

Before that, we had collected 4.7 billion github events stored in our database. Now we can count the number of bots on GitHub by executing a simple SQL statement:

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT actor_login) AS 'Bots'
FROM github_events ge
WHERE actor_login REGEXP '^(bot-.+|.+bot|.+\\[bot\\]|.+-bot-.+|robot-.+|.+-ci-.+|.+-ci|.+-testing|.+clabot.+|.+-gerrit|k8s-.+|.+-machine|.+-automation|github-.+|.+-github|.+-service|.+-builds|codecov-.+|.+teamcity.+|jenkins-.+|.+-jira-.+)$';

In this SQL statement, we use a regular expression to determine which actor_login is the robot login. For example, the well known star robot dependabot[bot], whose github login ends with [bot], we can find more bots among a large number of events based on this method.

| Bots |
| 95620 |
1 row in set
Time: 16.921s

πŸ‘€ These 95 thousand bot accounts generated 603 million events, these events account for 12.82% of all public events on GitHub.

Click here to show computational process
  1. Count the total number of public events triggered by GitHub bot
SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'Bot''s events'
FROM github_events ge
WHERE actor_login REGEXP '^(bot-.+|.+bot|.+\\[bot\\]|.+-bot-.+|robot-.+|.+-ci-.+|.+-ci|.+-testing|.+clabot.+|.+-gerrit|k8s-.+|.+-machine|.+-automation|github-.+|.+-github|.+-service|.+-builds|codecov-.+|.+teamcity.+|jenkins-.+|.+-jira-.+)$';
| Bot's events |
| 603554237 |
1 row in set
Time: 13.087s
  1. Count the total number of all public events on GitHub
SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'All public events' FROM github_events ge;
| All public events |
| 4705191048 |
1 row in set
Time: 4.322s
  1. Calculate the proportion of the former in the latter
SELECT CONCAT(TRUNCATE(603554237 / 4705191048 * 100, 2), '%') AS 'Proportion of Events';
| Proportion of Events |
| 12.82% |
1 row in set
Time: 0.047s

And these GitHub robots have served over 18 million open source repositories.

Click here to show computational process
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT repo_id) AS 'Repositories'
FROM github_events ge
WHERE actor_login REGEXP '^(bot-.+|.+bot|.+\\[bot\\]|.+-bot-.+|robot-.+|.+-ci-.+|.+-ci|.+-testing|.+clabot.+|.+-gerrit|k8s-.+|.+-machine|.+-automation|github-.+|.+-github|.+-service|.+-builds|codecov-.+|.+teamcity.+|jenkins-.+|.+-jira-.+)$';
| Repositories |
| 18415262 |
1 row in set
Time: 27.060s

Cases study​


dependabot[bot] is a hard-working bot responsible for helping open source projects keep their dependencies up to date.

By analyzing depentenbot's Push commit time, we found that he likes to start his busy week at 8:00 on Mondays (at GMT timezone).

It is commendable that, after a series of log4j security vulnerabilities came to light, it helped many Java-language repositories to update the dependency to a secure version timely.

Stale Bots​

Stale Bot is a controversial class of robots, they are responsible for reminding maintainers to continue promoting long-term stale issue.

Bad practiceBest practices

The user from Gatsby:

I used to open GitHub issues to Gatsby to report bugs. Almost nothing was ever fixed and every few weeks I had to manually clickety-click to keep the issues alive because of the stale bot. Guess what I do now? I don't report bugs to Gatsby, and I recommend against using Gatsby in newer projects.

The user from NixOS:

IMO NixOS has the right stalebot settings 0. It was discussed thoroughly in the RFC, as to choose the right information text and other actions by the bot. For example, the bot will only mark the issue/PR as stale and will never close the issue or lock it. Issues are only ever closed by humans. The information text they came up with is quite a bit longer than the ansible one 1. I think this is a very important point when adding such a bot, otherwise the user will be left helpless.

To verify the above statement, we run the following query through the SQL statement:

SELECT actor_login, COUNT(DISTINCT pr_or_issue_id) AS cnt
FROM github_events ge
repo_name = 'gatsbyjs/gatsby'
AND type = 'IssuesEvent'
AND action = 'closed'
AND (actor_login LIKE '%[bot]' OR actor_login LIKE '%bot')
GROUP BY actor_login

We know from the following query that many Issues in the gatsbyjs/gatsby repository have been closed by the stale bots.

| actor_login | cnt |
| gatsbot[bot] | 1389 |
| github-actions[bot] | 777 |
| gatsbybot | 265 |
| stale[bot] | 50 |
| renovate[bot] | 1 |
5 rows in set
Time: 0.100s

I think it is necessary to distinguish between what should be done by robots and what must be done with human involvement.

Weird bots​

There are some weird bots on GitHub that don't help people work and learn on GitHub, but rather act as data movers.

  • Some of them will use GitHub as a free place to archive their data, for example, speedtracker-bot, newstools.

  • Some of them will periodically upload a timestamp to the code repository as a commit, for example, keihin00174.

  • Some are even crazier, and you can't even access their profile pages because the number of events generated is so large that GitHub's database can't process them quickly, for example, mhutchinson-witness, direwolf-github.

    Too long time to load bot profile


We ranked the robots according to their contribution.

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/tags/apche-log-4-j/index.html b/blog/tags/apche-log-4-j/index.html index f25ff5e0be3..72e9220c664 100644 --- a/blog/tags/apche-log-4-j/index.html +++ b/blog/tags/apche-log-4-j/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

One post tagged with "Apche Log4j"

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Β· 8 min read
Mia Zhou
Notion AI

A few days ago, I read a blog post by the author of Core-js. To be honest, it was my first time hearing about Core-js. As someone who has written some front-end code and has been keeping up with open source projects, I feel a bit ashamed.

However, there are many open source projects that are widely used but not well-known. In this blog post, I will take a closer look at a few of these unsung heroes of the open source world. I do not want to give them a business model or financial advice in this article. This largely depends on the author's personal experience and values. I just want to raise more awareness about these open source projects.


Core-js is a modular standard library for JavaScript. It provides polyfills for many ECMAScript features, as well as some additional features that are not included in the standard library. It's used by many popular JavaScript libraries and frameworks, including React, Vue.js, and Angular.

Core-js has been downloaded more than 2.5 billion times from the npm package registry, making it one of the most widely used JavaScript libraries in the world. Despite its widespread use, the project does not receive much attention, and its star growth is very slow.

Core-js is maintained by Denis Pushkarev, who started the project as a hobby in 2012 and open-sourced it in 2014.

Core-js' top contributors

Based on the distribution of contributions to the project, it seems that Denis has provided more than 95% of the project's code. And as he said in the blog post I read, the project occupies almost all of his timeβ€”more than a full working day.

Denis' contribution time distribution

Core-js' star history

On February 14th, Denis’s blog brought significant attention to the Core-js project. Now he has opened multiple donation channels, including through Open Collective, Patreon, and boosty. He is actively exploring ways to ensure that Core-js can be maintained in the long term.


cURL is a command-line tool and library for transferring data over a wide range of network protocols, including HTTP, FTP, SMTP, and many others. It is used by millions of developers to download and upload files, test APIs, and automate tasks.

cURL's top contributors

cURL is primarily maintained by Daniel Stenberg alone, who started working on the project in 1998. Fortunately, there are occasionally new contributors joining in as mentioned in this tweet. This allows Daniel to maintain a more normal schedule and a full time job, and even leave work early on Wednesdays to play floorball.

Daniel's contribution time distribution

cURL has received sponsorship from various organizations and individuals, including wolfSSL. WolfSSL employs Daniel and allows him to spend paid work hours on cURL.


ImageMagick is a free and open-source software suite for displaying, converting, and editing raster image and vector image files. ImageMagick is used by millions of websites and applications to manipulate and display images, including popular content management systems like WordPress and Drupal.

ImageMagick's top contributors

ImageMagick is maintained by a small group of developers, including its founder, John Cristy. Cristy started the project at DuPont in 1987 and released it in 1990. It is said that John Cristy has a full-time job and only maintains the project in his spare time.

ImageMagick's top contributors last month

Dirk Lemstra is another primary maintainer of ImageMagick, currently working as a consultant for a company and maintaining the project in his spare time.

Currently, the project is sustained by the support of various organizations and individuals.


MyCLI is a command line interface for MySQL, MariaDB, and Percona with auto-completion and syntax highlighting.

MyCLI's top contributors

The project is maintained by its creator, Amjith Ramanujam, and contributions from the open source community. Based on the distribution of contributions, a relatively stable community of contributors has formed around MyCLI. Moreover, there are some organizations and individuals sponsoring this project.

MyCLI's commit history

However, with the popularity of cloud databases, such projects have fallen behind the times, so the updates for the project have been very slow.


Homebrew is a popular package manager for macOS that allows users to easily install and manage a wide variety of software packages. Homebrew is a nonprofit project run entirely by unpaid volunteer developers, with the lead maintainer being Mike McQuaid.

Homebrew's top contributors

McQuaid has been involved with the Homebrew project since its inception and has been the lead maintainer since 2012β€”and he has full-time work on GitHub as a principal engineer.

Homebrew’s financial operations are managed by the Open Source Collective, and accepts donations through GitHub Sponsors, Open Collective or Patreon. Homebrew is also sponsoring some projects, including cURL mentioned earlier.

Apache Log4j​

Apache Log4j is a powerful logging framework for Java that allows developers to log messages from their applications with fine-grained control over where and how those messages are recorded. This library has been widely adopted by Java developers and is used by many popular Java-based applications, including Apache Kafka and Apache Spark.

Apache Log4j's star history

Interestingly, the project did not receive much attention until November 2021, when a security vulnerability was reported. This incident doubled its star count and gained attention from the industry.

Apache Log4j's top contributors

Ralph Goers is the original author of Log4j 2. He worked on the initial design and development of Log4j 2, which was released in 2014. Now he is working on Nextiva as a Fellow Architect.Now the core maintainer of logging-log4j2 is Gary Gregory, who is a member of the Apache Software Foundation and has been working on the project for over a decade.

Because the Log4j 2 project is under the Apache Foundation, the maintainers can focus more on project maintenance without worrying about financial issues.


OpenSSL is an open source library that provides cryptographic functions for many different applications, including web servers, email clients, and virtual private networks. OpenSSL is used by millions of websites and applications to secure communications over the internet, including popular web servers like Apache and Nginx, as well as popular programming languages like Python and Ruby.

OpenSSL's top contributors

The project is developed by a distributed team, mostly consisting of volunteers with some project funded resources. The team is led by Matt Caswell, who has been working on OpenSSL since 2010 and became one of the maintainers in 2013.

Apart from volunteer developers, OpenSSL also depends on financial support from the community, which can be given in various forms. These include a support contract, a sponsorship donation, or a smaller donation via GitHub Sponsors.

Maintaining an open source project is no easy feat. It's a labor of love, built by passionate developers who sacrifice their time to create something that makes a difference. As users, we owe them our gratitude for the tools and technologies they provide. As Mike McQuaid suggested on the blog Open Source Maintainers Owe You Nothing, "Remember when filing an issue, opening a pull request, or making a comment on a project, to be grateful that people spend their free time to build software you get to use for free."

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/tags/c-url/index.html b/blog/tags/c-url/index.html index fa17f28d71a..29c75958bca 100644 --- a/blog/tags/c-url/index.html +++ b/blog/tags/c-url/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

One post tagged with "cURL"

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Β· 8 min read
Mia Zhou
Notion AI

A few days ago, I read a blog post by the author of Core-js. To be honest, it was my first time hearing about Core-js. As someone who has written some front-end code and has been keeping up with open source projects, I feel a bit ashamed.

However, there are many open source projects that are widely used but not well-known. In this blog post, I will take a closer look at a few of these unsung heroes of the open source world. I do not want to give them a business model or financial advice in this article. This largely depends on the author's personal experience and values. I just want to raise more awareness about these open source projects.


Core-js is a modular standard library for JavaScript. It provides polyfills for many ECMAScript features, as well as some additional features that are not included in the standard library. It's used by many popular JavaScript libraries and frameworks, including React, Vue.js, and Angular.

Core-js has been downloaded more than 2.5 billion times from the npm package registry, making it one of the most widely used JavaScript libraries in the world. Despite its widespread use, the project does not receive much attention, and its star growth is very slow.

Core-js is maintained by Denis Pushkarev, who started the project as a hobby in 2012 and open-sourced it in 2014.

Core-js' top contributors

Based on the distribution of contributions to the project, it seems that Denis has provided more than 95% of the project's code. And as he said in the blog post I read, the project occupies almost all of his timeβ€”more than a full working day.

Denis' contribution time distribution

Core-js' star history

On February 14th, Denis’s blog brought significant attention to the Core-js project. Now he has opened multiple donation channels, including through Open Collective, Patreon, and boosty. He is actively exploring ways to ensure that Core-js can be maintained in the long term.


cURL is a command-line tool and library for transferring data over a wide range of network protocols, including HTTP, FTP, SMTP, and many others. It is used by millions of developers to download and upload files, test APIs, and automate tasks.

cURL's top contributors

cURL is primarily maintained by Daniel Stenberg alone, who started working on the project in 1998. Fortunately, there are occasionally new contributors joining in as mentioned in this tweet. This allows Daniel to maintain a more normal schedule and a full time job, and even leave work early on Wednesdays to play floorball.

Daniel's contribution time distribution

cURL has received sponsorship from various organizations and individuals, including wolfSSL. WolfSSL employs Daniel and allows him to spend paid work hours on cURL.


ImageMagick is a free and open-source software suite for displaying, converting, and editing raster image and vector image files. ImageMagick is used by millions of websites and applications to manipulate and display images, including popular content management systems like WordPress and Drupal.

ImageMagick's top contributors

ImageMagick is maintained by a small group of developers, including its founder, John Cristy. Cristy started the project at DuPont in 1987 and released it in 1990. It is said that John Cristy has a full-time job and only maintains the project in his spare time.

ImageMagick's top contributors last month

Dirk Lemstra is another primary maintainer of ImageMagick, currently working as a consultant for a company and maintaining the project in his spare time.

Currently, the project is sustained by the support of various organizations and individuals.


MyCLI is a command line interface for MySQL, MariaDB, and Percona with auto-completion and syntax highlighting.

MyCLI's top contributors

The project is maintained by its creator, Amjith Ramanujam, and contributions from the open source community. Based on the distribution of contributions, a relatively stable community of contributors has formed around MyCLI. Moreover, there are some organizations and individuals sponsoring this project.

MyCLI's commit history

However, with the popularity of cloud databases, such projects have fallen behind the times, so the updates for the project have been very slow.


Homebrew is a popular package manager for macOS that allows users to easily install and manage a wide variety of software packages. Homebrew is a nonprofit project run entirely by unpaid volunteer developers, with the lead maintainer being Mike McQuaid.

Homebrew's top contributors

McQuaid has been involved with the Homebrew project since its inception and has been the lead maintainer since 2012β€”and he has full-time work on GitHub as a principal engineer.

Homebrew’s financial operations are managed by the Open Source Collective, and accepts donations through GitHub Sponsors, Open Collective or Patreon. Homebrew is also sponsoring some projects, including cURL mentioned earlier.

Apache Log4j​

Apache Log4j is a powerful logging framework for Java that allows developers to log messages from their applications with fine-grained control over where and how those messages are recorded. This library has been widely adopted by Java developers and is used by many popular Java-based applications, including Apache Kafka and Apache Spark.

Apache Log4j's star history

Interestingly, the project did not receive much attention until November 2021, when a security vulnerability was reported. This incident doubled its star count and gained attention from the industry.

Apache Log4j's top contributors

Ralph Goers is the original author of Log4j 2. He worked on the initial design and development of Log4j 2, which was released in 2014. Now he is working on Nextiva as a Fellow Architect.Now the core maintainer of logging-log4j2 is Gary Gregory, who is a member of the Apache Software Foundation and has been working on the project for over a decade.

Because the Log4j 2 project is under the Apache Foundation, the maintainers can focus more on project maintenance without worrying about financial issues.


OpenSSL is an open source library that provides cryptographic functions for many different applications, including web servers, email clients, and virtual private networks. OpenSSL is used by millions of websites and applications to secure communications over the internet, including popular web servers like Apache and Nginx, as well as popular programming languages like Python and Ruby.

OpenSSL's top contributors

The project is developed by a distributed team, mostly consisting of volunteers with some project funded resources. The team is led by Matt Caswell, who has been working on OpenSSL since 2010 and became one of the maintainers in 2013.

Apart from volunteer developers, OpenSSL also depends on financial support from the community, which can be given in various forms. These include a support contract, a sponsorship donation, or a smaller donation via GitHub Sponsors.

Maintaining an open source project is no easy feat. It's a labor of love, built by passionate developers who sacrifice their time to create something that makes a difference. As users, we owe them our gratitude for the tools and technologies they provide. As Mike McQuaid suggested on the blog Open Source Maintainers Owe You Nothing, "Remember when filing an issue, opening a pull request, or making a comment on a project, to be grateful that people spend their free time to build software you get to use for free."

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/tags/chatgpt/index.html b/blog/tags/chatgpt/index.html index 07a4dacf708..c19a97e3d81 100644 --- a/blog/tags/chatgpt/index.html +++ b/blog/tags/chatgpt/index.html @@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ - +

3 posts tagged with "chatgpt"

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Β· 18 min read

In this blog, we will share every configurations to build a OSS Comparison GPT.

GPTs Configurations​


Open Source Benchmark


Compare open-source softwares


You are a data analysis expert. 
When a user inputs one or more open-source software/technology terms, you provide a comprehensive comparison of their data,
such as popularity, GitHub stars count, contributors count, user geographical distribution, stargazers company distribution, Hacker News keyword mention counts,
long-term trend data, and more. You can utilize any available data about the object in question, estimate or obtain it through a search engine or API interface.
Currently, you have the following APIs at your disposal:

1. GitHub API for getting repo basic info
2. OSS Insight API for star history and stargazer's distribution
3. Hackernews mentions per_year API
4. OSS Insight star history chart API (show me with a <img> label)
5. OSS Insight API for stargazers company distribution

Here's a step-by-step process:

Identify which API to use based on the data you need.
- you goal is to think more metrics according exist API.
- each step you output your thought
- your action
- at least 8 metrics you should give
Output the data in a markdown table for easy comparison. add your known metrics for more insight. at least 8 metrics.

| Dimension | A | B |
| Dimension 1 | Detail A1 | Detail B1 |
| Dimension 2 | Detail A2 | Detail B2 |
| Dimension 3 | Detail A3 | Detail B3 |
| ... | ... | ... |
| Dimension N | Detail AN | Detail BN |

- For star history data, you should generate a line chart using oss insight star history api, at least one chart.
- For stargazers company data, you use markdown table:
| Company | Stargazers Count |
| Company A | 100 |
| Company B | 75 |
| Company C | 50 |
| Company D | 30 |
| Other/Unknown | 45 |

Provide insights and analysis based on the collected data. and trending insight.
Be sure to think big! Always give plan and explain what you do.

Let's begin

Deep Insight:

At the end, you should give use some surprise, you can search stackshare.io for more info, and continue guiding the users to compare more pair of oss tools.

Conversation starters​

PyTorch vs TensorFlow
TiDB vs Vitess
React vs Vue
Golang vs Rust-lang



Make all these three capabilities checked

  • Web Browsing
  • DALL-E Image Generation
  • Code Interpreter


Action 1: Config API of next.ossinsight.io for drawing star historical chart​

openapi: 3.0.0
title: OSS Insight star history chart API
version: 1.0.0
description: OSS Insight star history chart API.
- url: https://next.ossinsight.io
operationId: Star History
summary: Retrieve repository star history analysis
description: Fetches the star history and analysis for specified repositories.
- name: repo_id
in: query
required: true
description: The ID of the primary repository.
type: integer
- name: vs_repo_id
in: query
required: true
description: The ID of the repository to compare with.
type: integer
description: Successful response with star history data.
type: object
type: string
format: uri
description: URL of the thumbnail image.
type: string
description: Title of the analysis.
type: string
description: Description of the analysis.
description: Bad request - parameters missing or invalid.
description: Resource not found.
description: Internal server error.
Privacy policy​

Action 2: Config api.github.com for fetching basic info of a repository​

As GitHub API use Personal Access Token and Bearer type of authentication for authentication, you should create one in: https://github.com/settings/tokens, it will be used later.

openapi: 3.0.0
title: GitHub Repository Info API
description: An API for retrieving information about GitHub repositories.
version: 1.0.0
- url: https://api.github.com
description: GitHub API Server
summary: Get Repository Info
description: Retrieve information about a GitHub repository.
operationId: getRepositoryInfo
- name: owner
in: path
required: true
type: string
description: The username or organization name of the repository owner.
- name: repo
in: path
required: true
type: string
description: The name of the repository.
description: Successful response with repository information.
type: object
type: integer
type: string
type: string
type: object
type: string
type: integer
type: string
type: string
type: boolean
type: string
type: boolean
type: string
type: string
type: string
type: integer
type: integer
type: integer
type: integer
type: string
type: integer
type: array
type: string
type: boolean
type: boolean
type: boolean
type: boolean
type: boolean
type: boolean
type: boolean
type: boolean
type: string
type: string
format: date-time
type: string
format: date-time
type: string
format: date-time
type: object
type: string
type: string
type: string
type: string
Privacy policy​

Action 3: Stargazer's geo & company distribution provided by TiDB Serverless Data Service​

Schema URL to import​

or you can use the following details schema.

Show detailed API schema

type: string
type: string
type: boolean
type: object
type: array
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
type: string
maximum: 1.8446744073709552e+19
minimum: 0
type: integer
type: string
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
type: integer
type: string
type: array
type: object
type: string
type: string
- date
- stargazers
type: object
type: array
- columns
- rows
- result
type: object
type: string
- type
- data
type: object
type: string
type: string
type: boolean
type: object
type: array
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
type: string
maximum: 1.8446744073709552e+19
minimum: 0
type: integer
type: string
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
type: integer
type: string
type: array
type: object
type: string
type: string
type: string
- company_name
- stargazers
- proportion
type: object
type: array
- columns
- rows
- result
type: object
type: string
- type
- data
type: object
type: string
type: string
type: boolean
type: object
type: array
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
type: string
maximum: 1.8446744073709552e+19
minimum: 0
type: integer
type: string
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
type: integer
type: string
type: array
type: object
type: string
type: string
type: string
- country_code
- stargazers
- percentage
type: object
type: array
- columns
- rows
- result
type: object
type: string
- type
- data
type: object
type: string
type: string
type: boolean
type: object
type: array
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
type: string
maximum: 1.8446744073709552e+19
minimum: 0
type: integer
type: string
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
type: integer
type: string
type: array
type: object
type: string
- count
type: object
type: array
- columns
- rows
- result
type: object
type: string
- type
- data
type: object
type: string
type: string
type: boolean
type: object
type: array
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
type: string
maximum: 1.8446744073709552e+19
minimum: 0
type: integer
type: string
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
type: integer
type: string
type: array
type: object
type: string
type: string
- count
- date
type: object
type: array
- columns
- rows
- result
type: object
type: string
- type
- data
type: object
description: Enter your public key for the username field and private key for
the password field
scheme: basic
type: http
description: API Interface for GPT PK Action, response GitHub repo metrics and hackernews
mentions count data
title: GPT-PK
version: 1.0.0
openapi: 3.0.3
description: GitHub repo star history
operationId: getGithubRepoStar_history
- description: The time interval of the data points
in: query
name: per
default: month
- day
- week
- month
example: month
type: string
- description: 'The owner of the repo. For example: `pingcap`'
in: query
name: owner
required: true
default: ""
example: ""
type: string
- description: 'The name of the repo. For example: `tidb`'
in: query
name: repo
required: true
default: ""
example: ""
type: string
- description: The start date of the range
in: query
name: from
default: "2000-01-01"
example: "2000-01-01"
type: string
- description: The end date of the range
in: query
name: to
default: "2099-12-31"
example: "2099-12-31"
type: string
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStar_historyResponse'
description: OK
columns: []
code: 400
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: param check failed! {detailed error}
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStar_historyResponse'
description: Bad request
columns: []
code: 401
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: auth failed
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStar_historyResponse'
description: Unauthorized request
columns: []
code: 404
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: endpoint not found
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStar_historyResponse'
description: The requested resource was not found
columns: []
code: 405
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: method not allowed
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStar_historyResponse'
description: The requested method is not supported for the specified resource
columns: []
code: 408
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: request timeout
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStar_historyResponse'
description: The server timed out waiting for the request
columns: []
code: 429
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: 'The request exceeded the limit of 100 times per apikey
per minute. For more quota, please contact us: https://support.pingcap.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=7800003722519'
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStar_historyResponse'
description: The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time
columns: []
code: 500
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: internal error! {detailed error}
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStar_historyResponse'
description: Internal server error
summary: /github/repo/star_history
- Default
operationId: getGithubRepoStargazers_company
- in: query
name: owner
default: ""
example: ""
type: string
- in: query
name: repo
default: ""
example: ""
type: string
- in: query
name: from
default: "2000-01-01"
example: "2000-01-01"
type: string
- in: query
name: to
default: "2099-01-01"
example: "2099-01-01"
type: string
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_companyResponse'
description: OK
columns: []
code: 400
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: param check failed! {detailed error}
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_companyResponse'
description: Bad request
columns: []
code: 401
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: auth failed
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_companyResponse'
description: Unauthorized request
columns: []
code: 404
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: endpoint not found
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_companyResponse'
description: The requested resource was not found
columns: []
code: 405
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: method not allowed
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_companyResponse'
description: The requested method is not supported for the specified resource
columns: []
code: 408
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: request timeout
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_companyResponse'
description: The server timed out waiting for the request
columns: []
code: 429
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: 'The request exceeded the limit of 100 times per apikey
per minute. For more quota, please contact us: https://support.pingcap.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=7800003722519'
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_companyResponse'
description: The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time
columns: []
code: 500
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: internal error! {detailed error}
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_companyResponse'
description: Internal server error
summary: /github/repo/stargazers_company
- Default
description: github repo stargazers country
operationId: getGithubRepoStargazers_country
- in: query
name: owner
default: ""
example: ""
type: string
- in: query
name: repo
default: ""
example: ""
type: string
- in: query
name: from
default: "2000-01-01"
example: "2000-01-01"
type: string
- in: query
name: to
default: "2099-01-01"
example: "2099-01-01"
type: string
- in: query
name: exclude_unknown
default: "true"
example: "true"
type: boolean
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_countryResponse'
description: OK
columns: []
code: 400
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: param check failed! {detailed error}
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_countryResponse'
description: Bad request
columns: []
code: 401
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: auth failed
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_countryResponse'
description: Unauthorized request
columns: []
code: 404
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: endpoint not found
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_countryResponse'
description: The requested resource was not found
columns: []
code: 405
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: method not allowed
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_countryResponse'
description: The requested method is not supported for the specified resource
columns: []
code: 408
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: request timeout
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_countryResponse'
description: The server timed out waiting for the request
columns: []
code: 429
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: 'The request exceeded the limit of 100 times per apikey
per minute. For more quota, please contact us: https://support.pingcap.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=7800003722519'
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_countryResponse'
description: The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time
columns: []
code: 500
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: internal error! {detailed error}
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_countryResponse'
description: Internal server error
summary: /github/repo/stargazers_country
- Default
description: Total counts for keyword in hackernews
operationId: getHackernewsMentions_count
- in: query
name: keyword
default: ""
example: ""
type: string
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_countResponse'
description: OK
columns: []
code: 400
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: param check failed! {detailed error}
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_countResponse'
description: Bad request
columns: []
code: 401
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: auth failed
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_countResponse'
description: Unauthorized request
columns: []
code: 404
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: endpoint not found
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_countResponse'
description: The requested resource was not found
columns: []
code: 405
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: method not allowed
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_countResponse'
description: The requested method is not supported for the specified resource
columns: []
code: 408
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: request timeout
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_countResponse'
description: The server timed out waiting for the request
columns: []
code: 429
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: 'The request exceeded the limit of 100 times per apikey
per minute. For more quota, please contact us: https://support.pingcap.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=7800003722519'
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_countResponse'
description: The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time
columns: []
code: 500
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: internal error! {detailed error}
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_countResponse'
description: Internal server error
summary: /hackernews/mentions_count
- Default
description: keyword mentions per year in hackernews
operationId: getHackernewsMentions_per_year
- in: query
name: keyword
default: ""
example: ""
type: string
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_per_yearResponse'
description: OK
columns: []
code: 400
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: param check failed! {detailed error}
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_per_yearResponse'
description: Bad request
columns: []
code: 401
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: auth failed
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_per_yearResponse'
description: Unauthorized request
columns: []
code: 404
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: endpoint not found
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_per_yearResponse'
description: The requested resource was not found
columns: []
code: 405
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: method not allowed
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_per_yearResponse'
description: The requested method is not supported for the specified resource
columns: []
code: 408
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: request timeout
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_per_yearResponse'
description: The server timed out waiting for the request
columns: []
code: 429
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: 'The request exceeded the limit of 100 times per apikey
per minute. For more quota, please contact us: https://support.pingcap.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=7800003722519'
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_per_yearResponse'
description: The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time
columns: []
code: 500
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: internal error! {detailed error}
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_per_yearResponse'
description: Internal server error
summary: /hackernews/mentions_per_year
- Default
- basicAuth: []
- url: https://us-west-2.data.tidbcloud.com/api/v1beta/app/dataapp-RfFKcZFu/endpoint

API Key​

When config this action, you should input the following encoded api key in Authentication -> API Key -> Auth Type(Basic)

  • Make sure using this key for GPT's learning, thanks~
  • We will revoke this key after a period of time
Privacy policy​

Β· 2 min read

SQL is a powerful language for managing and analyzing data, but it can be difficult to learn for beginners. That's where ChatGPT comes in.

ChatGPT is a large language model trained by OpenAI that can help you learn SQL easily by visualizing the key information in a SQL query. In this blog post, we'll show you how to use ChatGPT to visualize SQL queries using pretty ASCII art diagrams. Let's start with an example. Suppose we want to find the top 10 most popular AI projects on GitHub in the last month. Here's the SQL query that does that:

COUNT(*) AS stars
type = 'WatchEvent'
AND repo_name LIKE '%AI%'
stars DESC

Now, let's use ChatGPT to visualize this SQL query using pretty ASCII art diagrams. Here's the diagram:

| What to Retrieve? | top 10
| repo_name,
| COUNT(*) AS stars
| From Where? | GitHub
| github_events
| Filter By: | last month, AI projects, most popular
| type = 'WatchEvent'
| AND created_at > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH)
| AND repo_name LIKE '%AI%'
| Group By |
| repo_name
| Order By | most popular
| stars DESC
| Limit To 10 | top 10
| 10

This diagram visually shows the flow of the SQL query, from selecting what to retrieve, to filtering, grouping, ordering, and limiting the results. The arrows make it easy to see the relationship between the key information in the question and the corresponding SQL statements.

By using ChatGPT to visualize SQL queries with pretty ASCII art diagrams, you can learn SQL easily and quickly. The diagrams help you understand the structure of the SQL query, and make it easy to see how the various statements are related. With practice, you'll be able to write your own SQL queries in no time.

In conclusion, if you want to learn SQL easily, try using ChatGPT to visualize SQL queries with pretty ASCII art diagrams. It's a fun and effective way to learn SQL and improve your data management skills.

Β· One min read

This blog is written with help of ChatGPT.

To get insight of your own dataset without writing sql is easy, follow these steps:

  1. Sign up for a TiDB Cloud account at https://tidbcloud.com/ using your email, Google account, or GitHub account.

  2. Create a free Serverless Tier cluster in the TiDB Cloud web console.

  3. In the TiDB Cloud web console, click the "Import" button and follow the prompts to load a CSV file into your cluster from a local file or from Amazon S3.

    Import Data

  4. Use the web console's SQL editor(Chat2Query) to get insights from your data. But no worry, you don't need to write SQL, you could ask questions about your data in natural language.

    The magic is typing -- your question and press Enter, here is an example:

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/tags/core-js/index.html b/blog/tags/core-js/index.html index b11e9dd0952..9f1cc19321c 100644 --- a/blog/tags/core-js/index.html +++ b/blog/tags/core-js/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

One post tagged with "Core-js"

View All Tags

Β· 8 min read
Mia Zhou
Notion AI

A few days ago, I read a blog post by the author of Core-js. To be honest, it was my first time hearing about Core-js. As someone who has written some front-end code and has been keeping up with open source projects, I feel a bit ashamed.

However, there are many open source projects that are widely used but not well-known. In this blog post, I will take a closer look at a few of these unsung heroes of the open source world. I do not want to give them a business model or financial advice in this article. This largely depends on the author's personal experience and values. I just want to raise more awareness about these open source projects.


Core-js is a modular standard library for JavaScript. It provides polyfills for many ECMAScript features, as well as some additional features that are not included in the standard library. It's used by many popular JavaScript libraries and frameworks, including React, Vue.js, and Angular.

Core-js has been downloaded more than 2.5 billion times from the npm package registry, making it one of the most widely used JavaScript libraries in the world. Despite its widespread use, the project does not receive much attention, and its star growth is very slow.

Core-js is maintained by Denis Pushkarev, who started the project as a hobby in 2012 and open-sourced it in 2014.

Core-js' top contributors

Based on the distribution of contributions to the project, it seems that Denis has provided more than 95% of the project's code. And as he said in the blog post I read, the project occupies almost all of his timeβ€”more than a full working day.

Denis' contribution time distribution

Core-js' star history

On February 14th, Denis’s blog brought significant attention to the Core-js project. Now he has opened multiple donation channels, including through Open Collective, Patreon, and boosty. He is actively exploring ways to ensure that Core-js can be maintained in the long term.


cURL is a command-line tool and library for transferring data over a wide range of network protocols, including HTTP, FTP, SMTP, and many others. It is used by millions of developers to download and upload files, test APIs, and automate tasks.

cURL's top contributors

cURL is primarily maintained by Daniel Stenberg alone, who started working on the project in 1998. Fortunately, there are occasionally new contributors joining in as mentioned in this tweet. This allows Daniel to maintain a more normal schedule and a full time job, and even leave work early on Wednesdays to play floorball.

Daniel's contribution time distribution

cURL has received sponsorship from various organizations and individuals, including wolfSSL. WolfSSL employs Daniel and allows him to spend paid work hours on cURL.


ImageMagick is a free and open-source software suite for displaying, converting, and editing raster image and vector image files. ImageMagick is used by millions of websites and applications to manipulate and display images, including popular content management systems like WordPress and Drupal.

ImageMagick's top contributors

ImageMagick is maintained by a small group of developers, including its founder, John Cristy. Cristy started the project at DuPont in 1987 and released it in 1990. It is said that John Cristy has a full-time job and only maintains the project in his spare time.

ImageMagick's top contributors last month

Dirk Lemstra is another primary maintainer of ImageMagick, currently working as a consultant for a company and maintaining the project in his spare time.

Currently, the project is sustained by the support of various organizations and individuals.


MyCLI is a command line interface for MySQL, MariaDB, and Percona with auto-completion and syntax highlighting.

MyCLI's top contributors

The project is maintained by its creator, Amjith Ramanujam, and contributions from the open source community. Based on the distribution of contributions, a relatively stable community of contributors has formed around MyCLI. Moreover, there are some organizations and individuals sponsoring this project.

MyCLI's commit history

However, with the popularity of cloud databases, such projects have fallen behind the times, so the updates for the project have been very slow.


Homebrew is a popular package manager for macOS that allows users to easily install and manage a wide variety of software packages. Homebrew is a nonprofit project run entirely by unpaid volunteer developers, with the lead maintainer being Mike McQuaid.

Homebrew's top contributors

McQuaid has been involved with the Homebrew project since its inception and has been the lead maintainer since 2012β€”and he has full-time work on GitHub as a principal engineer.

Homebrew’s financial operations are managed by the Open Source Collective, and accepts donations through GitHub Sponsors, Open Collective or Patreon. Homebrew is also sponsoring some projects, including cURL mentioned earlier.

Apache Log4j​

Apache Log4j is a powerful logging framework for Java that allows developers to log messages from their applications with fine-grained control over where and how those messages are recorded. This library has been widely adopted by Java developers and is used by many popular Java-based applications, including Apache Kafka and Apache Spark.

Apache Log4j's star history

Interestingly, the project did not receive much attention until November 2021, when a security vulnerability was reported. This incident doubled its star count and gained attention from the industry.

Apache Log4j's top contributors

Ralph Goers is the original author of Log4j 2. He worked on the initial design and development of Log4j 2, which was released in 2014. Now he is working on Nextiva as a Fellow Architect.Now the core maintainer of logging-log4j2 is Gary Gregory, who is a member of the Apache Software Foundation and has been working on the project for over a decade.

Because the Log4j 2 project is under the Apache Foundation, the maintainers can focus more on project maintenance without worrying about financial issues.


OpenSSL is an open source library that provides cryptographic functions for many different applications, including web servers, email clients, and virtual private networks. OpenSSL is used by millions of websites and applications to secure communications over the internet, including popular web servers like Apache and Nginx, as well as popular programming languages like Python and Ruby.

OpenSSL's top contributors

The project is developed by a distributed team, mostly consisting of volunteers with some project funded resources. The team is led by Matt Caswell, who has been working on OpenSSL since 2010 and became one of the maintainers in 2013.

Apart from volunteer developers, OpenSSL also depends on financial support from the community, which can be given in various forms. These include a support contract, a sponsorship donation, or a smaller donation via GitHub Sponsors.

Maintaining an open source project is no easy feat. It's a labor of love, built by passionate developers who sacrifice their time to create something that makes a difference. As users, we owe them our gratitude for the tools and technologies they provide. As Mike McQuaid suggested on the blog Open Source Maintainers Owe You Nothing, "Remember when filing an issue, opening a pull request, or making a comment on a project, to be grateful that people spend their free time to build software you get to use for free."

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/tags/git-hub/index.html b/blog/tags/git-hub/index.html index 5b18c7df533..8e95ea41c70 100644 --- a/blog/tags/git-hub/index.html +++ b/blog/tags/git-hub/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

One post tagged with "GitHub"

View All Tags

Β· 8 min read
Mia Zhou
Notion AI

A few days ago, I read a blog post by the author of Core-js. To be honest, it was my first time hearing about Core-js. As someone who has written some front-end code and has been keeping up with open source projects, I feel a bit ashamed.

However, there are many open source projects that are widely used but not well-known. In this blog post, I will take a closer look at a few of these unsung heroes of the open source world. I do not want to give them a business model or financial advice in this article. This largely depends on the author's personal experience and values. I just want to raise more awareness about these open source projects.


Core-js is a modular standard library for JavaScript. It provides polyfills for many ECMAScript features, as well as some additional features that are not included in the standard library. It's used by many popular JavaScript libraries and frameworks, including React, Vue.js, and Angular.

Core-js has been downloaded more than 2.5 billion times from the npm package registry, making it one of the most widely used JavaScript libraries in the world. Despite its widespread use, the project does not receive much attention, and its star growth is very slow.

Core-js is maintained by Denis Pushkarev, who started the project as a hobby in 2012 and open-sourced it in 2014.

Core-js' top contributors

Based on the distribution of contributions to the project, it seems that Denis has provided more than 95% of the project's code. And as he said in the blog post I read, the project occupies almost all of his timeβ€”more than a full working day.

Denis' contribution time distribution

Core-js' star history

On February 14th, Denis’s blog brought significant attention to the Core-js project. Now he has opened multiple donation channels, including through Open Collective, Patreon, and boosty. He is actively exploring ways to ensure that Core-js can be maintained in the long term.


cURL is a command-line tool and library for transferring data over a wide range of network protocols, including HTTP, FTP, SMTP, and many others. It is used by millions of developers to download and upload files, test APIs, and automate tasks.

cURL's top contributors

cURL is primarily maintained by Daniel Stenberg alone, who started working on the project in 1998. Fortunately, there are occasionally new contributors joining in as mentioned in this tweet. This allows Daniel to maintain a more normal schedule and a full time job, and even leave work early on Wednesdays to play floorball.

Daniel's contribution time distribution

cURL has received sponsorship from various organizations and individuals, including wolfSSL. WolfSSL employs Daniel and allows him to spend paid work hours on cURL.


ImageMagick is a free and open-source software suite for displaying, converting, and editing raster image and vector image files. ImageMagick is used by millions of websites and applications to manipulate and display images, including popular content management systems like WordPress and Drupal.

ImageMagick's top contributors

ImageMagick is maintained by a small group of developers, including its founder, John Cristy. Cristy started the project at DuPont in 1987 and released it in 1990. It is said that John Cristy has a full-time job and only maintains the project in his spare time.

ImageMagick's top contributors last month

Dirk Lemstra is another primary maintainer of ImageMagick, currently working as a consultant for a company and maintaining the project in his spare time.

Currently, the project is sustained by the support of various organizations and individuals.


MyCLI is a command line interface for MySQL, MariaDB, and Percona with auto-completion and syntax highlighting.

MyCLI's top contributors

The project is maintained by its creator, Amjith Ramanujam, and contributions from the open source community. Based on the distribution of contributions, a relatively stable community of contributors has formed around MyCLI. Moreover, there are some organizations and individuals sponsoring this project.

MyCLI's commit history

However, with the popularity of cloud databases, such projects have fallen behind the times, so the updates for the project have been very slow.


Homebrew is a popular package manager for macOS that allows users to easily install and manage a wide variety of software packages. Homebrew is a nonprofit project run entirely by unpaid volunteer developers, with the lead maintainer being Mike McQuaid.

Homebrew's top contributors

McQuaid has been involved with the Homebrew project since its inception and has been the lead maintainer since 2012β€”and he has full-time work on GitHub as a principal engineer.

Homebrew’s financial operations are managed by the Open Source Collective, and accepts donations through GitHub Sponsors, Open Collective or Patreon. Homebrew is also sponsoring some projects, including cURL mentioned earlier.

Apache Log4j​

Apache Log4j is a powerful logging framework for Java that allows developers to log messages from their applications with fine-grained control over where and how those messages are recorded. This library has been widely adopted by Java developers and is used by many popular Java-based applications, including Apache Kafka and Apache Spark.

Apache Log4j's star history

Interestingly, the project did not receive much attention until November 2021, when a security vulnerability was reported. This incident doubled its star count and gained attention from the industry.

Apache Log4j's top contributors

Ralph Goers is the original author of Log4j 2. He worked on the initial design and development of Log4j 2, which was released in 2014. Now he is working on Nextiva as a Fellow Architect.Now the core maintainer of logging-log4j2 is Gary Gregory, who is a member of the Apache Software Foundation and has been working on the project for over a decade.

Because the Log4j 2 project is under the Apache Foundation, the maintainers can focus more on project maintenance without worrying about financial issues.


OpenSSL is an open source library that provides cryptographic functions for many different applications, including web servers, email clients, and virtual private networks. OpenSSL is used by millions of websites and applications to secure communications over the internet, including popular web servers like Apache and Nginx, as well as popular programming languages like Python and Ruby.

OpenSSL's top contributors

The project is developed by a distributed team, mostly consisting of volunteers with some project funded resources. The team is led by Matt Caswell, who has been working on OpenSSL since 2010 and became one of the maintainers in 2013.

Apart from volunteer developers, OpenSSL also depends on financial support from the community, which can be given in various forms. These include a support contract, a sponsorship donation, or a smaller donation via GitHub Sponsors.

Maintaining an open source project is no easy feat. It's a labor of love, built by passionate developers who sacrifice their time to create something that makes a difference. As users, we owe them our gratitude for the tools and technologies they provide. As Mike McQuaid suggested on the blog Open Source Maintainers Owe You Nothing, "Remember when filing an issue, opening a pull request, or making a comment on a project, to be grateful that people spend their free time to build software you get to use for free."

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/tags/gpts/index.html b/blog/tags/gpts/index.html index 339cc190916..7f7f9486b3c 100644 --- a/blog/tags/gpts/index.html +++ b/blog/tags/gpts/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

One post tagged with "gpts"

View All Tags

Β· 18 min read

In this blog, we will share every configurations to build a OSS Comparison GPT.

GPTs Configurations​


Open Source Benchmark


Compare open-source softwares


You are a data analysis expert. 
When a user inputs one or more open-source software/technology terms, you provide a comprehensive comparison of their data,
such as popularity, GitHub stars count, contributors count, user geographical distribution, stargazers company distribution, Hacker News keyword mention counts,
long-term trend data, and more. You can utilize any available data about the object in question, estimate or obtain it through a search engine or API interface.
Currently, you have the following APIs at your disposal:

1. GitHub API for getting repo basic info
2. OSS Insight API for star history and stargazer's distribution
3. Hackernews mentions per_year API
4. OSS Insight star history chart API (show me with a <img> label)
5. OSS Insight API for stargazers company distribution

Here's a step-by-step process:

Identify which API to use based on the data you need.
- you goal is to think more metrics according exist API.
- each step you output your thought
- your action
- at least 8 metrics you should give
Output the data in a markdown table for easy comparison. add your known metrics for more insight. at least 8 metrics.

| Dimension | A | B |
| Dimension 1 | Detail A1 | Detail B1 |
| Dimension 2 | Detail A2 | Detail B2 |
| Dimension 3 | Detail A3 | Detail B3 |
| ... | ... | ... |
| Dimension N | Detail AN | Detail BN |

- For star history data, you should generate a line chart using oss insight star history api, at least one chart.
- For stargazers company data, you use markdown table:
| Company | Stargazers Count |
| Company A | 100 |
| Company B | 75 |
| Company C | 50 |
| Company D | 30 |
| Other/Unknown | 45 |

Provide insights and analysis based on the collected data. and trending insight.
Be sure to think big! Always give plan and explain what you do.

Let's begin

Deep Insight:

At the end, you should give use some surprise, you can search stackshare.io for more info, and continue guiding the users to compare more pair of oss tools.

Conversation starters​

PyTorch vs TensorFlow
TiDB vs Vitess
React vs Vue
Golang vs Rust-lang



Make all these three capabilities checked

  • Web Browsing
  • DALL-E Image Generation
  • Code Interpreter


Action 1: Config API of next.ossinsight.io for drawing star historical chart​

openapi: 3.0.0
title: OSS Insight star history chart API
version: 1.0.0
description: OSS Insight star history chart API.
- url: https://next.ossinsight.io
operationId: Star History
summary: Retrieve repository star history analysis
description: Fetches the star history and analysis for specified repositories.
- name: repo_id
in: query
required: true
description: The ID of the primary repository.
type: integer
- name: vs_repo_id
in: query
required: true
description: The ID of the repository to compare with.
type: integer
description: Successful response with star history data.
type: object
type: string
format: uri
description: URL of the thumbnail image.
type: string
description: Title of the analysis.
type: string
description: Description of the analysis.
description: Bad request - parameters missing or invalid.
description: Resource not found.
description: Internal server error.
Privacy policy​

Action 2: Config api.github.com for fetching basic info of a repository​

As GitHub API use Personal Access Token and Bearer type of authentication for authentication, you should create one in: https://github.com/settings/tokens, it will be used later.

openapi: 3.0.0
title: GitHub Repository Info API
description: An API for retrieving information about GitHub repositories.
version: 1.0.0
- url: https://api.github.com
description: GitHub API Server
summary: Get Repository Info
description: Retrieve information about a GitHub repository.
operationId: getRepositoryInfo
- name: owner
in: path
required: true
type: string
description: The username or organization name of the repository owner.
- name: repo
in: path
required: true
type: string
description: The name of the repository.
description: Successful response with repository information.
type: object
type: integer
type: string
type: string
type: object
type: string
type: integer
type: string
type: string
type: boolean
type: string
type: boolean
type: string
type: string
type: string
type: integer
type: integer
type: integer
type: integer
type: string
type: integer
type: array
type: string
type: boolean
type: boolean
type: boolean
type: boolean
type: boolean
type: boolean
type: boolean
type: boolean
type: string
type: string
format: date-time
type: string
format: date-time
type: string
format: date-time
type: object
type: string
type: string
type: string
type: string
Privacy policy​

Action 3: Stargazer's geo & company distribution provided by TiDB Serverless Data Service​

Schema URL to import​

or you can use the following details schema.

Show detailed API schema

type: string
type: string
type: boolean
type: object
type: array
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
type: string
maximum: 1.8446744073709552e+19
minimum: 0
type: integer
type: string
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
type: integer
type: string
type: array
type: object
type: string
type: string
- date
- stargazers
type: object
type: array
- columns
- rows
- result
type: object
type: string
- type
- data
type: object
type: string
type: string
type: boolean
type: object
type: array
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
type: string
maximum: 1.8446744073709552e+19
minimum: 0
type: integer
type: string
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
type: integer
type: string
type: array
type: object
type: string
type: string
type: string
- company_name
- stargazers
- proportion
type: object
type: array
- columns
- rows
- result
type: object
type: string
- type
- data
type: object
type: string
type: string
type: boolean
type: object
type: array
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
type: string
maximum: 1.8446744073709552e+19
minimum: 0
type: integer
type: string
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
type: integer
type: string
type: array
type: object
type: string
type: string
type: string
- country_code
- stargazers
- percentage
type: object
type: array
- columns
- rows
- result
type: object
type: string
- type
- data
type: object
type: string
type: string
type: boolean
type: object
type: array
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
type: string
maximum: 1.8446744073709552e+19
minimum: 0
type: integer
type: string
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
type: integer
type: string
type: array
type: object
type: string
- count
type: object
type: array
- columns
- rows
- result
type: object
type: string
- type
- data
type: object
type: string
type: string
type: boolean
type: object
type: array
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
type: string
maximum: 1.8446744073709552e+19
minimum: 0
type: integer
type: string
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
type: integer
type: string
type: array
type: object
type: string
type: string
- count
- date
type: object
type: array
- columns
- rows
- result
type: object
type: string
- type
- data
type: object
description: Enter your public key for the username field and private key for
the password field
scheme: basic
type: http
description: API Interface for GPT PK Action, response GitHub repo metrics and hackernews
mentions count data
title: GPT-PK
version: 1.0.0
openapi: 3.0.3
description: GitHub repo star history
operationId: getGithubRepoStar_history
- description: The time interval of the data points
in: query
name: per
default: month
- day
- week
- month
example: month
type: string
- description: 'The owner of the repo. For example: `pingcap`'
in: query
name: owner
required: true
default: ""
example: ""
type: string
- description: 'The name of the repo. For example: `tidb`'
in: query
name: repo
required: true
default: ""
example: ""
type: string
- description: The start date of the range
in: query
name: from
default: "2000-01-01"
example: "2000-01-01"
type: string
- description: The end date of the range
in: query
name: to
default: "2099-12-31"
example: "2099-12-31"
type: string
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStar_historyResponse'
description: OK
columns: []
code: 400
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: param check failed! {detailed error}
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStar_historyResponse'
description: Bad request
columns: []
code: 401
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: auth failed
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStar_historyResponse'
description: Unauthorized request
columns: []
code: 404
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: endpoint not found
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStar_historyResponse'
description: The requested resource was not found
columns: []
code: 405
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: method not allowed
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStar_historyResponse'
description: The requested method is not supported for the specified resource
columns: []
code: 408
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: request timeout
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStar_historyResponse'
description: The server timed out waiting for the request
columns: []
code: 429
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: 'The request exceeded the limit of 100 times per apikey
per minute. For more quota, please contact us: https://support.pingcap.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=7800003722519'
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStar_historyResponse'
description: The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time
columns: []
code: 500
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: internal error! {detailed error}
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStar_historyResponse'
description: Internal server error
summary: /github/repo/star_history
- Default
operationId: getGithubRepoStargazers_company
- in: query
name: owner
default: ""
example: ""
type: string
- in: query
name: repo
default: ""
example: ""
type: string
- in: query
name: from
default: "2000-01-01"
example: "2000-01-01"
type: string
- in: query
name: to
default: "2099-01-01"
example: "2099-01-01"
type: string
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_companyResponse'
description: OK
columns: []
code: 400
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: param check failed! {detailed error}
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_companyResponse'
description: Bad request
columns: []
code: 401
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: auth failed
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_companyResponse'
description: Unauthorized request
columns: []
code: 404
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: endpoint not found
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_companyResponse'
description: The requested resource was not found
columns: []
code: 405
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: method not allowed
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_companyResponse'
description: The requested method is not supported for the specified resource
columns: []
code: 408
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: request timeout
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_companyResponse'
description: The server timed out waiting for the request
columns: []
code: 429
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: 'The request exceeded the limit of 100 times per apikey
per minute. For more quota, please contact us: https://support.pingcap.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=7800003722519'
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_companyResponse'
description: The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time
columns: []
code: 500
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: internal error! {detailed error}
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_companyResponse'
description: Internal server error
summary: /github/repo/stargazers_company
- Default
description: github repo stargazers country
operationId: getGithubRepoStargazers_country
- in: query
name: owner
default: ""
example: ""
type: string
- in: query
name: repo
default: ""
example: ""
type: string
- in: query
name: from
default: "2000-01-01"
example: "2000-01-01"
type: string
- in: query
name: to
default: "2099-01-01"
example: "2099-01-01"
type: string
- in: query
name: exclude_unknown
default: "true"
example: "true"
type: boolean
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_countryResponse'
description: OK
columns: []
code: 400
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: param check failed! {detailed error}
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_countryResponse'
description: Bad request
columns: []
code: 401
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: auth failed
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_countryResponse'
description: Unauthorized request
columns: []
code: 404
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: endpoint not found
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_countryResponse'
description: The requested resource was not found
columns: []
code: 405
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: method not allowed
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_countryResponse'
description: The requested method is not supported for the specified resource
columns: []
code: 408
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: request timeout
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_countryResponse'
description: The server timed out waiting for the request
columns: []
code: 429
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: 'The request exceeded the limit of 100 times per apikey
per minute. For more quota, please contact us: https://support.pingcap.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=7800003722519'
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_countryResponse'
description: The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time
columns: []
code: 500
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: internal error! {detailed error}
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_countryResponse'
description: Internal server error
summary: /github/repo/stargazers_country
- Default
description: Total counts for keyword in hackernews
operationId: getHackernewsMentions_count
- in: query
name: keyword
default: ""
example: ""
type: string
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_countResponse'
description: OK
columns: []
code: 400
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: param check failed! {detailed error}
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_countResponse'
description: Bad request
columns: []
code: 401
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: auth failed
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_countResponse'
description: Unauthorized request
columns: []
code: 404
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: endpoint not found
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_countResponse'
description: The requested resource was not found
columns: []
code: 405
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: method not allowed
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_countResponse'
description: The requested method is not supported for the specified resource
columns: []
code: 408
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: request timeout
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_countResponse'
description: The server timed out waiting for the request
columns: []
code: 429
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: 'The request exceeded the limit of 100 times per apikey
per minute. For more quota, please contact us: https://support.pingcap.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=7800003722519'
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_countResponse'
description: The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time
columns: []
code: 500
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: internal error! {detailed error}
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_countResponse'
description: Internal server error
summary: /hackernews/mentions_count
- Default
description: keyword mentions per year in hackernews
operationId: getHackernewsMentions_per_year
- in: query
name: keyword
default: ""
example: ""
type: string
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_per_yearResponse'
description: OK
columns: []
code: 400
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: param check failed! {detailed error}
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_per_yearResponse'
description: Bad request
columns: []
code: 401
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: auth failed
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_per_yearResponse'
description: Unauthorized request
columns: []
code: 404
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: endpoint not found
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_per_yearResponse'
description: The requested resource was not found
columns: []
code: 405
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: method not allowed
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_per_yearResponse'
description: The requested method is not supported for the specified resource
columns: []
code: 408
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: request timeout
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_per_yearResponse'
description: The server timed out waiting for the request
columns: []
code: 429
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: 'The request exceeded the limit of 100 times per apikey
per minute. For more quota, please contact us: https://support.pingcap.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=7800003722519'
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_per_yearResponse'
description: The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time
columns: []
code: 500
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: internal error! {detailed error}
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_per_yearResponse'
description: Internal server error
summary: /hackernews/mentions_per_year
- Default
- basicAuth: []
- url: https://us-west-2.data.tidbcloud.com/api/v1beta/app/dataapp-RfFKcZFu/endpoint

API Key​

When config this action, you should input the following encoded api key in Authentication -> API Key -> Auth Type(Basic)

  • Make sure using this key for GPT's learning, thanks~
  • We will revoke this key after a period of time
Privacy policy​
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/tags/homebrew/index.html b/blog/tags/homebrew/index.html index 7b913d9c3cb..80b359ce4ea 100644 --- a/blog/tags/homebrew/index.html +++ b/blog/tags/homebrew/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

One post tagged with "Homebrew"

View All Tags

Β· 8 min read
Mia Zhou
Notion AI

A few days ago, I read a blog post by the author of Core-js. To be honest, it was my first time hearing about Core-js. As someone who has written some front-end code and has been keeping up with open source projects, I feel a bit ashamed.

However, there are many open source projects that are widely used but not well-known. In this blog post, I will take a closer look at a few of these unsung heroes of the open source world. I do not want to give them a business model or financial advice in this article. This largely depends on the author's personal experience and values. I just want to raise more awareness about these open source projects.


Core-js is a modular standard library for JavaScript. It provides polyfills for many ECMAScript features, as well as some additional features that are not included in the standard library. It's used by many popular JavaScript libraries and frameworks, including React, Vue.js, and Angular.

Core-js has been downloaded more than 2.5 billion times from the npm package registry, making it one of the most widely used JavaScript libraries in the world. Despite its widespread use, the project does not receive much attention, and its star growth is very slow.

Core-js is maintained by Denis Pushkarev, who started the project as a hobby in 2012 and open-sourced it in 2014.

Core-js' top contributors

Based on the distribution of contributions to the project, it seems that Denis has provided more than 95% of the project's code. And as he said in the blog post I read, the project occupies almost all of his timeβ€”more than a full working day.

Denis' contribution time distribution

Core-js' star history

On February 14th, Denis’s blog brought significant attention to the Core-js project. Now he has opened multiple donation channels, including through Open Collective, Patreon, and boosty. He is actively exploring ways to ensure that Core-js can be maintained in the long term.


cURL is a command-line tool and library for transferring data over a wide range of network protocols, including HTTP, FTP, SMTP, and many others. It is used by millions of developers to download and upload files, test APIs, and automate tasks.

cURL's top contributors

cURL is primarily maintained by Daniel Stenberg alone, who started working on the project in 1998. Fortunately, there are occasionally new contributors joining in as mentioned in this tweet. This allows Daniel to maintain a more normal schedule and a full time job, and even leave work early on Wednesdays to play floorball.

Daniel's contribution time distribution

cURL has received sponsorship from various organizations and individuals, including wolfSSL. WolfSSL employs Daniel and allows him to spend paid work hours on cURL.


ImageMagick is a free and open-source software suite for displaying, converting, and editing raster image and vector image files. ImageMagick is used by millions of websites and applications to manipulate and display images, including popular content management systems like WordPress and Drupal.

ImageMagick's top contributors

ImageMagick is maintained by a small group of developers, including its founder, John Cristy. Cristy started the project at DuPont in 1987 and released it in 1990. It is said that John Cristy has a full-time job and only maintains the project in his spare time.

ImageMagick's top contributors last month

Dirk Lemstra is another primary maintainer of ImageMagick, currently working as a consultant for a company and maintaining the project in his spare time.

Currently, the project is sustained by the support of various organizations and individuals.


MyCLI is a command line interface for MySQL, MariaDB, and Percona with auto-completion and syntax highlighting.

MyCLI's top contributors

The project is maintained by its creator, Amjith Ramanujam, and contributions from the open source community. Based on the distribution of contributions, a relatively stable community of contributors has formed around MyCLI. Moreover, there are some organizations and individuals sponsoring this project.

MyCLI's commit history

However, with the popularity of cloud databases, such projects have fallen behind the times, so the updates for the project have been very slow.


Homebrew is a popular package manager for macOS that allows users to easily install and manage a wide variety of software packages. Homebrew is a nonprofit project run entirely by unpaid volunteer developers, with the lead maintainer being Mike McQuaid.

Homebrew's top contributors

McQuaid has been involved with the Homebrew project since its inception and has been the lead maintainer since 2012β€”and he has full-time work on GitHub as a principal engineer.

Homebrew’s financial operations are managed by the Open Source Collective, and accepts donations through GitHub Sponsors, Open Collective or Patreon. Homebrew is also sponsoring some projects, including cURL mentioned earlier.

Apache Log4j​

Apache Log4j is a powerful logging framework for Java that allows developers to log messages from their applications with fine-grained control over where and how those messages are recorded. This library has been widely adopted by Java developers and is used by many popular Java-based applications, including Apache Kafka and Apache Spark.

Apache Log4j's star history

Interestingly, the project did not receive much attention until November 2021, when a security vulnerability was reported. This incident doubled its star count and gained attention from the industry.

Apache Log4j's top contributors

Ralph Goers is the original author of Log4j 2. He worked on the initial design and development of Log4j 2, which was released in 2014. Now he is working on Nextiva as a Fellow Architect.Now the core maintainer of logging-log4j2 is Gary Gregory, who is a member of the Apache Software Foundation and has been working on the project for over a decade.

Because the Log4j 2 project is under the Apache Foundation, the maintainers can focus more on project maintenance without worrying about financial issues.


OpenSSL is an open source library that provides cryptographic functions for many different applications, including web servers, email clients, and virtual private networks. OpenSSL is used by millions of websites and applications to secure communications over the internet, including popular web servers like Apache and Nginx, as well as popular programming languages like Python and Ruby.

OpenSSL's top contributors

The project is developed by a distributed team, mostly consisting of volunteers with some project funded resources. The team is led by Matt Caswell, who has been working on OpenSSL since 2010 and became one of the maintainers in 2013.

Apart from volunteer developers, OpenSSL also depends on financial support from the community, which can be given in various forms. These include a support contract, a sponsorship donation, or a smaller donation via GitHub Sponsors.

Maintaining an open source project is no easy feat. It's a labor of love, built by passionate developers who sacrifice their time to create something that makes a difference. As users, we owe them our gratitude for the tools and technologies they provide. As Mike McQuaid suggested on the blog Open Source Maintainers Owe You Nothing, "Remember when filing an issue, opening a pull request, or making a comment on a project, to be grateful that people spend their free time to build software you get to use for free."

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/tags/image-magick/index.html b/blog/tags/image-magick/index.html index 1b785ca249f..27442715b5f 100644 --- a/blog/tags/image-magick/index.html +++ b/blog/tags/image-magick/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

One post tagged with "ImageMagick"

View All Tags

Β· 8 min read
Mia Zhou
Notion AI

A few days ago, I read a blog post by the author of Core-js. To be honest, it was my first time hearing about Core-js. As someone who has written some front-end code and has been keeping up with open source projects, I feel a bit ashamed.

However, there are many open source projects that are widely used but not well-known. In this blog post, I will take a closer look at a few of these unsung heroes of the open source world. I do not want to give them a business model or financial advice in this article. This largely depends on the author's personal experience and values. I just want to raise more awareness about these open source projects.


Core-js is a modular standard library for JavaScript. It provides polyfills for many ECMAScript features, as well as some additional features that are not included in the standard library. It's used by many popular JavaScript libraries and frameworks, including React, Vue.js, and Angular.

Core-js has been downloaded more than 2.5 billion times from the npm package registry, making it one of the most widely used JavaScript libraries in the world. Despite its widespread use, the project does not receive much attention, and its star growth is very slow.

Core-js is maintained by Denis Pushkarev, who started the project as a hobby in 2012 and open-sourced it in 2014.

Core-js' top contributors

Based on the distribution of contributions to the project, it seems that Denis has provided more than 95% of the project's code. And as he said in the blog post I read, the project occupies almost all of his timeβ€”more than a full working day.

Denis' contribution time distribution

Core-js' star history

On February 14th, Denis’s blog brought significant attention to the Core-js project. Now he has opened multiple donation channels, including through Open Collective, Patreon, and boosty. He is actively exploring ways to ensure that Core-js can be maintained in the long term.


cURL is a command-line tool and library for transferring data over a wide range of network protocols, including HTTP, FTP, SMTP, and many others. It is used by millions of developers to download and upload files, test APIs, and automate tasks.

cURL's top contributors

cURL is primarily maintained by Daniel Stenberg alone, who started working on the project in 1998. Fortunately, there are occasionally new contributors joining in as mentioned in this tweet. This allows Daniel to maintain a more normal schedule and a full time job, and even leave work early on Wednesdays to play floorball.

Daniel's contribution time distribution

cURL has received sponsorship from various organizations and individuals, including wolfSSL. WolfSSL employs Daniel and allows him to spend paid work hours on cURL.


ImageMagick is a free and open-source software suite for displaying, converting, and editing raster image and vector image files. ImageMagick is used by millions of websites and applications to manipulate and display images, including popular content management systems like WordPress and Drupal.

ImageMagick's top contributors

ImageMagick is maintained by a small group of developers, including its founder, John Cristy. Cristy started the project at DuPont in 1987 and released it in 1990. It is said that John Cristy has a full-time job and only maintains the project in his spare time.

ImageMagick's top contributors last month

Dirk Lemstra is another primary maintainer of ImageMagick, currently working as a consultant for a company and maintaining the project in his spare time.

Currently, the project is sustained by the support of various organizations and individuals.


MyCLI is a command line interface for MySQL, MariaDB, and Percona with auto-completion and syntax highlighting.

MyCLI's top contributors

The project is maintained by its creator, Amjith Ramanujam, and contributions from the open source community. Based on the distribution of contributions, a relatively stable community of contributors has formed around MyCLI. Moreover, there are some organizations and individuals sponsoring this project.

MyCLI's commit history

However, with the popularity of cloud databases, such projects have fallen behind the times, so the updates for the project have been very slow.


Homebrew is a popular package manager for macOS that allows users to easily install and manage a wide variety of software packages. Homebrew is a nonprofit project run entirely by unpaid volunteer developers, with the lead maintainer being Mike McQuaid.

Homebrew's top contributors

McQuaid has been involved with the Homebrew project since its inception and has been the lead maintainer since 2012β€”and he has full-time work on GitHub as a principal engineer.

Homebrew’s financial operations are managed by the Open Source Collective, and accepts donations through GitHub Sponsors, Open Collective or Patreon. Homebrew is also sponsoring some projects, including cURL mentioned earlier.

Apache Log4j​

Apache Log4j is a powerful logging framework for Java that allows developers to log messages from their applications with fine-grained control over where and how those messages are recorded. This library has been widely adopted by Java developers and is used by many popular Java-based applications, including Apache Kafka and Apache Spark.

Apache Log4j's star history

Interestingly, the project did not receive much attention until November 2021, when a security vulnerability was reported. This incident doubled its star count and gained attention from the industry.

Apache Log4j's top contributors

Ralph Goers is the original author of Log4j 2. He worked on the initial design and development of Log4j 2, which was released in 2014. Now he is working on Nextiva as a Fellow Architect.Now the core maintainer of logging-log4j2 is Gary Gregory, who is a member of the Apache Software Foundation and has been working on the project for over a decade.

Because the Log4j 2 project is under the Apache Foundation, the maintainers can focus more on project maintenance without worrying about financial issues.


OpenSSL is an open source library that provides cryptographic functions for many different applications, including web servers, email clients, and virtual private networks. OpenSSL is used by millions of websites and applications to secure communications over the internet, including popular web servers like Apache and Nginx, as well as popular programming languages like Python and Ruby.

OpenSSL's top contributors

The project is developed by a distributed team, mostly consisting of volunteers with some project funded resources. The team is led by Matt Caswell, who has been working on OpenSSL since 2010 and became one of the maintainers in 2013.

Apart from volunteer developers, OpenSSL also depends on financial support from the community, which can be given in various forms. These include a support contract, a sponsorship donation, or a smaller donation via GitHub Sponsors.

Maintaining an open source project is no easy feat. It's a labor of love, built by passionate developers who sacrifice their time to create something that makes a difference. As users, we owe them our gratitude for the tools and technologies they provide. As Mike McQuaid suggested on the blog Open Source Maintainers Owe You Nothing, "Remember when filing an issue, opening a pull request, or making a comment on a project, to be grateful that people spend their free time to build software you get to use for free."

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/tags/index.html b/blog/tags/index.html index ca32227183a..a9727adb1ec 100644 --- a/blog/tags/index.html +++ b/blog/tags/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/tags/insight/index.html b/blog/tags/insight/index.html index 0383961444d..415db292168 100644 --- a/blog/tags/insight/index.html +++ b/blog/tags/insight/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

7 posts tagged with "insight"

View All Tags

Β· 10 min read
Cheese Wong
Vita Lu
Mia Zhou
Caitin Chen

We analyzed more than 5,000,000,000 rows of GitHub event data and got the results here. In this report, you'll get interesting findings about open source software on GitHub in 2022, including:

Top languages in the open source world over the past four years​

This chart ranks programming languages yearly from 2019 to 2022 based on the ratio of new repositories using these languages to all new repositories.

Top programming languages


  • Python surpassed Java and moved to #3 in 2021.
  • TypeScript rose from #10 to #6, and SCSS rose from #39 to #19. The rise of SCSS shows that open source projects that value front-end expressiveness are gradually gaining popularity.
  • The two languages Ruby and R dropped a lot in ranking over the years.

Rankings of back-end programming languages​

The programming languages used in a pull request reflect which languages developers used. To find out the most popular back-end programming languages, we queried the distribution of programming languages by new pull requests from 2019 to 2022 and took the top 10 for each year.

Top back-end programming languages

The chart data indicates:

  • Python and Java rank #1 and #2 respectively. In 2021, Go overtook Ruby to rank #3 in 2021.
  • Rust has been trending upward for several years, ranking #9 in 2022.

Geographic distribution of developer behavior​

We queried the number of various events that occurred throughout the world from January 1 to September 30, 2022 and identified the top 10 countries by the number of events triggered by developers in these countries. The chart displays the proportion of each event type by country or region.

Geographic distribution of developer behavior

The chart shows that:

  • The events triggered in the top 10 countries account for about 23.27% of all GitHub events. However, the number of developers from these countries is only 10%.
  • US developers are most likely to review code, with a PullRequestReviewEvent share of 6.15%.
  • Korean developers prefer pushing directly to repositories (PushEvent).
  • Japanese developers are most likely to submit code via pull requests, with a PullRequestEvent share of 10%.
  • German developers like to open issues and comments, with IssueEvent and CommentEvent accounting for 4.18% and 12.66% respectively.
  • Chinese developers like to star repositories, with 17.23% for WatchEvent and 2.7% for ForkEvent.


  • In 2022, 17,062,081 developers had behavioral events, and 2,923,523 of them have the Location field, so the sampling rate is 17.13%
  • GitHub identifies 15 types of events. We only show commonly used types. Comment Event includes CommitCommentEvent, IssueCommentEvent, and PullRequestReviewCommentEvent. Others includes MemberEvent, CreateEvent, ReleaseEvent, GollumEvent, and PublicEvent.

Developer behavior distribution on weekdays and weekends​

We queried the distribution of each event type over the seven days of the week.

Developer behavior distribution on weekdays and weekends


  • Developers are most active on weekdays, with 77.73% of events occurring on weekdays.

The distribution of specific events​

Developer behavior distribution from Monday to Sunday


  • Pull Request Event, Pull Request Review Event, and Issues Event all have the highest percentage on Tuesdays, while the lowest percentage is on the weekends.
  • The amount of Push Event, Watch Event, and Fork Event activities are similar on weekdays and weekends, while the Pull Request Review Event is the most different. Watch Event and Fork Event are more personal behaviors, Pull Request Review Events are more work behaviors, and Push Events are used more in personal projects.

Each year, technology introduces new buzz words. Can we gain insight into technical trends through the open source repositories behind the hot words? We investigated five technical areas: Low Code, Web3, GitHub Actions, Database, and AI.

We queried the number of open source repositories associated with each technical area, as well as the percentage of active repositories in 2022.

Activity levels of popular topics

This figure shows that open source repositories in the Low Code topic are the most active, with 76.3% being active in 2022, followed by Web3 with 63.85%.

We queried the following items for each technical area from 2015 to 2022:

  • The annual increment of repositories
  • The annual increment of collaborative events
  • The number of developers participating in collaborative events
  • The annual increment of stars

Then, we calculated the growth rate for each year which can reflect new entrants, developer engagement in this technical field, and the industry's interest in this area. For 2022, we compare its first nine months with the first nine months of 2021.

Low code repositories

We can see that 2020 is the peak period of project development, with a 313.43% increase in new repositories and a 157.06% increase in developer collaborative events. The industry's interest increased most significantly in 2021, reaching 184.82%. In 2022, the year-on-year growth data shows that the number of new repositories decreased (-26.21%), but developer engagement and industry interest are still rising.

* Time range of 2022: 01.01-09.30, excluding bot events and forking repositories

Web3 repositories

Whether it is the creation of new repositories, developers, or the interest of the industry, the Web3 ecosystem has grown rapidly in recent years, and the growth rate of new repositories peaked at 322.65% in 2021.

* Time range of 2022: 01.01-09.30, excluding bot events and forking repositories

GitHub Actions repositories

The annual increase of GitHub Actions repositories has been declining, but developer engagement and the industry's interest are still increasing slightly.

* Time range of 2022: 01.01-09.30, excluding bot events and forking repositories

Database repositories

As an infrastructure project, the Database project's threshold is high. Compared with projects in other fields, a database project has a stable growth rate.

* Time range of 2022: 01.01-09.30, excluding bot events and forking repositories

AI repositories

After two years of high growth in 2016 and 2017, open source projects in AI have been growing gradually slowly.

* Time range of 2022: 01.01-09.30, excluding bot events and forking repositories

The number of stars is the most visible indication of the popularity of open source projects. We looked at the 50 projects that received the most stars from January 1 to September 30, 2022. We found that:

The most popular repositories in 2022

* Time range: 2022.01.01-2022.09.30, excluding bot events

The most active repositories over the past four years​

Here we looked up the top 20 active repositories per year from 2019 to 2022 and counted the total number of listings per repository. The activity of the repository is ranked according to the number of developers participating in collaborative events.

Repository NameCount


  • Microsoft has the most repositories on the list, with five.

  • tensorflow/tensorflow and kubernetes/kubernetes both dropped out of the top 20 after three consecutive years on the list (2019 to 2021).

  • New to the 2022 list are archway-network/testnets, element-fi/elf-council-frontend, solana-labs/token-list, education/GitHubGraduation-2022, taozhiyu/TyProAction, NixOS/nixpkgs, rust-lang/rust.

  • Time range: 2022.01.01-2022.09.30, excluding bot events

Who gave the most stars in 2022​

We queried the developers who gave the most stars in 2022, took the top 20, and filtered out accounts of suspected bots. If a developer's number of star events divided by the number of starred repositories is equal to or greater than 2, we suspect this user to be a bot.

Developers who gave the most stars

We found that until September 30, 2022, the developer who starred the most repositories had starred a total of 37,228 repositories, an average of 136 repositories per day.

* Time range: 2022.01.01-2022.09.30, excluding bot events

The most active developers since 2011​

We queried the top 20 most active developers per year since 2011. This time we didn't filter out bot events.

The most active developers

We found that the percentage of bots is becoming larger and larger. Bots started to overtake humans in 2013 and have reached over 95% in 2022.


Term description​

  • GitHub events: GitHub events are triggered by user actions, like starring a repository or pushing code.
  • Time range: In this report, the data collection range of 2022 is from January 1, 2022 to September 30, 2022. When comparing data of 2022 with another year, we use year-on-year analysis.
  • Bot events: Bot-triggered events account for a growing percentage of GitHub events. However, these events are not the focus of this report. We filtered out most of the bot-initiated events by matching regular expressions.

How we classify technical fields by topics​

We do exact matching and fuzzy matching based on the repository topic. Exact matching means that the repository topics have a topic that exactly matches the word, and fuzzy matching means that the repository topics have a topic that contains the word.

TopicExact matchingFuzzy matching
GitHub Actionsactionsgithub-action, gh-action
Low Codelow-code, lowcode, nocode, no-code
Databasedbdatabase, databases
nosql, newsql, sql
AIai, aiops, aiotartificial-intelligence, machine-intelligence
computer-vision, image-processing, opencv, computervision, imageprocessing
voice-recognition, speech-recognition, voicerecognition, speechrecognition, speech-processing
machinelearning, machine-learning
deeplearning, deep-learning
transferlearning, transfer-learning
text-to-speech, tts, speech-synthesis, voice-synthesis
robot, robotics
natural-language-processing, nlp
language-model, text-classification, question-answering, knowledge-graph, knowledge-base
gan, gans, generative-adversarial-network, generative-adversarial-networks
neural-network, neuralnetwork, neuralnetworks, neural-network, dnn
seq2seq, sequence-to-sequence
data-analysis, data-science
object-detection, objectdetection

Β· 5 min read
Mia Zhou
Wink Yao
Caitin Chen

The OSS Insight website displays the data changes of GitHub events in real time. GitHub events are activities triggered by user actions on GitHub, for example, commenting and forking a repository. In nearly seven weeks, GitHub events increased by about 150 million, from 4.7 billion to 4.85 billion. GitHub events are booming!

This post dives deeply into GitHub event trending, why GitHub events are surging, and whether GitHub's architecture can handle the increasing load.

Historical data analysis​

The OSS Insight database includes all the GitHub events since 2011. When we plot the number of events by year, we can see that since 2018 they have been increasing rapidly.

GitHub event trending

GitHub event trending

The figure below shows how long it takes to grow each billion events in GitHub.

The time to reach a billion GitHub events

The time to reach a billion GitHub events

It's taking less and less for GitHub to generate 1 billion events. It took more than 6 years for the first billion events and only 13 months for the last billion!

The secret behind the exponential growth of GitHub events​

GitHub Actions was released in October 2018. Since August 2019, it has supported continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD), and it has been free for open source projects. Therefore, projects hosted on GitHub can automate their own development workflows, and a large number of automation-related bot applications have appeared on GitHub Marketplace. Could GitHub events' data growth be related to these?

To find the answer, we divided the events into data from humans and data from bots and plotted them with the following histogram. The blue columns represent the human data, and the yellow columns represent the bot data.

Bot events vs. human events

Bot events vs. human events

As you can see, the proportion of GitHub bot events has increased each year. In 2015, they were only 1.23% of all events. In early July of this year, they reached 13.2%. To show the data changes of bot events more clearly, we made the following line chart.

Bot event trending

Bot event trending

This figure shows that since 2019, bot events have been grown faster than before. As Mini256, a TiDB community contributor said in Love, Code, and Robot β€” Explore robots in the world of code:

For now, rough statistics find that there are more than 95,620 bots on GitHub. The number doesn't seem like so much, but wait...

These 95 thousand bot accounts generated 603 million events. These events account for 12.82% of all public events on GitHub, and these GitHub robots have served over 18 million open source repositories.

Bots are playing an increasingly important role on GitHub. Many projects are handing over automated work to bots. We expect that GitHub events will grow faster in the future.

When will GitHub reach 10 billion events?​

How many GitHub events will there be by the end of 2022? We fit predictions to GitHub historical data.

Human event fit (left) vs. bot event fit (right)

Human event fit (left) vs. bot event fit (right)

It's estimated that by the end of 2022, GitHub events will reach 5.36 billion.

GitHub event prediction

According to this prediction, GitHub events will exceed 10 billion in February 2025.

GitHub events will exceed 10 billion in 2025

Can MySQL sharding support such a huge amount of data?​

GitHub uses MySQL as the main storage for all non-git warehouse data. The rapid growth of data volume poses a great challenge to GitHub's high availability. In March 2022, GitHub had 3 service disruptions, each lasting 2-5 hours. The official investigation report shows the MySQL database caused the outages. During peak load periods, the GitHub mysql1 database (the main database cluster in GitHub) load increased. Therefore, database access reached the maximum number of connections. This affected the performance of many GitHub services and features.

In fact, over the past few years GitHub has optimized its databases. For example, it added clusters to support platform growth and partitioned the main database. But these improvements did not fundamentally solve the problem. In the near future, GitHub events will exceed 5 billion, or even 10 billion. Can MySQL sharding support such data surge?

Data sources​

All the analysis data in this article comes from OSS Insight, a tool based on TiDB to analyze and gain insights into GitHub events data.

You can use it to easily get insights about developers and repositories based on billions of GitHub events. You can also get the latest and historical rankings and trends in technical fields.

The OSS Insight website

The OSS Insight website

Β· 3 min read

In this chapter, we will share with you some of the top JavaScript Framework repos(JSF repos) on GitHub in 2021 measured by different metrics including the number of stars, PRs, contributors, countries, regions and so on.


  1. You can move your cursor onto any of the repository bars/lines on the chart and get the exact number.
  2. The SQL commands above each chart are what we use on our TiDB Cloud to get the analytical results. Try those SQL commands by yourselves on TiDB Cloud with this 10-minute tutorial.

Star history of top JavaScript Framework repos since 2011​

The number of stars is often thought of as a measure of whether a GitHub repository is popular or not. We sort all JavaScript framework repositories from GitHub by the total number of historical stars since 2011. For visualizing the results more intuitively, we show the top 10 open source databases by using an interactive line chart.

Β· 2 min read

In this chapter, we will share with you some of the top low-code development tools repos (LCDT repos) on GitHub in 2021 measured by different metrics including the number of stars, PRs, contributors, countries, regions and so on.

Β· 6 min read

On this page, we will share with you many deep insights into open source databases, such as the database popularity, database contributors, coding vitality, community feedback and so on.

We’ll also share the SQL commands that generate all these analytical results above each chart, so you can use them on your own on TiDB Cloud following this 10-minute tutorial.

Β· 2 min read

In this chapter, we will share with you some of the top programming language repos (PL repos) on GitHub in 2021 measured by different metrics including the number of stars, PRs, contributors, countries, regions and so on.

Β· 3 min read

In this chapter, we will share with you some of the top Web Framework repos (WF repos) on GitHub in 2021 measured by different metrics including the number of stars, PRs, contributors, countries, regions and so on.

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/tags/maintainer/index.html b/blog/tags/maintainer/index.html index 4b4d9f58ef6..5066ab0d3cf 100644 --- a/blog/tags/maintainer/index.html +++ b/blog/tags/maintainer/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

One post tagged with "Maintainer"

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Β· 8 min read
Mia Zhou
Notion AI

A few days ago, I read a blog post by the author of Core-js. To be honest, it was my first time hearing about Core-js. As someone who has written some front-end code and has been keeping up with open source projects, I feel a bit ashamed.

However, there are many open source projects that are widely used but not well-known. In this blog post, I will take a closer look at a few of these unsung heroes of the open source world. I do not want to give them a business model or financial advice in this article. This largely depends on the author's personal experience and values. I just want to raise more awareness about these open source projects.


Core-js is a modular standard library for JavaScript. It provides polyfills for many ECMAScript features, as well as some additional features that are not included in the standard library. It's used by many popular JavaScript libraries and frameworks, including React, Vue.js, and Angular.

Core-js has been downloaded more than 2.5 billion times from the npm package registry, making it one of the most widely used JavaScript libraries in the world. Despite its widespread use, the project does not receive much attention, and its star growth is very slow.

Core-js is maintained by Denis Pushkarev, who started the project as a hobby in 2012 and open-sourced it in 2014.

Core-js' top contributors

Based on the distribution of contributions to the project, it seems that Denis has provided more than 95% of the project's code. And as he said in the blog post I read, the project occupies almost all of his timeβ€”more than a full working day.

Denis' contribution time distribution

Core-js' star history

On February 14th, Denis’s blog brought significant attention to the Core-js project. Now he has opened multiple donation channels, including through Open Collective, Patreon, and boosty. He is actively exploring ways to ensure that Core-js can be maintained in the long term.


cURL is a command-line tool and library for transferring data over a wide range of network protocols, including HTTP, FTP, SMTP, and many others. It is used by millions of developers to download and upload files, test APIs, and automate tasks.

cURL's top contributors

cURL is primarily maintained by Daniel Stenberg alone, who started working on the project in 1998. Fortunately, there are occasionally new contributors joining in as mentioned in this tweet. This allows Daniel to maintain a more normal schedule and a full time job, and even leave work early on Wednesdays to play floorball.

Daniel's contribution time distribution

cURL has received sponsorship from various organizations and individuals, including wolfSSL. WolfSSL employs Daniel and allows him to spend paid work hours on cURL.


ImageMagick is a free and open-source software suite for displaying, converting, and editing raster image and vector image files. ImageMagick is used by millions of websites and applications to manipulate and display images, including popular content management systems like WordPress and Drupal.

ImageMagick's top contributors

ImageMagick is maintained by a small group of developers, including its founder, John Cristy. Cristy started the project at DuPont in 1987 and released it in 1990. It is said that John Cristy has a full-time job and only maintains the project in his spare time.

ImageMagick's top contributors last month

Dirk Lemstra is another primary maintainer of ImageMagick, currently working as a consultant for a company and maintaining the project in his spare time.

Currently, the project is sustained by the support of various organizations and individuals.


MyCLI is a command line interface for MySQL, MariaDB, and Percona with auto-completion and syntax highlighting.

MyCLI's top contributors

The project is maintained by its creator, Amjith Ramanujam, and contributions from the open source community. Based on the distribution of contributions, a relatively stable community of contributors has formed around MyCLI. Moreover, there are some organizations and individuals sponsoring this project.

MyCLI's commit history

However, with the popularity of cloud databases, such projects have fallen behind the times, so the updates for the project have been very slow.


Homebrew is a popular package manager for macOS that allows users to easily install and manage a wide variety of software packages. Homebrew is a nonprofit project run entirely by unpaid volunteer developers, with the lead maintainer being Mike McQuaid.

Homebrew's top contributors

McQuaid has been involved with the Homebrew project since its inception and has been the lead maintainer since 2012β€”and he has full-time work on GitHub as a principal engineer.

Homebrew’s financial operations are managed by the Open Source Collective, and accepts donations through GitHub Sponsors, Open Collective or Patreon. Homebrew is also sponsoring some projects, including cURL mentioned earlier.

Apache Log4j​

Apache Log4j is a powerful logging framework for Java that allows developers to log messages from their applications with fine-grained control over where and how those messages are recorded. This library has been widely adopted by Java developers and is used by many popular Java-based applications, including Apache Kafka and Apache Spark.

Apache Log4j's star history

Interestingly, the project did not receive much attention until November 2021, when a security vulnerability was reported. This incident doubled its star count and gained attention from the industry.

Apache Log4j's top contributors

Ralph Goers is the original author of Log4j 2. He worked on the initial design and development of Log4j 2, which was released in 2014. Now he is working on Nextiva as a Fellow Architect.Now the core maintainer of logging-log4j2 is Gary Gregory, who is a member of the Apache Software Foundation and has been working on the project for over a decade.

Because the Log4j 2 project is under the Apache Foundation, the maintainers can focus more on project maintenance without worrying about financial issues.


OpenSSL is an open source library that provides cryptographic functions for many different applications, including web servers, email clients, and virtual private networks. OpenSSL is used by millions of websites and applications to secure communications over the internet, including popular web servers like Apache and Nginx, as well as popular programming languages like Python and Ruby.

OpenSSL's top contributors

The project is developed by a distributed team, mostly consisting of volunteers with some project funded resources. The team is led by Matt Caswell, who has been working on OpenSSL since 2010 and became one of the maintainers in 2013.

Apart from volunteer developers, OpenSSL also depends on financial support from the community, which can be given in various forms. These include a support contract, a sponsorship donation, or a smaller donation via GitHub Sponsors.

Maintaining an open source project is no easy feat. It's a labor of love, built by passionate developers who sacrifice their time to create something that makes a difference. As users, we owe them our gratitude for the tools and technologies they provide. As Mike McQuaid suggested on the blog Open Source Maintainers Owe You Nothing, "Remember when filing an issue, opening a pull request, or making a comment on a project, to be grateful that people spend their free time to build software you get to use for free."

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/tags/my-cli/index.html b/blog/tags/my-cli/index.html index f84cdae62f5..0ed5bb5365b 100644 --- a/blog/tags/my-cli/index.html +++ b/blog/tags/my-cli/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

One post tagged with "MyCLI"

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Β· 8 min read
Mia Zhou
Notion AI

A few days ago, I read a blog post by the author of Core-js. To be honest, it was my first time hearing about Core-js. As someone who has written some front-end code and has been keeping up with open source projects, I feel a bit ashamed.

However, there are many open source projects that are widely used but not well-known. In this blog post, I will take a closer look at a few of these unsung heroes of the open source world. I do not want to give them a business model or financial advice in this article. This largely depends on the author's personal experience and values. I just want to raise more awareness about these open source projects.


Core-js is a modular standard library for JavaScript. It provides polyfills for many ECMAScript features, as well as some additional features that are not included in the standard library. It's used by many popular JavaScript libraries and frameworks, including React, Vue.js, and Angular.

Core-js has been downloaded more than 2.5 billion times from the npm package registry, making it one of the most widely used JavaScript libraries in the world. Despite its widespread use, the project does not receive much attention, and its star growth is very slow.

Core-js is maintained by Denis Pushkarev, who started the project as a hobby in 2012 and open-sourced it in 2014.

Core-js' top contributors

Based on the distribution of contributions to the project, it seems that Denis has provided more than 95% of the project's code. And as he said in the blog post I read, the project occupies almost all of his timeβ€”more than a full working day.

Denis' contribution time distribution

Core-js' star history

On February 14th, Denis’s blog brought significant attention to the Core-js project. Now he has opened multiple donation channels, including through Open Collective, Patreon, and boosty. He is actively exploring ways to ensure that Core-js can be maintained in the long term.


cURL is a command-line tool and library for transferring data over a wide range of network protocols, including HTTP, FTP, SMTP, and many others. It is used by millions of developers to download and upload files, test APIs, and automate tasks.

cURL's top contributors

cURL is primarily maintained by Daniel Stenberg alone, who started working on the project in 1998. Fortunately, there are occasionally new contributors joining in as mentioned in this tweet. This allows Daniel to maintain a more normal schedule and a full time job, and even leave work early on Wednesdays to play floorball.

Daniel's contribution time distribution

cURL has received sponsorship from various organizations and individuals, including wolfSSL. WolfSSL employs Daniel and allows him to spend paid work hours on cURL.


ImageMagick is a free and open-source software suite for displaying, converting, and editing raster image and vector image files. ImageMagick is used by millions of websites and applications to manipulate and display images, including popular content management systems like WordPress and Drupal.

ImageMagick's top contributors

ImageMagick is maintained by a small group of developers, including its founder, John Cristy. Cristy started the project at DuPont in 1987 and released it in 1990. It is said that John Cristy has a full-time job and only maintains the project in his spare time.

ImageMagick's top contributors last month

Dirk Lemstra is another primary maintainer of ImageMagick, currently working as a consultant for a company and maintaining the project in his spare time.

Currently, the project is sustained by the support of various organizations and individuals.


MyCLI is a command line interface for MySQL, MariaDB, and Percona with auto-completion and syntax highlighting.

MyCLI's top contributors

The project is maintained by its creator, Amjith Ramanujam, and contributions from the open source community. Based on the distribution of contributions, a relatively stable community of contributors has formed around MyCLI. Moreover, there are some organizations and individuals sponsoring this project.

MyCLI's commit history

However, with the popularity of cloud databases, such projects have fallen behind the times, so the updates for the project have been very slow.


Homebrew is a popular package manager for macOS that allows users to easily install and manage a wide variety of software packages. Homebrew is a nonprofit project run entirely by unpaid volunteer developers, with the lead maintainer being Mike McQuaid.

Homebrew's top contributors

McQuaid has been involved with the Homebrew project since its inception and has been the lead maintainer since 2012β€”and he has full-time work on GitHub as a principal engineer.

Homebrew’s financial operations are managed by the Open Source Collective, and accepts donations through GitHub Sponsors, Open Collective or Patreon. Homebrew is also sponsoring some projects, including cURL mentioned earlier.

Apache Log4j​

Apache Log4j is a powerful logging framework for Java that allows developers to log messages from their applications with fine-grained control over where and how those messages are recorded. This library has been widely adopted by Java developers and is used by many popular Java-based applications, including Apache Kafka and Apache Spark.

Apache Log4j's star history

Interestingly, the project did not receive much attention until November 2021, when a security vulnerability was reported. This incident doubled its star count and gained attention from the industry.

Apache Log4j's top contributors

Ralph Goers is the original author of Log4j 2. He worked on the initial design and development of Log4j 2, which was released in 2014. Now he is working on Nextiva as a Fellow Architect.Now the core maintainer of logging-log4j2 is Gary Gregory, who is a member of the Apache Software Foundation and has been working on the project for over a decade.

Because the Log4j 2 project is under the Apache Foundation, the maintainers can focus more on project maintenance without worrying about financial issues.


OpenSSL is an open source library that provides cryptographic functions for many different applications, including web servers, email clients, and virtual private networks. OpenSSL is used by millions of websites and applications to secure communications over the internet, including popular web servers like Apache and Nginx, as well as popular programming languages like Python and Ruby.

OpenSSL's top contributors

The project is developed by a distributed team, mostly consisting of volunteers with some project funded resources. The team is led by Matt Caswell, who has been working on OpenSSL since 2010 and became one of the maintainers in 2013.

Apart from volunteer developers, OpenSSL also depends on financial support from the community, which can be given in various forms. These include a support contract, a sponsorship donation, or a smaller donation via GitHub Sponsors.

Maintaining an open source project is no easy feat. It's a labor of love, built by passionate developers who sacrifice their time to create something that makes a difference. As users, we owe them our gratitude for the tools and technologies they provide. As Mike McQuaid suggested on the blog Open Source Maintainers Owe You Nothing, "Remember when filing an issue, opening a pull request, or making a comment on a project, to be grateful that people spend their free time to build software you get to use for free."

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/tags/open-source/index.html b/blog/tags/open-source/index.html index 4523a77b1df..c8f7a5bb02f 100644 --- a/blog/tags/open-source/index.html +++ b/blog/tags/open-source/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

One post tagged with "Open Source"

View All Tags

Β· 8 min read
Mia Zhou
Notion AI

A few days ago, I read a blog post by the author of Core-js. To be honest, it was my first time hearing about Core-js. As someone who has written some front-end code and has been keeping up with open source projects, I feel a bit ashamed.

However, there are many open source projects that are widely used but not well-known. In this blog post, I will take a closer look at a few of these unsung heroes of the open source world. I do not want to give them a business model or financial advice in this article. This largely depends on the author's personal experience and values. I just want to raise more awareness about these open source projects.


Core-js is a modular standard library for JavaScript. It provides polyfills for many ECMAScript features, as well as some additional features that are not included in the standard library. It's used by many popular JavaScript libraries and frameworks, including React, Vue.js, and Angular.

Core-js has been downloaded more than 2.5 billion times from the npm package registry, making it one of the most widely used JavaScript libraries in the world. Despite its widespread use, the project does not receive much attention, and its star growth is very slow.

Core-js is maintained by Denis Pushkarev, who started the project as a hobby in 2012 and open-sourced it in 2014.

Core-js' top contributors

Based on the distribution of contributions to the project, it seems that Denis has provided more than 95% of the project's code. And as he said in the blog post I read, the project occupies almost all of his timeβ€”more than a full working day.

Denis' contribution time distribution

Core-js' star history

On February 14th, Denis’s blog brought significant attention to the Core-js project. Now he has opened multiple donation channels, including through Open Collective, Patreon, and boosty. He is actively exploring ways to ensure that Core-js can be maintained in the long term.


cURL is a command-line tool and library for transferring data over a wide range of network protocols, including HTTP, FTP, SMTP, and many others. It is used by millions of developers to download and upload files, test APIs, and automate tasks.

cURL's top contributors

cURL is primarily maintained by Daniel Stenberg alone, who started working on the project in 1998. Fortunately, there are occasionally new contributors joining in as mentioned in this tweet. This allows Daniel to maintain a more normal schedule and a full time job, and even leave work early on Wednesdays to play floorball.

Daniel's contribution time distribution

cURL has received sponsorship from various organizations and individuals, including wolfSSL. WolfSSL employs Daniel and allows him to spend paid work hours on cURL.


ImageMagick is a free and open-source software suite for displaying, converting, and editing raster image and vector image files. ImageMagick is used by millions of websites and applications to manipulate and display images, including popular content management systems like WordPress and Drupal.

ImageMagick's top contributors

ImageMagick is maintained by a small group of developers, including its founder, John Cristy. Cristy started the project at DuPont in 1987 and released it in 1990. It is said that John Cristy has a full-time job and only maintains the project in his spare time.

ImageMagick's top contributors last month

Dirk Lemstra is another primary maintainer of ImageMagick, currently working as a consultant for a company and maintaining the project in his spare time.

Currently, the project is sustained by the support of various organizations and individuals.


MyCLI is a command line interface for MySQL, MariaDB, and Percona with auto-completion and syntax highlighting.

MyCLI's top contributors

The project is maintained by its creator, Amjith Ramanujam, and contributions from the open source community. Based on the distribution of contributions, a relatively stable community of contributors has formed around MyCLI. Moreover, there are some organizations and individuals sponsoring this project.

MyCLI's commit history

However, with the popularity of cloud databases, such projects have fallen behind the times, so the updates for the project have been very slow.


Homebrew is a popular package manager for macOS that allows users to easily install and manage a wide variety of software packages. Homebrew is a nonprofit project run entirely by unpaid volunteer developers, with the lead maintainer being Mike McQuaid.

Homebrew's top contributors

McQuaid has been involved with the Homebrew project since its inception and has been the lead maintainer since 2012β€”and he has full-time work on GitHub as a principal engineer.

Homebrew’s financial operations are managed by the Open Source Collective, and accepts donations through GitHub Sponsors, Open Collective or Patreon. Homebrew is also sponsoring some projects, including cURL mentioned earlier.

Apache Log4j​

Apache Log4j is a powerful logging framework for Java that allows developers to log messages from their applications with fine-grained control over where and how those messages are recorded. This library has been widely adopted by Java developers and is used by many popular Java-based applications, including Apache Kafka and Apache Spark.

Apache Log4j's star history

Interestingly, the project did not receive much attention until November 2021, when a security vulnerability was reported. This incident doubled its star count and gained attention from the industry.

Apache Log4j's top contributors

Ralph Goers is the original author of Log4j 2. He worked on the initial design and development of Log4j 2, which was released in 2014. Now he is working on Nextiva as a Fellow Architect.Now the core maintainer of logging-log4j2 is Gary Gregory, who is a member of the Apache Software Foundation and has been working on the project for over a decade.

Because the Log4j 2 project is under the Apache Foundation, the maintainers can focus more on project maintenance without worrying about financial issues.


OpenSSL is an open source library that provides cryptographic functions for many different applications, including web servers, email clients, and virtual private networks. OpenSSL is used by millions of websites and applications to secure communications over the internet, including popular web servers like Apache and Nginx, as well as popular programming languages like Python and Ruby.

OpenSSL's top contributors

The project is developed by a distributed team, mostly consisting of volunteers with some project funded resources. The team is led by Matt Caswell, who has been working on OpenSSL since 2010 and became one of the maintainers in 2013.

Apart from volunteer developers, OpenSSL also depends on financial support from the community, which can be given in various forms. These include a support contract, a sponsorship donation, or a smaller donation via GitHub Sponsors.

Maintaining an open source project is no easy feat. It's a labor of love, built by passionate developers who sacrifice their time to create something that makes a difference. As users, we owe them our gratitude for the tools and technologies they provide. As Mike McQuaid suggested on the blog Open Source Maintainers Owe You Nothing, "Remember when filing an issue, opening a pull request, or making a comment on a project, to be grateful that people spend their free time to build software you get to use for free."

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/tags/open-ssl/index.html b/blog/tags/open-ssl/index.html index a56c29b17f8..52ec7ae81e3 100644 --- a/blog/tags/open-ssl/index.html +++ b/blog/tags/open-ssl/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

One post tagged with "OpenSSL"

View All Tags

Β· 8 min read
Mia Zhou
Notion AI

A few days ago, I read a blog post by the author of Core-js. To be honest, it was my first time hearing about Core-js. As someone who has written some front-end code and has been keeping up with open source projects, I feel a bit ashamed.

However, there are many open source projects that are widely used but not well-known. In this blog post, I will take a closer look at a few of these unsung heroes of the open source world. I do not want to give them a business model or financial advice in this article. This largely depends on the author's personal experience and values. I just want to raise more awareness about these open source projects.


Core-js is a modular standard library for JavaScript. It provides polyfills for many ECMAScript features, as well as some additional features that are not included in the standard library. It's used by many popular JavaScript libraries and frameworks, including React, Vue.js, and Angular.

Core-js has been downloaded more than 2.5 billion times from the npm package registry, making it one of the most widely used JavaScript libraries in the world. Despite its widespread use, the project does not receive much attention, and its star growth is very slow.

Core-js is maintained by Denis Pushkarev, who started the project as a hobby in 2012 and open-sourced it in 2014.

Core-js' top contributors

Based on the distribution of contributions to the project, it seems that Denis has provided more than 95% of the project's code. And as he said in the blog post I read, the project occupies almost all of his timeβ€”more than a full working day.

Denis' contribution time distribution

Core-js' star history

On February 14th, Denis’s blog brought significant attention to the Core-js project. Now he has opened multiple donation channels, including through Open Collective, Patreon, and boosty. He is actively exploring ways to ensure that Core-js can be maintained in the long term.


cURL is a command-line tool and library for transferring data over a wide range of network protocols, including HTTP, FTP, SMTP, and many others. It is used by millions of developers to download and upload files, test APIs, and automate tasks.

cURL's top contributors

cURL is primarily maintained by Daniel Stenberg alone, who started working on the project in 1998. Fortunately, there are occasionally new contributors joining in as mentioned in this tweet. This allows Daniel to maintain a more normal schedule and a full time job, and even leave work early on Wednesdays to play floorball.

Daniel's contribution time distribution

cURL has received sponsorship from various organizations and individuals, including wolfSSL. WolfSSL employs Daniel and allows him to spend paid work hours on cURL.


ImageMagick is a free and open-source software suite for displaying, converting, and editing raster image and vector image files. ImageMagick is used by millions of websites and applications to manipulate and display images, including popular content management systems like WordPress and Drupal.

ImageMagick's top contributors

ImageMagick is maintained by a small group of developers, including its founder, John Cristy. Cristy started the project at DuPont in 1987 and released it in 1990. It is said that John Cristy has a full-time job and only maintains the project in his spare time.

ImageMagick's top contributors last month

Dirk Lemstra is another primary maintainer of ImageMagick, currently working as a consultant for a company and maintaining the project in his spare time.

Currently, the project is sustained by the support of various organizations and individuals.


MyCLI is a command line interface for MySQL, MariaDB, and Percona with auto-completion and syntax highlighting.

MyCLI's top contributors

The project is maintained by its creator, Amjith Ramanujam, and contributions from the open source community. Based on the distribution of contributions, a relatively stable community of contributors has formed around MyCLI. Moreover, there are some organizations and individuals sponsoring this project.

MyCLI's commit history

However, with the popularity of cloud databases, such projects have fallen behind the times, so the updates for the project have been very slow.


Homebrew is a popular package manager for macOS that allows users to easily install and manage a wide variety of software packages. Homebrew is a nonprofit project run entirely by unpaid volunteer developers, with the lead maintainer being Mike McQuaid.

Homebrew's top contributors

McQuaid has been involved with the Homebrew project since its inception and has been the lead maintainer since 2012β€”and he has full-time work on GitHub as a principal engineer.

Homebrew’s financial operations are managed by the Open Source Collective, and accepts donations through GitHub Sponsors, Open Collective or Patreon. Homebrew is also sponsoring some projects, including cURL mentioned earlier.

Apache Log4j​

Apache Log4j is a powerful logging framework for Java that allows developers to log messages from their applications with fine-grained control over where and how those messages are recorded. This library has been widely adopted by Java developers and is used by many popular Java-based applications, including Apache Kafka and Apache Spark.

Apache Log4j's star history

Interestingly, the project did not receive much attention until November 2021, when a security vulnerability was reported. This incident doubled its star count and gained attention from the industry.

Apache Log4j's top contributors

Ralph Goers is the original author of Log4j 2. He worked on the initial design and development of Log4j 2, which was released in 2014. Now he is working on Nextiva as a Fellow Architect.Now the core maintainer of logging-log4j2 is Gary Gregory, who is a member of the Apache Software Foundation and has been working on the project for over a decade.

Because the Log4j 2 project is under the Apache Foundation, the maintainers can focus more on project maintenance without worrying about financial issues.


OpenSSL is an open source library that provides cryptographic functions for many different applications, including web servers, email clients, and virtual private networks. OpenSSL is used by millions of websites and applications to secure communications over the internet, including popular web servers like Apache and Nginx, as well as popular programming languages like Python and Ruby.

OpenSSL's top contributors

The project is developed by a distributed team, mostly consisting of volunteers with some project funded resources. The team is led by Matt Caswell, who has been working on OpenSSL since 2010 and became one of the maintainers in 2013.

Apart from volunteer developers, OpenSSL also depends on financial support from the community, which can be given in various forms. These include a support contract, a sponsorship donation, or a smaller donation via GitHub Sponsors.

Maintaining an open source project is no easy feat. It's a labor of love, built by passionate developers who sacrifice their time to create something that makes a difference. As users, we owe them our gratitude for the tools and technologies they provide. As Mike McQuaid suggested on the blog Open Source Maintainers Owe You Nothing, "Remember when filing an issue, opening a pull request, or making a comment on a project, to be grateful that people spend their free time to build software you get to use for free."

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/tags/openai/index.html b/blog/tags/openai/index.html index 57044bf8a41..676f5a20ed9 100644 --- a/blog/tags/openai/index.html +++ b/blog/tags/openai/index.html @@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ - +

3 posts tagged with "openai"

View All Tags

Β· 18 min read

In this blog, we will share every configurations to build a OSS Comparison GPT.

GPTs Configurations​


Open Source Benchmark


Compare open-source softwares


You are a data analysis expert. 
When a user inputs one or more open-source software/technology terms, you provide a comprehensive comparison of their data,
such as popularity, GitHub stars count, contributors count, user geographical distribution, stargazers company distribution, Hacker News keyword mention counts,
long-term trend data, and more. You can utilize any available data about the object in question, estimate or obtain it through a search engine or API interface.
Currently, you have the following APIs at your disposal:

1. GitHub API for getting repo basic info
2. OSS Insight API for star history and stargazer's distribution
3. Hackernews mentions per_year API
4. OSS Insight star history chart API (show me with a <img> label)
5. OSS Insight API for stargazers company distribution

Here's a step-by-step process:

Identify which API to use based on the data you need.
- you goal is to think more metrics according exist API.
- each step you output your thought
- your action
- at least 8 metrics you should give
Output the data in a markdown table for easy comparison. add your known metrics for more insight. at least 8 metrics.

| Dimension | A | B |
| Dimension 1 | Detail A1 | Detail B1 |
| Dimension 2 | Detail A2 | Detail B2 |
| Dimension 3 | Detail A3 | Detail B3 |
| ... | ... | ... |
| Dimension N | Detail AN | Detail BN |

- For star history data, you should generate a line chart using oss insight star history api, at least one chart.
- For stargazers company data, you use markdown table:
| Company | Stargazers Count |
| Company A | 100 |
| Company B | 75 |
| Company C | 50 |
| Company D | 30 |
| Other/Unknown | 45 |

Provide insights and analysis based on the collected data. and trending insight.
Be sure to think big! Always give plan and explain what you do.

Let's begin

Deep Insight:

At the end, you should give use some surprise, you can search stackshare.io for more info, and continue guiding the users to compare more pair of oss tools.

Conversation starters​

PyTorch vs TensorFlow
TiDB vs Vitess
React vs Vue
Golang vs Rust-lang



Make all these three capabilities checked

  • Web Browsing
  • DALL-E Image Generation
  • Code Interpreter


Action 1: Config API of next.ossinsight.io for drawing star historical chart​

openapi: 3.0.0
title: OSS Insight star history chart API
version: 1.0.0
description: OSS Insight star history chart API.
- url: https://next.ossinsight.io
operationId: Star History
summary: Retrieve repository star history analysis
description: Fetches the star history and analysis for specified repositories.
- name: repo_id
in: query
required: true
description: The ID of the primary repository.
type: integer
- name: vs_repo_id
in: query
required: true
description: The ID of the repository to compare with.
type: integer
description: Successful response with star history data.
type: object
type: string
format: uri
description: URL of the thumbnail image.
type: string
description: Title of the analysis.
type: string
description: Description of the analysis.
description: Bad request - parameters missing or invalid.
description: Resource not found.
description: Internal server error.
Privacy policy​

Action 2: Config api.github.com for fetching basic info of a repository​

As GitHub API use Personal Access Token and Bearer type of authentication for authentication, you should create one in: https://github.com/settings/tokens, it will be used later.

openapi: 3.0.0
title: GitHub Repository Info API
description: An API for retrieving information about GitHub repositories.
version: 1.0.0
- url: https://api.github.com
description: GitHub API Server
summary: Get Repository Info
description: Retrieve information about a GitHub repository.
operationId: getRepositoryInfo
- name: owner
in: path
required: true
type: string
description: The username or organization name of the repository owner.
- name: repo
in: path
required: true
type: string
description: The name of the repository.
description: Successful response with repository information.
type: object
type: integer
type: string
type: string
type: object
type: string
type: integer
type: string
type: string
type: boolean
type: string
type: boolean
type: string
type: string
type: string
type: integer
type: integer
type: integer
type: integer
type: string
type: integer
type: array
type: string
type: boolean
type: boolean
type: boolean
type: boolean
type: boolean
type: boolean
type: boolean
type: boolean
type: string
type: string
format: date-time
type: string
format: date-time
type: string
format: date-time
type: object
type: string
type: string
type: string
type: string
Privacy policy​

Action 3: Stargazer's geo & company distribution provided by TiDB Serverless Data Service​

Schema URL to import​

or you can use the following details schema.

Show detailed API schema

type: string
type: string
type: boolean
type: object
type: array
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
type: string
maximum: 1.8446744073709552e+19
minimum: 0
type: integer
type: string
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
type: integer
type: string
type: array
type: object
type: string
type: string
- date
- stargazers
type: object
type: array
- columns
- rows
- result
type: object
type: string
- type
- data
type: object
type: string
type: string
type: boolean
type: object
type: array
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
type: string
maximum: 1.8446744073709552e+19
minimum: 0
type: integer
type: string
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
type: integer
type: string
type: array
type: object
type: string
type: string
type: string
- company_name
- stargazers
- proportion
type: object
type: array
- columns
- rows
- result
type: object
type: string
- type
- data
type: object
type: string
type: string
type: boolean
type: object
type: array
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
type: string
maximum: 1.8446744073709552e+19
minimum: 0
type: integer
type: string
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
type: integer
type: string
type: array
type: object
type: string
type: string
type: string
- country_code
- stargazers
- percentage
type: object
type: array
- columns
- rows
- result
type: object
type: string
- type
- data
type: object
type: string
type: string
type: boolean
type: object
type: array
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
type: string
maximum: 1.8446744073709552e+19
minimum: 0
type: integer
type: string
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
type: integer
type: string
type: array
type: object
type: string
- count
type: object
type: array
- columns
- rows
- result
type: object
type: string
- type
- data
type: object
type: string
type: string
type: boolean
type: object
type: array
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
type: string
maximum: 1.8446744073709552e+19
minimum: 0
type: integer
type: string
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
format: int64
type: integer
type: integer
type: string
type: array
type: object
type: string
type: string
- count
- date
type: object
type: array
- columns
- rows
- result
type: object
type: string
- type
- data
type: object
description: Enter your public key for the username field and private key for
the password field
scheme: basic
type: http
description: API Interface for GPT PK Action, response GitHub repo metrics and hackernews
mentions count data
title: GPT-PK
version: 1.0.0
openapi: 3.0.3
description: GitHub repo star history
operationId: getGithubRepoStar_history
- description: The time interval of the data points
in: query
name: per
default: month
- day
- week
- month
example: month
type: string
- description: 'The owner of the repo. For example: `pingcap`'
in: query
name: owner
required: true
default: ""
example: ""
type: string
- description: 'The name of the repo. For example: `tidb`'
in: query
name: repo
required: true
default: ""
example: ""
type: string
- description: The start date of the range
in: query
name: from
default: "2000-01-01"
example: "2000-01-01"
type: string
- description: The end date of the range
in: query
name: to
default: "2099-12-31"
example: "2099-12-31"
type: string
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStar_historyResponse'
description: OK
columns: []
code: 400
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: param check failed! {detailed error}
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStar_historyResponse'
description: Bad request
columns: []
code: 401
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: auth failed
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStar_historyResponse'
description: Unauthorized request
columns: []
code: 404
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: endpoint not found
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStar_historyResponse'
description: The requested resource was not found
columns: []
code: 405
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: method not allowed
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStar_historyResponse'
description: The requested method is not supported for the specified resource
columns: []
code: 408
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: request timeout
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStar_historyResponse'
description: The server timed out waiting for the request
columns: []
code: 429
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: 'The request exceeded the limit of 100 times per apikey
per minute. For more quota, please contact us: https://support.pingcap.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=7800003722519'
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStar_historyResponse'
description: The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time
columns: []
code: 500
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: internal error! {detailed error}
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStar_historyResponse'
description: Internal server error
summary: /github/repo/star_history
- Default
operationId: getGithubRepoStargazers_company
- in: query
name: owner
default: ""
example: ""
type: string
- in: query
name: repo
default: ""
example: ""
type: string
- in: query
name: from
default: "2000-01-01"
example: "2000-01-01"
type: string
- in: query
name: to
default: "2099-01-01"
example: "2099-01-01"
type: string
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_companyResponse'
description: OK
columns: []
code: 400
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: param check failed! {detailed error}
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_companyResponse'
description: Bad request
columns: []
code: 401
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: auth failed
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_companyResponse'
description: Unauthorized request
columns: []
code: 404
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: endpoint not found
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_companyResponse'
description: The requested resource was not found
columns: []
code: 405
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: method not allowed
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_companyResponse'
description: The requested method is not supported for the specified resource
columns: []
code: 408
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: request timeout
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_companyResponse'
description: The server timed out waiting for the request
columns: []
code: 429
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: 'The request exceeded the limit of 100 times per apikey
per minute. For more quota, please contact us: https://support.pingcap.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=7800003722519'
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_companyResponse'
description: The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time
columns: []
code: 500
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: internal error! {detailed error}
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_companyResponse'
description: Internal server error
summary: /github/repo/stargazers_company
- Default
description: github repo stargazers country
operationId: getGithubRepoStargazers_country
- in: query
name: owner
default: ""
example: ""
type: string
- in: query
name: repo
default: ""
example: ""
type: string
- in: query
name: from
default: "2000-01-01"
example: "2000-01-01"
type: string
- in: query
name: to
default: "2099-01-01"
example: "2099-01-01"
type: string
- in: query
name: exclude_unknown
default: "true"
example: "true"
type: boolean
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_countryResponse'
description: OK
columns: []
code: 400
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: param check failed! {detailed error}
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_countryResponse'
description: Bad request
columns: []
code: 401
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: auth failed
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_countryResponse'
description: Unauthorized request
columns: []
code: 404
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: endpoint not found
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_countryResponse'
description: The requested resource was not found
columns: []
code: 405
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: method not allowed
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_countryResponse'
description: The requested method is not supported for the specified resource
columns: []
code: 408
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: request timeout
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_countryResponse'
description: The server timed out waiting for the request
columns: []
code: 429
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: 'The request exceeded the limit of 100 times per apikey
per minute. For more quota, please contact us: https://support.pingcap.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=7800003722519'
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_countryResponse'
description: The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time
columns: []
code: 500
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: internal error! {detailed error}
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getGithubRepoStargazers_countryResponse'
description: Internal server error
summary: /github/repo/stargazers_country
- Default
description: Total counts for keyword in hackernews
operationId: getHackernewsMentions_count
- in: query
name: keyword
default: ""
example: ""
type: string
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_countResponse'
description: OK
columns: []
code: 400
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: param check failed! {detailed error}
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_countResponse'
description: Bad request
columns: []
code: 401
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: auth failed
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_countResponse'
description: Unauthorized request
columns: []
code: 404
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: endpoint not found
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_countResponse'
description: The requested resource was not found
columns: []
code: 405
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: method not allowed
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_countResponse'
description: The requested method is not supported for the specified resource
columns: []
code: 408
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: request timeout
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_countResponse'
description: The server timed out waiting for the request
columns: []
code: 429
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: 'The request exceeded the limit of 100 times per apikey
per minute. For more quota, please contact us: https://support.pingcap.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=7800003722519'
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_countResponse'
description: The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time
columns: []
code: 500
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: internal error! {detailed error}
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_countResponse'
description: Internal server error
summary: /hackernews/mentions_count
- Default
description: keyword mentions per year in hackernews
operationId: getHackernewsMentions_per_year
- in: query
name: keyword
default: ""
example: ""
type: string
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_per_yearResponse'
description: OK
columns: []
code: 400
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: param check failed! {detailed error}
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_per_yearResponse'
description: Bad request
columns: []
code: 401
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: auth failed
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_per_yearResponse'
description: Unauthorized request
columns: []
code: 404
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: endpoint not found
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_per_yearResponse'
description: The requested resource was not found
columns: []
code: 405
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: method not allowed
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_per_yearResponse'
description: The requested method is not supported for the specified resource
columns: []
code: 408
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: request timeout
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_per_yearResponse'
description: The server timed out waiting for the request
columns: []
code: 429
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: 'The request exceeded the limit of 100 times per apikey
per minute. For more quota, please contact us: https://support.pingcap.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=7800003722519'
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_per_yearResponse'
description: The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time
columns: []
code: 500
end_ms: 0
latency: ""
limit: 0
message: internal error! {detailed error}
row_affect: 0
row_count: 0
start_ms: 0
rows: []
type: sql_endpoint
$ref: '#/components/schemas/getHackernewsMentions_per_yearResponse'
description: Internal server error
summary: /hackernews/mentions_per_year
- Default
- basicAuth: []
- url: https://us-west-2.data.tidbcloud.com/api/v1beta/app/dataapp-RfFKcZFu/endpoint

API Key​

When config this action, you should input the following encoded api key in Authentication -> API Key -> Auth Type(Basic)

  • Make sure using this key for GPT's learning, thanks~
  • We will revoke this key after a period of time
Privacy policy​

Β· 2 min read

SQL is a powerful language for managing and analyzing data, but it can be difficult to learn for beginners. That's where ChatGPT comes in.

ChatGPT is a large language model trained by OpenAI that can help you learn SQL easily by visualizing the key information in a SQL query. In this blog post, we'll show you how to use ChatGPT to visualize SQL queries using pretty ASCII art diagrams. Let's start with an example. Suppose we want to find the top 10 most popular AI projects on GitHub in the last month. Here's the SQL query that does that:

COUNT(*) AS stars
type = 'WatchEvent'
AND repo_name LIKE '%AI%'
stars DESC

Now, let's use ChatGPT to visualize this SQL query using pretty ASCII art diagrams. Here's the diagram:

| What to Retrieve? | top 10
| repo_name,
| COUNT(*) AS stars
| From Where? | GitHub
| github_events
| Filter By: | last month, AI projects, most popular
| type = 'WatchEvent'
| AND created_at > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH)
| AND repo_name LIKE '%AI%'
| Group By |
| repo_name
| Order By | most popular
| stars DESC
| Limit To 10 | top 10
| 10

This diagram visually shows the flow of the SQL query, from selecting what to retrieve, to filtering, grouping, ordering, and limiting the results. The arrows make it easy to see the relationship between the key information in the question and the corresponding SQL statements.

By using ChatGPT to visualize SQL queries with pretty ASCII art diagrams, you can learn SQL easily and quickly. The diagrams help you understand the structure of the SQL query, and make it easy to see how the various statements are related. With practice, you'll be able to write your own SQL queries in no time.

In conclusion, if you want to learn SQL easily, try using ChatGPT to visualize SQL queries with pretty ASCII art diagrams. It's a fun and effective way to learn SQL and improve your data management skills.

Β· One min read

This blog is written with help of ChatGPT.

To get insight of your own dataset without writing sql is easy, follow these steps:

  1. Sign up for a TiDB Cloud account at https://tidbcloud.com/ using your email, Google account, or GitHub account.

  2. Create a free Serverless Tier cluster in the TiDB Cloud web console.

  3. In the TiDB Cloud web console, click the "Import" button and follow the prompts to load a CSV file into your cluster from a local file or from Amazon S3.

    Import Data

  4. Use the web console's SQL editor(Chat2Query) to get insights from your data. But no worry, you don't need to write SQL, you could ask questions about your data in natural language.

    The magic is typing -- your question and press Enter, here is an example:

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/tags/tidb/index.html b/blog/tags/tidb/index.html index d4fe0a8996e..567a0458f75 100644 --- a/blog/tags/tidb/index.html +++ b/blog/tags/tidb/index.html @@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ - +

2 posts tagged with "tidb"

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Β· 10 min read
Wink Yao
Fendy Feng

In early January 2022, Max, our CEO, a big fan of open-source, asked if my team could build a small tool to help us understand all the open-source projects on GitHub; and, that if everything worked well, we should open the API to help open source developers to build better insights. In fact, GitHub continuously publishes the public events in its open-source world through the open API. (Thank you and well done! Github). We can certainly learn a lot from the data!

I was excited about this project until Max said: β€œYou’ve only got one week.” Well, the boss is the boss! Although time was tight and we were faced with multiple head-aching problems, I decided to take up this challenge.

Headache 1: we need both historical and real-time data.​

After some quick research, we found GHArchive, an open-source project that collects and archives all GitHub data from 2011 and updates it hourly. By the way, a lot of open-source analytical tools such as CNCF's Devstats rely on GH Archive, too.

Thanks to GH Archive, we found the data source.

But there's another problem: hourly data is good, but not good enough. We wanted our data to be updated in real timeβ€”or at least near real time. We decided to directly use the GitHub event API, which collects all events that have occurred within the past hour.

By combining the data from the GH Archive and the GitHub event API, we can gain streaming, real-time event updates.

GitHub event updates

GitHub event updates

Headache 2: the data is huge!​

After we decompressed all the data from GH Archive, we found there were more than 4.6 billion rows of GitHub events. That’s a lot of data! We also noticed that about 300,000 rows were generated and updated each hour.

The data volume of GitHub events occurred after 2011

The data volume of GitHub events occurred after 2011

The database solution would be tricky here. Our goal is to build an application that provides real-time data insights based on a continuously growing dataset. So, scalability is a must. NoSQL databases can provide good scalability, but what follows is how to handle complex analytical queries. Unfortunately, NoSQL databases are not good at that.

Scalability vs SQL

Another option is to use an OLAP database such as ClickHouse. ClickHouse can handle the analytical workload very well, but it is not designed for serving online traffic. If we chose it, we would need another database for the online traffic.

OLAP vs Online Serving

What about sharding the database and then building an extract, transform, load (ETL) pipeline to synchronize the new events to a data warehouse? This sounds workable.

How a RDBMS handles the GitHub data

How a RDBMS handles the GitHub data

According to our product manager's (PM’s) plan, we needed to do some repo-specific or user-specific analysis. Although the total data volume was huge, the number of events was not too large for a single project or user. This meant using the secondary indexes in RDBMS would be a good idea. But, if we decided to use the above architecture, we had to be careful in selecting the database sharding key. For example, if we use user_id as the sharding key, then queries based on repo_id will be very tricky.

Another requirement from the PM was that our insight tool should provide OpenAPI, which meant we would have unpredictable concurrent traffic from the outside world.

Since we're not experts on Kafka and data warehouses, mastering and building such an infrastructure in just one week was a very difficult task for us.

The choice is obvious now, and don't forget PingCAP is a database company! TiDB seems a perfect fit for this, and it's a good chance to eat our own dog food. So, why not using TiDB! :)

If we use TiDB, can we get:

  • SQL support, including complex & flexible queries? β˜‘οΈ
  • Scalability? β˜‘οΈ
  • Secondary index support for fast lookup? β˜‘οΈ
  • Capability for online serving? β˜‘οΈ

Wow! It seems we got a winner!

By using the secondary index, TiDB scanned 29,639 rows (instead of 4.6 billion rows) GitHub events in 4.9 ms

By using the secondary index, TiDB scanned 29,639 rows (instead of 4.6 billion rows) GitHub events in 4.9 ms

To choose a database to support an application like OSS Insight, we think TiDB is a great choice. Plus, its simplified technology stack means a faster go-to-market and faster delivery of my boss' assignment.

After we used TiDB, we got a simplified architecture as shown below.

Simplified architecture after we use TiDB

Simplified architecture after we use TiDB

Headache 3: We have a "pushy" PM!​

Just as the subtitle indicates, we have a very β€œpushy” PM, which is not always a bad thing. :) His demands kept extending, from the single project analysis at the very beginning to the comparison and ranking of multiple repositories, and to other multidimensional analysis such as the geographical distribution of stargazers and contributors. What’s more pressing was that the deadlines stayed unchanged!!!

We had to keep a balance between the growing demands and the tight deadlines.

To save time, we built our website using Docusaurus, an open source static site generator in React with scalability, rather than building a site from scratch. We also used Apache Echarts, a powerful charting library, to turn analytical results into good-looking and easy-to-understand charts.

We chose TiDB as the database to support our website, and it perfectly supports SQL. This way, our back-end engineers could write SQL commands to handle complex and flexible analytical queries with ease and efficiency. Then, our front-end engineers would just need to display those SQL execution results in the form of good-looking charts.

Finally, we made it. We prototyped our tool in just one week, and named it OSS Insight, short for open source software insights. We continued to fine-tune it, and it was officially released on May 3.

How we deal with analytical queries with SQL​

Let's use one example to show you how we deal with complex analytical queries.

Analyze a GitHub collection: JavaScript frameworks​

OSS Insight can analyze popular GitHub collections by many metrics including the number of stars, issues, and contributors. Let’s identify which JavaScript framework has the most issue creators. This is an analytical query that includes aggregation and ranking. To get the result, we only need to execute one SQL statement:

ci.repo_name AS repo_name,
COUNT(distinct actor_login) AS num
github_events ge
JOIN collection_items ci ON ge.repo_id = ci.repo_id
JOIN collections c ON ci.collection_id = c.id
type = 'IssuesEvent'
AND action = 'opened'
AND c.id = 10005
-- Exclude Bots
and actor_login not like '%bot%'
and actor_login not in (select login from blacklist_users)

In the statement above, the collections and collection_items tables store the data of all GitHub repository collections in various areas. Each table has 30 rows. To get the order of issue creators, we need to associate the repository ID in the collection_items table with the real, 4.6-billion-row github_events table as shown below.

mysql> select * from collection_items where collection_id = 10005;
| id | collection_id | repo_name | repo_id |
| 127 | 10005 | marko-js/marko | 15720445 |
| 129 | 10005 | angular/angular | 24195339 |
| 131 | 10005 | emberjs/ember.js | 1801829 |
| 135 | 10005 | vuejs/vue | 11730342 |
| 136 | 10005 | vuejs/core | 137078487 |
| 138 | 10005 | facebook/react | 10270250 |
| 142 | 10005 | jashkenas/backbone | 952189 |
| 143 | 10005 | dojo/dojo | 10160528 |
30 rows in set (0.05 sec)

Next, let's look at the execution plan. TiDB is compatible with MySQL syntax, so its execution plan looks very similar to that of MySQL.

In the figure below, notice the parts in red boxes. The data in the table collection_items is read through distributed[row], which means this data is processed by TiDB’s row storage engine, TiKV. The data in the table github_events is read through distributed[column], which means this data is processed by TiDB’s columnar storage engine, TiFlash. TiDB uses both row and columnar storage engines to execute the same SQL statement. This is so convenient for OSS Insight because it doesn’t have to split the query into two statements.

TiDB execution plan

TiDB execution plan

TiDB returns the following result:

| repo_name | num |
| angular/angular | 11597 |
| facebook/react | 7653 |
| vuejs/vue | 6033 |
| angular/angular.js | 5624 |
| emberjs/ember.js | 2489 |
| sveltejs/svelte | 1978 |
| vuejs/core | 1792 |
| Polymer/polymer | 1785 |
| jquery/jquery | 1587 |
| jashkenas/backbone | 1463 |
| ionic-team/stencil | 1101 |
30 rows in set
Time: 7.809s

Then, we just need to draw the result with Apache Echarts into a more visualized chart as shown below.

JavaScript frameworks with the most issue creators

JavaScript frameworks with the most issue creators

Note: You can click the REQUEST INFO on the upper right side of each chart to get the SQL command for each result.

Feedback: People love it!​

After we released OSS Insight on May 3, we have received loud applause on social media, via emails and private messages, from many developers, engineers, researchers, and people who are passionate about the open source community in various companies and industries.

I am more than excited and grateful that so many people find OSS Insight interesting, helpful, and valuable. I am also proud that my team made such a wonderful product in such a short time.

Applause given by developers and organizations on Twitter-1

Applause given by developers and organizations on Twitter-1

Applause given by developers and organizations on Twitter

Lessons learned​

Looking back at the process we used to build this website, we have learned many mind-refreshing lessons.

First, quick doesn’t mean dirty, as long as we make the right choices. Building an insight tool in just one week is tricky, but thanks to those wonderful, ready-made, and open source projects such as TiDB, Docusaurus, and Echarts, we made it happen with efficiency and without compromising the quality.

Second, it’s crucial to select the right databaseβ€”especially one that supports SQL. TiDB is a distributed SQL database with great scalability that can handle both transactional and real-time analytical workloads. With its help, we can process billions of rows of data with ease, and use SQL commands to execute complicated real-time queries. Further, using TiDB means we can leverage its resources to go to market faster and get feedback promptly.

If you like our project or are interested in joining us, you’re welcome to submit your PRs to our GitHub repository. You can also follow us on Twitter for the latest information.


πŸ“Œ Join our workshop​

If you want to get your own insights, you can join our workshop and try using TiDB to support your own datasets.

Β· 3 min read

Providing insights on large volume of email data might not be as easy as we thought. While data coming in real-time, indices and metadata are to be built consistently. To make things worse, the data volume is beyond traditional single node databases' reach.


To store large volumes of real-time user data like email and provide insights is not easy. If your application is layered on top of Gmail to automatically extract and organize the useful information buried inside of our inboxes.

It became clear that they were going to need a better system for organizing terabytes of email metadata to power collaboration as their customer base rapidly increased, it is not easy to provide insights. You need to organize email data by first applying a unique identifier to the emails and then proactively indexing the email metadata. The unique identifier is what connects the same email headers across. For each email inserted in real-time, the system extracts meta information from it and builds indices for high concurrent access. When data volume is small, it's all good: traditional databases provide all you need. However, when data size grows beyond a single node's capacity, everything becomes very hard.

Potential Database Solutions​

Regarding databases, there are some options you might consider:

  1. NoSQL database. While fairly scalable, it does not provide you indexing and comprehensive query abilities. You might end up implementing them in your application code.
  2. Sharing cluster of databases. Designing sharding key and paying attention to the limitations between shards are painful. It might be fine for applications with simple schema designs, but it will be too complicated for CRM. Moreover, it's very hard to maintain.
  3. Analytical databases. They are fine for dashboard and reporting. But not fine for high concurrent updates and index based serving.

How to get real-time insights​

TiDB is a distributed database with user experience of traditional databases. It looks like a super large MySQL without the limitations of NoSQL and sharding cluster solutions. With TiDB, you can simply have the base information, indices and metadata being updated in a concurrent manner with the help of cross-node transaction ability.

To build such a system, you just need following steps:

  1. Create schemas according to your access pattern with indices on user name, organization, job title etc.
  2. Use streaming system to gather and extract meta information from your base data
  3. Insert into TiDB via ordinary MySQL client driver like JDBC. You might want to gather data in small batches of hundreds of rows to speed up ingestion. In a single transaction, updates on base data, indices and meta information are guaranteed to be consistent.
  4. Optionally, deploy a couple of TiFlash nodes to speed up large scale reporting queries.
  5. Access the data just like in MySQL and you are all done. SQL features for analytics like aggregations, multi-joins or window functions are all supported with great performance.

For more cases, please see here.


🌟 Details in how OSS Insight works​

Go to read Use TiDB Cloud to Analyze GitHub Events in 10 Minutes and use the Serverless Tier TiDB Cloud Cluster.

You can find how we deal with massive github data in Data Preparation for Analytics as well!

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/tags/tidbcloud/index.html b/blog/tags/tidbcloud/index.html index 7a8e94bc13f..999db3cfef1 100644 --- a/blog/tags/tidbcloud/index.html +++ b/blog/tags/tidbcloud/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

4 posts tagged with "tidbcloud"

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Β· 11 min read
Caitin Chen


This post tells how a website on a distributed database reduced online serving latency from 1.11 s to 417.7 ms, and then to 123.6 ms. We found that some lessons learned on MySQL could be applied throughout the optimization process. But when we optimize a distributed database, we need to consider more.

The OSS Insight website displays the data changes of GitHub events in real time. It's powered by TiDB Cloud, a MySQL-compatible distributed SQL database for elastic scale and real-time analytics.

Recently, to save costs, we tried to use lower-specification machines without affecting query efficiency and user experience. But our website and query response slowed down.

The repository analysis page was loading

The repository analysis page was loading, loading, and loading

How could we solve these problems on a distributed database? Could we use the methodology we learned on MySQL?

Analyzing the SQL execution plan​

To identify slow SQL statements, we used TiDB Cloud's Diagnosis page to sort SQL queries by their average latency.

For example, after the API server received a request, it executed the following SQL statement to obtain the number of issues in the vscode repository:

FROM github_events
repo_id = 41881900 -- vscode
AND type = 'IssuesEvent';

However, if the open source repository is large, this query may take several seconds or more to execute.

Using EXPLAIN ANALYZE to troubleshoot query performance problems​

In MySQL, when we troubleshoot query performance problems, we usually use the EXPLAIN ANALYZE <sql> statement to view the SQL statement's execution plan. We can use the execution plan to locate the problem. The same works for TiDB.

We executed the EXPLAIN statement:

FROM github_events
repo_id = 41881900 -- vscode
AND type = 'IssuesEvent';

The result showed that the query took 1.11 seconds to execute.

The query result

The query result

You can see that TiDB's EXPLAIN ANALYZE statement execution result was completely different from MySQL's. TiDB's execution plan gave us a clearer understanding of how this SQL statement was executed.

The execution plan shows:

  • This SQL statement was split into several subtasks. Some were on the root node, and others were on the tikv node.
  • The query fetched data from the partition:issue_event partition table.
  • This query did a range scan through the index index_github_events_on_repo_id(repo_id). This let the query narrow down the data scan quickly. This process only took 59 ms. It was the sum of the execution times of multiple concurrent tasks.
  • Besides IndexRangeScan, the query also used TableRowIDScan. This scan took 4.69 s, the sum of execution times for multiple concurrent subtasks.

From the execution times above, we determined that the query performance bottleneck was in the TableRowIDScan step.

We reran the EXPLAIN ANALYZE statement and found that the query was faster the second time. Why?

Why did TableRowIDScan take so long?​

To find the reason why TableRowIDScan took so long, we need basic knowledge of TiDB's underlying storage.

In TiDB, a table's data entries and indexes are stored on TiKV nodes in key-value pairs.

  • For an index, the key is the combination of the index value and the row_id (for a non-clustered index) or the primary key (for a clustered index). The row_id or primary key indicates where the data is stored.
  • For a data entry, the key is the combination of the table ID and the row_id or primary key. The value part is the combination of this row of data.

This graph shows how IndexLookup is executed in the execution plan:

The logical structure

This is the logical structure, not the physical storage structure.

In the query above, TiDB uses the query condition repo_id=41881900 to filter out all row numbers row_id related to the repository in the secondary index index_github_events_on_repo_id. The query needs the number column data, but the secondary index doesn't provide it. Therefore, TiDB must execute IndexLookup to find the corresponding row in the table based on the obtained row_id (the TableRowIDScan step).

The rows are probably scattered in different data blocks and stored on the hard disk. This causes TiDB to perform a large number of I/O operations to read data from different data blocks or even different machine nodes.

Why was EXPLAIN ANALYZE faster the second time?​

In EXPLAIN ANALZYE's execution result, we saw that the "execution info" column corresponding to the TableRowIDScan step contained this information:

block: {cache_hit_count: 2755559, read_count: 179510, read_byte: 4.07 GB}

We thought this had something to do with TiKV. TiKV read a very large number of data blocks from the disk. Because the data blocks read from the disk were cached in memory in the first execution, 2.75 million data blocks could be read directly from memory instead of being retrieved from the hard disk. This made the TableRowIDScan step much faster, and the query was faster overall.

However, we believed that user queries were random. For example, a user might look up data from a vscode repository and then go to a kubernetes repository. TiKV's memory couldn't cache all the data blocks in all the drives. Therefore, this did not solve our problem, but it reminded us that when we analyze SQL execution efficiency, we need to exclude cache effects.

Using a covering index to avoid executing TableRowIDScan​

Could we avoid executing TableRowIDScan in IndexLookup?

In MySQL, a covering index prevents the database from index lookup after index filtering. We wanted to apply this to OSS Insight. In our TiDB database, we tried to create a composite index to achieve index coverage.

When we created a composite index with multiple columns, we needed to pay attention to the column order. Our goals were to allow a composite index to be used by as many queries as possible, to help these queries narrow the scope of data scans as quickly as possible, and to provide as many fields as possible in the query. When we created a composite index we followed this order:

  1. Columns that had high differentiation and could be used as equivalence conditions for the WHERE statement, like repo_id
  2. Columns that didn't have high differentiation but could be used as equivalence conditions for the WHERE statement, like type and action
  3. Columns that could be used as range query conditions for the WHERE statement, like created_at
  4. Redundant columns that were not used as filter conditions but were used in the query, such as number and push_size

We used the CREATE IDNEX statement to create a composite index in the database:

CREATE INDEX index_github_events_on_repo_id_type_number ON github_events(repo_id, type, number);

When we created the index and ran the SQL statement again, the query speed was significantly faster. We viewed the execution plan through EXPLAIN ANALYZE and found that the execution plan became simpler. The IndexLookup and TableRowIDScan steps were gone. The query took only 417.7 ms.

The result of the EXPLAIN query

The result of the EXPLAIN query. This query cost 417.7 ms

So we knew that our query could get all the data it needed by doing an IndexRangeScan on the new index. This composite index included the number field, so TiDB did not need to perform IndexLookup to get data from the table. This reduced a lot of I/O operations.

`IndexRangeScan` in the non-clustered table

IndexRangeScan in the non-clustered table

Pushing down computing to further reduce query latency​

For a query that needed to obtain 270,000 rows of data, 417.7 ms was quite a short execution time. But could we improve the time even more?

We thought this relied on TiDB's architecture that separates computing and storage layers. This is different from MySQL.

In TiDB:

  • The tidb-server node computes data. It corresponds to root in the execution plan.
  • The tikv-server node stores the data. It corresponds to cop[tikv] in the execution plan.

Generally, an SQL statement is split into multiple steps to execute with the cooperation of computing and storage nodes.

When we executed the SQL statement in this article, TiDB obtained the data of the github_events table from tikv-server and performed the aggregate calculation of the COUNT function on tidb-server.

FROM github_events
repo_id = 41881900 -- vscode
AND type = 'IssuesEvent';

The execution plan indicated that when TiDB was performing IndexReader, tidb-server needed to read 270,000 rows of data from tikv-server through the network. This was time-consuming.

`tidb-server` read 270,000 rows of data from `tikv-server`

tidb-server read 270,000 rows of data from tikv-server

How could we avoid such a large network transmission? Although the query needed to obtain a large amount of data, the final calculation result was only a number. Could we complete the COUNT aggregation calculation on tikv-server and return the result only to tidb-server?

TiDB had implemented this idea through the coprocessor on tikv-server. This optimization process is called computing pushdown.

The execution plan indicated that our SQL query did not do this. Why? We checked the TiDB documentation and learned that:

Usually, aggregate functions with the DISTINCT option are executed in the TiDB layer in a single-threaded execution model.

This meant that our SQL statement couldn't use computing pushdown.

FROM github_events
repo_id = 41881900 -- vscode
AND type = 'IssuesEvent';

Therefore, we removed the DISTINCT keyword.

For the github_events table, an issue only generated an event with the IssuesEvent type and opened action. We could get the total number of unique issues by adding the condition of action = 'opened'. This way, we didn't need to use the DISTINCT keyword for deduplication.

FROM github_events
repo_id = 41881900 -- vscode
AND type = 'IssuesEvent'
AND action = 'opened';

The composite index we created lacked the action column. This caused the query index coverage to fail. So we created a new composite index:

CREATE INDEX index_github_events_on_repo_id_type_action_number ON github_events(repo_id, type, action, number);

After we created the index, we checked the execution plan of the modified SQL statement through the EXPLAIN ANALYZE statement. We found that:

  • Because we added a new filter action='opened', the number of rows to scan had decreased from 270,000 to 140,000.
  • tikv-server executed the StreamAgg operator, which was the aggregate calculation of the COUNT function. This indicated that the calculation had been pushed down to the TiKV coprocessor for execution.
  • tidb-server only needed to obtain two rows of data from tikv-server through the network. This greatly reduced the amount of data transmitted.
  • The query only took 123.6 ms.
| id | estRows | actRows | task | access object | execution info | operator info | memory | disk |
| StreamAgg_28 | 1.00 | 1 | root | | time:123.6ms, loops:2 | funcs:count(Column#43)->Column#34 | 388 Bytes | N/A |
| └─IndexReader_29 | 1.00 | 2 | root | partition:issues_event | time:123.6ms, loops:2, cop_task: {num: 2, max: 123.5ms, min: 1.5ms, avg: 62.5ms, p95: 123.5ms, max_proc_keys: 131360, p95_proc_keys: 131360, tot_proc: 115ms, tot_wait: 1ms, rpc_num: 2, rpc_time: 125ms, copr_cache_hit_ratio: 0.50, distsql_concurrency: 15} | index:StreamAgg_11 | 590 Bytes | N/A |
| └─StreamAgg_11 | 1.00 | 2 | cop[tikv] | | tikv_task:{proc max:116ms, min:8ms, avg: 62ms, p80:116ms, p95:116ms, iters:139, tasks:2}, scan_detail: {total_process_keys: 131360, total_process_keys_size: 23603556, total_keys: 131564, get_snapshot_time: 1ms, rocksdb: {delete_skipped_count: 320, key_skipped_count: 131883, block: {cache_hit_count: 307, read_count: 1, read_byte: 63.9 KB, read_time: 60.2Β΅s}}} | funcs:count(gharchive_dev.github_events.number)->Column#43 | N/A | N/A |
| └─IndexRangeScan_15 | 7.00 | 141179 | cop[tikv] | table:github_events, index:index_ge_on_repo_id_type_action_created_at_number(repo_id, type, action, created_at, number) | tikv_task:{proc max:116ms, min:8ms, avg: 62ms, p80:116ms, p95:116ms, iters:139, tasks:2} | range:[41881900 "IssuesEvent" "opened",41881900 "IssuesEvent" "opened"], keep order:false | N/A | N/A |

Applying what we learned to other queries​

Through our analysis and optimizations, the query latency was significantly reduced:

1.11 s β†’ 417.7 ms β†’ 123.6 ms

We applied what we learned to other queries and created the following composite indexes in the github_events table:






These composite indexes covered more than 20 analytical queries in repository analysis and personal analysis pages on the OSS Insight website. This improved our website's overall loading speed.

Some lessons we learned on MySQL can be applied throughout the optimization process. But we need to consider more when we optimize query performance in a distributed database. We also recommend you read Performance Tuning in the TiDB documentation. This will give you a more professional and comprehensive guide to performance optimization.


Β· 10 min read
Fendy Feng

4.6 billion is literally an astronomical figure. The richest star map of our galaxy, brought by Gaia space observatory, includes just under 2 billion stars. What does a view of 4.6 billion GitHub events really look like? What secrets and values can be discovered in such an enormous amount of data?

Here you go: OSSInsight.io can help you find the answer. It’s a useful insight tool that can give you the most updated open source intelligence, and help you deeply understand any single GitHub project or quickly compare any two projects by digging deep into 4.6 billion GitHub events in real time. Here are some ways you can play with it.

Compare any two GitHub projects​

Do you wonder how different projects have performed and developed over time? Which project is worthy of more attention? OSSInsight.io can answer your questions via the Compare Projects page.

Let’s take the Kubernetes repository (K8s) and Docker’s Moby repository as examples and compare them in terms of popularity and coding vitality.


To compare the popularity of two repositories, we use multiple metrics including the number of stars, the growth trend of stars over time, and stargazers’ geographic and employment distribution.

Number of stars​

The line chart below shows the accumulated number of stars of K8s and Moby each year. According to the chart, Moby was ahead of K8s until late 2019. The star growth of Moby slowed after 2017 while K8s has kept a steady growth pace.

The star history of K8s and Moby

Geographical distribution of stargazers​

The map below shows the stargazers’ geographical distribution of Moby and K8s. As you can see, their stargazers are scattered around the world with the majority coming from the US, Europe, and China.

The geographical distribution of K8s and Moby stargazers

Employment distribution of stargazers​

The chart below shows the stargazers’ employment of K8s (red) and Moby (dark blue). Both of their stargazers work in a wide range of industries, and most come from leading dotcom companies such as Google, Tencent, and Microsoft. The difference is that the top two companies of K8s’ stargazers are Google and Microsoft from the US, while Moby’s top two followers are Tencent and Alibaba from China.

The employment distribution of K8s and Moby stargazers

Β· 5 min read
Fendy Feng

TiDB is an open source distributed NewSQL database with horizontal scalability, high availability, and strong consistency. It can also deal with mixed OLTP and OLAP workloads at the same time by leveraging its hybrid transactional and analytical (HTAP) capability.

TiDB Cloud is a fully-managed Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) that brings everything great about TiDB to your cloud and lets you focus on your applications, not the complexities of your database.

In this tutorial, we will provide you with a piece of sample data of all GitHub events occurring on January 1, 2022, and walk you through on how to use TiDB Cloud to analyze this data in 10 minutes.

Sign up for a TiDB Cloud account (Free)​

  1. Click here to sign up for a TiDB Cloud account free of charge.
  2. Log in to your account.

Β· 5 min read


All the data we use here on this website sources from GH Archive, a non-profit project that records and archives all GitHub events data since 2011. The total data volume archived by GH Archive can be up to 4 billion rows. We download the json file on GH Archive and convert it into csv format via Script, and finally load it into the TiDB cluster in parallel through TiDB-Lightning.

In this section, we will explain step by step how we conduct this process.

  1. Prepare the data in csv format for TiDB Lighting.
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/trends-and-insights-from-github-2022/index.html b/blog/trends-and-insights-from-github-2022/index.html index b81b44395d1..d258d4b63fc 100644 --- a/blog/trends-and-insights-from-github-2022/index.html +++ b/blog/trends-and-insights-from-github-2022/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

Open Source Highlights: Trends and Insights from GitHub 2022

Β· 10 min read
Cheese Wong
Vita Lu
Mia Zhou
Caitin Chen

We analyzed more than 5,000,000,000 rows of GitHub event data and got the results here. In this report, you'll get interesting findings about open source software on GitHub in 2022, including:

Top languages in the open source world over the past four years​

This chart ranks programming languages yearly from 2019 to 2022 based on the ratio of new repositories using these languages to all new repositories.

Top programming languages


  • Python surpassed Java and moved to #3 in 2021.
  • TypeScript rose from #10 to #6, and SCSS rose from #39 to #19. The rise of SCSS shows that open source projects that value front-end expressiveness are gradually gaining popularity.
  • The two languages Ruby and R dropped a lot in ranking over the years.

Rankings of back-end programming languages​

The programming languages used in a pull request reflect which languages developers used. To find out the most popular back-end programming languages, we queried the distribution of programming languages by new pull requests from 2019 to 2022 and took the top 10 for each year.

Top back-end programming languages

The chart data indicates:

  • Python and Java rank #1 and #2 respectively. In 2021, Go overtook Ruby to rank #3 in 2021.
  • Rust has been trending upward for several years, ranking #9 in 2022.

Geographic distribution of developer behavior​

We queried the number of various events that occurred throughout the world from January 1 to September 30, 2022 and identified the top 10 countries by the number of events triggered by developers in these countries. The chart displays the proportion of each event type by country or region.

Geographic distribution of developer behavior

The chart shows that:

  • The events triggered in the top 10 countries account for about 23.27% of all GitHub events. However, the number of developers from these countries is only 10%.
  • US developers are most likely to review code, with a PullRequestReviewEvent share of 6.15%.
  • Korean developers prefer pushing directly to repositories (PushEvent).
  • Japanese developers are most likely to submit code via pull requests, with a PullRequestEvent share of 10%.
  • German developers like to open issues and comments, with IssueEvent and CommentEvent accounting for 4.18% and 12.66% respectively.
  • Chinese developers like to star repositories, with 17.23% for WatchEvent and 2.7% for ForkEvent.


  • In 2022, 17,062,081 developers had behavioral events, and 2,923,523 of them have the Location field, so the sampling rate is 17.13%
  • GitHub identifies 15 types of events. We only show commonly used types. Comment Event includes CommitCommentEvent, IssueCommentEvent, and PullRequestReviewCommentEvent. Others includes MemberEvent, CreateEvent, ReleaseEvent, GollumEvent, and PublicEvent.

Developer behavior distribution on weekdays and weekends​

We queried the distribution of each event type over the seven days of the week.

Developer behavior distribution on weekdays and weekends


  • Developers are most active on weekdays, with 77.73% of events occurring on weekdays.

The distribution of specific events​

Developer behavior distribution from Monday to Sunday


  • Pull Request Event, Pull Request Review Event, and Issues Event all have the highest percentage on Tuesdays, while the lowest percentage is on the weekends.
  • The amount of Push Event, Watch Event, and Fork Event activities are similar on weekdays and weekends, while the Pull Request Review Event is the most different. Watch Event and Fork Event are more personal behaviors, Pull Request Review Events are more work behaviors, and Push Events are used more in personal projects.

Each year, technology introduces new buzz words. Can we gain insight into technical trends through the open source repositories behind the hot words? We investigated five technical areas: Low Code, Web3, GitHub Actions, Database, and AI.

We queried the number of open source repositories associated with each technical area, as well as the percentage of active repositories in 2022.

Activity levels of popular topics

This figure shows that open source repositories in the Low Code topic are the most active, with 76.3% being active in 2022, followed by Web3 with 63.85%.

We queried the following items for each technical area from 2015 to 2022:

  • The annual increment of repositories
  • The annual increment of collaborative events
  • The number of developers participating in collaborative events
  • The annual increment of stars

Then, we calculated the growth rate for each year which can reflect new entrants, developer engagement in this technical field, and the industry's interest in this area. For 2022, we compare its first nine months with the first nine months of 2021.

Low code repositories

We can see that 2020 is the peak period of project development, with a 313.43% increase in new repositories and a 157.06% increase in developer collaborative events. The industry's interest increased most significantly in 2021, reaching 184.82%. In 2022, the year-on-year growth data shows that the number of new repositories decreased (-26.21%), but developer engagement and industry interest are still rising.

* Time range of 2022: 01.01-09.30, excluding bot events and forking repositories

Web3 repositories

Whether it is the creation of new repositories, developers, or the interest of the industry, the Web3 ecosystem has grown rapidly in recent years, and the growth rate of new repositories peaked at 322.65% in 2021.

* Time range of 2022: 01.01-09.30, excluding bot events and forking repositories

GitHub Actions repositories

The annual increase of GitHub Actions repositories has been declining, but developer engagement and the industry's interest are still increasing slightly.

* Time range of 2022: 01.01-09.30, excluding bot events and forking repositories

Database repositories

As an infrastructure project, the Database project's threshold is high. Compared with projects in other fields, a database project has a stable growth rate.

* Time range of 2022: 01.01-09.30, excluding bot events and forking repositories

AI repositories

After two years of high growth in 2016 and 2017, open source projects in AI have been growing gradually slowly.

* Time range of 2022: 01.01-09.30, excluding bot events and forking repositories

The number of stars is the most visible indication of the popularity of open source projects. We looked at the 50 projects that received the most stars from January 1 to September 30, 2022. We found that:

The most popular repositories in 2022

* Time range: 2022.01.01-2022.09.30, excluding bot events

The most active repositories over the past four years​

Here we looked up the top 20 active repositories per year from 2019 to 2022 and counted the total number of listings per repository. The activity of the repository is ranked according to the number of developers participating in collaborative events.

Repository NameCount


  • Microsoft has the most repositories on the list, with five.

  • tensorflow/tensorflow and kubernetes/kubernetes both dropped out of the top 20 after three consecutive years on the list (2019 to 2021).

  • New to the 2022 list are archway-network/testnets, element-fi/elf-council-frontend, solana-labs/token-list, education/GitHubGraduation-2022, taozhiyu/TyProAction, NixOS/nixpkgs, rust-lang/rust.

  • Time range: 2022.01.01-2022.09.30, excluding bot events

Who gave the most stars in 2022​

We queried the developers who gave the most stars in 2022, took the top 20, and filtered out accounts of suspected bots. If a developer's number of star events divided by the number of starred repositories is equal to or greater than 2, we suspect this user to be a bot.

Developers who gave the most stars

We found that until September 30, 2022, the developer who starred the most repositories had starred a total of 37,228 repositories, an average of 136 repositories per day.

* Time range: 2022.01.01-2022.09.30, excluding bot events

The most active developers since 2011​

We queried the top 20 most active developers per year since 2011. This time we didn't filter out bot events.

The most active developers

We found that the percentage of bots is becoming larger and larger. Bots started to overtake humans in 2013 and have reached over 95% in 2022.


Term description​

  • GitHub events: GitHub events are triggered by user actions, like starring a repository or pushing code.
  • Time range: In this report, the data collection range of 2022 is from January 1, 2022 to September 30, 2022. When comparing data of 2022 with another year, we use year-on-year analysis.
  • Bot events: Bot-triggered events account for a growing percentage of GitHub events. However, these events are not the focus of this report. We filtered out most of the bot-initiated events by matching regular expressions.

How we classify technical fields by topics​

We do exact matching and fuzzy matching based on the repository topic. Exact matching means that the repository topics have a topic that exactly matches the word, and fuzzy matching means that the repository topics have a topic that contains the word.

TopicExact matchingFuzzy matching
GitHub Actionsactionsgithub-action, gh-action
Low Codelow-code, lowcode, nocode, no-code
Databasedbdatabase, databases
nosql, newsql, sql
AIai, aiops, aiotartificial-intelligence, machine-intelligence
computer-vision, image-processing, opencv, computervision, imageprocessing
voice-recognition, speech-recognition, voicerecognition, speechrecognition, speech-processing
machinelearning, machine-learning
deeplearning, deep-learning
transferlearning, transfer-learning
text-to-speech, tts, speech-synthesis, voice-synthesis
robot, robotics
natural-language-processing, nlp
language-model, text-classification, question-answering, knowledge-graph, knowledge-base
gan, gans, generative-adversarial-network, generative-adversarial-networks
neural-network, neuralnetwork, neuralnetworks, neural-network, dnn
seq2seq, sequence-to-sequence
data-analysis, data-science
object-detection, objectdetection
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[Outdated] Use TiDB Cloud to Analyze GitHub Events in 10 Minutes

Β· 5 min read
Fendy Feng

TiDB is an open source distributed NewSQL database with horizontal scalability, high availability, and strong consistency. It can also deal with mixed OLTP and OLAP workloads at the same time by leveraging its hybrid transactional and analytical (HTAP) capability.

TiDB Cloud is a fully-managed Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) that brings everything great about TiDB to your cloud and lets you focus on your applications, not the complexities of your database.

In this tutorial, we will provide you with a piece of sample data of all GitHub events occurring on January 1, 2022, and walk you through on how to use TiDB Cloud to analyze this data in 10 minutes.

Sign up for a TiDB Cloud account (Free)​

  1. Click here to sign up for a TiDB Cloud account free of charge.
  2. Log in to your account.

Create a TiDB Cloud Serverless Tier cluster​

Once you register an account, you can create a cluster with TiDB Cloud Serverless Tier.


A cluster is a database to store data.

  1. Click Get Started for Free and start to create a cluster.

  1. On the Create a Cluster page, set up your cluster name and root password.
  2. Note that the cloud provider is AWS by default, and then MUST select the US-West-2 (Oregon) region to create the cluster.
  3. The cluster tier is S1.dev by default.
  4. Click Submit. Your TiDB Cloud cluster will be created in approximately 1 to 3 minutes.

Import data to your TiDB Cloud cluster​

Import the data​

Once your cluster is ready, you can start to import the sample data to your cluster.


We have merged the create database/table in the SQL files, so you don't need to create database/tables by yourself.

If you want to know the table schema, you can check desc gharchive_dev later in the following step.

  1. Click your cluster name in Active Cluster page to get into the detail page of your cluster.
  2. Click the Import button on the Active Clusters page and then go to the Data Import Task page.

  1. Copy the values below and paste to the blanks of Bucket URL and Role-ARN respectively on the Data Import Task page.

Bucket URL:



  1. Choose US West (Oregon) for your Bucket region;
  2. Tick TiDB Dumpling for the Data Format.
  3. Input your cluster password in the blank of Password on the Target Database section.

  1. After you fill in all the blanks on the Data Import Task page, click the Import button at the bottom of this page and wait for a few moments for the system to complete data importing.

Use the web shell to check if data is ready​

TiDB Cloud provides a web shell to connect the database online.

  1. Click the Exit button after you successfully import the data into your cluster.
  2. Click your cluster name in Active Cluster page to get into the detail page of your cluster.
  3. Then, click the Connect button and the Connect to TiDB panel pops out.
  4. Choose Web SQL Shell --> Open SQL Shell.
  5. Then input your cluster password as shown in the image below.

Set column storage replica: TiFlash (Optional but coult make SQL faster!)​

TiFlash is the key component that makes TiDB / TiDB Cloud an HTAP database and capable of dealing with OLTP and OLAP workloads at the same time.

Here, you can try the following SQL commands on TiDB Cloud to experience its real-time analytics with ease.

  1. Execute the SQL statements specified below
use gharchive_dev;
  1. Setting a TiFlash replica will take you some time, so you can use the following SQL statements to check if the procedure is done or not.
SELECT * FROM information_schema.tiflash_replica WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'gharchive_dev' and TABLE_NAME = 'github_events';

If the results you get are the same as follows, then it means the procedure is done.

mysql> SELECT * FROM information_schema.tiflash_replica WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'gharchive_dev' and TABLE_NAME = 'github_events';
| gharchive_dev | github_events | 68 | 1 | | 1 | 1 |
1 row in set (0.27 sec)



After you finish all the steps above, you can start the analytical process.


If you want to know the table schema, you can use show create table tbl_name to get that information.

Because you have imported the sample data of all GitHub events occurred on the first hour of 2022 (from 2022-01-01 00:00:00 to 2022-01-01 00:59:59), you can start to make any queries based on that data by using SQL commands.

How many events occurred in total?​

Execute the following SQL statement to query the total number of events.

SELECT count(*) FROM github_events;

Which repository gets the most stars?​

Execute the following statements to query the most starred repository.

  SELECT repo_name, count(*) AS events_count
FROM github_events
WHERE type = 'WatchEvent' /* Yes, `WatchEvent` means star */

Mini Test​

Here is a small test for you to practice how to use TiDB Cloud to conduct analytics.

Q: Who is the most active contributor except the robot accounts on the first hour of 2022?​

Click for the answer. ⬇️​

Click me to show answer
  SELECT actor_login, 
count(*) AS events_count
FROM github_events
WHERE actor_login NOT LIKE '%bot%'

🌟 Details in how OSS Insight works​

Find the reason How we implement OSS Insight ?.

You can find how we deal with massive github data in Data Preparation for Analytics as well!

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/unsung-heroes-of-open-source/index.html b/blog/unsung-heroes-of-open-source/index.html index 72c7406cd73..ece95f8146b 100644 --- a/blog/unsung-heroes-of-open-source/index.html +++ b/blog/unsung-heroes-of-open-source/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

The Unsung Heroes of Open Source: The Dedicated Maintainers Behind Lesser-Known Projects

Β· 8 min read
Mia Zhou
Notion AI

A few days ago, I read a blog post by the author of Core-js. To be honest, it was my first time hearing about Core-js. As someone who has written some front-end code and has been keeping up with open source projects, I feel a bit ashamed.

However, there are many open source projects that are widely used but not well-known. In this blog post, I will take a closer look at a few of these unsung heroes of the open source world. I do not want to give them a business model or financial advice in this article. This largely depends on the author's personal experience and values. I just want to raise more awareness about these open source projects.


Core-js is a modular standard library for JavaScript. It provides polyfills for many ECMAScript features, as well as some additional features that are not included in the standard library. It's used by many popular JavaScript libraries and frameworks, including React, Vue.js, and Angular.

Core-js has been downloaded more than 2.5 billion times from the npm package registry, making it one of the most widely used JavaScript libraries in the world. Despite its widespread use, the project does not receive much attention, and its star growth is very slow.

Core-js is maintained by Denis Pushkarev, who started the project as a hobby in 2012 and open-sourced it in 2014.

Core-js' top contributors

Based on the distribution of contributions to the project, it seems that Denis has provided more than 95% of the project's code. And as he said in the blog post I read, the project occupies almost all of his timeβ€”more than a full working day.

Denis' contribution time distribution

Core-js' star history

On February 14th, Denis’s blog brought significant attention to the Core-js project. Now he has opened multiple donation channels, including through Open Collective, Patreon, and boosty. He is actively exploring ways to ensure that Core-js can be maintained in the long term.


cURL is a command-line tool and library for transferring data over a wide range of network protocols, including HTTP, FTP, SMTP, and many others. It is used by millions of developers to download and upload files, test APIs, and automate tasks.

cURL's top contributors

cURL is primarily maintained by Daniel Stenberg alone, who started working on the project in 1998. Fortunately, there are occasionally new contributors joining in as mentioned in this tweet. This allows Daniel to maintain a more normal schedule and a full time job, and even leave work early on Wednesdays to play floorball.

Daniel's contribution time distribution

cURL has received sponsorship from various organizations and individuals, including wolfSSL. WolfSSL employs Daniel and allows him to spend paid work hours on cURL.


ImageMagick is a free and open-source software suite for displaying, converting, and editing raster image and vector image files. ImageMagick is used by millions of websites and applications to manipulate and display images, including popular content management systems like WordPress and Drupal.

ImageMagick's top contributors

ImageMagick is maintained by a small group of developers, including its founder, John Cristy. Cristy started the project at DuPont in 1987 and released it in 1990. It is said that John Cristy has a full-time job and only maintains the project in his spare time.

ImageMagick's top contributors last month

Dirk Lemstra is another primary maintainer of ImageMagick, currently working as a consultant for a company and maintaining the project in his spare time.

Currently, the project is sustained by the support of various organizations and individuals.


MyCLI is a command line interface for MySQL, MariaDB, and Percona with auto-completion and syntax highlighting.

MyCLI's top contributors

The project is maintained by its creator, Amjith Ramanujam, and contributions from the open source community. Based on the distribution of contributions, a relatively stable community of contributors has formed around MyCLI. Moreover, there are some organizations and individuals sponsoring this project.

MyCLI's commit history

However, with the popularity of cloud databases, such projects have fallen behind the times, so the updates for the project have been very slow.


Homebrew is a popular package manager for macOS that allows users to easily install and manage a wide variety of software packages. Homebrew is a nonprofit project run entirely by unpaid volunteer developers, with the lead maintainer being Mike McQuaid.

Homebrew's top contributors

McQuaid has been involved with the Homebrew project since its inception and has been the lead maintainer since 2012β€”and he has full-time work on GitHub as a principal engineer.

Homebrew’s financial operations are managed by the Open Source Collective, and accepts donations through GitHub Sponsors, Open Collective or Patreon. Homebrew is also sponsoring some projects, including cURL mentioned earlier.

Apache Log4j​

Apache Log4j is a powerful logging framework for Java that allows developers to log messages from their applications with fine-grained control over where and how those messages are recorded. This library has been widely adopted by Java developers and is used by many popular Java-based applications, including Apache Kafka and Apache Spark.

Apache Log4j's star history

Interestingly, the project did not receive much attention until November 2021, when a security vulnerability was reported. This incident doubled its star count and gained attention from the industry.

Apache Log4j's top contributors

Ralph Goers is the original author of Log4j 2. He worked on the initial design and development of Log4j 2, which was released in 2014. Now he is working on Nextiva as a Fellow Architect.Now the core maintainer of logging-log4j2 is Gary Gregory, who is a member of the Apache Software Foundation and has been working on the project for over a decade.

Because the Log4j 2 project is under the Apache Foundation, the maintainers can focus more on project maintenance without worrying about financial issues.


OpenSSL is an open source library that provides cryptographic functions for many different applications, including web servers, email clients, and virtual private networks. OpenSSL is used by millions of websites and applications to secure communications over the internet, including popular web servers like Apache and Nginx, as well as popular programming languages like Python and Ruby.

OpenSSL's top contributors

The project is developed by a distributed team, mostly consisting of volunteers with some project funded resources. The team is led by Matt Caswell, who has been working on OpenSSL since 2010 and became one of the maintainers in 2013.

Apart from volunteer developers, OpenSSL also depends on financial support from the community, which can be given in various forms. These include a support contract, a sponsorship donation, or a smaller donation via GitHub Sponsors.

Maintaining an open source project is no easy feat. It's a labor of love, built by passionate developers who sacrifice their time to create something that makes a difference. As users, we owe them our gratitude for the tools and technologies they provide. As Mike McQuaid suggested on the blog Open Source Maintainers Owe You Nothing, "Remember when filing an issue, opening a pull request, or making a comment on a project, to be grateful that people spend their free time to build software you get to use for free."

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/why-we-choose-tidb-to-support-ossinsight/index.html b/blog/why-we-choose-tidb-to-support-ossinsight/index.html index 5ecffc1ae12..9d01685bdd6 100644 --- a/blog/why-we-choose-tidb-to-support-ossinsight/index.html +++ b/blog/why-we-choose-tidb-to-support-ossinsight/index.html @@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ - +

Build a Better GitHub Insight Tool in a Week? A True Story

Β· 10 min read
Wink Yao
Fendy Feng

In early January 2022, Max, our CEO, a big fan of open-source, asked if my team could build a small tool to help us understand all the open-source projects on GitHub; and, that if everything worked well, we should open the API to help open source developers to build better insights. In fact, GitHub continuously publishes the public events in its open-source world through the open API. (Thank you and well done! Github). We can certainly learn a lot from the data!

I was excited about this project until Max said: β€œYou’ve only got one week.” Well, the boss is the boss! Although time was tight and we were faced with multiple head-aching problems, I decided to take up this challenge.

Headache 1: we need both historical and real-time data.​

After some quick research, we found GHArchive, an open-source project that collects and archives all GitHub data from 2011 and updates it hourly. By the way, a lot of open-source analytical tools such as CNCF's Devstats rely on GH Archive, too.

Thanks to GH Archive, we found the data source.

But there's another problem: hourly data is good, but not good enough. We wanted our data to be updated in real timeβ€”or at least near real time. We decided to directly use the GitHub event API, which collects all events that have occurred within the past hour.

By combining the data from the GH Archive and the GitHub event API, we can gain streaming, real-time event updates.

GitHub event updates

GitHub event updates

Headache 2: the data is huge!​

After we decompressed all the data from GH Archive, we found there were more than 4.6 billion rows of GitHub events. That’s a lot of data! We also noticed that about 300,000 rows were generated and updated each hour.

The data volume of GitHub events occurred after 2011

The data volume of GitHub events occurred after 2011

The database solution would be tricky here. Our goal is to build an application that provides real-time data insights based on a continuously growing dataset. So, scalability is a must. NoSQL databases can provide good scalability, but what follows is how to handle complex analytical queries. Unfortunately, NoSQL databases are not good at that.

Scalability vs SQL

Another option is to use an OLAP database such as ClickHouse. ClickHouse can handle the analytical workload very well, but it is not designed for serving online traffic. If we chose it, we would need another database for the online traffic.

OLAP vs Online Serving

What about sharding the database and then building an extract, transform, load (ETL) pipeline to synchronize the new events to a data warehouse? This sounds workable.

How a RDBMS handles the GitHub data

How a RDBMS handles the GitHub data

According to our product manager's (PM’s) plan, we needed to do some repo-specific or user-specific analysis. Although the total data volume was huge, the number of events was not too large for a single project or user. This meant using the secondary indexes in RDBMS would be a good idea. But, if we decided to use the above architecture, we had to be careful in selecting the database sharding key. For example, if we use user_id as the sharding key, then queries based on repo_id will be very tricky.

Another requirement from the PM was that our insight tool should provide OpenAPI, which meant we would have unpredictable concurrent traffic from the outside world.

Since we're not experts on Kafka and data warehouses, mastering and building such an infrastructure in just one week was a very difficult task for us.

The choice is obvious now, and don't forget PingCAP is a database company! TiDB seems a perfect fit for this, and it's a good chance to eat our own dog food. So, why not using TiDB! :)

If we use TiDB, can we get:

  • SQL support, including complex & flexible queries? β˜‘οΈ
  • Scalability? β˜‘οΈ
  • Secondary index support for fast lookup? β˜‘οΈ
  • Capability for online serving? β˜‘οΈ

Wow! It seems we got a winner!

By using the secondary index, TiDB scanned 29,639 rows (instead of 4.6 billion rows) GitHub events in 4.9 ms

By using the secondary index, TiDB scanned 29,639 rows (instead of 4.6 billion rows) GitHub events in 4.9 ms

To choose a database to support an application like OSS Insight, we think TiDB is a great choice. Plus, its simplified technology stack means a faster go-to-market and faster delivery of my boss' assignment.

After we used TiDB, we got a simplified architecture as shown below.

Simplified architecture after we use TiDB

Simplified architecture after we use TiDB

Headache 3: We have a "pushy" PM!​

Just as the subtitle indicates, we have a very β€œpushy” PM, which is not always a bad thing. :) His demands kept extending, from the single project analysis at the very beginning to the comparison and ranking of multiple repositories, and to other multidimensional analysis such as the geographical distribution of stargazers and contributors. What’s more pressing was that the deadlines stayed unchanged!!!

We had to keep a balance between the growing demands and the tight deadlines.

To save time, we built our website using Docusaurus, an open source static site generator in React with scalability, rather than building a site from scratch. We also used Apache Echarts, a powerful charting library, to turn analytical results into good-looking and easy-to-understand charts.

We chose TiDB as the database to support our website, and it perfectly supports SQL. This way, our back-end engineers could write SQL commands to handle complex and flexible analytical queries with ease and efficiency. Then, our front-end engineers would just need to display those SQL execution results in the form of good-looking charts.

Finally, we made it. We prototyped our tool in just one week, and named it OSS Insight, short for open source software insights. We continued to fine-tune it, and it was officially released on May 3.

How we deal with analytical queries with SQL​

Let's use one example to show you how we deal with complex analytical queries.

Analyze a GitHub collection: JavaScript frameworks​

OSS Insight can analyze popular GitHub collections by many metrics including the number of stars, issues, and contributors. Let’s identify which JavaScript framework has the most issue creators. This is an analytical query that includes aggregation and ranking. To get the result, we only need to execute one SQL statement:

ci.repo_name AS repo_name,
COUNT(distinct actor_login) AS num
github_events ge
JOIN collection_items ci ON ge.repo_id = ci.repo_id
JOIN collections c ON ci.collection_id = c.id
type = 'IssuesEvent'
AND action = 'opened'
AND c.id = 10005
-- Exclude Bots
and actor_login not like '%bot%'
and actor_login not in (select login from blacklist_users)

In the statement above, the collections and collection_items tables store the data of all GitHub repository collections in various areas. Each table has 30 rows. To get the order of issue creators, we need to associate the repository ID in the collection_items table with the real, 4.6-billion-row github_events table as shown below.

mysql> select * from collection_items where collection_id = 10005;
| id | collection_id | repo_name | repo_id |
| 127 | 10005 | marko-js/marko | 15720445 |
| 129 | 10005 | angular/angular | 24195339 |
| 131 | 10005 | emberjs/ember.js | 1801829 |
| 135 | 10005 | vuejs/vue | 11730342 |
| 136 | 10005 | vuejs/core | 137078487 |
| 138 | 10005 | facebook/react | 10270250 |
| 142 | 10005 | jashkenas/backbone | 952189 |
| 143 | 10005 | dojo/dojo | 10160528 |
30 rows in set (0.05 sec)

Next, let's look at the execution plan. TiDB is compatible with MySQL syntax, so its execution plan looks very similar to that of MySQL.

In the figure below, notice the parts in red boxes. The data in the table collection_items is read through distributed[row], which means this data is processed by TiDB’s row storage engine, TiKV. The data in the table github_events is read through distributed[column], which means this data is processed by TiDB’s columnar storage engine, TiFlash. TiDB uses both row and columnar storage engines to execute the same SQL statement. This is so convenient for OSS Insight because it doesn’t have to split the query into two statements.

TiDB execution plan

TiDB execution plan

TiDB returns the following result:

| repo_name | num |
| angular/angular | 11597 |
| facebook/react | 7653 |
| vuejs/vue | 6033 |
| angular/angular.js | 5624 |
| emberjs/ember.js | 2489 |
| sveltejs/svelte | 1978 |
| vuejs/core | 1792 |
| Polymer/polymer | 1785 |
| jquery/jquery | 1587 |
| jashkenas/backbone | 1463 |
| ionic-team/stencil | 1101 |
30 rows in set
Time: 7.809s

Then, we just need to draw the result with Apache Echarts into a more visualized chart as shown below.

JavaScript frameworks with the most issue creators

JavaScript frameworks with the most issue creators

Note: You can click the REQUEST INFO on the upper right side of each chart to get the SQL command for each result.

Feedback: People love it!​

After we released OSS Insight on May 3, we have received loud applause on social media, via emails and private messages, from many developers, engineers, researchers, and people who are passionate about the open source community in various companies and industries.

I am more than excited and grateful that so many people find OSS Insight interesting, helpful, and valuable. I am also proud that my team made such a wonderful product in such a short time.

Applause given by developers and organizations on Twitter-1

Applause given by developers and organizations on Twitter-1

Applause given by developers and organizations on Twitter

Lessons learned​

Looking back at the process we used to build this website, we have learned many mind-refreshing lessons.

First, quick doesn’t mean dirty, as long as we make the right choices. Building an insight tool in just one week is tricky, but thanks to those wonderful, ready-made, and open source projects such as TiDB, Docusaurus, and Echarts, we made it happen with efficiency and without compromising the quality.

Second, it’s crucial to select the right databaseβ€”especially one that supports SQL. TiDB is a distributed SQL database with great scalability that can handle both transactional and real-time analytical workloads. With its help, we can process billions of rows of data with ease, and use SQL commands to execute complicated real-time queries. Further, using TiDB means we can leverage its resources to go to market faster and get feedback promptly.

If you like our project or are interested in joining us, you’re welcome to submit your PRs to our GitHub repository. You can also follow us on Twitter for the latest information.


πŸ“Œ Join our workshop​

If you want to get your own insights, you can join our workshop and try using TiDB to support your own datasets.

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/:slug/index.html b/collections/:slug/index.html index 79bf702442d..48af79da204 100644 --- a/collections/:slug/index.html +++ b/collections/:slug/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

Loading - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Wonder how OSS Insight works?


How do we implement OSS Insight ?

Blog: 10 min read

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Use TiDB Cloud to Analyze GitHub Events in 10 Minutes

Tutorial: 10 min read

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Join a Workshop to Setup a Mini OSS Insight

Tutorial: 25 min

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Follow us atΒ @OSSInsightΒ and join the conversation using the hashtags
#OSSInsightΒ #TiDBCloud

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/:slug/trends/index.html b/collections/:slug/trends/index.html index 35bb05ff042..4c8e491c1c1 100644 --- a/collections/:slug/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/:slug/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

Loading - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Wonder how OSS Insight works?


How do we implement OSS Insight ?

Blog: 10 min read

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Use TiDB Cloud to Analyze GitHub Events in 10 Minutes

Tutorial: 10 min read

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Join a Workshop to Setup a Mini OSS Insight

Tutorial: 25 min

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Follow us atΒ @OSSInsightΒ and join the conversation using the hashtags
#OSSInsightΒ #TiDBCloud

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/ansible-dev-tools/index.html b/collections/ansible-dev-tools/index.html index 11d27f95c88..027bd9f11ec 100644 --- a/collections/ansible-dev-tools/index.html +++ b/collections/ansible-dev-tools/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
Edit This Collection

Ansible DevTools - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Wonder how OSS Insight works?


How do we implement OSS Insight ?

Blog: 10 min read

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Use TiDB Cloud to Analyze GitHub Events in 10 Minutes

Tutorial: 10 min read

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Join a Workshop to Setup a Mini OSS Insight

Tutorial: 25 min

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Follow us atΒ @OSSInsightΒ and join the conversation using the hashtags
#OSSInsightΒ #TiDBCloud

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/ansible-dev-tools/trends/index.html b/collections/ansible-dev-tools/trends/index.html index 7d1110262c8..e6c37f8ba05 100644 --- a/collections/ansible-dev-tools/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/ansible-dev-tools/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
Edit This Collection

Ansible DevTools - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Wonder how OSS Insight works?


How do we implement OSS Insight ?

Blog: 10 min read

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Use TiDB Cloud to Analyze GitHub Events in 10 Minutes

Tutorial: 10 min read

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Join a Workshop to Setup a Mini OSS Insight

Tutorial: 25 min

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Follow us atΒ @OSSInsightΒ and join the conversation using the hashtags
#OSSInsightΒ #TiDBCloud

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/api-gateway/index.html b/collections/api-gateway/index.html index 4f6d0e05012..28d0bd80f4d 100644 --- a/collections/api-gateway/index.html +++ b/collections/api-gateway/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
Edit This Collection

API Gateway - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Wonder how OSS Insight works?


How do we implement OSS Insight ?

Blog: 10 min read

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Use TiDB Cloud to Analyze GitHub Events in 10 Minutes

Tutorial: 10 min read

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Join a Workshop to Setup a Mini OSS Insight

Tutorial: 25 min

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Follow us atΒ @OSSInsightΒ and join the conversation using the hashtags
#OSSInsightΒ #TiDBCloud

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/api-gateway/trends/index.html b/collections/api-gateway/trends/index.html index a3c9f87989f..a3088390002 100644 --- a/collections/api-gateway/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/api-gateway/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
Edit This Collection

API Gateway - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Wonder how OSS Insight works?


How do we implement OSS Insight ?

Blog: 10 min read

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Use TiDB Cloud to Analyze GitHub Events in 10 Minutes

Tutorial: 10 min read

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Join a Workshop to Setup a Mini OSS Insight

Tutorial: 25 min

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#OSSInsightΒ #TiDBCloud

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/api-tool-for-developer/index.html b/collections/api-tool-for-developer/index.html index 7040f6bd776..39b5be476c3 100644 --- a/collections/api-tool-for-developer/index.html +++ b/collections/api-tool-for-developer/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
Edit This Collection

API tool for developer - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Wonder how OSS Insight works?


How do we implement OSS Insight ?

Blog: 10 min read

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Use TiDB Cloud to Analyze GitHub Events in 10 Minutes

Tutorial: 10 min read

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Join a Workshop to Setup a Mini OSS Insight

Tutorial: 25 min

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#OSSInsightΒ #TiDBCloud

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/api-tool-for-developer/trends/index.html b/collections/api-tool-for-developer/trends/index.html index 4ebe13e2a97..2b487bfae37 100644 --- a/collections/api-tool-for-developer/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/api-tool-for-developer/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
Edit This Collection

API tool for developer - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Wonder how OSS Insight works?


How do we implement OSS Insight ?

Blog: 10 min read

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Use TiDB Cloud to Analyze GitHub Events in 10 Minutes

Tutorial: 10 min read

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Join a Workshop to Setup a Mini OSS Insight

Tutorial: 25 min

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Follow us atΒ @OSSInsightΒ and join the conversation using the hashtags
#OSSInsightΒ #TiDBCloud

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/apm-tool/index.html b/collections/apm-tool/index.html index 2ec94eddd85..afbb982b189 100644 --- a/collections/apm-tool/index.html +++ b/collections/apm-tool/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
Edit This Collection

APM Tool - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Wonder how OSS Insight works?


How do we implement OSS Insight ?

Blog: 10 min read

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Use TiDB Cloud to Analyze GitHub Events in 10 Minutes

Tutorial: 10 min read

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Join a Workshop to Setup a Mini OSS Insight

Tutorial: 25 min

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Follow us atΒ @OSSInsightΒ and join the conversation using the hashtags
#OSSInsightΒ #TiDBCloud

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Edit This Collection

APM Tool - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Wonder how OSS Insight works?


How do we implement OSS Insight ?

Blog: 10 min read

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Use TiDB Cloud to Analyze GitHub Events in 10 Minutes

Tutorial: 10 min read

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Join a Workshop to Setup a Mini OSS Insight

Tutorial: 25 min

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Follow us atΒ @OSSInsightΒ and join the conversation using the hashtags
#OSSInsightΒ #TiDBCloud

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/approximate-nearest-neighbor-library/index.html b/collections/approximate-nearest-neighbor-library/index.html index b161a39a877..3f71c99723f 100644 --- a/collections/approximate-nearest-neighbor-library/index.html +++ b/collections/approximate-nearest-neighbor-library/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
Edit This Collection

approximate nearest neighbor library - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Wonder how OSS Insight works?


How do we implement OSS Insight ?

Blog: 10 min read

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Use TiDB Cloud to Analyze GitHub Events in 10 Minutes

Tutorial: 10 min read

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Join a Workshop to Setup a Mini OSS Insight

Tutorial: 25 min

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#OSSInsightΒ #TiDBCloud

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/approximate-nearest-neighbor-library/trends/index.html b/collections/approximate-nearest-neighbor-library/trends/index.html index 6e172393172..31677f43e7c 100644 --- a/collections/approximate-nearest-neighbor-library/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/approximate-nearest-neighbor-library/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
Edit This Collection

approximate nearest neighbor library - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Wonder how OSS Insight works?


How do we implement OSS Insight ?

Blog: 10 min read

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Use TiDB Cloud to Analyze GitHub Events in 10 Minutes

Tutorial: 10 min read

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Join a Workshop to Setup a Mini OSS Insight

Tutorial: 25 min

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Follow us atΒ @OSSInsightΒ and join the conversation using the hashtags
#OSSInsightΒ #TiDBCloud

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/artificial-intelligence-of-china/index.html b/collections/artificial-intelligence-of-china/index.html index 90aaf12089b..9541ebae4f8 100644 --- a/collections/artificial-intelligence-of-china/index.html +++ b/collections/artificial-intelligence-of-china/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Artificial Intelligence of China - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Wonder how OSS Insight works?


How do we implement OSS Insight ?

Blog: 10 min read

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Use TiDB Cloud to Analyze GitHub Events in 10 Minutes

Tutorial: 10 min read

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Join a Workshop to Setup a Mini OSS Insight

Tutorial: 25 min

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/artificial-intelligence-of-china/trends/index.html b/collections/artificial-intelligence-of-china/trends/index.html index d2ad8bb74de..641c08eef4e 100644 --- a/collections/artificial-intelligence-of-china/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/artificial-intelligence-of-china/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Artificial Intelligence of China - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/artificial-intelligence/index.html b/collections/artificial-intelligence/index.html index d7e6cb5235b..b60369944d4 100644 --- a/collections/artificial-intelligence/index.html +++ b/collections/artificial-intelligence/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Artificial Intelligence - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/artificial-intelligence/trends/index.html b/collections/artificial-intelligence/trends/index.html index 3f56b4bd050..8f58a60617a 100644 --- a/collections/artificial-intelligence/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/artificial-intelligence/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Artificial Intelligence - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/business-intelligence/index.html b/collections/business-intelligence/index.html index 301a7ac5d45..ec2e8c8d41e 100644 --- a/collections/business-intelligence/index.html +++ b/collections/business-intelligence/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Business Intelligence - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/business-intelligence/trends/index.html b/collections/business-intelligence/trends/index.html index b2d3b9ec286..be857e9af92 100644 --- a/collections/business-intelligence/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/business-intelligence/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Business Intelligence - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/business-management/index.html b/collections/business-management/index.html index 09db949e1fb..d7553b84a3d 100644 --- a/collections/business-management/index.html +++ b/collections/business-management/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Business Management - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/business-management/trends/index.html b/collections/business-management/trends/index.html index 5a79bf5cf4d..d285e393635 100644 --- a/collections/business-management/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/business-management/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Business Management - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/chaos-engineering/index.html b/collections/chaos-engineering/index.html index 7d38ec55b75..856617006c5 100644 --- a/collections/chaos-engineering/index.html +++ b/collections/chaos-engineering/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Chaos Engineering - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/chaos-engineering/trends/index.html b/collections/chaos-engineering/trends/index.html index 9f2b1f2aab4..6f1765ab8ae 100644 --- a/collections/chaos-engineering/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/chaos-engineering/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Chaos Engineering - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/chat-gpt-alternatives/index.html b/collections/chat-gpt-alternatives/index.html index d2af13e8bb9..a8c49171ac2 100644 --- a/collections/chat-gpt-alternatives/index.html +++ b/collections/chat-gpt-alternatives/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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ChatGPT Alternatives - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/chat-gpt-alternatives/trends/index.html b/collections/chat-gpt-alternatives/trends/index.html index 6e6f1e1b896..8d338f24b3c 100644 --- a/collections/chat-gpt-alternatives/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/chat-gpt-alternatives/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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ChatGPT Alternatives - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/chat-gpt-apps/index.html b/collections/chat-gpt-apps/index.html index bfbed011187..d0b94abda9c 100644 --- a/collections/chat-gpt-apps/index.html +++ b/collections/chat-gpt-apps/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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ChatGPT Apps - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/chat-gpt-apps/trends/index.html b/collections/chat-gpt-apps/trends/index.html index a883af87fd6..c3225d618d2 100644 --- a/collections/chat-gpt-apps/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/chat-gpt-apps/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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ChatGPT Apps - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/cicd/index.html b/collections/cicd/index.html index ecf4902dff2..f678d5fea7a 100644 --- a/collections/cicd/index.html +++ b/collections/cicd/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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CICD - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/cicd/trends/index.html b/collections/cicd/trends/index.html index 783c33613bb..e3d5e7014c8 100644 --- a/collections/cicd/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/cicd/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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CICD - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/cloud-financial-management-and-resource-optimization/index.html b/collections/cloud-financial-management-and-resource-optimization/index.html index 645acf3ab27..698fef10f48 100644 --- a/collections/cloud-financial-management-and-resource-optimization/index.html +++ b/collections/cloud-financial-management-and-resource-optimization/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Cloud Financial Management and Resource Optimization - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/cloud-financial-management-and-resource-optimization/trends/index.html b/collections/cloud-financial-management-and-resource-optimization/trends/index.html index 67bb6746947..9d48509d1cb 100644 --- a/collections/cloud-financial-management-and-resource-optimization/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/cloud-financial-management-and-resource-optimization/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Cloud Financial Management and Resource Optimization - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/computer-science-courses/index.html b/collections/computer-science-courses/index.html index fc57a16033a..7ced8bd9284 100644 --- a/collections/computer-science-courses/index.html +++ b/collections/computer-science-courses/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Computer Science Courses - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/computer-science-courses/trends/index.html b/collections/computer-science-courses/trends/index.html index 9ba4115dfa6..c773d7dc395 100644 --- a/collections/computer-science-courses/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/computer-science-courses/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Computer Science Courses - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/configuration-management-tools/index.html b/collections/configuration-management-tools/index.html index b5966ddb680..1d8138a83a6 100644 --- a/collections/configuration-management-tools/index.html +++ b/collections/configuration-management-tools/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Configuration Management Tools - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/configuration-management-tools/trends/index.html b/collections/configuration-management-tools/trends/index.html index 4bd57aac15b..31a0a2dda3e 100644 --- a/collections/configuration-management-tools/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/configuration-management-tools/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Configuration Management Tools - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/cpp-cli-parsing/index.html b/collections/cpp-cli-parsing/index.html index 86c32ffb36a..c9bae3e597f 100644 --- a/collections/cpp-cli-parsing/index.html +++ b/collections/cpp-cli-parsing/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Cpp CLI Parsing - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/cpp-cli-parsing/trends/index.html b/collections/cpp-cli-parsing/trends/index.html index de9264ce1ab..14ff9ffa2b1 100644 --- a/collections/cpp-cli-parsing/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/cpp-cli-parsing/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Cpp CLI Parsing - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/cross-platform-gui-tool/index.html b/collections/cross-platform-gui-tool/index.html index d7eff28180d..6beac8c52de 100644 --- a/collections/cross-platform-gui-tool/index.html +++ b/collections/cross-platform-gui-tool/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Cross Platform GUI Tool - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/cross-platform-gui-tool/trends/index.html b/collections/cross-platform-gui-tool/trends/index.html index e565347bd79..526038c756a 100644 --- a/collections/cross-platform-gui-tool/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/cross-platform-gui-tool/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Cross Platform GUI Tool - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/css-framework/index.html b/collections/css-framework/index.html index f7b735017d9..9381a0839e6 100644 --- a/collections/css-framework/index.html +++ b/collections/css-framework/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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CSS Framework - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/css-framework/trends/index.html b/collections/css-framework/trends/index.html index b0aac7584e4..0e11bf07f7f 100644 --- a/collections/css-framework/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/css-framework/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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CSS Framework - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/data-integration/index.html b/collections/data-integration/index.html index 56264626925..2855ff31f6f 100644 --- a/collections/data-integration/index.html +++ b/collections/data-integration/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Data Integration - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/data-integration/trends/index.html b/collections/data-integration/trends/index.html index 12df8cf52f1..3b5b4232330 100644 --- a/collections/data-integration/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/data-integration/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Data Integration - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/diagram-as-code/index.html b/collections/diagram-as-code/index.html index e1e2d76f706..c69fd736fe7 100644 --- a/collections/diagram-as-code/index.html +++ b/collections/diagram-as-code/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Diagram as Code - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/diagram-as-code/trends/index.html b/collections/diagram-as-code/trends/index.html index 5a4943a1fc1..19d2199c138 100644 --- a/collections/diagram-as-code/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/diagram-as-code/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Diagram as Code - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/distributed-file-storage/index.html b/collections/distributed-file-storage/index.html index d74170efb1c..9ab2df3ffdd 100644 --- a/collections/distributed-file-storage/index.html +++ b/collections/distributed-file-storage/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Distributed File Storage - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/distributed-file-storage/trends/index.html b/collections/distributed-file-storage/trends/index.html index 759ffdd5b68..57f3a3cc3d7 100644 --- a/collections/distributed-file-storage/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/distributed-file-storage/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Distributed File Storage - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/finance/index.html b/collections/finance/index.html index 0e1b224fc7b..2e2069b9b19 100644 --- a/collections/finance/index.html +++ b/collections/finance/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Finance - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/finance/trends/index.html b/collections/finance/trends/index.html index 798752d0f67..7f0e3596d4d 100644 --- a/collections/finance/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/finance/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Finance - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/game-engine/index.html b/collections/game-engine/index.html index 230fe2e0bf9..06f84e14634 100644 --- a/collections/game-engine/index.html +++ b/collections/game-engine/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Game Engine - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/game-engine/trends/index.html b/collections/game-engine/trends/index.html index 18a77b6d21c..241920b57b2 100644 --- a/collections/game-engine/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/game-engine/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Game Engine - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/github-alternative/index.html b/collections/github-alternative/index.html index c5748a34b11..8efcea20e62 100644 --- a/collections/github-alternative/index.html +++ b/collections/github-alternative/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Github Alternative - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/github-alternative/trends/index.html b/collections/github-alternative/trends/index.html index 2be6619fcc8..4a94abe1471 100644 --- a/collections/github-alternative/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/github-alternative/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Github Alternative - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/go-database/index.html b/collections/go-database/index.html index 567cb7f81ae..81be022429a 100644 --- a/collections/go-database/index.html +++ b/collections/go-database/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Go Database - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/go-database/trends/index.html b/collections/go-database/trends/index.html index b326b87163d..24da6d615b7 100644 --- a/collections/go-database/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/go-database/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Go Database - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/go-logging-libraries/index.html b/collections/go-logging-libraries/index.html index 124651f6286..71ffc8168c5 100644 --- a/collections/go-logging-libraries/index.html +++ b/collections/go-logging-libraries/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Go Logging Libraries - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/go-logging-libraries/trends/index.html b/collections/go-logging-libraries/trends/index.html index 4c982c9a392..9145e635c69 100644 --- a/collections/go-logging-libraries/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/go-logging-libraries/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Go Logging Libraries - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/go-web-frameworks/index.html b/collections/go-web-frameworks/index.html index 497ffe154f5..02f7d3a6f92 100644 --- a/collections/go-web-frameworks/index.html +++ b/collections/go-web-frameworks/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Go Web Frameworks - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/go-web-frameworks/trends/index.html b/collections/go-web-frameworks/trends/index.html index b9853ac5ac6..f7e49fc913c 100644 --- a/collections/go-web-frameworks/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/go-web-frameworks/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Go Web Frameworks - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/golang-orm/index.html b/collections/golang-orm/index.html index c620c12a993..19993de3c16 100644 --- a/collections/golang-orm/index.html +++ b/collections/golang-orm/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Golang ORM - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/golang-orm/trends/index.html b/collections/golang-orm/trends/index.html index a8604c8ec01..2cf060f3992 100644 --- a/collections/golang-orm/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/golang-orm/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Golang ORM - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/google-analytics-alternative/index.html b/collections/google-analytics-alternative/index.html index d323fa5da80..a27513f9b8f 100644 --- a/collections/google-analytics-alternative/index.html +++ b/collections/google-analytics-alternative/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Google Analytics Alternative - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/google-analytics-alternative/trends/index.html b/collections/google-analytics-alternative/trends/index.html index 40701bf52e8..05aa22d8d51 100644 --- a/collections/google-analytics-alternative/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/google-analytics-alternative/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Google Analytics Alternative - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/graph-database/index.html b/collections/graph-database/index.html index 6c24f8baa6b..beb6cc6f457 100644 --- a/collections/graph-database/index.html +++ b/collections/graph-database/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Graph Database - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/graph-database/trends/index.html b/collections/graph-database/trends/index.html index be7a28f132d..1c11c6792ff 100644 --- a/collections/graph-database/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/graph-database/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Graph Database - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/headless-cms/index.html b/collections/headless-cms/index.html index 8cea4a0b23c..a43b406b30c 100644 --- a/collections/headless-cms/index.html +++ b/collections/headless-cms/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Headless CMS - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/headless-cms/trends/index.html b/collections/headless-cms/trends/index.html index cdb6b0284b3..96387d77d4d 100644 --- a/collections/headless-cms/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/headless-cms/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Headless CMS - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/hyperledger-besu/index.html b/collections/hyperledger-besu/index.html index a65e9522a6a..c77ffd358fd 100644 --- a/collections/hyperledger-besu/index.html +++ b/collections/hyperledger-besu/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Hyperledger Besu - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/hyperledger-besu/trends/index.html b/collections/hyperledger-besu/trends/index.html index 6d24595fa3f..e51446b262b 100644 --- a/collections/hyperledger-besu/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/hyperledger-besu/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Hyperledger Besu - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/hyperledger-fabric/index.html b/collections/hyperledger-fabric/index.html index 04a61734314..6a098b85159 100644 --- a/collections/hyperledger-fabric/index.html +++ b/collections/hyperledger-fabric/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Hyperledger Fabric - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/hyperledger-fabric/trends/index.html b/collections/hyperledger-fabric/trends/index.html index 93c784f9fee..eaf1dae32b5 100644 --- a/collections/hyperledger-fabric/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/hyperledger-fabric/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Hyperledger Fabric - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/hyperledger-foundation/index.html b/collections/hyperledger-foundation/index.html index 911c8af1dc5..da68c6981b5 100644 --- a/collections/hyperledger-foundation/index.html +++ b/collections/hyperledger-foundation/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Hyperledger Foundation - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/hyperledger-foundation/trends/index.html b/collections/hyperledger-foundation/trends/index.html index 90f81b5bf2c..6c9244a5d4b 100644 --- a/collections/hyperledger-foundation/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/hyperledger-foundation/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Hyperledger Foundation - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/i-os-framework/index.html b/collections/i-os-framework/index.html index 712d2795807..f543101462c 100644 --- a/collections/i-os-framework/index.html +++ b/collections/i-os-framework/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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iOS Framework - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/i-os-framework/trends/index.html b/collections/i-os-framework/trends/index.html index 84e1b658d07..470d7d6b938 100644 --- a/collections/i-os-framework/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/i-os-framework/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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iOS Framework - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/identity-server/index.html b/collections/identity-server/index.html index 23c116c2a2c..e8608eb19ac 100644 --- a/collections/identity-server/index.html +++ b/collections/identity-server/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Identity Server - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/identity-server/trends/index.html b/collections/identity-server/trends/index.html index 4480abb00a3..4764c52f239 100644 --- a/collections/identity-server/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/identity-server/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Identity Server - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/index.html b/collections/index.html index 7e4e285b4f2..468555ba401 100644 --- a/collections/index.html +++ b/collections/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

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Find insights about the monthly or historical rankings and trends in technical fields with curated repository lists.


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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/javascript-build-tool/index.html b/collections/javascript-build-tool/index.html index 98185fc4a01..652fd9ec941 100644 --- a/collections/javascript-build-tool/index.html +++ b/collections/javascript-build-tool/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Javascript Build Tool - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/javascript-build-tool/trends/index.html b/collections/javascript-build-tool/trends/index.html index 1a2849c8c17..c54e2a0dc72 100644 --- a/collections/javascript-build-tool/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/javascript-build-tool/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Javascript Build Tool - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/javascript-charting/index.html b/collections/javascript-charting/index.html index b06f5f0cf7a..5435abc7b73 100644 --- a/collections/javascript-charting/index.html +++ b/collections/javascript-charting/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Javascript Charting - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/javascript-charting/trends/index.html b/collections/javascript-charting/trends/index.html index 1f2c3873b3e..10298ab34b9 100644 --- a/collections/javascript-charting/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/javascript-charting/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Javascript Charting - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/javascript-framework/index.html b/collections/javascript-framework/index.html index 60891e4ee0c..fdb2e2ee08d 100644 --- a/collections/javascript-framework/index.html +++ b/collections/javascript-framework/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Javascript Framework - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/javascript-framework/trends/index.html b/collections/javascript-framework/trends/index.html index 54850a03773..b832b229ac3 100644 --- a/collections/javascript-framework/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/javascript-framework/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Javascript Framework - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/javascript-game-engine/index.html b/collections/javascript-game-engine/index.html index 1868f55677c..b79c171e602 100644 --- a/collections/javascript-game-engine/index.html +++ b/collections/javascript-game-engine/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Javascript Game Engine - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/javascript-game-engine/trends/index.html b/collections/javascript-game-engine/trends/index.html index 2794de912c2..a08d7a60fea 100644 --- a/collections/javascript-game-engine/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/javascript-game-engine/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Javascript Game Engine - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/javascript-orm/index.html b/collections/javascript-orm/index.html index 2cc29472586..424cbf76b72 100644 --- a/collections/javascript-orm/index.html +++ b/collections/javascript-orm/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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javascript ORM - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/javascript-orm/trends/index.html b/collections/javascript-orm/trends/index.html index b92fac94389..7092d25c0ab 100644 --- a/collections/javascript-orm/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/javascript-orm/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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javascript ORM - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/key-value-database/index.html b/collections/key-value-database/index.html index 4542061203d..522f8cde9e1 100644 --- a/collections/key-value-database/index.html +++ b/collections/key-value-database/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Key Value Database - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/key-value-database/trends/index.html b/collections/key-value-database/trends/index.html index 0895b70eb70..4567a791bcf 100644 --- a/collections/key-value-database/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/key-value-database/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Key Value Database - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/kubernetes-tooling/index.html b/collections/kubernetes-tooling/index.html index b03ed410499..f94066933bc 100644 --- a/collections/kubernetes-tooling/index.html +++ b/collections/kubernetes-tooling/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Kubernetes Tooling - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/kubernetes-tooling/trends/index.html b/collections/kubernetes-tooling/trends/index.html index 7c99a385a93..7823269a402 100644 --- a/collections/kubernetes-tooling/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/kubernetes-tooling/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Kubernetes Tooling - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/llm-dev-tools/index.html b/collections/llm-dev-tools/index.html index fd01a518b37..225dc998ffc 100644 --- a/collections/llm-dev-tools/index.html +++ b/collections/llm-dev-tools/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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LLM DevTools - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/llm-dev-tools/trends/index.html b/collections/llm-dev-tools/trends/index.html index 8f8920f5802..030c4c0db8f 100644 --- a/collections/llm-dev-tools/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/llm-dev-tools/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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LLM DevTools - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/llm-tools/index.html b/collections/llm-tools/index.html index 4d595cc2ab2..212e45fcf2a 100644 --- a/collections/llm-tools/index.html +++ b/collections/llm-tools/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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LLM Tools - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/llm-tools/trends/index.html b/collections/llm-tools/trends/index.html index 1bec93f6a6c..8d1ec726bf7 100644 --- a/collections/llm-tools/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/llm-tools/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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LLM Tools - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/low-code-development-tool/index.html b/collections/low-code-development-tool/index.html index f23930a81d8..a53f0216da6 100644 --- a/collections/low-code-development-tool/index.html +++ b/collections/low-code-development-tool/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Low Code Development Tool - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/low-code-development-tool/trends/index.html b/collections/low-code-development-tool/trends/index.html index 809d5c54c2e..38cf6118a9d 100644 --- a/collections/low-code-development-tool/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/low-code-development-tool/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Low Code Development Tool - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/message-and-streaming/index.html b/collections/message-and-streaming/index.html index 11e7cc88e1a..8d0b78410cc 100644 --- a/collections/message-and-streaming/index.html +++ b/collections/message-and-streaming/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Message and Streaming - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/message-and-streaming/trends/index.html b/collections/message-and-streaming/trends/index.html index 2bb0f3ed46d..83268fddb98 100644 --- a/collections/message-and-streaming/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/message-and-streaming/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Message and Streaming - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/ml-in-rust/index.html b/collections/ml-in-rust/index.html index 9bf0567a9fc..48b3ada5273 100644 --- a/collections/ml-in-rust/index.html +++ b/collections/ml-in-rust/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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ML in Rust - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/ml-in-rust/trends/index.html b/collections/ml-in-rust/trends/index.html index 6a2e88377e3..5360d1229ba 100644 --- a/collections/ml-in-rust/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/ml-in-rust/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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ML in Rust - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/ml-ops-tools/index.html b/collections/ml-ops-tools/index.html index ad848716aa6..ccc02b77d1c 100644 --- a/collections/ml-ops-tools/index.html +++ b/collections/ml-ops-tools/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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MLOps Tools - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/ml-ops-tools/trends/index.html b/collections/ml-ops-tools/trends/index.html index 39b8dd43f7c..4637affcaa4 100644 --- a/collections/ml-ops-tools/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/ml-ops-tools/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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MLOps Tools - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/modern-data-stack/index.html b/collections/modern-data-stack/index.html index ff893e82d66..881ee6c78fa 100644 --- a/collections/modern-data-stack/index.html +++ b/collections/modern-data-stack/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Modern Data Stack - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/modern-data-stack/trends/index.html b/collections/modern-data-stack/trends/index.html index de1e6e0bf68..6d668314a35 100644 --- a/collections/modern-data-stack/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/modern-data-stack/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Modern Data Stack - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/monitoring-tool/index.html b/collections/monitoring-tool/index.html index 67b001b6a74..b9e93e2c40e 100644 --- a/collections/monitoring-tool/index.html +++ b/collections/monitoring-tool/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Monitoring Tool - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/monitoring-tool/trends/index.html b/collections/monitoring-tool/trends/index.html index b53a4f8774a..aeedeb3fa82 100644 --- a/collections/monitoring-tool/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/monitoring-tool/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Monitoring Tool - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/networking-for-games/index.html b/collections/networking-for-games/index.html index e9baa0c6a1c..b3180d19f1b 100644 --- a/collections/networking-for-games/index.html +++ b/collections/networking-for-games/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Networking for Games - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/networking-for-games/trends/index.html b/collections/networking-for-games/trends/index.html index e0a4a4ac9f8..8b339a4c65a 100644 --- a/collections/networking-for-games/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/networking-for-games/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Networking for Games - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/open-source-data-catalogs/index.html b/collections/open-source-data-catalogs/index.html index 60af29df224..61afb20b747 100644 --- a/collections/open-source-data-catalogs/index.html +++ b/collections/open-source-data-catalogs/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Open Source Data Catalogs - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/open-source-data-catalogs/trends/index.html b/collections/open-source-data-catalogs/trends/index.html index 5e61ad1775d..0dd8e361248 100644 --- a/collections/open-source-data-catalogs/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/open-source-data-catalogs/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Open Source Data Catalogs - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/open-source-database/index.html b/collections/open-source-database/index.html index be959dadc85..618ce60c98b 100644 --- a/collections/open-source-database/index.html +++ b/collections/open-source-database/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Open Source Database - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/open-source-database/trends/index.html b/collections/open-source-database/trends/index.html index 0b291d25058..16d18d7ce3e 100644 --- a/collections/open-source-database/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/open-source-database/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Open Source Database - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/open-source-forum-software/index.html b/collections/open-source-forum-software/index.html index 9df65138a86..7feed9a5766 100644 --- a/collections/open-source-forum-software/index.html +++ b/collections/open-source-forum-software/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Open Source Forum Software - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/open-source-forum-software/trends/index.html b/collections/open-source-forum-software/trends/index.html index be742ab7e40..b22b46d20c6 100644 --- a/collections/open-source-forum-software/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/open-source-forum-software/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Open Source Forum Software - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/optimization-solvers/index.html b/collections/optimization-solvers/index.html index 136098ee832..d930369c844 100644 --- a/collections/optimization-solvers/index.html +++ b/collections/optimization-solvers/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Optimization Solvers - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/optimization-solvers/trends/index.html b/collections/optimization-solvers/trends/index.html index 12bc22998d2..a91deaae1db 100644 --- a/collections/optimization-solvers/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/optimization-solvers/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Optimization Solvers - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/paa-s/index.html b/collections/paa-s/index.html index a3279488b29..5a92911bef3 100644 --- a/collections/paa-s/index.html +++ b/collections/paa-s/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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PaaS - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/paa-s/trends/index.html b/collections/paa-s/trends/index.html index d1d0b126559..c1d78d0d5de 100644 --- a/collections/paa-s/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/paa-s/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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PaaS - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/password-manager/index.html b/collections/password-manager/index.html index 268400dbfde..0ed528df4a1 100644 --- a/collections/password-manager/index.html +++ b/collections/password-manager/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Password Manager - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/password-manager/trends/index.html b/collections/password-manager/trends/index.html index 83868b9113a..6f388eaccd9 100644 --- a/collections/password-manager/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/password-manager/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Password Manager - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/programming-language-of-china/index.html b/collections/programming-language-of-china/index.html index f0cdc093d61..312ea0fa427 100644 --- a/collections/programming-language-of-china/index.html +++ b/collections/programming-language-of-china/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Programming Language of China - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/programming-language-of-china/trends/index.html b/collections/programming-language-of-china/trends/index.html index 50d922b1ba0..c01e5477f1d 100644 --- a/collections/programming-language-of-china/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/programming-language-of-china/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Programming Language of China - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/programming-language/index.html b/collections/programming-language/index.html index d076d61087b..559888368bf 100644 --- a/collections/programming-language/index.html +++ b/collections/programming-language/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Programming Language - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/programming-language/trends/index.html b/collections/programming-language/trends/index.html index f46b842a9c3..346cb08eaac 100644 --- a/collections/programming-language/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/programming-language/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Programming Language - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/react-framework/index.html b/collections/react-framework/index.html index 82aaffe78b4..bc66e19f687 100644 --- a/collections/react-framework/index.html +++ b/collections/react-framework/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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React Framework - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/react-framework/trends/index.html b/collections/react-framework/trends/index.html index 0e6d64e1e44..cbb8ee1d547 100644 --- a/collections/react-framework/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/react-framework/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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React Framework - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/reactive-monolith-frameworks/index.html b/collections/reactive-monolith-frameworks/index.html index e110fbe2586..46885870cba 100644 --- a/collections/reactive-monolith-frameworks/index.html +++ b/collections/reactive-monolith-frameworks/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Reactive Monolith Frameworks - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/reactive-monolith-frameworks/trends/index.html b/collections/reactive-monolith-frameworks/trends/index.html index 84391faa215..80de8989f91 100644 --- a/collections/reactive-monolith-frameworks/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/reactive-monolith-frameworks/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Reactive Monolith Frameworks - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/relational-database/index.html b/collections/relational-database/index.html index 33c427e9036..4d3adf05b50 100644 --- a/collections/relational-database/index.html +++ b/collections/relational-database/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Relational Database - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/relational-database/trends/index.html b/collections/relational-database/trends/index.html index f0147e0c32e..756cdcc3cee 100644 --- a/collections/relational-database/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/relational-database/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Relational Database - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/remote-desktop-tool/index.html b/collections/remote-desktop-tool/index.html index 796111c0a34..4ea4a7ef708 100644 --- a/collections/remote-desktop-tool/index.html +++ b/collections/remote-desktop-tool/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Remote Desktop Tool - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/remote-desktop-tool/trends/index.html b/collections/remote-desktop-tool/trends/index.html index 1743fa7cd6e..eae09bbb104 100644 --- a/collections/remote-desktop-tool/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/remote-desktop-tool/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Remote Desktop Tool - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/robotics/index.html b/collections/robotics/index.html index 151e33ba2a7..aefa172da60 100644 --- a/collections/robotics/index.html +++ b/collections/robotics/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Robotics - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/robotics/trends/index.html b/collections/robotics/trends/index.html index 17669b87d36..f3cba7ed1a4 100644 --- a/collections/robotics/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/robotics/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Robotics - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/rust-database/index.html b/collections/rust-database/index.html index 9570ef29cab..3afde249cab 100644 --- a/collections/rust-database/index.html +++ b/collections/rust-database/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Rust Database - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/rust-database/trends/index.html b/collections/rust-database/trends/index.html index b0f7854e793..aea3f64a139 100644 --- a/collections/rust-database/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/rust-database/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Rust Database - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/search-engine/index.html b/collections/search-engine/index.html index b552d195934..11ee3d09f72 100644 --- a/collections/search-engine/index.html +++ b/collections/search-engine/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Search Engine - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/search-engine/trends/index.html b/collections/search-engine/trends/index.html index c82b428e524..2ba1727a831 100644 --- a/collections/search-engine/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/search-engine/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Search Engine - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/security-tool/index.html b/collections/security-tool/index.html index c3d7e4b2f17..9df707f91c5 100644 --- a/collections/security-tool/index.html +++ b/collections/security-tool/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Security Tool - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/security-tool/trends/index.html b/collections/security-tool/trends/index.html index 7167d818f0d..f3ddb893429 100644 --- a/collections/security-tool/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/security-tool/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Security Tool - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/segment-alternative/index.html b/collections/segment-alternative/index.html index 4f20e3e9c9b..c3763311568 100644 --- a/collections/segment-alternative/index.html +++ b/collections/segment-alternative/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Segment Alternative - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/segment-alternative/trends/index.html b/collections/segment-alternative/trends/index.html index 92b720a9e99..3b797f8c395 100644 --- a/collections/segment-alternative/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/segment-alternative/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Segment Alternative - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/serverless-framework/index.html b/collections/serverless-framework/index.html index 093f23a22c5..6faecd62123 100644 --- a/collections/serverless-framework/index.html +++ b/collections/serverless-framework/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Serverless Framework - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/serverless-framework/trends/index.html b/collections/serverless-framework/trends/index.html index 7cd227e080a..6157bd285fb 100644 --- a/collections/serverless-framework/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/serverless-framework/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Serverless Framework - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/slack-alternative/index.html b/collections/slack-alternative/index.html index 768f861c768..361b4213be7 100644 --- a/collections/slack-alternative/index.html +++ b/collections/slack-alternative/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Slack Alternative - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/slack-alternative/trends/index.html b/collections/slack-alternative/trends/index.html index e11c5edf605..1d9dc058c0b 100644 --- a/collections/slack-alternative/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/slack-alternative/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Slack Alternative - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/stable-diffusion-ecosystem/index.html b/collections/stable-diffusion-ecosystem/index.html index e8c51e6d250..e3360d46678 100644 --- a/collections/stable-diffusion-ecosystem/index.html +++ b/collections/stable-diffusion-ecosystem/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Stable Diffusion Ecosystem - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/stable-diffusion-ecosystem/trends/index.html b/collections/stable-diffusion-ecosystem/trends/index.html index 2b7293a56ef..a649dd9ade4 100644 --- a/collections/stable-diffusion-ecosystem/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/stable-diffusion-ecosystem/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Stable Diffusion Ecosystem - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/static-site-generator/index.html b/collections/static-site-generator/index.html index b92a8ae723b..de21b7ce81a 100644 --- a/collections/static-site-generator/index.html +++ b/collections/static-site-generator/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Static Site Generator - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/static-site-generator/trends/index.html b/collections/static-site-generator/trends/index.html index 3795642bfda..05d5b957476 100644 --- a/collections/static-site-generator/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/static-site-generator/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Static Site Generator - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/terminal/index.html b/collections/terminal/index.html index 0bab726cf51..917e17f2280 100644 --- a/collections/terminal/index.html +++ b/collections/terminal/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Terminal - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/terminal/trends/index.html b/collections/terminal/trends/index.html index 84d21ee6cdb..4b5d7edc79e 100644 --- a/collections/terminal/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/terminal/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Terminal - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/testing-tools/index.html b/collections/testing-tools/index.html index a64897a6b87..55db44d0916 100644 --- a/collections/testing-tools/index.html +++ b/collections/testing-tools/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Testing Tools - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/testing-tools/trends/index.html b/collections/testing-tools/trends/index.html index c2739b8beec..aa7348af47a 100644 --- a/collections/testing-tools/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/testing-tools/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Testing Tools - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/text-editor/index.html b/collections/text-editor/index.html index 4ce2cef5829..63fb6b77439 100644 --- a/collections/text-editor/index.html +++ b/collections/text-editor/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Text Editor - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/text-editor/trends/index.html b/collections/text-editor/trends/index.html index 01b84e4f28b..7e4987f4899 100644 --- a/collections/text-editor/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/text-editor/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Text Editor - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/time-series-database/index.html b/collections/time-series-database/index.html index 59aaaecf21d..2bac91e2790 100644 --- a/collections/time-series-database/index.html +++ b/collections/time-series-database/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Time Series Database - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/time-series-database/trends/index.html b/collections/time-series-database/trends/index.html index a5aad929125..2a790564ec6 100644 --- a/collections/time-series-database/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/time-series-database/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Time Series Database - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/tui-framework/index.html b/collections/tui-framework/index.html index fa857a77e59..245dff98a76 100644 --- a/collections/tui-framework/index.html +++ b/collections/tui-framework/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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TUI Framework - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/tui-framework/trends/index.html b/collections/tui-framework/trends/index.html index ba59ab3445a..1f4c00d038b 100644 --- a/collections/tui-framework/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/tui-framework/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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TUI Framework - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/ui-framework-and-u-ikit/index.html b/collections/ui-framework-and-u-ikit/index.html index 084f3c95cc4..d3cd06286d0 100644 --- a/collections/ui-framework-and-u-ikit/index.html +++ b/collections/ui-framework-and-u-ikit/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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UI Framework and UIkit - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/ui-framework-and-u-ikit/trends/index.html b/collections/ui-framework-and-u-ikit/trends/index.html index 338933385cc..337d285f7f5 100644 --- a/collections/ui-framework-and-u-ikit/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/ui-framework-and-u-ikit/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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UI Framework and UIkit - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/vector-search-engine/index.html b/collections/vector-search-engine/index.html index 8a9662685c2..3093e7cc7c4 100644 --- a/collections/vector-search-engine/index.html +++ b/collections/vector-search-engine/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Vector Search Engine - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/vector-search-engine/trends/index.html b/collections/vector-search-engine/trends/index.html index 0c953d04d49..eaa5532d8ca 100644 --- a/collections/vector-search-engine/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/vector-search-engine/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Vector Search Engine - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/virtual-reality/index.html b/collections/virtual-reality/index.html index 9bc380a3e3f..00af78f2865 100644 --- a/collections/virtual-reality/index.html +++ b/collections/virtual-reality/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Virtual Reality - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/virtual-reality/trends/index.html b/collections/virtual-reality/trends/index.html index 15b313a22ce..458976d787d 100644 --- a/collections/virtual-reality/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/virtual-reality/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Virtual Reality - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/web-assembly-runtime/index.html b/collections/web-assembly-runtime/index.html index 98dc074e459..af5e8e18018 100644 --- a/collections/web-assembly-runtime/index.html +++ b/collections/web-assembly-runtime/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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WebAssembly Runtime - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/web-assembly-runtime/trends/index.html b/collections/web-assembly-runtime/trends/index.html index 66c62730af5..d64f35a3e49 100644 --- a/collections/web-assembly-runtime/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/web-assembly-runtime/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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WebAssembly Runtime - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/web-framework/index.html b/collections/web-framework/index.html index 1b216bd538e..98c2e06e21f 100644 --- a/collections/web-framework/index.html +++ b/collections/web-framework/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Web Framework - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/web-framework/trends/index.html b/collections/web-framework/trends/index.html index 84f4d3b9af1..393b293ff7e 100644 --- a/collections/web-framework/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/web-framework/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Web Framework - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/web-rtc/index.html b/collections/web-rtc/index.html index 364f05be059..570eaabefe2 100644 --- a/collections/web-rtc/index.html +++ b/collections/web-rtc/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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WebRTC - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/web-rtc/trends/index.html b/collections/web-rtc/trends/index.html index c938310d48a..7104852ea8d 100644 --- a/collections/web-rtc/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/web-rtc/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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WebRTC - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/web-scanner/index.html b/collections/web-scanner/index.html index a9ce7dba0e0..bb46c2e3942 100644 --- a/collections/web-scanner/index.html +++ b/collections/web-scanner/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Web Scanner - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/web-scanner/trends/index.html b/collections/web-scanner/trends/index.html index 91b295b0884..70d700cc407 100644 --- a/collections/web-scanner/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/web-scanner/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Web Scanner - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/web3/index.html b/collections/web3/index.html index 9837eebbcb4..5f36fc33164 100644 --- a/collections/web3/index.html +++ b/collections/web3/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Web3 - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/web3/trends/index.html b/collections/web3/trends/index.html index 23174800256..3d90a321bc3 100644 --- a/collections/web3/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/web3/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Web3 - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/workflow-scheduler/index.html b/collections/workflow-scheduler/index.html index 2b10d518f10..97e7633c916 100644 --- a/collections/workflow-scheduler/index.html +++ b/collections/workflow-scheduler/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Workflow Scheduler - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/workflow-scheduler/trends/index.html b/collections/workflow-scheduler/trends/index.html index fa7a0ae290d..b56d875029d 100644 --- a/collections/workflow-scheduler/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/workflow-scheduler/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Workflow Scheduler - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/wysiwyg-editor/index.html b/collections/wysiwyg-editor/index.html index 78ccfb8ed8a..2b04002b7c4 100644 --- a/collections/wysiwyg-editor/index.html +++ b/collections/wysiwyg-editor/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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WYSIWYG Editor - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/wysiwyg-editor/trends/index.html b/collections/wysiwyg-editor/trends/index.html index 642cfd98bf9..43098b866ad 100644 --- a/collections/wysiwyg-editor/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/wysiwyg-editor/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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WYSIWYG Editor - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/x-as-code/index.html b/collections/x-as-code/index.html index 587e5ab03bd..2e07efb0af0 100644 --- a/collections/x-as-code/index.html +++ b/collections/x-as-code/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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X as Code - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/x-as-code/trends/index.html b/collections/x-as-code/trends/index.html index f6b2310fc1a..a75b92b5975 100644 --- a/collections/x-as-code/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/x-as-code/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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X as Code - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/zapier-alternatives/index.html b/collections/zapier-alternatives/index.html index 2def03052f2..3b796165fe8 100644 --- a/collections/zapier-alternatives/index.html +++ b/collections/zapier-alternatives/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
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Zapier Alternatives - Ranking

Last 28 days / Monthly ranking of repos in this collection by stars, pull requests, issues. Historical Ranking by Popularity.

Last 28 Days / Month-to-Month Ranking

The following table ranks repositories using three metrics: stars, pull requests, and issues. The table compares last 28 days or the most recent two months of data and indicates whether repositories are moving up or down the rankings.

Monthly Ranking - Stars


Year-to-year Ranking

The following pipeline chart shows how repo rankings have changed year to year since 2011. Repos are ranked by stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/collections/zapier-alternatives/trends/index.html b/collections/zapier-alternatives/trends/index.html index 6af880c4147..a08af702463 100644 --- a/collections/zapier-alternatives/trends/index.html +++ b/collections/zapier-alternatives/trends/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
Edit This Collection

Zapier Alternatives - Popularity Trends

The following dynamic charts show the popularity trends of GitHub repositories in this collection. You can display the popularity of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

Bar Chart Race

An animated bar chart visualizes the annual total growth of each repository since 2011. You can display the growth of repositories based on the number of stars, pull requests, pul request creators, and issues.

Historical Trending of Top 10

A line chart displays the current top 10 repositories and how their ranking have changed since 2011. You can display rankings based on the number of stars, pull requests, pull request creators, and issues.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/compare/index.html b/compare/index.html index e14916c9fb9..f5c53dc4bd2 100644 --- a/compare/index.html +++ b/compare/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/about/index.html b/docs/about/index.html index 10cad549ad2..25ac7b5f016 100644 --- a/docs/about/index.html +++ b/docs/about/index.html @@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ - +

About OSS Insight πŸ‘οΈ

GitHub Data Explorerβ€’Rankingsβ€’Developer Analyticsβ€’Repository Analyticsβ€’Collectionsβ€’Workshopβ€’Blogsβ€’Twitter

OSS Insight is a powerful tool that provides comprehensive, valuable, and trending insights into the open source world by analyzing 5+ billion rows of GitHub events data.

OSS Insight's GitHub Data Explorer provides a new way to explore GitHub data. Simply ask your question in natural language and GitHub Data Explorer will generate SQL, query the data, and present the results visually.

OSS Insight also provides in-depth analysis of individual GitHub repositories and developers, as well as the ability to compare two repositories using the same metrics.

Feature 1: GPT-Powered Data Exploration​

GitHub Data Explorer provides a new way to discover trends and insights into 5+ billion rows of GitHub data. Simply ask your question in natural language and GitHub Data Explorer will generate SQL, query the data, and present the results visually. It's built with Chat2Query, a GPT-powered SQL generator in TiDB Cloud.


Feature 2: Technical Fields Analytics​

Feature 3: Developer Analytics​

Insights about developer productivity, work cadence, and collaboration from developers' contribution behavior.

  • Basic:
    • Stars, behavior, most used languages,and contribution trends
    • Code (commits, pull requests, pull request size and code line changes), code reviews, and issues
  • Advanced:
    • Contribution time distribution for all kind of contribution activities
    • Monthly stats about contribution activities in all public repositories
Developer Analytics

Feature 4: Repository Analytics​

Insights about the code update frequency & degree of popularity from repository’s status.

  • Basic:

    • star, fork, issues, commits, pull requests, contributors, programming languages, lines of code modified
    • Historical Trends of these metrics
    • Time Cost of issues, pull requests
  • Advanced:

    • Geographical Distribution of stargazers, issue creators, pull requests creators
    • Company Distribution of stargazers, issue creators, pull requests creators
Repository Analytics


Feature 5: Compare Projects​

Compare two projects using the repo metrics mentioned in Repository Analytics.



tidb cloud logo
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/api/collection-repo-ranking-by-issues/index.html b/docs/api/collection-repo-ranking-by-issues/index.html index 81dbc8538f0..59a04e0781f 100644 --- a/docs/api/collection-repo-ranking-by-issues/index.html +++ b/docs/api/collection-repo-ranking-by-issues/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

Repository ranking by issues​

Rank the GitHub repositories in the specified collection according to the number of issues.

Path Parameters
    collection_id number required

    The ID of collection

Query Parameters
    period string

    Possible values: [past_28_days, past_month]

    Default value: past_28_days

    The period of the range.


Default Response

    type string required

    Possible values: [sql_endpoint]

    The type of the endpoint.

    data object required
    columns object[] required
  • Array [
  • col string required

    The name of the column in the query result.

    data_type string required


    The data type of the column.

    nullable boolean required

    Whether the column is nullable.

  • ]
  • rows object[] required
  • Array [
  • repo_id string

    The repository ID

    repo_name string

    The repository name

    current_period_growth string

    issues growth in the current period (past 28 days / current month)

    past_period_growth string

    issues growth in the past period (The 28 days before the past 28 days / past month)

    growth_pop string

    The period-over-period growth of issues

    rank_pop string

    The period-over-period rank changes of issues

    total string

    The current total issues of repository

  • ]
  • result object required
    code number

    The code of the response.

    message string

    The message of the response.

    start_ms number

    The start time of the query in milliseconds.

    end_ms number

    The end time of the query in milliseconds.

    latency string

    The latency of the query.

    row_count number

    The number of rows in the query result.

    row_affect number

    The number of rows affected by the query.

    limit number

    The maximum number of rows in the query result.

    databases string[]

    The databases used in the query.

    property name* any
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/api/collection-repo-ranking-by-prs/index.html b/docs/api/collection-repo-ranking-by-prs/index.html index 732ee36b732..fc9d8737d9d 100644 --- a/docs/api/collection-repo-ranking-by-prs/index.html +++ b/docs/api/collection-repo-ranking-by-prs/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

Repository ranking by prs​

Rank the GitHub repositories in the specified collection according to the number of pull requests.

Path Parameters
    collection_id number required

    The ID of collection

Query Parameters
    period string

    Possible values: [past_28_days, past_month]

    Default value: past_28_days

    The period of the range.


Default Response

    type string required

    Possible values: [sql_endpoint]

    The type of the endpoint.

    data object required
    columns object[] required
  • Array [
  • col string required

    The name of the column in the query result.

    data_type string required


    The data type of the column.

    nullable boolean required

    Whether the column is nullable.

  • ]
  • rows object[] required
  • Array [
  • repo_id string

    The repository ID

    repo_name string

    The repository name

    current_period_growth string

    prs growth in the current period (past 28 days / current month)

    past_period_growth string

    prs growth in the past period (The 28 days before the past 28 days / past month)

    growth_pop string

    The period-over-period growth of prs

    rank_pop string

    The period-over-period rank changes of prs

    total string

    The current total prs of repository

  • ]
  • result object required
    code number

    The code of the response.

    message string

    The message of the response.

    start_ms number

    The start time of the query in milliseconds.

    end_ms number

    The end time of the query in milliseconds.

    latency string

    The latency of the query.

    row_count number

    The number of rows in the query result.

    row_affect number

    The number of rows affected by the query.

    limit number

    The maximum number of rows in the query result.

    databases string[]

    The databases used in the query.

    property name* any
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/api/collection-repo-ranking-by-stars/index.html b/docs/api/collection-repo-ranking-by-stars/index.html index 8a29962b588..07310e7bfcc 100644 --- a/docs/api/collection-repo-ranking-by-stars/index.html +++ b/docs/api/collection-repo-ranking-by-stars/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

Repository ranking by stars​

Rank the GitHub repositories in the specified collection according to the number of stars.

Path Parameters
    collection_id number required

    The ID of collection

Query Parameters
    period string

    Possible values: [past_28_days, past_month]

    Default value: past_28_days

    The period of the range.


Default Response

    type string required

    Possible values: [sql_endpoint]

    The type of the endpoint.

    data object required
    columns object[] required
  • Array [
  • col string required

    The name of the column in the query result.

    data_type string required


    The data type of the column.

    nullable boolean required

    Whether the column is nullable.

  • ]
  • rows object[] required
  • Array [
  • repo_id string

    The repository ID

    repo_name string

    The repository name

    current_period_growth string

    Stars growth in the current period (past 28 days / current month)

    past_period_growth string

    Stars growth in the past period (The 28 days before the past 28 days / past month)

    growth_pop string

    The period-over-period growth of stars

    rank_pop string

    The period-over-period rank changes of stars

    total string

    The current total stars of repository

  • ]
  • result object required
    code number

    The code of the response.

    message string

    The message of the response.

    start_ms number

    The start time of the query in milliseconds.

    end_ms number

    The end time of the query in milliseconds.

    latency string

    The latency of the query.

    row_count number

    The number of rows in the query result.

    row_affect number

    The number of rows affected by the query.

    limit number

    The maximum number of rows in the query result.

    databases string[]

    The databases used in the query.

    property name* any
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/api/index.html b/docs/api/index.html index 330201f7957..491a267c2fd 100644 --- a/docs/api/index.html +++ b/docs/api/index.html @@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ - +
Version: v1beta

OSSInsight Public API

OSSInsight Public APIs (beta) provide a convenient way to access insight data for open source projects on GitHub, supplementing the existing GitHub API.

It provides data query in different dimensions, including:


The OSSInsight Public API is designed to follow the OpenAPI specification and can be accessed by initiating HTTP requests using the command line curl or web request libraries in different programming languages.

Base URL​

All API requests are based on the following URL:



No authentication is required for beta version of public APIs, but there are rate limits for API requests.

Note: We will add authentication way for larger API requests in future releases.

Rate Limit​

For each IP address, the rate limit allows for up to 600 requests per hour, which can be checked by the following fields in the Response Header to see the current usage:

x-ratelimit-limit: 600
x-ratelimit-remaining: 599

In addition, we have also set up a global rate limit of up to 1000 requests per minute, which can be checked by the following fields in the Response Header to see the current usage:

x-ratelimit-limit-minute: 1000
x-ratelimit-remaining-minute: 97


For example, if you want to know what countries the stargazers in the pingcap/tidb repository are located in, you can make a request using the curl command as follows:

curl https://api.ossinsight.io/v1/repos/pingcap/tidb/stargazers/countries
Example Response
"type": "sql_endpoint",
"data": {
"columns": [
"col": "country_or_area",
"data_type": "CHAR",
"nullable": true
"col": "count",
"data_type": "BIGINT",
"nullable": true
"col": "percentage",
"data_type": "DECIMAL",
"nullable": true
"rows": [
"count": "9183",
"country_or_area": "CN",
"percentage": "0.5936"
"count": "1542",
"country_or_area": "US",
"percentage": "0.0997"
"count": "471",
"country_or_area": "JP",
"percentage": "0.0304"
"result": {
"code": 200,
"message": "Query OK!",
"start_ms": 1690351487809,
"end_ms": 1690351487930,
"latency": "121ms",
"row_count": 132,
"row_affect": 0,
"limit": 300,
"databases": [

Request New API​

If the API in the documentation does not meet your query requirements, please contact us as follows:

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/api/issue-creators-history/index.html b/docs/api/issue-creators-history/index.html index f096ecc7d54..2b8fe480e1d 100644 --- a/docs/api/issue-creators-history/index.html +++ b/docs/api/issue-creators-history/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

Issue creators history​

Querying the historical trend of the number of issue creators in a given repository.

Path Parameters
    owner string required

    The owner of the repo.

    Example: pingcap
    repo string required

    The name of the repo.

    Example: tidb
Query Parameters
    per string

    Possible values: [day, week, month]

    Default value: month

    The time interval of the data points.

    from string

    Default value: 2000-01-01

    The start date of the time range.

    to string

    Default value: 2099-01-01

    The end date of the time range.


Default Response

    type string required

    Possible values: [sql_endpoint]

    The type of the endpoint.

    data object required
    columns object[] required
  • Array [
  • col string required

    The name of the column in the query result.

    data_type string required


    The data type of the column.

    nullable boolean required

    Whether the column is nullable.

  • ]
  • rows object[] required
  • Array [
  • date string

    The date of the data point

    issue_creators string

    The number of issue creators on the date point

  • ]
  • result object required
    code number

    The code of the response.

    message string

    The message of the response.

    start_ms number

    The start time of the query in milliseconds.

    end_ms number

    The end time of the query in milliseconds.

    latency string

    The latency of the query.

    row_count number

    The number of rows in the query result.

    row_affect number

    The number of rows affected by the query.

    limit number

    The maximum number of rows in the query result.

    databases string[]

    The databases used in the query.

    property name* any
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/api/list-collections/index.html b/docs/api/list-collections/index.html index 1208d8acf11..f569afd2131 100644 --- a/docs/api/list-collections/index.html +++ b/docs/api/list-collections/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

List collections​

List collections.


Default Response

    type string required

    Possible values: [sql_endpoint]

    The type of the endpoint.

    data object required
    columns object[] required
  • Array [
  • col string required

    The name of the column in the query result.

    data_type string required


    The data type of the column.

    nullable boolean required

    Whether the column is nullable.

  • ]
  • rows object[] required
  • Array [
  • repo_id string

    Repository ID

    repo_name string

    Repository name

  • ]
  • result object required
    code number

    The code of the response.

    message string

    The message of the response.

    start_ms number

    The start time of the query in milliseconds.

    end_ms number

    The end time of the query in milliseconds.

    latency string

    The latency of the query.

    row_count number

    The number of rows in the query result.

    row_affect number

    The number of rows affected by the query.

    limit number

    The maximum number of rows in the query result.

    databases string[]

    The databases used in the query.

    property name* any
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/api/list-countries-of-issue-creators/index.html b/docs/api/list-countries-of-issue-creators/index.html index 3a793d305ba..5a5325e6d43 100644 --- a/docs/api/list-countries-of-issue-creators/index.html +++ b/docs/api/list-countries-of-issue-creators/index.html @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ - +
@@ -31,6 +31,6 @@ By default, the API does not count users without valid country/region information. If you need to count these users, you can set the exclude_unknown parameter to false.

Path Parameters
    owner string required

    The owner of the repo.

    Example: pingcap
    repo string required

    The name of the repo.

    Example: tidb
Query Parameters
    exclude_unknown boolean

    Default value: true

    Whether to exclude issue creators with unknown country/region information

    from string

    Default value: 2000-01-01

    The start date of the range.

    to string

    Default value: 2099-01-01

    The end date of the range.


Default Response

    type string required

    Possible values: [sql_endpoint]

    The type of the endpoint.

    data object required
    columns object[] required
  • Array [
  • col string required

    The name of the column in the query result.

    data_type string required


    The data type of the column.

    nullable boolean required

    Whether the column is nullable.

  • ]
  • rows object[] required
  • Array [
  • country_code string

    Country/region code

    issue_creators string

    Number of issue creators from the country/region

    percentage string

    Percentage of issue creators from the country/region

  • ]
  • result object required
    code number

    The code of the response.

    message string

    The message of the response.

    start_ms number

    The start time of the query in milliseconds.

    end_ms number

    The end time of the query in milliseconds.

    latency string

    The latency of the query.

    row_count number

    The number of rows in the query result.

    row_affect number

    The number of rows affected by the query.

    limit number

    The maximum number of rows in the query result.

    databases string[]

    The databases used in the query.

    property name* any
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/api/list-countries-of-pr-creators/index.html b/docs/api/list-countries-of-pr-creators/index.html index 3827513c6e8..ecd39b27086 100644 --- a/docs/api/list-countries-of-pr-creators/index.html +++ b/docs/api/list-countries-of-pr-creators/index.html @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ - +
@@ -31,6 +31,6 @@ By default, the API does not count users without valid country/region information. If you need to count these users, you can set the exclude_unknown parameter to false.

Path Parameters
    owner string required

    The owner of the repo.

    Example: pingcap
    repo string required

    The name of the repo.

    Example: tidb
Query Parameters
    exclude_unknown boolean

    Default value: true

    Whether to exclude issue creators with unknown country/region information

    from string

    Default value: 2000-01-01

    The start date of the range.

    to string

    Default value: 2099-01-01

    The end date of the range.


Default Response

    type string required

    Possible values: [sql_endpoint]

    The type of the endpoint.

    data object required
    columns object[] required
  • Array [
  • col string required

    The name of the column in the query result.

    data_type string required


    The data type of the column.

    nullable boolean required

    Whether the column is nullable.

  • ]
  • rows object[] required
  • Array [
  • country_code string

    Country/region code

    percentage string

    Percentage of pull request creators from the country/region

    pull_request_creators string

    Number of pull request creators from the country/region

  • ]
  • result object required
    code number

    The code of the response.

    message string

    The message of the response.

    start_ms number

    The start time of the query in milliseconds.

    end_ms number

    The end time of the query in milliseconds.

    latency string

    The latency of the query.

    row_count number

    The number of rows in the query result.

    row_affect number

    The number of rows affected by the query.

    limit number

    The maximum number of rows in the query result.

    databases string[]

    The databases used in the query.

    property name* any
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/api/list-countries-of-stargazers/index.html b/docs/api/list-countries-of-stargazers/index.html index 29f73e1707d..5e268c6bd46 100644 --- a/docs/api/list-countries-of-stargazers/index.html +++ b/docs/api/list-countries-of-stargazers/index.html @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ - +
@@ -31,6 +31,6 @@ By default, the API does not count users without valid country/region information. If you need to count these users, you can set the exclude_unknown parameter to false.

Path Parameters
    owner string required

    The owner of the repo.

    Example: pingcap
    repo string required

    The name of the repo.

    Example: tidb
Query Parameters
    exclude_unknown boolean

    Default value: true

    Whether to exclude issue creators with unknown country/region information

    from string

    Default value: 2000-01-01

    The start date of the range.

    to string

    Default value: 2099-01-01

    The end date of the range.


Default Response

    type string required

    Possible values: [sql_endpoint]

    The type of the endpoint.

    data object required
    columns object[] required
  • Array [
  • col string required

    The name of the column in the query result.

    data_type string required


    The data type of the column.

    nullable boolean required

    Whether the column is nullable.

  • ]
  • rows object[] required
  • Array [
  • country_code string

    Country/region code

    stargazers string

    Number of stargazers from the country/region

    percentage string

    Percentage of stargazers from the country/region

  • ]
  • result object required
    code number

    The code of the response.

    message string

    The message of the response.

    start_ms number

    The start time of the query in milliseconds.

    end_ms number

    The end time of the query in milliseconds.

    latency string

    The latency of the query.

    row_count number

    The number of rows in the query result.

    row_affect number

    The number of rows affected by the query.

    limit number

    The maximum number of rows in the query result.

    databases string[]

    The databases used in the query.

    property name* any
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/api/list-hot-collections/index.html b/docs/api/list-hot-collections/index.html index e9debd6fb46..84db129c1c0 100644 --- a/docs/api/list-hot-collections/index.html +++ b/docs/api/list-hot-collections/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

List hot collections​

List hot collections with top repositories of the collection.


Default Response

    type string required

    Possible values: [sql_endpoint]

    The type of the endpoint.

    data object required
    columns object[] required
  • Array [
  • col string required

    The name of the column in the query result.

    data_type string required


    The data type of the column.

    nullable boolean required

    Whether the column is nullable.

  • ]
  • rows object[] required
  • Array [
  • id string

    Collection ID

    name string

    Collection name

    repos string

    The number of repositories in the collection

    repo_id string

    Repository ID

    repo_name string

    Repository name

    repo_current_period_rank string

    The rank of the repository in the collection in the current period

    repo_past_period_rank string

    The rank of the repository in the collection in the past period

    repo_rank_changes string

    The rank changes of the repository in the collection

  • ]
  • result object required
    code number

    The code of the response.

    message string

    The message of the response.

    start_ms number

    The start time of the query in milliseconds.

    end_ms number

    The end time of the query in milliseconds.

    latency string

    The latency of the query.

    row_count number

    The number of rows in the query result.

    row_affect number

    The number of rows affected by the query.

    limit number

    The maximum number of rows in the query result.

    databases string[]

    The databases used in the query.

    property name* any
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/api/list-issue-creators/index.html b/docs/api/list-issue-creators/index.html index dff6a1b4451..cdc649b4ebe 100644 --- a/docs/api/list-issue-creators/index.html +++ b/docs/api/list-issue-creators/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

List issue creators​

Querying the issue creators for a given repository.

Path Parameters
    owner string required

    The owner of the repo.

    Example: pingcap
    repo string required

    The name of the repo.

    Example: tidb
Query Parameters
    sort string

    Possible values: [issues, issues-desc, first_issue_opened_at, first_issue_opened_at-desc, login]

    Default value: issues-desc

    Specify the field by which to sort the issue creators list (values with a -desc suffix indicate descending sorting)

    exclude_bots boolean

    Default value: true

    Whether to exclude robot accounts (includes GitHub App and normal users whose username matches the pattern, for example: ti-chi-bot).

    page integer

    Default value: 1

    Page number of the results to fetch.

    page_size integer

    Default value: 30

    The number of results per page (max 100).


Default Response

    type string required

    Possible values: [sql_endpoint]

    The type of the endpoint.

    data object required
    columns object[] required
  • Array [
  • col string required

    The name of the column in the query result.

    data_type string required


    The data type of the column.

    nullable boolean required

    Whether the column is nullable.

  • ]
  • rows object[] required
  • Array [
  • id string

    The ID of the issue creator

    login string

    The login (username) of the issue creator

    name string

    The name of the issue creator

    issues string

    The number of issues created by the issue creator

    first_issue_opened_at string

    The date of the first issue created by the issue creator

  • ]
  • result object required
    code number

    The code of the response.

    message string

    The message of the response.

    start_ms number

    The start time of the query in milliseconds.

    end_ms number

    The end time of the query in milliseconds.

    latency string

    The latency of the query.

    row_count number

    The number of rows in the query result.

    row_affect number

    The number of rows affected by the query.

    limit number

    The maximum number of rows in the query result.

    databases string[]

    The databases used in the query.

    property name* any
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/api/list-organizations-of-issue-creators/index.html b/docs/api/list-organizations-of-issue-creators/index.html index ac4144eab6a..2a16a67b6ce 100644 --- a/docs/api/list-organizations-of-issue-creators/index.html +++ b/docs/api/list-organizations-of-issue-creators/index.html @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ - +
@@ -31,6 +31,6 @@ By default, the API does not count users without valid organization information. If you need to count these users, you can set the exclude_unknown parameter to false.

Path Parameters
    owner string required

    The owner of the repo.

    Example: pingcap
    repo string required

    The name of the repo.

    Example: tidb
Query Parameters
    exclude_unknown boolean

    Default value: true

    Whether to exclude issue creators with unknown organization information

    from string

    Default value: 2000-01-01

    The start date of the range.

    to string

    Default value: 2099-01-01

    The end date of the range.


Default Response

    type string required

    Possible values: [sql_endpoint]

    The type of the endpoint.

    data object required
    columns object[] required
  • Array [
  • col string required

    The name of the column in the query result.

    data_type string required


    The data type of the column.

    nullable boolean required

    Whether the column is nullable.

  • ]
  • rows object[] required
  • Array [
  • issue_creators string

    Number of issue creators from the organization

    org_name string

    Name of the organization

    percentage string

    Percentage of issue creators from the organization

  • ]
  • result object required
    code number

    The code of the response.

    message string

    The message of the response.

    start_ms number

    The start time of the query in milliseconds.

    end_ms number

    The end time of the query in milliseconds.

    latency string

    The latency of the query.

    row_count number

    The number of rows in the query result.

    row_affect number

    The number of rows affected by the query.

    limit number

    The maximum number of rows in the query result.

    databases string[]

    The databases used in the query.

    property name* any
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/api/list-organizations-of-pr-creators/index.html b/docs/api/list-organizations-of-pr-creators/index.html index c375b6a3057..94ba18c7a85 100644 --- a/docs/api/list-organizations-of-pr-creators/index.html +++ b/docs/api/list-organizations-of-pr-creators/index.html @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ - +
@@ -31,6 +31,6 @@ By default, the API does not count users without valid organization information. If you need to count these users, you can set the exclude_unknown parameter to false.

Path Parameters
    owner string required

    The owner of the repo.

    Example: pingcap
    repo string required

    The name of the repo.

    Example: tidb
Query Parameters
    exclude_unknown boolean

    Default value: true

    Whether to exclude PR creators with unknown organization information

    from string

    Default value: 2000-01-01

    The start date of the range.

    to string

    Default value: 2099-01-01

    The end date of the range.


Default Response

    type string required

    Possible values: [sql_endpoint]

    The type of the endpoint.

    data object required
    columns object[] required
  • Array [
  • col string required

    The name of the column in the query result.

    data_type string required


    The data type of the column.

    nullable boolean required

    Whether the column is nullable.

  • ]
  • rows object[] required
  • Array [
  • org_name string

    Name of the organization

    percentage string

    Percentage of pull request creators from the organization

    pull_request_creators string

    Number of pull request creators from the organization

  • ]
  • result object required
    code number

    The code of the response.

    message string

    The message of the response.

    start_ms number

    The start time of the query in milliseconds.

    end_ms number

    The end time of the query in milliseconds.

    latency string

    The latency of the query.

    row_count number

    The number of rows in the query result.

    row_affect number

    The number of rows affected by the query.

    limit number

    The maximum number of rows in the query result.

    databases string[]

    The databases used in the query.

    property name* any
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/api/list-organizations-of-stargazers/index.html b/docs/api/list-organizations-of-stargazers/index.html index cb8eecc4813..a85b64c8926 100644 --- a/docs/api/list-organizations-of-stargazers/index.html +++ b/docs/api/list-organizations-of-stargazers/index.html @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ - +
@@ -31,6 +31,6 @@ By default, the API does not count users without valid organization information. If you need to count these users, you can set the exclude_unknown parameter to false.

Path Parameters
    owner string required

    The owner of the repo.

    Example: pingcap
    repo string required

    The name of the repo.

    Example: tidb
Query Parameters
    exclude_unknown boolean

    Default value: true

    Whether to exclude stargazers with unknown organization information

    from string

    Default value: 2000-01-01

    The start date of the range.

    to string

    Default value: 2099-01-01

    The end date of the range.


Default Response

    type string required

    Possible values: [sql_endpoint]

    The type of the endpoint.

    data object required
    columns object[] required
  • Array [
  • col string required

    The name of the column in the query result.

    data_type string required


    The data type of the column.

    nullable boolean required

    Whether the column is nullable.

  • ]
  • rows object[] required
  • Array [
  • org_name string

    Name of the organization

    percentage string

    Percentage of stargazers from the organization

    stargazers string

    Number of stargazers from the organization

  • ]
  • result object required
    code number

    The code of the response.

    message string

    The message of the response.

    start_ms number

    The start time of the query in milliseconds.

    end_ms number

    The end time of the query in milliseconds.

    latency string

    The latency of the query.

    row_count number

    The number of rows in the query result.

    row_affect number

    The number of rows affected by the query.

    limit number

    The maximum number of rows in the query result.

    databases string[]

    The databases used in the query.

    property name* any
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/api/list-pull-request-creators/index.html b/docs/api/list-pull-request-creators/index.html index fd214db54ab..10b6e13e897 100644 --- a/docs/api/list-pull-request-creators/index.html +++ b/docs/api/list-pull-request-creators/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

List pull request creators​

Querying the pull request creators list in a given repository.

This API provides multiple ways to sort the query results, for example:

  • sort=prs-desc (Default): Sorted in descending order based on prs field (the number of PRs they have contributed), meaning that the contributor with the most PRs is at the top.
  • sort=first_pr_merged_at-desc: Sorted in descending order based on first_pr_merged_at field (the time of their first merged PR), which means you can got a list of new code contributors of the repository.
Path Parameters
    owner string required

    The owner of the repo.

    Example: pingcap
    repo string required

    The name of the repo.

    Example: tidb
Query Parameters
    sort string

    Possible values: [login, prs, prs-desc, first_pr_opened_at, first_pr_opened_at-desc, first_pr_merged_at, first_pr_merged_at-desc]

    Default value: prs-desc

    Specify the field by which to sort the pull request creators list (values with a -desc suffix indicate descending sorting)

    exclude_bots boolean

    Default value: true

    Whether to exclude robot accounts (includes GitHub App and normal users whose username matches the pattern, for example: ti-chi-bot).

    page integer

    Default value: 1

    Page number of the results to fetch.

    page_size integer

    Default value: 30

    The number of results per page (max 100).


Default Response

    type string required

    Possible values: [sql_endpoint]

    The type of the endpoint.

    data object required
    columns object[] required
  • Array [
  • col string required

    The name of the column in the query result.

    data_type string required


    The data type of the column.

    nullable boolean required

    Whether the column is nullable.

  • ]
  • rows object[] required
  • Array [
  • id string

    The ID of the pull request creator

    login string

    The login (username) of the pull request creator

    name string

    The name of the pull request creator

    prs string

    The number of pull requests created by the pull request creator

    first_pr_opened_at string

    The date of the first pull request created by the pull request creator

    first_pr_merged_at string

    The date of the first merged pull request be merged into the repository

  • ]
  • result object required
    code number

    The code of the response.

    message string

    The message of the response.

    start_ms number

    The start time of the query in milliseconds.

    end_ms number

    The end time of the query in milliseconds.

    latency string

    The latency of the query.

    row_count number

    The number of rows in the query result.

    row_affect number

    The number of rows affected by the query.

    limit number

    The maximum number of rows in the query result.

    databases string[]

    The databases used in the query.

    property name* any
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/api/list-repos-of-collection/index.html b/docs/api/list-repos-of-collection/index.html index 2ea3acf8dbf..33f3e8adf64 100644 --- a/docs/api/list-repos-of-collection/index.html +++ b/docs/api/list-repos-of-collection/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

List collection repositories​

List the repositories of collection.

Path Parameters
    collection_id number required

    The ID of collection


Default Response

    type string required

    Possible values: [sql_endpoint]

    The type of the endpoint.

    data object required
    columns object[] required
  • Array [
  • col string required

    The name of the column in the query result.

    data_type string required


    The data type of the column.

    nullable boolean required

    Whether the column is nullable.

  • ]
  • rows object[] required
  • Array [
  • repo_id string

    Repository ID

    repo_name string

    Repository name

  • ]
  • result object required
    code number

    The code of the response.

    message string

    The message of the response.

    start_ms number

    The start time of the query in milliseconds.

    end_ms number

    The end time of the query in milliseconds.

    latency string

    The latency of the query.

    row_count number

    The number of rows in the query result.

    row_affect number

    The number of rows affected by the query.

    limit number

    The maximum number of rows in the query result.

    databases string[]

    The databases used in the query.

    property name* any
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/api/list-trending-repos/index.html b/docs/api/list-trending-repos/index.html index 4702b8a43de..25076f3a369 100644 --- a/docs/api/list-trending-repos/index.html +++ b/docs/api/list-trending-repos/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

Trending repos is an open source alternative to GitHub trends, which showcases recently popular open source projects in the GitHub community.


Please URI encode the requested parameters, e.g. C++ needs to be encoded as C%2B%2B.

☁️ Daily run on TiDB Cloud, analyze upon dataset that has over 6 billion GitHub events.

Query Parameters
    period string

    Possible values: [past_24_hours, past_week, past_month, past_3_months]

    Default value: past_24_hours

    Specify the period of time to calculate trending repos.

    language string

    Possible values: [All, JavaScript, Java, Python, PHP, C++, C#, TypeScript, Shell, C, Ruby, Rust, Go, Kotlin, HCL, PowerShell, CMake, Groovy, PLpgSQL, TSQL, Dart, Swift, HTML, CSS, Elixir, Haskell, Solidity, Assembly, R, Scala, Julia, Lua, Clojure, Erlang, Common Lisp, Emacs Lisp, OCaml, MATLAB, Objective-C, Perl, Fortran]

    Default value: All

    Specify using which programming language to filter trending repos. If not specified, all languages will be included.


Default Response

    type string required

    Possible values: [sql_endpoint]

    The type of the endpoint.

    data object required
    columns object[] required
  • Array [
  • col string required

    The name of the column in the query result.

    data_type string required


    The data type of the column.

    nullable boolean required

    Whether the column is nullable.

  • ]
  • rows object[] required
  • Array [
  • repo_id string

    ID of the repo

    repo_name string

    Name of the repo

    primary_language string

    Primary programing language used by the repo

    description string

    Description of the repo

    stars string

    Number of stars in the period

    forks string

    Number of forks in the period

    pull_requests string

    Number of pull requests in the period

    pushes string

    Number of pushes in the period

    total_score string

    Total score of the repo

    contributor_logins string

    Comma separated list of active contributor logins

    collection_names string

    Comma separated list of collection names

  • ]
  • result object required
    code number

    The code of the response.

    message string

    The message of the response.

    start_ms number

    The start time of the query in milliseconds.

    end_ms number

    The end time of the query in milliseconds.

    latency string

    The latency of the query.

    row_count number

    The number of rows in the query result.

    row_affect number

    The number of rows affected by the query.

    limit number

    The maximum number of rows in the query result.

    databases string[]

    The databases used in the query.

    property name* any
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/api/pull-request-creators-history/index.html b/docs/api/pull-request-creators-history/index.html index 356f84d8672..c5b51775d00 100644 --- a/docs/api/pull-request-creators-history/index.html +++ b/docs/api/pull-request-creators-history/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

Pull request creators history​

Querying the historical trend of the number of pull request creators in a given repository.

Path Parameters
    owner string required

    The owner of the repo.

    Example: pingcap
    repo string required

    The name of the repo.

    Example: tidb
Query Parameters
    per string

    Possible values: [day, week, month]

    Default value: month

    The time interval of the data points.

    from string

    Default value: 2000-01-01

    The start date of the time range.

    to string

    Default value: 2099-01-01

    The end date of the time range.


Default Response

    type string required

    Possible values: [sql_endpoint]

    The type of the endpoint.

    data object required
    columns object[] required
  • Array [
  • col string required

    The name of the column in the query result.

    data_type string required


    The data type of the column.

    nullable boolean required

    Whether the column is nullable.

  • ]
  • rows object[] required
  • Array [
  • date string

    The date of the data point

    pull_request_creators string

    The cumulative number of pull request creators

  • ]
  • result object required
    code number

    The code of the response.

    message string

    The message of the response.

    start_ms number

    The start time of the query in milliseconds.

    end_ms number

    The end time of the query in milliseconds.

    latency string

    The latency of the query.

    row_count number

    The number of rows in the query result.

    row_affect number

    The number of rows affected by the query.

    limit number

    The maximum number of rows in the query result.

    databases string[]

    The databases used in the query.

    property name* any
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/api/showcase/index.html b/docs/api/showcase/index.html index 3059bd835fc..3ca8f5fbe45 100644 --- a/docs/api/showcase/index.html +++ b/docs/api/showcase/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/api/stargazers-history/index.html b/docs/api/stargazers-history/index.html index 7597e4de774..0a05bd748d1 100644 --- a/docs/api/stargazers-history/index.html +++ b/docs/api/stargazers-history/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

Stargazers history​

Querying the historical trend of the number of stargazers in a given repository.

Path Parameters
    owner string required

    The owner of the repo.

    Example: pingcap
    repo string required

    The name of the repo.

    Example: tidb
Query Parameters
    per string

    Possible values: [day, week, month]

    Default value: month

    The time interval of the data points.

    from string

    Default value: 2000-01-01

    The start date of the time range.

    to string

    Default value: 2099-01-01

    The end date of the time range.


Default Response

    type string required

    Possible values: [sql_endpoint]

    The type of the endpoint.

    data object required
    columns object[] required
  • Array [
  • col string required

    The name of the column in the query result.

    data_type string required


    The data type of the column.

    nullable boolean required

    Whether the column is nullable.

  • ]
  • rows object[] required
  • Array [
  • date string

    The date of the data point

    stargazers string

    The cumulative number of stargazers

  • ]
  • result object required
    code number

    The code of the response.

    message string

    The message of the response.

    start_ms number

    The start time of the query in milliseconds.

    end_ms number

    The end time of the query in milliseconds.

    latency string

    The latency of the query.

    row_count number

    The number of rows in the query result.

    row_affect number

    The number of rows affected by the query.

    limit number

    The maximum number of rows in the query result.

    databases string[]

    The databases used in the query.

    property name* any
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/faq/index.html b/docs/faq/index.html index 2564cea7985..6b850581e4a 100644 --- a/docs/faq/index.html +++ b/docs/faq/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +


Where does these data come from?​

Why the stars(or other metrics) on this site is different from that on GitHub?​

5 reasons:

  • GitHub /events api only publish WatchEvent(this means star), there is no UnWatchEvent;
  • GitHub would lost data if there services were down;
  • GitHub repo has switched between private and public;
  • The repo data had issues, which were manually fixed by GitHub;
  • The GitHub user login or repo name has changed;
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/workshop/index.html b/docs/workshop/index.html index 291caeb1f0a..58bc3e81dfb 100644 --- a/docs/workshop/index.html +++ b/docs/workshop/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +


Welcome to the OSS Insight workshop. Here, you can:

  1. Learn a new MySQL-Compatible but scalable and built-in analytical engine database;
  2. Build interesting small applications.

In addition, you can also get a FREE quota for database usage FOREVER.

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/workshop/ossinsight-lite/advanced-features/index.html b/docs/workshop/ossinsight-lite/advanced-features/index.html index b8320b2e49d..e21d29c9fda 100644 --- a/docs/workshop/ossinsight-lite/advanced-features/index.html +++ b/docs/workshop/ossinsight-lite/advanced-features/index.html @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ - +
@@ -31,6 +31,6 @@
  • Enter a suitable description for the token, e.g., "Repo Tracker Workshop".
  • For public repositories, leave all the scopes unchecked (you only need basic read access). If you want to sync data from your private repositories as well, check the "repo" scope.
  • Click Generate token at the bottom of the page.
  • Make sure to copy the generated token as you won't be able to see it again. Save it securely, as you will need it later.
  • - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/workshop/ossinsight-lite/introduction/index.html b/docs/workshop/ossinsight-lite/introduction/index.html index e03999de49d..3764c0e7c5f 100644 --- a/docs/workshop/ossinsight-lite/introduction/index.html +++ b/docs/workshop/ossinsight-lite/introduction/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

    Workshop: OSS Insight Lite


    By joining this workshop, you can get:

    1. A free MySQL-Compatible serverless database with analytical capability
    2. A well-designed personal/repos GitHub activities analysis tool

    Live Demo: http://ossinsight-lite.vercel.app/


    1. GitHub Action - free
    2. TiDB Serverless - free
    3. Vercel - free

    Step by Step​

    It will take about 1 hour to build your own dashboard.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/workshop/ossinsight-lite/setup-github-action/index.html b/docs/workshop/ossinsight-lite/setup-github-action/index.html index 19411439a28..891bb4731c0 100644 --- a/docs/workshop/ossinsight-lite/setup-github-action/index.html +++ b/docs/workshop/ossinsight-lite/setup-github-action/index.html @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ - +
    @@ -31,6 +31,6 @@
    1. Navigate to the "Actions" tab of your forked repo on GitHub.
    2. On the left side, click on "Sync GitHub Repo Data" workflow.
    3. Click the Run workflow dropdown button located on the right side of the interface.
    4. Select the main branch and click on Run workflow.
    5. The GitHub Action will execute, syncing the specified repository data to the TiDB Cloud after a few minutes.
    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/workshop/ossinsight-lite/setup-tidb-serverless/index.html b/docs/workshop/ossinsight-lite/setup-tidb-serverless/index.html index 5edea940e78..8ead5bdb5fe 100644 --- a/docs/workshop/ossinsight-lite/setup-tidb-serverless/index.html +++ b/docs/workshop/ossinsight-lite/setup-tidb-serverless/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

    Step 1: Setup TiDB Serverless

    Signup TiDB Cloud​

    Register for a TiDB Cloud account at https://tidbcloud.com/signup.

    Create a serverless cluster​

    Create a serverless cluster in the TiDB Cloud dashboard.

    1. Make sure select Serverless in Choose a Tier section;
    2. Leave other as default;

    Get connection info​

    1. Click Connect on top right;

    2. Select Connect With then you will see:

      host: 'gateway01.<your_region>.prod.aws.tidbcloud.com'
      port: 4000,
      user: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.root',
      password: '<your_password>',
    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/workshop/ossinsight-lite/setup-vercel/index.html b/docs/workshop/ossinsight-lite/setup-vercel/index.html index 78822525113..293b60706ee 100644 --- a/docs/workshop/ossinsight-lite/setup-vercel/index.html +++ b/docs/workshop/ossinsight-lite/setup-vercel/index.html @@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ - +

    Step 3: Setup Dashboard with Vercel

    1. With the data synced to TiDB Cloud, use your preferred SQL client to connect to the TiDB database using the connection information provided in Step 2.
    2. Start querying the data to get insights on repositories. Some sample SQL queries you might use to explore the data are: For example, to calculate how many contributors for repo:

    To find out how many open issues:

    SELECT repos.owner, repos.name, COUNT(*) as open_issue_count
    FROM repos
    JOIN issues ON repos.id = issues.repo_id
    WHERE issues.closed = 0
    GROUP BY repos.owner, repos.name
    ORDER BY open_issue_count DESC;

    To find out the average followers count of the users who starred in this repo:

    JOIN `users` ON `starred_repos`.`user_id` = `users`.`id`;
    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/experimental/index.html b/experimental/index.html index 87c7695404f..84b21b01534 100644 --- a/experimental/index.html +++ b/experimental/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

    Loading... Β 

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/explore/index.html b/explore/index.html index b0982e4c65a..a3323edb409 100644 --- a/explore/index.html +++ b/explore/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

    GitHub Data Explorer

    GitHub data with no SQL or plotting skills. Powered by tidb cloud logo


    How it works

    Input your question
    Translate the question into SQL
    Visualize and output results

    Can I use the AI-powered feature with my own dataset?

    Yes! We integrated the capabilities of Text2SQL into Chat2Query, an AI-powered SQL generator in TiDB Cloud. If you want to explore any other dataset, Chat2Query is an excellent choice.

    What are the limitations of GitHub Data Explorer?

    1. AI is still a work in progress with limitations
      Its limitations include:
      • A lack of context and knowledge of the specific database structure
      • A lack of domain knowledgestructure
      • Inability to produce the most efficient SQL statement for large and complex queries
      • Sometimes service instability

      To help AI understand your query intention, please use clear, specific phrases in your question. Check out our question optimization tips. We're constantly working on improving and optimizing it, so any feedback you have is greatly appreciated. Thanks for using!

    2. The dataset itself is a limitation for our tool
    3. All the data we use on this website is sourced from GH Archive, a non-profit project that records and archives all GitHub event data since 2011 (public data only). If a question falls outside of the scope of the available data, it may be difficult for our tool to provide a satisfactory answer.

    Why did it fail to generate an SQL query?

    Potential reasons:
    • The AI was unable to understand or misunderstood your question, resulting in an inability to generate SQL. To know more about AI's limitations, you can check out the previous question.
    • Network issues.
    • You had excessive requests. Note that you can ask up to 15 questions per hour.

    The potential solution is phrase your question which is related GitHub with short, specific words, then try again. And we strongly recommend you use our query templates near the search box to start your exploring.

    The query result is not satisfactory. How can I optimize my question?

    We use AI to translate your question to SQL. But it's still a work in progress with limitations.
    To help AI understand your query intention and get a desirable query result, you can rephrase your question using clear, specific phrases related to GitHub. We recommend:
    • Using a GitHub login account instead of a nickname. For example, change "Linus" to "torvalds."
    • Using a GitHub repository's full name. For example, change "react" to "facebook/react."
    • Using GitHub terms. For example, to find Python projects with the most forks in 2022, change your query "The most popular Python projects 2022" to "Python projects with the most forks in 2022."

    You can also get inspiration from the suggested queries near the search box.

    Why did it fail to generate a chart?

    Potential reasons:
    • The SQL query was incorrect or could not be generated, so the answer could not be found in the database, and the chart could not be generated.
    • The answer was found, but the AI did not choose the correct chart template, so the chart could not be generated.
    • The SQL query was correct, but no answer was found, so the chart could not be displayed.

    What technology is GitHub Data Explorer built on?

    Its major technologies include:
    • Data source: GH Archive and GitHub event API
      GH Archive collects and archives all GitHub data since 2011 and updates it hourly. By combining the GH Archive data and the GitHub event API, we can gain streaming, real-time data updates.
    • One database for all workloads: TiDB Cloud
      Facing continuously growing large-volume data (currently 5+ billion GitHub events), we need a database that can:
      • Store massive data
      • Handle complex analytical queries
      • Serve online traffic
      TiDB is an ideal solution. TiDB Cloud is its fully managed cloud Database as a Service. It lets users launch TiDB in seconds and offers the pay-as-you-go pricing model. Therefore, we choose TiDB Cloud as our backend database.
    • AI engine: OpenAI
    • To enable users without SQL knowledge to query with this tool, we use ChatGPT API to translate the natural language to SQL.

    Still having trouble? Contact us, we're happy to help!

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      Wonder how OSS Insight works?


      How do we implement OSS Insight ?

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      Use TiDB Cloud to Analyze GitHub Events in 10 Minutes

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      Database Stats

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        How do we implement OSS Insight ?

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        Use TiDB Cloud to Analyze GitHub Events in 10 Minutes

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        avgRowLength0 B
        dataLength0 B
        indexLength0 B

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        Use TiDB Cloud to Analyze GitHub Events in 10 Minutes

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        - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/subscriptions/index.html b/subscriptions/index.html index 38d93d13345..d2df80c1d4d 100644 --- a/subscriptions/index.html +++ b/subscriptions/index.html @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ - +

        My Subscriptions

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        How do we implement OSS Insight ?

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        Use TiDB Cloud to Analyze GitHub Events in 10 Minutes

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        Wonder how OSS Insight works?


        How do we implement OSS Insight ?

        Blog: 10 min read

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        Use TiDB Cloud to Analyze GitHub Events in 10 Minutes

        Tutorial: 10 min read

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