This repository hosts the different JMS Server projects:
- Proline-Node: A base project to assist the creation of JMS consumers
- Proline-Cortex-API: services, methods and parameters definition
- Proline-Cortex: JMS Server implementation
and all other computational modules other than Proline-Core
- PM-DatasetExporter: Proline Module dedicated to the export of Proline datasets
- PM-FragmentMatchGenerator: Proline Module made to generate the fragment matches from a spectrum
- Parsing modules: parse a search engine result file and store its result in databases
- PM-MascotParser
- PM-OmssaParser
- PM-XtandemParser
- PM-MaxQuantParser: MaxQuant result parse, for identification and quantitation result
- PM-MzIdentML : Parse MzIdentML result and also generate mzIdentML file from Proline dataset
- PM-MSDiag: Module designed to run a diagnosis of a MS/MS search
- PM-SequenceRepository: Module to get Protein sequences and associated information from fasta files
This project is licensed under the CeCILL License V2.1
Visit for Proline Suite documentation and downloads.