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CNPack EKS Module

This module will add additional AWS specific configuration for use with CNPack

Resources Created

  • AWS Managed Prometheus and corresponding IAM roles

  • AWS Private Certificate Authority and corresponding IAM roles

  • Node Role Policy for FluentBit connection

  • Keycloak deployment (leverages AWS CSI driver to create a 1Gb dynamic PV for Keycloak PVC)


  1. The AWS user should have permissions to create an Infrastructure and IAM roles and permissions

  2. Requires CNPack binary, AWS CLI, Kubectl and awscurl optionally to query Prometheus metrics from the command line

  3. The AWS region needs to be configured to a region where Amazon Prometheus, GPU Nodes, and many other resources are available. For example, Amazon Prometheus is available in us-west-2 but not available in us-west-1. Please verify by checking your ~/.aws/config to make sure that the region reflected is in one of the available regions. If not, please run aws configure to configure the region accordingly. We have tested that all of our resources can be created in us-west-2.


  1. From this module run terraform init

  2. Uncomment/add values in the terraform.tfvars file in this directory, otherwise you will be prompted at cluster creation time for values such as cluster_name

  3. If everything looks correct, run terraform apply

  4. To delete the cluster, run terraform delete

Running CNPack with the CNPack Holoscan Cluster

  1. Once the cluster is created update your kubeconfig:
aws eks update-kubeconfig --name  cnpackcluster  --region us-west-2 

If you changed the name of the cluster the command is:

aws eks update-kubeconfig --name  <cluster-name>  --region us-west-2 
  1. Run terraform output to get the needed values to populate the CNPack config file

Sample Config File

Use the following config file (adding in the outputs from "terraform output") wit CNPack to enable all AWS services tur

apiVersion: v1alpha2
kind: NvidiaPlatform
    wildcardDomain: "*"
    externalPort: 443
      region: us-west-2
    enabled: true
      enabled: true
      commonName: "cluster.local"
      domainName: "cluster.local"
      arn: "<aws_pca_arn from 'terraform output'>"
    enabled: true
      url: "<amp_remotewrite_endpoint from 'terraform output'>"
      arn: "<amp_ingest_role_arn from 'terraform output'>"
    enabled: true
    enabled: true
    enabled: false
    enabled: true
        - ReadWriteOnce
          storage: 1G
      storageClassName: gp2
    customHostname: grafana.cluster.local
    enabled: false
    enabled: false
    enabled: false
    enabled: true

Certmanager with AWS PCA Plugin


  1. Run terraform output to get the outputs from the CNPack cluster example

  2. Grab the value from the console output for the variable aws_pca_arn and enter value in certManager.awsPCA.arn

  3. Ensure awsPCA.enabled is set to true

  4. Run cnpack install -f nvidiaplatform.yaml

  5. Run kubectl get po -n nvidia-platform and check that a pod named nvidia-platform-aws-privateca-issuer-<random-number> exists


  1. To validate the AWS PCA Cluster issuer is installed correctly and ready to issue certificates run kubectl get

  2. There is a test certificate in this directory testcert.yaml, run kubectl apply -f testcert.yaml, followed by kubectl get cert -A. Under READY it should be True for the certificate rsa-cert-4096

AWS Managed Prometheus (AMP)


  1. Run terraform output to get the outputs from the CNPack cluster example

  2. Grab the value from the console output for the variable amp_remotewrite_endpoint and enter value in prometheus.awsRemoteWrite.url

  3. Grab the value from the console output for the variable amp_ingest_role_arn and enter value in prometheus.awsRemoteWrite.arn

  4. Ensure awsPCA.enabled is set to true

  5. Run cnpack install -f nvidiaplatform.yaml


  1. Check Prometheus logs by running kubectl logs -n nvidia-monitoring prometheus-nvidia-prometheus-kube-pro-prometheus-0. You should see no errors within the prometheus pod.

  2. Download awscurl -- eg: pip install awscurl

  3. Take the Terraform output for amp_query_endpoint and export it as an environment variable with the following:

export AMP_QUERY_ENDPOINT=<amp_query_endpoint>
  1. Query that the Managed Prometheus is up and running:
awscurl -X POST --region us-west-2 --service aps ${AMP_QUERY_ENDPOINT}\?query=up  
  1. You can view the AWS Managed Prometheus workspace which was created here

Flutentbit to CloudWatch Logging


  1. Ensure awsPCA.enabled is set to true

  2. Run cnpack install -f nvidiaplatform.yaml


  1. Check that the Fluentbit pod is in a running state:
kubectl get po -n nvidia-monitoring

You should see 2x Running pods named nvidia-fluentbit-aws-for-fluentbit-<random_number>

  1. Head to the AWS Console for CloudWatch Log Groups

  2. Search for a log group named /aws/eks/fluentbit-cloudwatch/workload/<namespace>. Once you click on this log group, you should see application logs for the entire cluster.


  1. Error creating Prometheus Workspace - no such host
│ Error: creating Prometheus Workspace: RequestError: send request failed

│ caused by: Post "": dial tcp: lookup on no such host

FIX: Please see Requirements#3 to verify that your AWS region is configured correctly.


No requirements.


Name Version
aws 4.45.0
random 3.5.1


Name Source Version
holoscan-eks-cluster ../.. n/a


Name Type
aws_acmpca_certificate.cnpack-pca resource
aws_acmpca_certificate_authority.cnpack-pca resource
aws_acmpca_certificate_authority_certificate.cnpack-pca resource
aws_acmpca_permission.cnpack-pca resource
aws_cloudwatch_log_group.cnpack-log-group resource
aws_iam_policy.amp-ingest-policy resource
aws_iam_policy.pca-policy resource
aws_iam_role.amp-ingest-role resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.attach-amp-policy-to-gpu-ng resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.attach-amp-role-to-cpu-ng resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.attach-amp-role-to-policy resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.attach-cloudwatch-to-cpu-ng resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.attach-cloudwatch-to-gpu-ng resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.attach-cpu-node-policy resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.attach-gpu-node-policy resource
aws_prometheus_workspace.cnpack-prom-workspace resource
random_string.amp resource
random_string.pca resource
aws_caller_identity.current data source
aws_iam_policy.cloudwatch-agent-server-policy data source
aws_partition.current data source


Name Description Type Default Required
amp_enabled Set to true to enable, false to disable bool true no
cluster_name Name of the cluster string n/a yes
common_name Common Name for PCA Creation string "cluster.local" no
fluentbit_enabled Set to true to enable, false to disable bool true no
metrics_server_enabled Set to true to enable the network support for Metrics Server, false to disable bool false no
pca_enabled Set to true to enable, false to disable bool true no
prom_adapter_enabled Set to true to enable the network support for Prometheus Adapter, false to disable bool true no


Name Description
amp_ingest_role_arn n/a
amp_query_endpoint Output Prometheus Query Write Endpoint
amp_remotewrite_endpoint Output Prometheus Remote Write Endpoint
aws_pca_arn Output the PCA Arn for use in CNPack