Only use open source software. Exceptions are allowed when it comes to OS (OS X) and specialized software (Photoshop et al).
Ticketsystem: Redmine Sourcecode: Git, Gitosis, Gitolite, GitWeb Kalender Projektverwaltung Messaging: Email, Twitterlike MicroMessaging Wiki Dokumente
Codecentric approach to team managment
- everybody can commit, not everybody can release, git flow approach
- everybody has a user account, where its own repositories are stored, watch other developers, github
- everybody gets their own laptop, mouse, keyboard, monitor, os (only unix based though)
- put teams together
- create open space
- support library
- everybody can commit
- continous integration
- statusboard (big monitor) on which you can see progress. make it a game. make it visible.
- fileserver
- map/reduce cluster
- git, gitolite