- A linked list is nothing but a collection of values, each of which has the capability to point to some other value.
- The key is the specialized values with pointers, a.k.a. nodes.
- A single node (head) is enough to represent a singly linked list.
- Two nodes (head and tail) are enough to represent a doubly linked list.
- A linked list is the simplest data structure that nodes can represent. Combined with, for example, a hash table, the hybrid data structure can build a LRU cache.
- Linked list vs. Tree
- Topologically, a linked list is equivalent to a unary tree.
- A doubly linked list is a unary tree whose nodes can reference their parents.
- Rotate List
- Reverse Linked List
- E0203: Remove Linked List Elements
- M0002: Add-two-numbers
- M0019: Remove-nth-Node-from-End-of-List
- M0024: Swap-Nodes-in-Pairs
- M0086: Partition-List
- M0147: Insertion Sort List
- M0328: Odd Even Linked List
- M0445: Add Two Numbers II
- M1019: Next Greater Node In Linked List
- linked-list